I'm trying to edit Google Webmasters site settings (set targeting country), but as far as I know v3 doesn't allow to do this, so I'm using v2.
However, I get 401 Unauthorized response for all the Webmaster Tools v2 endpoints. Here are steps I have performed:
Visit Google OAuth 2.0 Playground
Picked Webmaster tools v2
Authorized this API and exchanged authorization code for tokens. (After that I got a message "The access token will expire in 3599 seconds.")
Then hit "List possible operations" and chosen "List sites"
Finally, clicked "Send the request" and got 401
I did it several times I all the time I got the same result.
What is the reason of such behavior? Is Google Webmaster Tools v2 deprecated?
Yes its deprecated. I cant find an official deprecation but all the documentation on V2 just links to v3. Which is probably why I cant find the official deprecation date. Google normally gives you a year to move once they deprecate something.
I found a comment from Google dated 11/20/15 stating
Version 2 is on it's way to be completely deprecated, so I would move
away from it. Whatever still works and breaks, likely will not be
Time to move to v3
I am currently building a NodeJS backend app that is querying the Google Calendar API. I have setup a new project on Google Cloud API platform and have generated all the required credentials. As stated by the google calendar API page, the allowed queries per day is 1,000,000. Since I am only querying for testing purposes at the moment, I am sure that I haven't even hit a 100. Yet whenever I try to query the API it returns the error:
"The API returned an error: Error: Daily Limit for Unauthenticated Use Exceeded. Continued use requires signup."
Also I have noticed that the dev console has generated a API key for me. Where am I supposed to put that?
My initial thinking is that Google API requires me to perform an additional signup using some CLI tools or something along those lines to signup. If not, where am I supposed to sign up?
Thanks in advance.
Note: I already have all the information from the cloud platform such as client_id, client_secret, project_id.
In "Error: Daily Limit for Unauthenticated Use Exceeded", they key word is Unauthenticated. Your request to the Calendar API is missing an OAuth Access Token. You will need to research Google OAuth.
This question has been answered many times. Please learn how to search SO for similar questions whenever you post a new question. https://stackoverflow.com/search?q=google+oauth+%22daily+limit+for+unauthenticated%22
To anyone who comes across this post in the future. I fixed the issue by using the project generated by Google Calendar API site (https://developers.google.com/calendar/quickstart/nodejs) by clicked the big blue "Enable the google calendar api" and then changing the name of the quickstart project that was generated. I don't know why it works now but it does and it's been working quite stably so far. Lets see how to goes.
I'm building a Go client service for google analytics reporting v4, but my report calls respond with the 403 error re: unused API, with a link in the err to auth the api.
I'm using the precise same service json, view id, etc in a redash data source though with no problem.
Clearly, the API is authorized.
Are there any other factors at play, perhaps in the go client or a version mismatch (redash using v3, vs go using v4)?
Worth noting:
when I go through the motions to authorize the api, even if i try to auth-cycle it (turn it off and on), console.google gives me a ui error re: blank referrals are ignored.
the acct and project are definitely linked correctly (per the auth link taking me to right project id)
I think I found it, and it sort of comes down to a version mismatch: I found a new API in the console named "Google Analytics Reporting API" for v4, which is not "Analytics API" that I'd been using.
It's a little confusing because I was trusting the auth link in the error message, which took me to the already-authorized v3 API. At the same time, I feel like this would have been a non-issue if I'd read the migration docs more closely.
Google is currently sending out a mass email that looks like this:
Dear Webmaster,
You are receiving this email because you are registered as a website administrator using reCAPTCHA, and your website is still using reCAPTCHA v1, which will be turned off on March 31, 2018.
We announced the reCAPTCHA v1 deprecation in May 2016. Starting in November 2017, a small percentage of reCAPTCHA v1 traffic will begin to show a notice informing users that the old API will soon be retired. Any calls to the v1 API will not work after March 31, 2018.
To ensure continued functionality, you’ll need to update your website to a current version of reCAPTCHA. You can learn more about reCAPTCHA v2, Invisible reCAPTCHA and reCAPTCHA Android API in our Developer’s Guide. The new APIs are simple to implement and will streamline the captcha experience for your users. If you need help, you can engage in the reCAPTCHA Google Developer Group or post to Stack Overflow with the ‘recaptcha’ tag.
We hope that your upgrade will be seamless, and we’re confident you’ll be happy with the results.
Thank you,
reCAPTCHA Support
For those of who have built dozens (or hundreds) of sites with ReCAPTCHA over the years, is there a simple way to identify which websites are using version 1?
This question has also been asked in the Google Developers ReCAPTCHA group (by someone else) and I will monitor answers there and post them here if they are relevant: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/recaptcha/KRzmHivCtjM
You might have a look at https://www.google.com/recaptcha/admin#list. However for me all of the sites have V2 as Site Type while I got the same email as you. While checking some of the sites I noticed they were actually using reCAPTCHA v1.
One method: Browse each site and look at the very recaptcha itself:
v1 == punch in letters to complete the captcha.
v2 == select images to complete the captcha.
Could be tedious, yes, but should do the job.
I am currently getting "You do not have access to the following domain:" error in Google developer console when attempting to use the "Configure webhook notifications" button for Google API push notifications despite the fact that the very same site / domain is listed as mine in Webmaster Tools and I have access to all of the services there. Any ideas?
I guess you also registered "https://yourdomain.com" in google webmaster tools, because the webhooks require https.
The very same thing is happening to me since about one week. I can add all kinds of domains to the push notification list, even "www.chatgrape.com" but not "chatgrape.com".
I described the problem in the Google Product Forums in detail but nobody was able to help me yet: https://productforums.google.com/forum/#!category-topic/apps/general-discussion/Numad1TlCJ8
Yes I actually found that it would only work if I had the https version of the URL registered in Webmaster tools. However, the reason that I can use an https version is that there are some SSL services included with a free CloudFlare account. This does not include using a signed certificate installed on your server. To use Google push, you need to have a certificate installed and it cannot be self signed.
From the Google API Console: When trying to change the Billable Limits for the project under the Quota page, I keep getting the error: Your input was invalid.
The error message is not very informative, doesn't specify which input was invalid or why it was invalid.
I've experimented with this in IE, Firefox, and Chrome. I've also turned off all other APIs except for Custom Search API (which I'd like to increase the limit for) without any luck.
Has anyone else encountered this problem? how can it be solved?
(response from a Google employee)
This can happen if a "restricted" API is enabled on the project. "Restricted" APIs can only be seen by specifically enabled users. For instance, the Google Maps Javascript API v2 has been marked "restricted" because it was retired in 2013, and no user should see this API anymore (and instead, use v3).
Work is underway to remove the Google Maps Javascript API v2 from all the existing projects. A systemic fix is being worked on (internal Google reference #12001333), but in the meantime, if you see this error, the best workaround is to use a different API project.