How to download a pdf file from storage laravel - laravel-5

I just saw a few tutorials about Laravel storage, but I can't understand how can I create a link for the user to download the actual file that was uploaded.
I managed to upload a pdf file to:
I ran the artisan command: php artisan storage:link
But I can't understand what url I should put in the link for the user to download the file.
I tried:
$path1 = asset('storage/public/ccf/b443e9db8dc05f503ede6e670c34bf92.pdf');
$path2 = storage_path('ccf/b443e9db8dc05f503ede6e670c34bf92.pdf');
$path3 = Storage::url('b443e9db8dc05f503ede6e670c34bf92.pdf');
None work.

This works: $path5 = Storage::url('public/ccf/b443e9db8dc05f503ede6e670c34bf92.pdf');


How can i download the files from s3 bucket to local directory using Laravel

I currently confuse why my exec command for downloading the files from s3 to local directory, not working on laravel, however in AWS command line interface, the command that I created is downloading and working well. please see the reference that I attach below.
I have here my sample code that I created on my public function
public function send_zip_files_to_store() {
$source = 's3://compexp/11-10-2019/';
$destination = 'C:\xampp\htdocs';
exec('aws cp sync ' . $source . ' ' . $destination);

corrupted image files after upload to remote ftp server with laravel

hello guys i'm stuck here trying to figure out why uploaded files are being stored corrupted on ftp server.
this is my input on blade
<input type="file" id="newmidias" name="midias[]" />
this is my array of image on controller after i send using ajax:
here is how I store files to ftp:
ftp_folder is "midias/"
$file_name = 'file.jpg';
Storage::disk('ftp')->put('midias/'.$file_name, $_FILES[26]["name"]);
any help is appeciated. thanks!
it worked for me as following code using fopen in 2nd parameter:
Storage::disk('ftp')->put('midias/'.$file_name, fopen($_FILES[26]["name"]), 'r+');

Laravel 5.5 - Store image to S3

I am currently writing images created by ImageMagick to local storage in a Laravel 5.5 app like this...
$imagick->writeImages(storage_path('app/files/' . $tempfoldername . '_' . $title . '/' . $title . '_page.jpg'), false);
I have now setup an S3 bucket on AWS to store image to instead, how can i modify the above statement to store them in the bucket instead?
I have already set Laravel up with the S3 details and can successfully read and write to the S3 bucket.
Should I do as I am doing and move them afterwards? Or can I do it directly from that imagemagick statement?
Since you're processing the image using image magick, You have 2 options:
First option
Store the image in the local folder, then upload, then unlink
Storage::disk('s3')->put($title . '_page.jpg', new File($filePath));
Or add the image directly to s3 using the following
Storage::disk('s3')->put($title . '_page.jpg', $imagick->getImageBlob());

laravel 5 cant save image

When trying to save an image on my server, in my laravel 5 project with intervention image class, with the following code :
$pathFull = public_path('images/original/brand/' . $filename);
$img = Image::make($image->getRealPath());
I get the error:
NotWritableException in Image.php line 138:
Can't write image data to path
So ive changed permission on the folder (that already exists) with:
sudo chmod -R 775 /var/www/
Ive checked the permissions they are 775 so that command works. I tried it localy (xampp) and it worked fine and the driectory paths are fine. I keep getting this error only if i use 777 i don't but thats danerous.
What else can I try to keep the server save and not use 777?
Maybe the paths are not the same. Check it out. See the original directory?
$pathFull = public_path('images/brand/thumb/' . $filename);
Can't write image data to path
sudo chmod -R 775 /var/www/
I have made recently a method like yours. It works fine for me. Here it is:
$image = Input::file('image');
$filename = Input::file('image')->getClientOriginalName();
$path = public_path('images/' . Auth::user()->email . '/' . $filename);
$img = Image::make($image->getRealPath());

laravel4.1 can't render template when upload to server

it's weird, when developing localhost, everything works fine, the default page shows.
after upload to server, it just show blank page !
it's driving me crazy !
echo 'outside route';
Route::get('/', function()
echo 'inside route';
return View::make('hello');
both echo works, but View::make('hello') just don't work, views/hello.php is the default file.
You might have to fix your permissions on the remote server, as it might be a cache issue.
1) Run recursive chmod on you storage path (*assuming you already have proper file ownage)
cd /path/to/laravel
chmod -R 755 app/storage
2) Clear cache with Artisan
php artisan cache:clear
3) Refresh page, should work now.
*if you are running the http server as different user (for example you're on Ubuntu and Apache runs as user www-data), you might want to set file ownage for Laravel app files as well
chown -R www-data .
Just a remark about your code example - remember that if you want to use Blade templating engine you have to name your files accordingly. If you want to have a blade template called 'something', you will place your code in app/views/something.blade.php and than reffer to it for example View::make('something').
