Jcrop Touch support not working - Webmatrix - webmatrix

I followed Mike Brind's guide webimage helper with jcrop and it works great on a pc but on a phone with touch it does nothing. You can still see the crop outline but cannot do anything with it. I checked and it is supposed to support touch and going to deep liquid's website it does work on my phone. Anyone know of a reason it may not work on my site?
I am even using all the demo files available from deep liquid and it still does not work with touch.


What is the reason for xamarin app style change?

I'm from Ukraine, so I immediately apologize for my crooked English. I got one very incomprehensible problem with which I can not figure it out. I have created a mobile application for Android and IOS. Absolutely normal application. I tested it on the emulator on several phones. But on one of them, the app didn't look like itself. For some reason it became dark and looked strange (I attached the screenshots). The normal version is white-green, this version was dark. I can't figure out what is the reason. Immediately I will say that the phone is normal and the light theme is enabled on it, the phone has standard settings. And everything else on this phone except this application is displayed normally. Please tell me what is the reason
I tried to change the themes and settings of the phone, and found out that the problem is definitely not in them
enter image description here

How to do a Flutter Firebase app for both Mobile and Desktop at the same time

I see many samples and videos on how to do firebase for mobile and they call this "multiplatform". However, I don't see much on the desktop. There is one video on firebase flutter Windows by using a web and it seems to work. However, I do not see any tutorials for both mobile and desktop. Firebase would be a great example on syncing between desktop and mobile. We have such an app in development right now. Desktop development is new, but I'm surprised how little there is.
There is a library called firebase_dart, but the documentation seems weak.
The package firedart with the video listed above works in both desktop (linux and android without much modification..
What needed to be modified?
I had difficulty with the button on the very top of the phone, so I
added a sized box.
I had difficulty with debugPrint or print so I
added a Text widget with the results (to string).
That also worked.
Although I would like to not use fluent_ui, it does work for both desktop and mobile. I'm not sure what to do with realtime db, but I think I can make the firedart work for user sync between mobile and desktop.
It would be better if I could get firebase_dart to work.

How to best author a Apple Helpbook for a macOS app?

macOS apps, e.g. Photos.app, provide a help panel to the user
Is there a way to author such a Help Book in your own macOS app?
Is there a way to at least provide a toolbar to be used for a table of contents?
I am asking specifically about the UI and all the user interactions. Not how to generally create and register a helpbook.
Here is what I’ve been able to find/gather/learn from others. A Help Book appears to run on a separate app/process called “HelpViewer”. Any Apple macOS app displaying a help makes use of a DDMViewerController that isn’t public.
There is an “app.css” and an “app.js” being used by the Apple macOS app “index.html” of the Apple Help Book. The Javascript one manipulates the DOM to create the “show-hide” link that toggles the Sidebar. Haven’t been able to find how to instruct HelpViewer to use a sidebar.
There is a WWDC talk from back in 2014, “Introducing the Modern WebKit API” that talks about “User Scripts” and “Script Messages” which allow communication between a Webview and Cocoa. https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2014/206/
AFAICS, there is no way to have HelpViewer display a custom view or have a sidebar. My guess is that you would have to implement everything yourself. That is an NSSplitViewController, NSToolbar, NSOutlineView, any Javascript alongside the “app.css” to get the look and feel.
Currently it's not possible to implement the sidebar as shown in the Maps and other built-in macOS applications from 10.13 onward.
Versions of macOS from 10.10 (built-in applications) implement sidebar navigation with HTML and JavaScript, and Apple Help Viewer itself offers a window.HelpViewer object with some hooks that enable/disable the Help Viewer's table of contents button. Once enabled, it will callback into your own JavaScript where you can show/hide TOC via CSS or JS.
From approximately 10.10, Apple's non-built-in applications have also been using this technique. For example, iTunes and Xcode help both do this.
From 10.13, macOS has a newer version of Help Viewer that provides an actual Cocoa-native table of contents and windows splitter, as well as some new properties on window.HelpViewer; presumably these can be used to enable/disable the Cocoa sidebar and populate the TOC, but these are undocumented and I'm not sure anyone outside of Apple has been able to reverse-engineer this functionality yet.
And in any case, it wouldn't work if you offer Help Books to pre-10.13 users, and the use of undocumented API's restricts applications from the App Store (although, I'm not certain that Apple scans Help Book JavaScripts for API usage as part of their review).
(There are also a lot of other changes to how Apple's built-in application Help works now, too, but that's another topic entirely.)
Thus the answer for now is we can't, or shouldn't, or just don't know how. Alternatives include using something like using jekyll-apple-help (no affiliation) or Middlemac 3 (my project), or just rolling your own.
For those interested in knowing how Apple does it, I've documented a lot of it here (disclosure: link to my own website).
I'm not sure whether Apple's current applications still use it, but there is a very old API on macOS for Help Books. Apple has documentation on how to create them and some introduction. In short: Help books are standard HTML files with additional proprietary anchors. Those anchors are accessible via the class NSHelpManager, e.g. to open the help book at a specific page.
See also this question.

Is it possible to prevent your app from appearing as an extension for specific apps?

I've built an Action Extension for my app, and when i choose to Open In... something from inside of my app, I appear as an extension for myself. This UX is kinda weird, but also, it doesnt even work when i try to be an extension of myself.
I dont see anything in the documentation that specifies responding apps aside from NSExtensionActivationRule?
This is not possible at the moment in iOS 8.0

Silverlight 5: 3D with XNA on Macintosh

I have acutaly access to an closed beta of an online application developed with silverlight 5. Within there's a feature, showing some 3D scenes. There have been used XNA for the 3D. From a windows-pc all work fine. But when I test it from an Mac with OSX the Silverlight-App works fine, too. But not the 3D feature. In upper left corner there's a information showing: "Render Mode: Unavailable" and "Reason: "Not3DCapable".
So I pushed this example to my IIS. This time from Windows all is fine but when trying to access from OSX (Firefox) it starts to load Silverlight but after showing 100% nothing happens. The scene is not shown.
Does anyone has any clue, what to do to support mac?
Unfortunately I found some other websites like this Blog (see the 3. FAQ) and this Blog (see comments) whose say the same: 3D doesn't work on mac.
Sadly Microsoft seems to keep this fact officially secret. Found this Page where I had expected to read something like "3D not supported". Isn't this sad? I thought Silverlight should be platform independent? I hope they will change their mind and add a support for OpenGL or something like that.
