Bash Shell: Infinite Loop - bash

The problem is the following I have a file that each line has this form:
i want to sort alphabetically all the firstnames in that file and print them one on each line but each name only once
i have created the following program but for some reason it creates an infinite loop:
while read LINE
if [ ${LINE:0:1} != '#' ]
if [[ "${array1[#]}" != "${array[2]}" ]]
done < $3
echo ${array1[#]} | awk 'BEGIN{RS=" ";} {print $1}' | sort
if [ ${LINE:0:1} != '#' ] : this command is used because there are comments in the file that i dont want to print
$3 : filename
array1 : is used for all the seperate names

Wow, there's a MUCH simpler and cleaner way to achieve this, without having to mess with the IFS variable or using arrays. You can use "for" to do this:
First I created a file with the same structure as yours:
$ cat file
Here's the script I wrote using "for":
for LINE in `cat file | grep -v "^#" | awk -F'|' '{print$3}' | sort -u`
echo $LINE
And here's the output of this script:
$ ./
for LINE in `cat file`
Creates a loop that reads each line of "file". The commands between ` are run by linux, for example, if you wanted to store the date inside of a variable you could use "VARDATE=`date`".
grep -v "^#"
The option -v is used to exclude results matching the pattern, in this case the pattern is "^#". The "^" character means "line begins with". So grep -v "^#" means "exclude lines beginning with #".
awk -F'|' '{print$3}'
The -F option switches the column delimiter from the default (the default is a space) to whatever you put between ' after it, in this case the "|" character.
The '{print$3}' prints the 3rd column.
sort -u
And the "sort -u" command to sort the names alphabetically.


xargs and cut: getting `cut` fields of a csv to bash variable

I am using xargs in conjuction with cut but I am unsure how to get the output of cut to a variable which I can pipe to use for further processing.
So, I have a text file like so:
I do this:
cat test.txt | xargs -L1 | cut -d, -f 1,2
but what Id like to do is:
cat test.txt | xargs -L1 | cut -d, -f 1,2 | echo $1 $2
where $1 and $2 are /some/path/to/dir and filename.jpg
I am stumped that I cannot seem to able to achieve this..
You may want to say something like:
while IFS=, read -r f1 f2; do
echo ./mypgm -i "$f1" -o "$f2"
done < test.txt
IFS=, read -r f1 f2 reads a line from test.txt one by one,
splits the line on a comma, then assigns the variables f1 and f2
to the fields.
The line echo .. is for the demonstration purpose. Replace the
line with your desired command using $f1 and $f2.
Try this:
cat test.txt | awk -F, '{print $1, $2}'
From man xargs:
xargs [-L number] [utility [argument ...]]
-L number
Call utility for every number non-empty lines read.
From man awk:
Awk scans each input file for lines that match any of a set of patterns specified literally in prog or in one or more files specified as -f progfile.
So you don't have to use xargs -L1 as you don't pass the utility to call.
Also from man awk:
The -F fs option defines the input field separator to be the regular expression fs.
So awk -F, can replace the cut -d, part.
The fields are denoted $1, $2, ..., while $0 refers to the entire line.
So $1 is for the first column, $2 is for the second one.
An action is a sequence of statements. A statement can be one of the following:
print [ expression-list ] [ > expression ]
An empty expression-list stands for $0.
The print statement prints its argument on the standard output (or on a file if > file or >> file is present or on a pipe if | cmd is present), separated by the current output field separator, and terminated by the output record separator.
Put all these together, cat test.txt | awk -F, '{print $1, $2}' would achieve that you want.

Command "grep | cut" in shell programming

I have a problem with the grep command.
I have a file, called dictionary.txt, containing 2 columns of words, like
abc def
apple orange
hour minute
In my Bash script, having entered the word in the left column as an argument, I have to output the corresponding word on the right using the grep command.
A requirement is to use a loop.
I created this script:
for traduzione in $( sort dictionary.txt )
if [ $parola == $traduzione ]
grep $traduzione | cut -f 2 dictionary.txt
This does not work as described above.
I'd suggest to replace the whole for loop with
awk -v word="$parola" '$1 == word{print $2;exit}' dictionary.txt
-v word="$parola" passes the parola variable to the awk script
$1 == word checks if the Column 1 value equals the parola
{print $2;exit} - prints the Column2 value and exits (remove exit if you need all matches on the further lines).
With dictionary.txt as
abc def
apple orange
hour minute
and as
awk -v word="$parola" '$1 == word{print $2; exit}' dictionary.txt
the bash apple returns orange.
If you need a for loop you can use
while IFS= read -a line; do
read -r left right <<< "$line"
if [ "$left" == "$parola" ]; then
echo "$right";
done < dictionary.txt
That is:
Read dictionary.txt line by line assigning the current line value to the line variable
Read the values on a line into left and right variables
If left is equal to right, print right.
Why are you using a for-loop?
grep -w "word1" dictionary.txt
This shows you the line where you can find that word, so the for-loop is not even needed. For your information, -w means "only take whole words".

How to remove a filename from the list of path in Shell

I would like to remove a file name only from the following configuration file.
Configuration File -- test.conf
The above file should be read. And removed contents should went to another file called output.txt
Following are my try. It is not working to me at all. I am getting empty files only.
while IFS= read -r line
# grep --exclude=*.drl line
# awk 'BEGIN {getline line ; gsub("*.drl","", line) ; print line}'
# awk '{ gsub("/",".drl",$NF); print line }' arun.conf
# awk 'NF{NF--};1' line arun.conf
echo $line | rev | cut -d'/' -f 1 | rev >> output.txt
done < "$file"
Expected Output :
There's the dirname command to make it easy and reliable:
while IFS= read -r line
dirname "$line"
done < "$file" > output.txt
There are Bash shell parameter expansions that will work OK with the list of names given but won't work reliably for some names:
while IFS= read -r line
echo "${line%/*}"
done < "$file" > output.txt
There's sed to do the job — easily with the given set of names:
sed 's%/[^/]*$%%' test.conf > output.txt
It's harder if you have to deal with names like /plain.file (or plain.file — the same sorts of edge cases that trip up the shell expansion).
You could add Perl, Python, Awk variants to the list of ways of doing the job.
You can get the path like this:
It cuts away the string after the last /
Using awk one liner you can do this:
awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="/"} {NF--} 1' test.conf

Bash : How to check in a file if there are any word duplicates

I have a file with 6 character words in every line and I want to check if there are any duplicate words. I did the following but something isn't right:
while read line
d=$( grep '$name' chain.txt | wc -w )
if [ $d -gt '1' ]; then
echo $d $name
done <$1
Assuming each word is on a new line, you can achieve this without looping:
$ cat chain.txt | sort | uniq -c | grep -v " 1 " | cut -c9-
You can use awk for that:
awk -F'\n' 'found[$1] {print}; {found[$1]++}' chain.txt
Set the field separator to newline, so that we look at the whole line. Then, if the line already exists in the array found, print the line. Finally, add the line to the found array.
Note: If a line will only be suppressed once, so if the same line appears, say, 6 times, it will be printed 5 times.

using awk within loop to replace field

I have written a script finding the hash value from a dictionary and outputting it in the form "word:md5sum" for each word. I then have a file of names which I would like to use to place each name followed by every hash value i.e.
and so on. Everything works fine but I can not figure out the substitution. Here is my script.
cat words.txt | while read line; do echo -n "$line:" >> dbHashFile.txt
echo "$line" | md5sum | sed 's/[ ]-//g' >> dbHashFile.txt; done
cat users.txt | while read name
cat dbHashFile.txt >> nameHash.txt;
awk '{$1="$name"}' nameHash.txt;
cat nameHash.txt >> dbHash.txt;
the line
$awk '{$1="$name"}' nameHash.txt;
is where I attempt to do the substitution.
thank you for your help
Try replacing the entire contents of the last loop (both cats and the awk) with:
awk -v name="$name" -F ':' '{ print name ":" $2 }' dbHashFile.txt >>dbHash.txt
