Handling UI in microservices - microservices

I am in the process of learning about microservices and there's one thing that I can't seem to figure out and I can't find any resources that give me a direct answer to this. The question is:
Do microservices involve only business logic and database interactions
or do they involve UI components like JS, CSS, HTML as well ?

There really isn't a notion of what tiers are included in a microservice itself, however generally speaking, when referring to microservices most of the time you're referring to some back end based app. That begin said - there are companies out there - two that I've talked to directly that are building "microapps" - basically the backend service, facade and a portlet like interface that can be plugged into a federated portal through a layer of orchestration.
For the Java folks - think fully encapsulated JSR-268 like components that are run as independent processes running within a portal itself.

A microservice can be a complete application including its own UI, business logic and data.


Microservices architecture for a system using multiple content providers

We have a huge monolithic application which talks to multiple providers for content.
Each of these providers have different API contracts but the overall schema is almost similar.
Right now we are using command design pattern and transforming responses from each provider into a common schema for our frontend.
What should be the right approach is deciding modules for our microservices.
As should we break them down via business logic or per provider or both business logic + provider.
Help please.
I consider individual deployability to be corner-stone of the microservices. All features of microservices can be traced back to individual deployability.
That being said the idea is to decompose business functions in such a way that each of the module remains individual deployable. A module in my opinion should own all interaction with all possible vendors - encompassing its complete business domain.
Second chapter of Sam Newman's book Monolith to Microservices expands on this area.

Can I have fontend(pages) together with a backend in a monolithic or microservices?

I think these are conceptual questions, but for example, can we have a monolithic application that renders the pages and assembles the views (back and front together) or a monolith that is an api for a frontend application? And in the case of microservices, we can have microservices that render the pages or will always be APIs for consumption by a frontend application (or any other)?
Microservices usually means dividing your system into business contexts as opposed to software implementations.
So if the business context is, for example, the user experience, it makes sense that you put all of it in one place. User experience is mostly implemented in a webclient or mobile app layer, but can be heavily affected by a backend layer that serves those clients. In this case, bundling them together within the same code base and deployment cadence makes a lot of sense.
This "experience" microservice should have clear boundaries, though. Persisting things in a database is not part of the experience as a simple example.

Should Microservices be reusable?

Should Microsercices be reusable?
With reusable I do NOT mean sharing Domain specific Models.
I mean should a microservice created for one application be reuseable in another application?
Is it sufficient if they are reusable within an application?
What is the best way to decouple microservices.
From my point of view as soon a microservices calls another microservice it is tightly coupled, means it can not easily (without modifications) be extracted and put into another microservice application that does not have the same service it refers to/from.
To decouple them, in my opinion, there are following ways:
microservice A needs to talk to the other microservice B with a
standard contract eg. a specfic protocol.
another Microservice C acts as a gateway and asks microservice B for the data and passes it as input to microservice A.
A concrete example for nr. 2 would be:
client -> API GateWay -> UserProfileService -> Authorization Service
Client -> API Gateway -> Authorization Service -> API Gateway -> UserProfileService
Am I right assuming that this all boils down to the goal of the microservice? There is no wrong and right?
Are there any other strategies i'm missing to decouple a microservice?
I think the responses you're likely to get will represent opinions more than answers, but I'll go ahead and give mine!
The literature for microservices has long said, "decouple, decouple, decouple", but frankly I don't find this to be reality. When someone has created a useful API that would empower the functions of your own (auth, payments, and obviously databases come to mind), is it wrong to suggest that those need to be run alongside yours? Most people don't go through complicated, logic-filled gateways in order to make payments via Stripe or send text messages via Twilio, so why should privately hosted APIs be any different?
It is great to design your own service to be a reusable, easily consumable/deployable component. That shouldn't mean it can't have dependencies, but rather that we should be mindful of the bloat those dependencies introduce. This mindfulness is something devs should practice whenever they introduce dependencies, regardless of whether they are app packages or dependent services/APIs.
**disclosure: I build and run a framework/platform, Architect.io, to help cloud-native teams collaborate and build upon each others services. I've seen first-hand how company's like Facebook use similar tactics to enable service re-use and consumption, and wanted to build a microservices dependency resolver for the general public.
It completely depends on what microservice you are building. For ex; say you are building an email notification service. That can be reused by different applications. Another example say you are building a recommendation system. It's very specific for a single application. It hardly makes sense to design it in such a way that it can reused in different applications.
Choose according to the context. There is no right way. It all depends on the application.

Moving from JSF/Spring to Rest API + Angular

There is a project that is built using JSF with Spring Integration.
See https://www.tutorialspoint.com/jsf/jsf_spring_integration.htm to get an idea.
JSP is used for the html templates. Managed beans (part of JSF) make use of Spring beans as a managed property, which in turn drive business logic. The goal is to rip apart this project and split it into a RESTful service and Angular front end.
What is the best way to do this without re-writing everything. Which components can I get rid of, and which components can be re-used? If I use Spring Boot for building the REST API, can I re-use the Spring beans?
Edit: I am new to most of these technologies.
Exposing your domain model through REST should be relatively straight forward using Spring/JPA, whatever. You should learn about DTOs and especially as it relates to problems about "Lazy Initialization" under Hibernate/JPA/Spring Data, etc.
Secondarily understand the concept of views into the domain model. E.g., shipping looks at the database differently than marketing. Same database, different "facades" or business layers with different set of DTOs.
Conceptually, reproducing a JSF front end in Angular is something that is both "the same thing" and "completely different" at the same time. The key difference, IMHO, will be the JavaScript concepts and paradigms underlying Angular/React/Vue or whatever you want to use on the Front End.
Consider that an AngularJS/React/Vue front end might be better off running on top of node.js in a separate container or server, and might have different databases that it accesses on its own such as loyalty points or currency conversion, etc. Don't be afraid to let the frontend folks "be" the application instead of the backend folks. On the backend, try not to lose information. For example, if a customer adds 3 items, then changes 1, then places the order, that's 3 separate pieces of information, not 1 order. This is important for business analytics and customer service, which are business facing services as opposed to client facing services.
As a Java developer I tend to feel Angular/JS developers do a completely different and non-overlapping job than me. I feel the same way towards HTML/CSS folks. As such, I don't recommend you try being both, you will stretch yourself too thin. However, a good working knowledge on a smaller project, such as you are suggesting, is certainly useful.
Welcome to SO. Your post will probably be closed/ignored for being to broad, etc. Very specific questions and answers are what this site is about. GL.

MVCS - Model View Controller Service

I've been using MVC for a long time and heard about the "Service" layer (for example in Java web project) and I've been wondering if that is a real architectural pattern given I can't find a lot of information about it.
The idea of MVCS is to have a Service layer between the controller and the model, to encapsulate all the business logic that could be in the controller. That way, the controllers are just there to forward and control the execution. And you can call a Service in many controllers (for example, a website and a webservice), without duplicating code.
The service layer can be interpreted a lot of ways, but it's usually where you have your core business processing logic, and sits below your MVC architecture, but above your data access architecture.
For example, you layer of a complete system may look like this:
View Layer: Your MVC framework & code of choice
Service Layer: Your Controller will call this layer's objects to get or update Models, or other requests.
Data Access Objects: These are abstractions that your service layer will call to get/update the data it needs. This layer will generally either call a Database or some other system (eg: LDAP server, web service, or NoSql-type DB)
The service layer would then be responsible for:
Retrieving and creating your 'Model' from various data sources (or data access objects).
Updating values across various repositories/resources.
Performing application-specific logic and manipulations, etc.
The Model you use in your MVC may or may not come from your services. You may want to take the results your service gives you and manipulate them into a model that's more specific to your medium (eg: a web page).
I had been thinking of this pattern myself without seeing any reference to this any where else and searched Google and found your Question here :)
Even today there is not much any body talking about or posting about the
View-Controller Service Pattern.
Thought to let you know other are thinking the same and the image above is how I view how it should be.
Currently I am using it in a project I am working on now.
I have it in Modules with each layers in the image above with in it's own self contained Module.
The Services layer is the "connector" "middleman" "server side Controller" in that what the "client" side Controller does for the client, the "Service" does for the server.
In other words the Client side "Controller" only "talks" with the "Service" aka Server Side Controller.
Controller ---> Requests and Receive from the <----- Service Layer
The Service layer fetches or give information to the layers on the server side that needs it.
By itself the Service does not do anything but connect the server layers with what they need.
Here is a code sample:
I have been using the MVCS pattern for years and I didn't know anyone else did as I couldn't find any solid info on the web. I started using it instinctively if you like and it's never let me down for Laravel projects. I'd say it's a very maintainable solution to mid sized projects, especially when working in an agile environment where business logic changes on the constant. Having that separation of concern is very handy.
Saying this, I found the service layer to be unnecessary for small projects or prototypes and what not. I've made the mistake of over complicating the project when making prototypes and it just ultimately means it takes longer to get your idea out. If you're serious about maintaining the project in the mid term then MVCS is a perfect solution IMO.
