Checking for a file on remote computers via Batch file - windows

So I have set up an MSI software installation to happen on startup, however, i have noticed certain machines for whatever reason are not installing the package. I followed Microsoft's setup on the MSI install so everything in theory should be fine.
What I want to do is check to see if a specific file is located on a machine or not. I have created a txt file with all of the machines IP addresses and i have tried a for each loop to run through the IP's in the text file and if it exists to output to a log file.
The problem I am running into however, is that all are returning as if the file does not exist and echoing out the else command into my log file. I know for a fact the majority of these IP's (computers) have the file in the directory I specified.
Edit: now it gets stuck if that IP isn't there (I.E. the computer is turned off). Is there anyway to check for that?
for /F %%a in (ips.txt) do (
set host=%%a
if exist \\%host%\c$\ProgramData\dvsAnalytics\Encore\Config\Encore.ScreenRecording.ClientService.exe.config (
rem file exists
ECHO %%a>>"C:\some location\encore-install-success.log"
) else (
rem file does not exist
ECHO %%a>>"C:\some location\encore-install-fail.log"

There is no need to use an interim variable host to hold the value of %%a, simply use %%a directly:
for /F %%a in (ips.txt) do (
if exist "\\%%a\c$\ProgramData\dvsAnalytics\Encore\Config\Encore.ScreenRecording.ClientService.exe.config" (
rem of your code...
If you insist on the interim variable, you need to use delayed expansion for it as it is set and read in the same block of code; otherwise, you will read the value present when the entire block is parsed. The changed code would look like this:
setlocal EnableDelayedexpansion
for /F %%a in (ips.txt) do (
set "host=%%a"
if exist "\\!host!\c$\ProgramData\dvsAnalytics\Encore\Config\Encore.ScreenRecording.ClientService.exe.config" (
rem of your code...
In addition, there is a trailing space after set host=%%a in the code in your question; if it is also present in your actual scipt, it becomes part of the variable value and will most likely disturb; to avoid that, the syntax set "host=%%a" should be used.
To check whether a host is available in advance you could use the ping command.
This works reliably for IPv4 addresses:
for /F %%a in (ips.txt) do (
ping -n 1 -4 %%a 2> nul | find "TTL=" > nul && (
if exist "\\%%a\c$\ProgramData\dvsAnalytics\Encore\Config\Encore.ScreenRecording.ClientService.exe.config" (
rem file exists
ECHO %%a>>"C:\some location\encore-install-success.log"
) else (
rem file does not exist
ECHO %%a>>"C:\some location\encore-install-fail.log"
And this is for IPv6 addresses:
for /F %%a in (ips.txt) do (
ping -n 1 -6 %%a > nul 2>&1 && (
rem of your code...


Loop through files in a folder and check if they have different extensions

I have a folder that contains files; each document should have .pdf and .xml format. I need to write a BAT file to run from a scheduled task to verify that both documents exist for each.
My logic is:
loop through files in the folder
strip each file to its name without extension
check that same name files exist for both .xml and pdf.
if not mark a flag variable as problem
when done, if the flag variable is marked, send an Email notification
I know how to use blat to sending email, but I'm having trouble to execute the loop. I found a way to get path and file name without extension but can't merge them.
I've used batch files a few time, before but I'm far from an expert. What am I missing?
Here's the code I have so far:
set "FolderPath=E:\TestBat\Test\"
echo %FolderPath%
for %%f in (%FolderPath%*) do (
set /p val=<%%f
For %%A in ("%%f") do (
Set Folder=%%~dpA
Set Name=%%~nxA
echo Folder is: %Folder%
echo Name is: %Name%
if NOT EXIST %FolderPath%%name%.xml
set flag=MISSING
if NOT EXIST %FolderPath%%name%.pdf
set flag=MISSING
echo %Flag%
There is no need for fancy code for a task such as this:
#Echo Off
Set "FolderPath=E:\TestBat\Test"
If /I Not "%CD%"=="%FolderPath%" PushD "%FolderPath%" 2>Nul||Exit/B
Set "flag="
For %%A In (*.pdf *.xml) Do (
If /I "%%~xA"==".pdf" (If Not Exist "%%~nA.xml" Set "flag=MISSING")
If /I "%%~xA"==".xml" (If Not Exist "%%~nA.pdf" Set "flag=MISSING")
If Defined flag Echo=%flag%
Timeout -1
Something like this :
set "FolderPath=E:\TestBat\Test\"
pushd "%FolderPath%"
for %%a in (*.xml) do (
if exist "%%~na.pdf"(
echo ok
) else (
rem do what you want here
echo Missing
Is this what you want?
#echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set "FolderPath=E:\TestBat\Test\"
echo !FolderPath!
for /f "usebackq delims=" %%f in (`dir !FolderPath! /B`) do (
set /p val=<%%f
For %%A in ("%%f") do (
Set Folder=%%~dpA
Set name=%%~nxA
echo Folder is: !Folder!
echo Name is: !name!
if NOT EXIST !FolderPath!!name!.xml set flag=MISSING
if NOT EXIST !FolderPath!!name!.pdf set flag=MISSING
echo Flag: !flag!
You should reformat your code and keep in mind that the grama for batch file is critical. BTW, if you are trying to update the existing batch variable and read it later, you should enable localdelayedexpansion and use ! instead of %.
Keep it simple:
#echo off
pushd "E:\TestBat\Test" || exit /B 1
for %%F in ("*.pdf") do if not exist "%%~nF.xml" echo %%~nxF
for %%F in ("*.xml") do if not exist "%%~nF.pdf" echo %%~nxF
This returns all files that appear orphaned, that is, where the file with the same name but the other extension (.pdf, .xml) is missing. To implement a variable FLAG to indicate there are missing files, simply append & set "FLAG=missing" to each for line and ensure FLAG is empty initially. Then you can check it later by simply using if defined FLAG.
Note: This does not cover the e-mail notification issue. Since I do not know the BLAT tool you mentioned, I have no clue how you want to transfer the listed files to it (command line arguments, temporary file, or STDIN stream?).
In case there is a huge number of files in the target directory, another approach might be better in terms of performance, provided that the number of file system accesses is reduced drastically (note that the above script accesses the file system within the for loop body by if exist, hence for every iterated file individually). So here is an attempt relying on a temporary file and the findstr command:
#echo off
pushd "E:\TestBat\Test" || exit /B 1
rem // Return all orphaned `.pdf` files:
call :SUB "*.pdf" "*.xml"
rem // Return all orphaned `.xml` files:
call :SUB "*.xml" "*.pdf"
exit /B
:SUB val_pattern_orphaned val_pattern_missing
set "LIST=%TEMP%\%~n0_%RANDOM%.tmp"
> "%LIST%" (
rem // Retrieve list of files with one extension:
for %%F in ("%~2") do (
rem /* Replace the extension by the other one,
rem then write the list to a temporary file;
rem this constitutes a list of expected files: */
rem /* Search actual list of files with the other extension
rem for occurrences of the list of expected files and
rem return each item that does not match: */
dir /B /A:-D "%~1" | findstr /L /I /X /V /G:"%LIST%"
rem // Clean up the temporary file:
del "%LIST%"
exit /B
To understand how it works, let us concentrate on the first sub-routine call call :SUB "*.pdf" "*.xml" using an example; let us assume the target directory contains the following files:
So in the for loop a list of .xml files is gathered:
This is written to a temporary file but with the extensions .xml replaced by .pdf:
The next step is to generate a list of actually existing .pdf files:
This is piped into a findstr command line, that searches this list for search strings that are gathered from the temporary file, returning non-matching lines only. In other words, findstr returns only those lines of the input list that do not occur in the temporary file:
To finally get also orphaned .xml files, the second sub-routine call is needed.
Since this script uses a temporary file containing a file list which is processed once by findstr to find any orphaned files per extension, the overall number of file system access operations is lower. The weakest part however is the for loop (containing string concatenation operations).

How to use ECHO to set a variable in batch

I've been wracking my brain trying to figure out a way to use the ECHO command to set the value of a variable in batch.
I'm aware that you can abuse the FOR command to set command output as a variable.
For example:
for /F "delims=" %%A in ('ipconfig ^| findstr /i IPv4') do (set TestVar=%%A)
However, I cannot figure out a way in which to use the ECHO command as the source command which "set" would use as input for the variable.
Does anybody know if there is a way in which to accomplish this?
Here is more info to help clarify my goal.
The purpose of doing this would be so that I can filter the results of a command via findstr and other commands to strip out the characters which I cannot use in the script. I'd be then assigning this stripped output to a variable.
I am creating a batch script with which to sync the contents of any USB drive plugged into a specific system with a source folder on the system. I am trying to make it "smart" in that it will automatically filter out any network drives, etc. Network drives are assigned via GPO, so I don't want to rely on manually updating a drive list pulled from a text file, since forgetting to update such a file could cause a network drive to be overwritten.
I am already able to accomplish this goal by echoing to a "temp.txt" file and then having the script pull from this temp.txt file.
The other catch is that I'm logging the results of each "sync." I do not want it to create false success logs, so I've compiled the script in such a way that a failed sync (failed robocopy) does not proceed to the logging command which is an echo to a text file (assuming that the failure is of a type that robocopy doesn't run at all, it would still log if robocopy ran).
Here's my script if it helps clarify things, as well as a copy of the one config file that I allow to be present.
REM This script relies on the "SyncConfig.txt" file to be present in the same directory as this script in order to run successfully.
REM The "SyncConfig.txt" file specifies which drives are eligible to have their contents synced with the Rockwell VM drive.
echo off
color c
echo FILE! Press any key to continue or click the "X" to cancel.
color a
set SourceDrive=F:\
for /F "skip=6 tokens=*" %%A in (SyncConfig.txt) do (
echo %%A| findstr /i /v "Not Included" > temp.txt
for /F %%B in (temp.txt) do (
robocopy /MIR !SourceDrive! %%B:\
echo %Date% > %%B:\LastSynced.txt
for /F %%C in (temp.txt) do (
dir %%C:| findstr /i "Volume" | findstr /i /v "Serial" >> temp.txt
for /F "skip=1 tokens=6,7,8,9,10 delims= " %%C in (temp.txt) do (
echo ------------------- >> SyncLog.log
echo %DATE% %TIME% >> SyncLog.log
echo sync performed for: %%C %%D %%E %%F %%G >> SyncLog.log
del temp.txt
"CONFIG FILE" - SyncConfig.txt:
Lines which include the text "Not Included" anywhere in the line will be ignored. This is being used |Not Included
to prevent specific drives (such as mapped network shares) from being overwritten by the sync script. |Not Included
|Not Included
|Not Included
DRIVES: |Not Included
----------- |Not Included
C Not Included
D Not Included
E Not Included
F Not Included
L Not Included
O Not Included
S Not Included
T Not Included
U Not Included

Windows Batch check hostname if contains four or three chars then do

The problem im facing, is that i wanted a batch script which worked like this :
Check for computer hostname
If computer hostname starts with A405 or A408 or A410 or A417 or LAS (i red that i can use %var:0,4% or smthing similar to check the full hostname for the first 4 characters, for the LAS its 3 chars - all pc hostname's are given like this %CLASSROOM%-%PCNUM%)
Then launch corresponding reg file from network disk (each regfile disables PROXY and sets a new default and different homepage for each class, the regfiles are done already)
A405 -> J:/1.reg
A408 -> J:/2.reg
after that launch internet explorer with -k enabled. ( start iexplore -k )
But i couldn't get how to make %computername% a variable, because set host=%computername%, returns %computername% not the actual name of the workstation, and how to check with previously stated - %host:0,4%, and for LAS the %host:0,3% and check for the first 4 characters.
I'm sorry if im not making myself clear enough.
I tried to use this script from SO:
#echo off
rem Change this for testing, remove for production
set computername=xyz
set dropLoc=machine-abc
if "%computername%" == "xyz" (
set dropLoc=machine-xyz
echo %dropLoc%
But I couldn't do it.
#echo off
rem Check "%computername%" vs. 4 chars. long names:
set regFile=0
for %%a in (A405 A408 A410 A417) do (
set /A regFile+=1
if "%computername:~0,4%" equ "%%a" goto found
rem Check "%computername%" vs. 3 chars. long names:
for %%a in (LAS) do (
set /A regFile+=1
if "%computername:~0,3%" equ "%%a" goto found
echo No matching hostname found
goto :EOF
echo Hostame found, reg file: J:/%regFile%.reg

Batch Print - Batch Script - findstr condition in for loop

My problem at hand is to download pdf files and send all of them to the printer.
I download via ftp correctly and all the files go into my local directory:
File Name = FtpScript.ftp
!:--- FTP commands below here ---
lcd local/Directory
cd /remote/Directory
mget "*.pdf"
This batch file then calls the ftp script.
File Name = retrieve_print.bat
#ftp -i -s:"C:\Scripts\FtpScript.ftp"
set mm=%date:~4,2%
set dd=%date:~7,2%
set yy=%date:~-4%
IF NOT EXIST {C:\Users\print_test2\print_%mm%_%yy%}( mkdir C:\Users\print_test2\print_%mm%_%yy% )
IF NOT EXIST C:\Users\print_test2\print_%mm%_%yy%\uploaded_%mm%_%dd%_%yy%.txt (
#echo Uploaded Text -- Date: %date% Time : %time% >> C:\Users\print_test2\print_%mm%_%yy%\uploaded_%mm%_%dd%_%yy%.txt
IF NOT EXIST C:\Users\print_test2\print_%mm%_%yy%\printed_%mm%_%dd%_%yy%.txt (
#echo Printed Text -- Date: %date% Time : %time% >> C:\Users\print_test2\print_%mm%_%yy%\printed_%mm%_%dd%_%yy%.txt
FOR %%x in ( C:\Users\print_test2\print_%mm%_%yy%\*.pdf ) DO (
findstr "%%~nxx" C:\Users\print_test2\print_%mm%_%yy%\uploaded_%mm%_%dd%_%yy%.txt
#ECHO Error level = %errorlevel%
#ECHO %%~nxx
IF NOT %errorlevel% == 0 (
#echo %%~nxx >> C:\Users\print_test2\print_%mm%_%yy%\uploaded_%mm%_%dd%_%yy%.txt
FOR %%x in ( C:\Users\print_test2\print_%mm%_%yy%\*.pdf ) DO (
findstr "%%~nxx" C:\Users\print_test2\print_%mm%_%yy%\printed_%mm%_%dd%_%yy%.txt
#ECHO Error level = %errorlevel%
#ECHO %%~nxx
IF NOT %errorlevel% == 0 (
#echo %%~nxx >> C:\Users\print_test2\print_%mm%_%yy%\printed_%mm%_%dd%_%yy%.txt
The text files generate incorrectly. My thought is that I could loop through the files available in the print_test2/print_%mm%_%yy% directory for all the files that I received via ftp and log it into a text file.
The problem becomes apparent when I try to run the script a second time when the text files have file names in them. I expect the findstr function to give back an %errorlevel% of 0 , but it does not detect the string that is in the text file and appends all the file names again in both my uploaded and printed text files.
Is there a better way of logging the files received and printing the pdfs only once?
Your problem is that the %errorlevel% value is taken inside a for, so it is replaced by the value errorlevel had before enter the for loop. To take the current value that errorlevel have in each for iteration you must use Delayed Variable Expansion, that is, enclose the value in exclamation points instead percents: !errorlevel! AND insert this line at begining of your program:
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
To make this problem clearer, try this:
set name=Value before FOR
for %%f in (*.pdf) do (
set name=%%f
echo %name%
and then try again changing echo %name% by echo !name!.
A few ideas to consider:
I'm not sure that the errorlevel after your FINDSTR command is going to be non-zero just because the string wasn't found.
Even if errorlevel is non-zero, I think that the moment you execute the next command, the new errorlevel from that command gets set.
In your IF statement, you might need to wrap the two sides of your equality check in delimiters, e.g. IF NOT "%errorlevel%" == "0"
You might consider just making your list distinct after you echo all file names into it. It'll save you some logic on the way in. Some code for making a list distinct in DOS is described here:
If you use techniques from #4, you can then just do a directory listing into your file (as follows) and then make unique using techniques in #4.
dir/b C:\Users\print_test2\print_%mm%_%yy%\*.pdf >> C:\Users\print_test2\print_%mm%_%yy%\printed_%mm%_%dd%_%yy%.txt

Batch file add/remove hosts file entries syntax error

The following script is supposed to manage adding and removing entries into the hosts file. Entries with .dev are supposed to point to localhost and all others should prompt for an IP address. If the entry already exists it should ask you if you want to remove it.
I am getting a vague The syntax of the command is incorrect error but I'm not sure which line it's referring to. If I turn #echo on it then spits out if ( on the next line and then dies. The only way I can catch the error is to do a screenshot because it immediately exits.
I've spent several hours on this, so any assistance would be greatly appreciated!
#echo off
title ClearSight Studio
echo Virtual website setup script
echo Version 1.4
echo Last modified 12/30/2011
REM Get the name of the domain name
echo What domain name? Ctrl+C to cancel. Example:
set /p domain= Domain:
REM Set a variable for the Windows hosts file location
set hostpath=\windows\system32\drivers\etc
set hostfile=hosts
set sitespath=\clearsight\sites
set extension=%domain:~-3%
REM Make the hosts file writable
attrib -r %hostpath%\%hostfile%
REM Add the domain to point to localhost at the end of the file if it doesn't already have an entry.
find /c " %domain%" %hostpath%\%hostfile%
if errorlevel 1 (
if /i %extension%==dev (
set /p ip= What is the IP?
echo. >> %hostpath%\%hostfile%
echo.# Adding %domain% via batch process on %date:~10,4%-%date:~4,2%-%date:~7,2%. >> %hostpath%\%hostfile%
if %ip% (
echo.%ip% %domain% >> %hostpath%\%hostfile%
) else (
echo. %domain% >> %hostpath%\%hostfile%
) else if errorlevel 0 (
echo Entry found in hostfile already. Would you like to remove it?
set /p remove= Remove (Y/N)
if /i %remove%==Y (
findstr /v "%domain%" %hostpath%\%hostfile% > %hostpath%\%hostfile%
if /i %extension%==dev (
REM Create the folder if it doesn't exist
if exist %sitespath%\%domain% (
echo %sitespath%\%domain% already exists.
) else (
echo Creating %sitespath%\%domain%...
mkdir %sitespath%\%domain%
REM Clean up
attrib +r %hostpath%\%hostfile%
echo Done.
if /i %extension%==dev (
REM Do a "git" of the repo, if requested
echo Would you like to clone an external git repository named %domain% from Bitbucket?
echo This assumes the git repository was set up under the "jamonholmgren" account.
echo Do it manually if it's under someone else's account. Also, make sure you have permissions to this repo.
set /p getgit= Get git clone? (Y/N):
if /i %getgit%==Y (
git clone %sitespath%\%domain%\
) else (
echo Okay, then we're done.
You have two problems with this bit of code
if %ip% (
echo.%ip% %domain% >> %hostpath%\%hostfile%
) else (
It is invalid syntax. I presume you want to test if the variable is defined. The proper syntax is if defined ip (
You are attempting to expand %ip% in the same if() block where it was defined. This can't work because %ip% is expanded at parse time, which is before you assign the value! The solution is to use delayed expansion instead !ip!. Delayed expansion must first be enabled, probably near the top of your script, using setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
So the fixed code would look something like this
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
if defined ip (
echo.!ip! %domain% >> %hostpath%\%hostfile%
) else (
You have the same delayed expansion issue with %remove%
Edit - expanding on Andriy M's comment
You also have a potential issue with how you deal with user input for ip and remove. Both values should be initialized either to nothing, or to a default value, prior to prompting for the value. If the user does not enter anything, then the existing default value (if any) is preserved.
Also, you may want to confirm that a valid value was entered, especially for the ip. If you do, then you will want to take the prompt out of the loop and put it in a called subroutine. The subroutine can check if a value was entered and loop back to try again if it wasn't. It must be in a subroutine because you cannot GOTO within a parenthesized block of code like you have with your IF statement.
When you expand a variable value via %variable% its value is expanded just once after the line that contain commands is read and before the commands are executed. For example:
set var=Original
set var=New & echo %var%
Previous line show "Original". The same effect happen with any command enclosed in parentheses (that belong to any IF or FOR commands).
The way to solve this problem is using Delayed Variable Expansion by enclosing a variable in exclamation marks instead percents:
set var=Original
set var=New & echo !var!
However, you must first activate the delayed expansion with this command:
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
So, insert previous line at beginning of your program and change ALL references to variables that may change its value inside an IF or FOR by !name! instead of %name%. For example:
if %ip% (
that I'm sure is the line that caused your problem...
Thanks everyone for the help! Here is the final (working) result in case anyone ever wants to do something similar. The output to the screen could probably use a little tweaking but in all my testing it seems completely reliable.
#echo off
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
title ClearSight Studio
echo Virtual website setup script
echo Version 1.5
echo Last modified 2/23/2012
REM Get the name of the domain name
echo What domain name? Ctrl+C to cancel. Example:
set /p domain= Domain:
REM Set a variable for the Windows hosts file location
set hostpath=\windows\system32\drivers\etc
set hostfile=hosts
set sitespath=\clearsight\sites
set extension=%domain:~-3%
REM Make the hosts file writable
attrib -r %hostpath%\%hostfile%
REM Add the domain to point to localhost at the end of the file if it doesn't already have an entry.
find /c " %domain%" %hostpath%\%hostfile%
if errorlevel 1 (
if /i NOT %extension%==dev (
set /p ip= What is the IP?
) else (
set ip=
echo. >> %hostpath%\%hostfile%
echo.# Adding %domain% via batch process on %date:~10,4%-%date:~4,2%-%date:~7,2%. >> %hostpath%\%hostfile%
echo.!ip! %domain% >> %hostpath%\%hostfile%
) else if errorlevel 0 (
echo Entry found in hostfile already.
set /p remove= Would you like to remove it? (Y/N)
if /i !remove!==Y (
findstr /v %domain% %hostpath%\%hostfile% > %hostpath%\%hostfile%.txt
type %hostpath%\%hostfile%.txt > %hostpath%\%hostfile%
if /i %extension%==dev (
REM Create the folder if it doesn't exist
if exist %sitespath%\%domain% (
echo %sitespath%\%domain% already exists.
) else (
echo Creating %sitespath%\%domain%...
mkdir %sitespath%\%domain%
REM Clean up
attrib +r %hostpath%\%hostfile%
REM Flush DNS so the changes are available imidiately
ipconfig /flushdns
echo Done.
if /i %extension%==dev (
REM Do a "git" of the repo, if requested
echo Would you like to clone an external git repository named %domain% from Bitbucket?
echo This assumes the git repository was set up under the "jamonholmgren" account.
echo Do it manually if it's under someone else's account. Also, make sure you have permissions to this repo.
set /p getgit= Get git clone? (Y/N)
if /i !getgit!==Y (
git clone %sitespath%\%domain%\
) else (
echo Okay, then we're done.
Just some hints for debugging the batch file:
Start it from a cmd shell to avoid closing the window after exiting
Add more REM commands that will serve as log entries when turning echo on
Simplify your script by repeatedly removing parts from the end until it runs without error. Reinsert the faulty parts and try to figure out what's wrong there
While this does not quite answer your question, I hope the hints will help you solve the problem. You are always welcome to ask for general advice, but I'm afraid that your particular problem is somehow a bit too specific to be of general interest.
