Do all applications have a command line interface? - bash

I've been learning shell script on my Mac recently. Take an application like Atlassian's SourceTree as an example. My understanding is that it's just a GUI for git commands, which can be executed through command line. Pressing a button just triggers a corresponding git command, which is effectively run through the command line behind the scenes. If that is the case, do all applications that have a GUI function this way? Are all applications essentially just running their commands through the machine's shell script? And if so, are the underlying commands that are being used publicly available, offering an API of sorts for any application?

This is more complex than that.
Many applications only have a GUI (e.g., Safari), many others only have a CLI (e.g., find).
When a GUI app and a CLI app perform the same function, they may communicate with each other or they may not:
As you point out a GUI application can run a CLI command behind the scene (with system() or popen() for instance)
An alternative is that both applications use the same underlying library
Or no code is shared at all (think of ls vs. Finder on Mac)
Finally on Mac some GUI apps can be controlled with Applescript language, which is available through osascript command. In other words, you can control iTunes with a bash script.

Definitely, not all applications behave that way. In fact, from my experience, I'd say that there are few applications that follow that. Most applications perform their own operations relying directly on the OS platform and functionalities, instead of executing shell commands which, in addition, are hard (and most of the time impossible) to port between OSs.


Adding custom commands to terminal along side application

I am working on an application where we are using xtermjs and node-pty inside of an electron application. We are adding a terminal to our application and would like to add some custom commands that are used in the terminal that are related to our application.
What are some options for adding these commands?
We want them installed with the application.
They don't have to be useable inside an 'external' terminal, but it is ok if they are. By external, i mean your normal terminal. Not our xterm & node-pty implementation.
And we want them to behave the same as other normal unix commands. Where you can pipe with other commands && them together and stuff.
I have played around with intercepting commands between xterm and node-pty and that was a disaster. I am now considering, just writing bash scripts for the commands and having the installer manage putting them where they need to be so they can be used.
Just wondering what my options are, thanks.
You can simply put all your executables in a directory that you add to your PATH when you invoke the shell in your terminal emulator.
The commands will be available to the user like any others in any construct that accepts commands, regardless of the user's shell or shell version (i.e. it'll work equally well in bash, zsh and fish).
If you need the commands to coordinate with your terminal emulator (e.g. if you want to process the command in JS in your Node.js process), you can arrange that via a second environment variable containing e.g. a host/port to connect to.

Golang detect if in focus or minimized

How would I go about detecting if my go CLI program is in focus or minimized?
Current program based off
I require the functionality as it is a chat program and I would like to send OS notifications but only when the program is not in focus or is minimized.
Your help/direction is much appreciated as of right now unsure where to start.
This is not possible from the library itself. A command line program does now have a focus, but the terminal program it is running in.
To implement that (if possible at all) would be dependent on os, window manager etc.
To refine the answer provided by #mbuechmann, I suggest the OP not to try to resort to APIs etc.
The reasoning is simple.
"Contemporary" users are used to running programs in terminal emulators which are typically presented as separate windows, and so the users naturally think of these programs as not really different from GUI apps.
But the reality is different: a terminal emulator—whether graphical or not (for instance, so-called "virtual consoles" provided by the Linux kernel running on an x86/amd64 hardware are terminal emulators as well)—really emulates a typical work session on a real hardware terminal, and there, a program would work in foreground solely, and the only means of "switching" to another program was using the shell's job control (those jobs, bg and fg commands).
In other words, the whole concept of a program working in a terminal has an inbuilt assumption that the terminal is always "foreground"—since at the time the concept was developed, a terminal was a physical device.
Now please also consider that "terminal emulation" may be more pervasive on a contemporary system than you might think: screen and tmux on a Unix-like OS are multiplexing terminal emulators—which may themselves be run in a terminal emulator, and a console window on Windows™ may be considered to be a terminal emulator of sorts as well.
So, "resorting to APIs" have several technical problems:
Terminal emulation tries to actually decouple the program which uses this facility from being aware of how the facility is actually provided.
To put it simple, there's, say, no easy way on X Window System, to know what window is used by the terminal emulator running your program.
You'd need to cover diverse set of APIs in order for your program to still be useful: X Window System on Unix-like systems, Mac OS, Windows™. And contemporary GUI stacks running on Linux tend to be switching to Wayland instead of X.
In certain cases, like running a program in a "nested" terminal emulation sessions (for example, a pane in a "window" of a tmux running in xterm), figuring out such facts about the environment might be next to impossible.
And still the crucial problem is that if your program really needs to know whether it's focused or not, it actually wants to be aware about the concepts currently hardly accessible to it. I mean, it wants to be GUI. And if so, just make it GUI.
In fact, it may be simpler than you think. The core of your program might still be a CLI app with a thin GUI wrapper around it which uses any sort of IPC to talk with the app (which might be two-way, if needed).
The simplest is to write some (usually line-wise) data to the program's standard input.

Hook all new processes and command line arguments in Windows

I wish to know what tools my IDE runs and what command line arguments it uses.
Is there such tool that will provide such information?
I can make an app that will save all processes every second or even faster but I'm still not sure that it will hook everything. There must be some tool already that will do that work much better. Like hooking OS calls for WinExec or CreateProcess(Ex).
Sysinternals Process Monitor can log process events, among other things. It works by monitoring Native API calls, so it'll work regardless of which library function programs use.

emacs daemon server doesn't start on os x startup

I wrote an "emacsinit" file like
/usr/local/Cellar/emacs/24.1/ --daemon
and drag the file "emacsinit" into the "Login Items".
But it doesn't seem to work. The server doesn't start after system start.
How can I deal with it?
The Login Items scheme likely expects that the launched apps are full app bundles, not just individual shell scripts.
A tool called Platypus can be used to wrap your shell script up as a full application.
Another option is to create an OS X per-user launchd item for Emacs, which is easy if you use an app called Lingon. (Older Lingon versions were free, and will also do the trick.)
For what it's worth, I get all the same advantages with less work by starting the regular Emacs app and then activating the server with the following code:
(require 'server)
(unless (server-running-p)
After that, I can create new text and graphical frames freely using emacsclient.

Windows service porting to linux

I am porting an application which runs as a background service in windows at startup, we are porting the application to linux(SUSE Enterprise server), I'am completely new to linux. Can somebody help me on how to proceed with this. Like
Should I build the linux executable
After builiding the binary, what changes should I make to linux startup files to run this executable
How my service can register call back function to modify or change or send commands to my service while it is running
Yes, you should build a Linux binary. You may want to rephrase your question since I doubt this is the answer you want :-)
You should generally create what is known as an "init" file, which lives in /etc/init.d. Novell has a guide online which you can use to author the file. Note that while the init file is common, the exact method of letting the operating system use it varies depending on the distribution.
This is going to be a marked change for you. If you are doing simple actions such as re-loading a configuration file, you can use the signals functionality, especially the SIGHUP/HUP signal which is generally used for this purpose. If you require extended communication with your daemon, you can use a UNIX domain socket (think of it as a named pipe) or a network socket.
Another task you are going to need to accomplish is to daemonize your application. Generally this is done by first fork()ing your process, then redirecting the stdin/stdout pipes in the child. There are more details which can be answered by reading this document
See how-to-migrate-a-net-windows-service-application-to-linux-using-mono.
Under Linux, deamons are simple background processes. No special control methods (e.g start(), stop()) are used as in Windows. Build your service as a simple (console) application, and run it in the background. You can use a tool like daemonize to run a program as a Unix daemon.
