How to prevent CKeditor from displaying blockquotes in italic? - ckeditor

Is there any way to globally remove the font-style : italic property of the blockquote tags displayed inside the form ?
This feature is very misleading for users.
Note : I am using CKeditor version 4.

you can append a custom css file with the config option contentsCss, in your custom css just add:
blockquote { font-style: normal; }
check the working example at:
Note: im using cdn and im loading default css from ckeditor too, you can just skype the ckeditor css file if you dont want have defined styles for the editor.
You can read more information from ckeditor documenation on the follow link:!/guide/dev_styles


Trix is not working in my Laravel application

I'm working on quiz application in Larvel where I need to put some question with style so I was trying to implement Trix Editor , I put css and js files in app.blade but not appearing in view page-source, here are the screenshots:
at the end of question-create.blade I made sections for css and js:
and I also #yield css and js in app.blade:
webpage: where I want to use trix:
and here is view-source: css:
and here is view-source: js:
I refer:
Solved, problem was with layout file, Thanks #Muhaddis #TalhaF.

How can I avoid jQuery and bootstrap in html pages rendered by rmarkdown?

I want to produce a simple html page where I want the jquery 1.11.0 and bootstrap library are loaded from a specific CDN in remote. But I don't know how can I modify the configurations in the beginning of a RMarkdown document to remove jQuery and bootstrap.
From I create my own header html file which includes all the css and js references.
title: "document"
mathjax: null
highlight: null
self_contained: false
in_header: header.html
I disable mathjax and highlight.js but cannot disable jQuery and bootstrap and use my own without loading two versions of them.
How can I disable jQuery and bootstrap so that I can use them in my may spefified in header.html?
I just notices in the documentation:
You also need to set
theme: null

Overwrite template's stylesheet with the one from custom component in Joomla

In my custom Joomla 3 extension I am using Bootstrap 2.3.2 for the front-end. I noticed that the default Joomla template protostar overwrites default Bootstrap classes which is not what I would like. Is there a way to load my stylesheet after the template's stylesheets so they overwrite any common rules may exist?
Try something like this,
This will add the css at your component calling time inside the component HTML section . Keep in mind it will not add the css at head section but for sure it will appear after the template css
$stylelink = '<link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/css.css" />';
$document = JFactory::getDocument();
Hope it works..

Problems specifying contentCss outside CKEditor.basepath

We are trying to use CKEditor as a Widget for Vignette, when we try to specify a content css outside the environment of CKEditor such as:
"CKEDITOR.config.contentsCss = 'http://lvhost:27110/CKEditorbk/my.css';"
doesn't work, but when we specify a content css included in the war where we have our deployment of ckeditor such as:
CKEDITOR.config.contentsCss = 'http://lvhost:27110/CKEditor/ckeditor/my.css';
It's working as we expected. Isn't possible to specify a css outside "CKEditor.basepath"?
In fact you can't because CKEditor path scope is anything within a folder named ckeditor.
However you could have your custom css outside the CKeditor's ckeditor by replicating the same folder structure, that is /js/CUSTOM_CKEDITOR/ckeditor. I've done so when I wrote a plugin for CKeditor.
I have a custom css at /js/CUSTOM_CKEDITOR/ckeditor/plugins/my_plugin/css/custom.css. And in my /js/CUSTOM_CKEDITOR/ckeditor/config.js I used:
CKEDITOR.config.contentsCss = CKEDITOR.plugins.getPath( 'my_plugin' ) + 'css/custom.css';
Works sweet :)

HTML5 offline cache google font api

I'm trying to create an offline HTML5 test application, and am playing with the new google fonts api at the same time. Does anyone have any ideas how to cache the remote fonts? Simply putting the api call in the cache manifest doesn't work, I assume this is because the api actually loads other files (ttf, eot, etc).
Any ideas if using the font api offline would be possible?
For reference this is the call I am making:|Molengo|Reenie+Beanie
If you paste that URL into the browser address bar you'll see the files the CSS links to:
Robertc's approach is the solution...
I.e., Paste the google-provided link into your browser, and then add any files that are referenced into your manifest.
In my case I referenced
<link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
which just consists of the following style definition
#font-face {
font-family: 'Patua One';
font-style: normal;
font-weight: 400;
src: local('Patua One'), local('PatuaOne-Regular'), url('') format('woff');
So to get the font to work when cached (off-line or not), you have to add the URL referenced in the 'src' to your manifest.
