What is the name of the reduce operator on lists in ATS? - ats

Say I want to sum up the integers in a list. I can do this by applying the reduce operator on the list with the initial value 0 and the addition function. What is the name of the reduce operator in ATS?

The name 'reduce' is a bit ambiguous. It could mean either reduceLeft or reduceRight. In ATS, 'reduce' is called 'fold'. There are 'foldleft' and 'foldright', where the former is tail-recursive but the latter is not. For instance, sumup can be implemented as follows:
sumup(xs: list0(int)): int =
(xs).foldleft(TYPE{int})(0, lam(r, x) => r+x)
// If dot-notation is to be spared, please write:
sumup(xs: list0(int)): int =
list0_foldleft<int><int>(xs, 0, lam(r, x) => r+x)
One can also use foldright:
sumup(xs: list0(int)): int =
(xs).foldright(TYPE{int})(lam(r, x) => r+x, 0)
but this version of sumup can potentially cause stack overflow if xs is a very long list (e.g., containing 1 million elements).


design a recursive algorithm that find the minimum of an array

I was thinking about a recursive algorithm (it's a theoretical question, so it's not important the programming language). It consists of finding the minimum of a set of numbers
I was thinking of this way: let "n" be the number of elements in the set. let's rearrange the set as:
(a, (b, c, ..., z) ).
the function moves from left to right, and the first element is assumed as minimum in the first phase (it's, of course, the 0-th element, a). next steps are defined as follows:
(a, min(b, c, ..., z) ), check if a is still minimum, or if b is to be assumed as minimum, then (a or b, min(c, d, ..., z) ), another check condition, (a or b or c, min(d, e, ..., z)), check condition, etc.
I think the theoretical pseudocode may be as follows:
f(x) {
// base case
if I've reached the last element, assume it's a possible minimum, and check if y < z. then return a value to stop recursive calls.
// inductive steps
if ( f(i-th element) < f(i+1, next element) ) {
/* just assume the current element is the current minimum */
I'm having trouble with the base case. I don't know how to formalize it. I think I've understood the basic idea about it: it's basically what I've written in the pseudocode, right?
does what I've written so far make sense? Sorry if it's not clear but I'm a beginner, and I'm studying recursion for the first time, and I personally find it confusing. So, I've tried my best to explain it. If it's not clear, let me know, and I'll try to explain it better with different words.
Recursive problems can be hard to visualize. Let's take an example : arr = [3,5,1,6]
This is a relatively small array but still it's not easy to visualize how recursion will work here from start to end.
Tip : Try to reduce the size of the input. This will make it easy to visualize and help you with finding the base case. First decide what our function should do. In our case it finds the minimum number from an array. If our function works for array of size n then it should also work for array of size n-1 (Recursive leap of faith). Now using this we can reduce the size of input until we cannot reduce it any further, which should give us our base case.
Let's use the above example: arr = [3,5,1,6]
Let create a function findMin(arr, start) which takes an array and a start index and returns the minimum number from start index to end of array.
1st Iteration : [3,5,1,6]
// arr[start] = 3, If we can somehow find minimum from the remaining array,
// then we can compare it with current element and return the minimum of the two.
// so our input is now reduced to the remaining array [5,1,6]
2nd Iteration : [5,1,6]
// arr[start] = 5, If we can somehow find minimum from the remaining array,
// then we can compare it with current element and return the minimum of the two.
// so our input is now reduced to the remaining array [1,6]
3rd Iteration : [1,6]
// arr[start] = 1, If we can somehow find minimum from the remaining array,
// then we can compare it with current element and return the minimum of the two.
// so our input is now reduced to the remaining array [6]
4th Iteration : [6]
// arr[start] = 6, Since it is the only element in the array, it is the minimum.
// This is our base case as we cannot reduce the input any further.
// We will simply return 6.
------------ Tracking Back ------------
3rd Iteration : [1,6]
// 1 will be compared with whatever the 4th Iteration returned (6 in this case).
// This iteration will return minimum(1, 4th Iteration) => minimum(1,6) => 1
2nd Iteration : [5,1,6]
// 5 will be compared with whatever the 3th Iteration returned (1 in this case).
// This iteration will return minimum(5, 3rd Iteration) => minimum(5,1) => 1
1st Iteration : [3,5,1,6]
// 3 will be compared with whatever the 2nd Iteration returned (1 in this case).
// This iteration will return minimum(3, 2nd Iteration) => minimum(3,1) => 1
Final answer = 1
function findMin(arr, start) {
if (start === arr.length - 1) return arr[start];
return Math.min(arr[start], findMin(arr, start + 1));
const arr = [3, 5, 1, 6];
const min = findMin(arr, 0);
console.log('Minimum element = ', min);
This is a good problem for practicing recursion for beginners. You can also try these problems for practice.
Reverse a string using recursion.
Reverse a stack using recursion.
Sort a stack using recursion.
To me, it's more like this:
int f(int[] x)
var minimum = head of X;
if (x has tail)
var remainder = f(tail of x);
if (remainder < minimum)
minimum = remainder;
return minimum;
You have the right idea.
You've correctly observed that
min_recursive(array) = min(array[0], min_recursive(array[1:]))
The function doesn't care about who's calling it or what's going on outside of it -- it just needs to return the minimum of the array passed in. The base case is when the array has a single value. That value is the minimum of the array so it should just return it. Otherwise find the minimum of the rest of the array by calling itself again and compare the result with the head of the array.
The other answers show some coding examples.
This is a recursive solution to the problem that you posed, using JavaScript:
a = [5,12,3,5,34,12]
const min = a => {
if (!a.length) { return 0 }
if (a.length === 1) { return a[0] }
return Math.min(a[0], min(a.slice(1)))
Note the approach which is to first detect the simplest case (empty array), then a more complex case (single element array), then finally a recursive call which will reduce more complex cases to functions of simpler ones.
However, you don't need recursion to traverse a one dimensional array.

What are the trade offs while moving to functional programming?

Non-Functional way:
arr = [1, 2, 3] becomes arr = [1, 5, 3] . Here we change same array.
This is discouraged in functional programming. I know that since computers are becoming faster and faster every day and there is more memory to store, functional programming seems more feasible for better readability and clean code.
Functional way:
arr = [1, 2, 3] isn't changed arr2 = [1, 5, 3]. I see a general trend that we use more memory and time to just change one variable.
Here, we doubled our memory and the time complexity changed from O(1) to O(n).
This might be costly for bigger algorithms. Where is this compensated? Or since we can afford for costlier calculations (like when Quantum computing becomes mainstream), do we just trade speed off for readability?
Functional data structures don't necessarily take up a lot more space or require more processing time. The important aspect here is that purely functional data structures are immutable, but that doesn't mean you always make a complete copy of something. In fact, the immutability is precisely the key to working efficiently.
I'll provide as an example a simple list. Suppose we have the following list:
The head of the list is element 1. The tail of the list is (2, 3). Suppose this list is entirely immutable.
Now, we want to add an element at the start of that list. Our new list must look like this:
You can't change the existing list, it is immutable. So, we have to make a new one, right? However, note how the tail of our new list is (1, 2 ,3). That's identical to the old list. So, you can just re-use that. The new list is simply the element 0 with a pointer to the start of the old list as its tail. Here's the new list with various parts highlighted:
If our lists were mutable, this would not be safe. If you changed something in the old list (for example, replacing element 2 with a different one) the change would reflect in the new list as well. That's exactly where the danger is in mutability: concurrent access on data structures needs to be synchronized to avoid unpredictable results, and changes can have unintended side-effects. But, because that can't happen with immutable data structures, it's safe to re-use part of another structure in a new one. Sometimes you want changes in one thing to reflect in another; for example, when you remove an entry in the key set of a Map in Java, you want the mapping itself to be removed too. But in other situations mutability leads to trouble (the infamous Calendar class in Java).
So how can this work, if you can't change the data structure itself? How do you make a new list? Remember that if we're working purely functionally, we move away from the classical data structures with changeable pointers, and instead evaluate functions.
In functional languages, making lists is done with the cons function. cons makes a "cell" of two elements. If you want to make a list with only one element, the second one is nil. So a list with only one 3 element is:
(cons 3 nil)
If the above is a function and you ask what its head is, you get 3. Ask for the tail, you get nil. Now, the tail itself can be a function, like cons.
Our first list then is expressed as such:
(cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 nil)))
Ask the head of the above function and you get 1. Ask for the tail and you get (cons 2 (cons 3 nil)).
If we want to append 0 in the front, you just make a new function that evaluates to cons with 0 as head and the above as tail.
(cons 0 (cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 nil))))
Since the functions we make are immutable, our lists become immutable. Things like adding elements is a matter of making a new function that calls the old one in the right place. Traversing a list in the imperative and object-oriented way is going through pointers to get from one element to another. Traversing a list in the functional way is evaluating functions.
I like to think of data structures as this: a data structure is basically storing the result of running some algorithm in memory. It "caches" the result of computation, so we don't have to do the computation every time. Purely functional data structures model the computation itself via functions.
This in fact means that it can be quite memory efficient because a lot of data copying can be avoided. And with an increasing focus on parallelization in processing, immutable data structures can be very useful.
Given the additional questions in the comments, I'll add a bit to the above to the best of my abilities.
What about my example? Is it something like cons(1 fn) and that function can be cons(2 fn2) where fn2 is cons(3 nil) and in some other case cons(5 fn2)?
The cons function is best compared to a single-linked list. As you might imagine, if you're given a list composed of cons cells, what you're getting is the head and thus random access to some index isn't possible. In your array you can just call arr[1] and get the second item (since it's 0-indexed) in the array, in constant time. If you state something like val list = (cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 nil))) you can't just ask the second item without traversing it, because list is now actually a function you evaluate. So access requires linear time, and access to the last element will take longer than access to the head element. Also, given that it's equivalent to a single-linked list, traversal can only be in one direction. So the behavior and performance is more like that of a single-linked list than of, say, an arraylist or array.
Purely functional data structures don't necessarily provide better performance for some operations such as indexed access. A "classic" data structure may have O(1) for some operation where a functional one may have O(log n) for the same one. That's a trade-off; functional data structures aren't a silver bullet, just like object-orientation wasn't. You use them where they make sense. If you're always going to traverse a whole list or part of it and want to be capable of safe parallel access, a structure composed of cons cells works perfectly fine. In functional programming, you'd often traverse a structure using recursive calls where in imperative programming you'd use a for loop.
There are of course many other functional data structures, some of which come much closer to modeling an array that allows random access and updates. But they're typically a lot more complex than the simple example above. There's of course advantages: parallel computation can be trivially easy thanks to immutability; memoization allows us to cache the results of function calls based on inputs since a purely functional approach always yields the same result for the same input.
What are we actually storing underneath? If we need to traverse a list, we need a mechanism to point to next elements right? or If I think a bit, I feel like it is irrelevant question to traverse a list since whenever a list is required it should probably be reconstructed everytime?
We store data structures containing functions. What is a cons? A simple structure consisting of two elements: a head and tail. It's just pointers underneath. In an object-oriented language like Java, you could model it as a class Cons that contains two final fields head and tail assigned on construction (immutable) and has corresponding methods to fetch these. This in a LISP variant
(cons 1 (cons 2 nil))
would be equivalent to
new Cons(1, new Cons(2, null))
in Java.
The big difference in functional languages is that functions are first-class types. They can be passed around and assigned to variables just like object references. You can compose functions. I could just as easily do this in a functional language
val list = (cons 1 (max 2 3))
and if I ask list.head I get 1, if I ask list.tail I get (max 2 3) and evaluating that just gives me 3. You compose functions. Think of it as modeling behavior instead of data. Which brings us to
Could you elaborate "Purely functional data structures model the computation itself via functions."?
Calling list.tail on our above list returns something that can be evaluated and then returns a value. In other words, it returns a function. If I call list.tail in that example it returns (max 2 3), clearly a function. Evaluating it yields 3 as that's the highest number of the arguments. In this example
(cons 1 (cons 2 nil))
calling tail evaluates to a new cons (the (cons 2 nil) one) which in turn can be used.
Suppose we want a sum of all the elements in our list. In Java, before the introduction of lambdas, if you had an array int[] array = new int[] {1, 2, 3} you'd do something like
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; ++i) {
sum += array[i];
In a functional language it would be something like (simplified pseudo-code)
(define sum (arg)
(eq arg nil
(+ arg.head (sum arg.tail))
This uses prefix notation like we've used with our cons so far. So a + b is written as (+ a b). define lets us define a function, with as arguments the name (sum), a list of arguments for the function ((arg)), and then the actual function body (the rest).
The function body consists of an eq function which we'll define as comparing its first two arguments (arg and nil) and if they're equal it evaluates to its next argument ((0) in this case), otherwise to the argument after that (the sum). So think of it as (eq arg1 arg2 true false) with true and false whatever you want (a value, a function...).
The recursion bit then comes in the sum (+ arg.head (sum arg.tail)). We're stating that we take the addition of the head of the argument with a recursive call to the sum function itself on the tail. Suppose we do this:
val list = (cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 nil)))
(sum list)
Mentally step through what that last line would do to see how it evaluates to the sum of all the elements in list.
Note, now, how sum is a function. In the Java example we had some data structure and then iterated over it, performing access on it, to create our sum. In the functional example the evaluation is the computation. A useful aspect of this is that sum as a function could be passed around and evaluated only when it's actually needed. That is lazy evaluation.
Another example of how data structures and algorithms are actually the same thing in a different form. Take a set. A set can contain only one instance of an element, for some definition of equality of elements. For something like integers it's simple; if they are the same value (like 1 == 1) they're equal. For objects, however, we typically have some equality check (like equals() in Java). So how can you know whether a set already contains an element? You go over each element in the set and check if it is equal to the one you're looking for.
A hash set, however, computes some hash function for each element and places elements with the same hash in a corresponding bucket. For a good hash function there will rarely be more than one element in a bucket. If you now provide some element and want to check if it's in the set, the actions are:
Get the hash of the provided element (typically takes constant time).
Find the hash bucket in the set for that hash (again should take constant time).
Check if there's an element in that bucket which is equal to the given element.
The requirement is that two equal elements must have the same hash.
So now you can check if something is in the set in constant time. The reason being that our data structure itself has stored some computation information: the hashes. If you store each element in a bucket corresponding to its hash, we have put some computation result in the data structure itself. This saves time later if we want to check whether the set contains an element. In that way, data structures are actually computations frozen in memory. Instead of doing the entire computation every time, we've done some work up-front and re-use those results.
When you think of data structures and algorithms as being analogous in this way, it becomes clearer how functions can model the same thing.
Make sure to check out the classic book "Structure and Interpetation of Computer Programs" (often abbreviated as SICP). It'll give you a lot more insight. You can read it for free here: https://mitpress.mit.edu/sicp/full-text/book/book.html
This is a really broad question with a lot of room for opinionated answers, but G_H provides a really nice breakdown of some of the differences
Could you elaborate "Purely functional data structures model the computation itself via functions."?
This is one of my favourite topics, so I'm happy to share an example in JavaScript because it will allow you to run the code here in the browser and see the answer for yourself
Below you will see a linked list implemented using functions. I use a couple Numbers for example data and I use a String so that I can log something to the console for you to see, but other that that, it's just functions – no fancy objects, no arrays, no other custom stuff.
const cons = (x,y) => f => f(x,y)
const head = f => f((x,y) => x)
const tail = f => f((x,y) => y)
const nil = () => {}
const isEmpty = x => x === nil
const comp = f => g => x => f(g(x))
const reduce = f => y => xs =>
isEmpty(xs) ? y : reduce (f) (f (y,head(xs))) (tail(xs))
const reverse = xs =>
reduce ((acc,x) => cons(x,acc)) (nil) (xs)
const map = f =>
comp (reverse) (reduce ((acc, x) => (cons(f(x), acc))) (nil))
// this function is required so we can visualise the data
// it effectively converts a linked-list of functions to readable strings
const list2str = xs =>
isEmpty(xs) ? 'nil' : `(${head(xs)} . ${list2str(tail(xs))})`
// example input data
const xs = cons(1, cons(2, cons(3, cons(4, nil))))
// example derived data
const ys = map (x => x * x) (xs)
// (1 . (2 . (3 . (4 . nil))))
// (1 . (4 . (9 . (16 . nil))))
Of course this isn't of practical use in real-world JavaScript, but that's beside the point. It's just showing you how functions alone could be used to represent complex data structures.
Here's another example of implementing rational numbers using nothing but functions and numbers – again, we're only using strings so we can convert the functional structure to a visual representation we can understand in the console - this exact scenario is examine thoroughly in the SICP book that G_H mentions
We even implement our higher-order data rat using cons. This shows how functional data structures can easily be made up of (composed of) other functional data structures
const cons = (x,y) => f => f(x,y)
const head = f => f((x,y) => x)
const tail = f => f((x,y) => y)
const mod = y => x =>
y > x ? x : mod (y) (x - y)
const gcd = (x,y) =>
y === 0 ? x : gcd(y, mod (y) (x))
const rat = (n,d) =>
(g => cons(n/g, d/g)) (gcd(n,d))
const numer = head
const denom = tail
const ratAdd = (x,y) =>
rat(numer(x) * denom(y) + numer(y) * denom(x),
denom(x) * denom(y))
const rat2str = r => `${numer(r)}/${denom(r)}`
// example complex data
let x = rat(1,2)
let y = rat(1,4)
console.log(rat2str(x)) // 1/2
console.log(rat2str(y)) // 1/4
console.log(rat2str(ratAdd(x,y))) // 3/4

Hash function required for custom data structure containing 12 integers

I have a custom structure that holds 12 integer values, x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4,x5,y5,x6,y6.
The range of the numbers is between 1 and 5 inclusive and every structure is guaranteed to have different combinations i.e NO two structures can have all the values of x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4,x5,y5,x6,y6 same as the respective values of other.
I need a good hash function to perform O(1) operations.
The requirement is to find out a structure with specific x1,y1....x6,y6 values
Right now I am using the following:-
struct Hash_6
size_t operator () ( const Node& n ) const
int result=17;
return result;
I want to know if there is any better more efficient hash function out there which I could use for this specific case.
If the values are always between one and five inclusive, then you can get a unique hash within a 32-bit value.
That's because five (the values) to the power of twelve (the number of variables) is 244,140,625, a value that can be represented in 28 bits.
Hence you hash function becomes (pseudo-code):
def hasher(s):
res = s.x1 - 1
for val in s.x2, s.x3, s.x4, s.x5, s.x6 s.y1, s.y2, s.y3, s.y4, s.y5, s.y6:
res = res * 5 + val - 1;
return res
With your constraints, you get a unique value out of that hash function.
If you wanted to use that hash for bucket selection (such as used in a set or dictionary), you would probably want to reduce it with a modulus to a more suitable value (introducing collisions as part of the process).
But it's unclear whether you're needing a hash for identification (leave as is) or bucketing (reduce it). If the latter, and values are reasonably evenly distributed, that would be along the lines of:
bucket_to_use = hasher(item) modulo num_buckets

reflexive hash?

Is there a class of hash algorithms, whether theoretical or practical, such that an algo in the class might be considered 'reflexive' according a definition given below:
hash1 = algo1 ( "input text 1" )
hash1 = algo1 ( "input text 1" + hash1 )
The + operator might be concatenation or any other specified operation to combine the output (hash1) back into the input ("input text 1") so that the algorithm (algo1) will produce exactly the same result. i.e. collision on input and input+output.
The + operator must combine the entirety of both inputs and the algo may not discard part of the input.
The algorithm must produce 128 bits of entropy in the output.
It may, but need not, be cryptographically hard to reverse the output back to one or both possible inputs.
I am not a mathematician, but a good answer might include a proof of why such a class of algorithms cannot exist. This is not an abstract question, however. I am genuinely interested in using such an algorithm in my system, if one does exist.
Sure, here's a trivial one:
def algo1(input):
sum = 0
for i in input:
sum += ord(i)
return chr(sum % 256) + chr(-sum % 256)
Concatenate the result and the "hash" doesn't change. It's pretty easy to come up with something similar when you can reverse the hash.
Yes, you can get this effect with a CRC.
What you need to do is:
Implement an algorithm that will find a sequence of N input bits leading from one given state (of the N-bit CRC accumulator) to another.
Compute the CRC of your input in the normal way. Note the final state (call it A)
Using the function implemented in (1), find a sequence of bits that lead from A to A. This sequence is your hash code. You can now append it to the input.
[Initial state] >- input string -> [A] >- hash -> [A] ...
Here is one way to find the hash. (Note: there is an error in the numbers in the CRC32 example, but the algorithm works.)
And here's an implementation in Java. Note: I've used a 32-bit CRC (smaller than the 64 you specify) because that's implemented in the standard library, but with third-party library code you can easily extend it to larger hashes.
public static byte[] hash(byte[] input) {
CRC32 crc = new CRC32();
int reg = ~ (int) crc.getValue();
return delta(reg, reg);
public static void main(String[] args) {
byte[] prefix = "Hello, World!".getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8);
System.err.printf("%s => %s%n", Arrays.toString(prefix), Arrays.toString(hash(prefix)));
byte[] suffix = hash(prefix);
byte[] combined = ArrayUtils.addAll(prefix, suffix);
System.err.printf("%s => %s%n", Arrays.toString(combined), Arrays.toString(hash(combined)));
private static byte[] delta(int from, int to) {
ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(8);
for (int i = 8; i-- > 4;) {
int e = CRCINVINDEX[buf.get(i) & 0xff];
buf.putInt(i - 3, buf.getInt(i - 3) ^ CRC32TAB[e]);
buf.put(i - 4, (byte) (e ^ buf.get(i - 4)));
return Arrays.copyOfRange(buf.array(), 0, 4);
private static final int[] CRC32TAB = new int[0x100];
private static final int[] CRCINVINDEX = new int[0x100];
static {
CRC32 crc = new CRC32();
for (int b = 0; b < 0x100; ++ b) {
CRC32TAB[b] = 0xFF000000 ^ (int) crc.getValue();
CRCINVINDEX[CRC32TAB[b] >>> 24] = b;
Building on ephemiat's answer, I think you can do something like this:
Pick your favorite symmetric key block cipher (e.g.: AES) . For concreteness, let's say that it operates on 128-bit blocks. For a given key K, denote the encryption function and decryption function by Enc(K, block) and Dec(K, block), respectively, so that block = Dec(K, Enc(K, block)) = Enc(K, Dec(K, block)).
Divide your input into an array of 128-bit blocks (padding as necessary). You can either choose a fixed key K or make it part of the input to the hash. In the following, we'll assume that it's fixed.
def hash(input):
state = arbitrary 128-bit initialization vector
for i = 1 to len(input) do
state = state ^ Enc(K, input[i])
return concatenate(state, Dec(K, state))
This function returns a 256-bit hash. It should be not too hard to verify that it satisfies the "reflexivity" condition with one caveat -- the inputs must be padded to a whole number of 128-bit blocks before the hash is adjoined. In other words, instead of hash(input) = hash(input + hash(input)) as originally specified, we have hash(input) = hash(input' + hash(input)) where input' is just the padded input. I hope this isn't too onerous.
Well, I can tell you that you won't get a proof of nonexistence. Here's an example:
operator+(a,b): compute a 64-bit hash of a, a 64-bit hash of b, and concatenate the bitstrings, returning an 128-bit hash.
algo1: for some 128-bit value, ignore the last 64 bits and compute some hash of the first 64.
Informally, any algo1 that yields the first operator to + as its first step will do. Maybe not as interesting a class as you were looking for, but it fits the bill. And it's not without real-world instances either. Lots of password hashing algorithms truncate their input.
I'm pretty sure that such a "reflexive hash" function (if it did exist in more than the trivial sense) would not be a useful hash function in the normal sense.
For an example of a "trivial" reflexive hash function:
int hash(Object obj) { return 0; }

Using min/maximum values of a type when finding the min/maximum values in a set

Originally, I had basically written an essay with a question at the end, so I'm going to cram it down to this: which is better (being really nit-picky here)?
int min = someArray[0][0];
for (int i = 0; i < someArray.length; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < someArray[i].length; j++)
min = Math.min(min, someArray[i][j]);
int min = int.MAX_VALUE;
for (int i = 0; i < someArray.length; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < someArray[i].length; j++)
min = Math.min(min, someArray[i][j]);
I reckon b is faster, saving an instruction or two by initializing min to a constant value instead of using the indexer. It also feels less redundant - no comparing someArray[0][0] to itself...
As an algorithm, which is better/valid-er.
EDIT: Assume that the array is not null and not empty.
EDIT2: Fixed a couple of careless errors.
Both of these algorithms are correct (assuming, of course, the array is nonempty). I think that version A works more generally, since for some types (strings, in particular) there may not be a well-defined maximum value.
The reason that these algorithms are equivalent has to do with a cool mathematical object called a semilattice. To motivate semilattices, there are few cool properties of max that happen to hold true:
max is idempotent, so applying it to the same value twice gives back that original value: max(x, x) = x
max is commutative, so it doesn't matter what order you apply it to its arguments: max(x, y) = max(y, x)
max is associative, so when taking the maximum of three or more values it doesn't matter how you group the elements: max(max(x, y), z) = max(x, max(y, z))
These laws also hold for the minimum as well, as well as many other structures. For example, if you have a tree structure, the "least upper bound" operator also satisfies these constraints. Similarly, if you have a collection of sets and set union or intersection, you'd find that these constraints hold as well.
If you have a set of elements (for example, integers, strings, etc.) and some binary operator defined over them with the above three properties (idempotency, commutativity, and associativity), then you have found a structure called a semilattice. The binary operator is then called a meet operator (or sometimes a join operator depending on the context).
The reason that semilattices are useful is that if you have a (finite) collection of elements drawn from a semilattice and want to compute their meet, you can do so by using a loop like this:
Element e = data[0];
for (i in data[1 .. n])
e = meet(e, data[i])
The reason that this works is that because the meet operator is commutative and associative, we can apply the meet across the elements in any order that we want. Applying it one element at a time as we walk across the elements of the array in order thus produces the same value than if we had shuffled the array elements first, or iterated in reverse order, etc. In your case, the meet operator was "max" or "min," and since they satisfy the laws for meet operators described above the above code will correctly compute the max or min.
To address your initial question, we need a bit more terminology. You were curious about whether or not it was better or safer to initialize your initial guess of the minimum value to be the maximum possible integer. The reason this works is that we have the cool property that
min(int.MAX_VALUE, x) = min(x, int.MAX_VALUE) = x
In other words, if you compute the meet of int.MAX_VALUE and any other value, you get the second value back. In mathematical terms, this is because int.MAX_VALUE is the top element of the meet semilattice. More formally, a top element for a meet semilattice is an element (denoted &top;) satisfying
meet(&top;, x) = meet(x, &top;) = x
If you use max instead of min, then the top element would be int.MIN_VALUE, since
max(int.MIN_VALUE, x) = max(x, int.MIN_VALUE) = x
Because applying the meet operator to &top; and any other element produces that other element, if you have a meet semilattice with a well-defined top element, you can rewrite the above code to compute the meet of all the elements as
Element e = Element.TOP;
for (i in data[0 .. n])
e = meet(e, data[i])
This works because after the first iteration, e is set to meet(e, data[0]) = meet(Element.TOP, data[0]) = data[0] and the iteration proceeds as usual. Consequently, in your original question, it doesn't matter which of the two loops you use; as long as there is at least one element defined, they produce the same value.
That said, not all semilattices have a top element. Consider, for example, the set of all strings where the meet operator is defined as
meet(x, y) = x if x lexicographically precedes y
= y otherwise
For example, meet("a", "ab") = "a", meet("dog, "cat") = "cat", etc. In this case, there is no string s that satisfies the property meet(s, x) = meet(x, s) = x, and so the semilattice has no top element. In that case, you cannot possibly use the second version of the code, because there is no top element that you can initialize the initial value to.
However, there is a very cute technique you can use to fake this, which actually does end up getting used a bit in practice. Given a semilattice with no top element, you can create a new semilattice that does have a top element by introducing a new element &top; and arbitrarily defining that meet(&top;, x) = meet(x, &top;) = x. In other words, this element is specially crafted to be a top element and has no significance otherwise.
In code, you can introduce an element like this implicitly by writing
bool found = false;
Element e;
for (i in data[0 .. n]) {
if (!found) {
found = true;
e = i;
} else {
e = meet(e, i);
This code works by having an external boolean found keep track of whether or not we have seen the first element yet. If we haven't, then we pretend that the element e is this new top element. Computing the meet of this top element and the array element produces the array element, and so we can just set the element e to be equal to that array element.
Hope this helps! Sorry if this is too theoretical... I just happen to like math. :-)
B is better; if someArray happened to be empty, you'd get a runtime error; But A and B both could have an issue, because if someArray is null (and this wasn't checked in previous lines of code), both A and B will throw exceptions.
From a practical standpoint, I like option A marginally better because if the data type being dealt with changes in the future, changing the initial value is one less thing that needs to be updated (and therefore, one less thing that can go wrong).
From an algorithmic purity standpoint, I have no idea if one is better than the other.
By the way, option A should have its initialization like so:
int min = someArray[0][0];
