Matching words and valid sub-words in elasticseach - elasticsearch

I've been working with ElasticSearch within an existing code base for a few days, so I expect that the answer is easy once I know what I'm doing. I want to extend a search to yield the same results when I search with a compound word, like "eyewitness", or its component words separated by a whitespace, like "eye witness".
For example, I have a catalog of toy cars that includes both "firetruck" toys and "fire truck" toys. I would like to ensure that if someone searched on either of these terms, the results would include both the "firetruck" and the "fire truck" entries.
I attempted to do this at first with the "fuzziness" of a match, hoping that "fire truck" would be considered one transform away from "firetruck", but that does not work: ES fuzziness is per-word and will not add or remove whitespace characters as a valid transformation.
I know that I could do some brute-forcing before generating the query by trying to come up with additional search terms by breaking big words into smaller words and also joining smaller words into bigger words and checking all of them against a dictionary, but that falls apart pretty quickly when "fuzziness" and proper names are part of the task.
It seems like this is exactly the kind of thing that ES should do well, and that I simply don't have the right vocabulary yet for searching for the solution.
Thanks, everyone.

there are two things you could could do:
you could split words into their compounds, i.e. firetruck would be split into two tokens fire and truck, see here
you could use n-grams, i.e. for 4 grams the original firetruck get split into the tokens fire, iret, retr, etru, truc, ruck. In queries, the scoring function helps you ending up with pretty decent results. Check out this.
Always remember to do the same tokenization on both the analysis and the query side.
I would start with the ngrams and if that is not good enough you should go with the compounds and split them yourself - but that's a lot of work depending on the vocabulary you have under consideration.
hope the concepts and the links help, fricke


Minhashing on Strings with K-length

I have a application where I should implement Bloom Filters and Minhashing to find similar items.
I have the Bloom Filter implemented but I need to make sure i understand the Minhashing part to do it:
The aplication generates a number of k-length Strings and stores it in a document, then all of those are inserted in the Bloom.
Where I want to implement the MinHash is by giving the option for the user to insert a String and then compare it and try to find the most similar ones on the document.
Do i have to Shingle all the Strings on the document? The problem is that I can't really find something to help me in theis, all I find is regarding two documents and never one String to a set of Strings.
So: the user enters a string and the application finds the most similar strings within a single document. By "similarity", do you mean something like Levenstein distance (whereby "cat" is deemed similar to "rat" and "cart"), or some other measure? And are you (roughly speaking) looking for similar paragraphs, similar sentences, similar phrases or similar words? These are important considerations.
Also, you say you are comparing one string to a set of strings. What are these strings? Sentences? Paragraphs? If you are sure you don't want to find any similarities spanning multiple paragraphs (or multiple sentences, or what-have-you) then it makes sense to think of the document as multiple separate strings; otherwise, you should think of it as a single long string.
The MinHash algorithm is for comparing many documents to each other, when it's impossible to store all document in memory simultaneously, and individually comparing every document to every other would be an n-squared problem. MinHash overcomes these problems by storing hashes for only some shingles, and it sacrifices some accuracy as a result. You don't need MinHash, as you could simply store every shingle in memory, using, say, 4-character-grams for your shingles. But if you don't expect word orderings to be switched around, you may find the Smith-Waterman algorithm more suitable (see also here).
If you're expecting the user to enter long strings of words, you may get better results basing your shingles on words; so 3-word-grams, for instance, ignoring differences in whitespacing, case and punctuation.
Generating 4-character-grams is simple: "The cat sat on the mat" would yield "The ", "he c", "e ca", " cat", etc. Each of these would be stored in memory, along with the paragraph number it appeared in. When the user enters a search string, that would be shingled in identical manner, and the paragraphs containing the greatest number of shared shingles can be retrieved. For efficiency of comparison, rather than storing the shingles as strings, you can store them as hashes using FNV1a or a similar cheap hash.
Shingles can also be built up from words rather than characters (e.g. "the cat sat", "cat sat on", "sat on the"). This tends to be better with larger pieces of text: say, 30 words or more. I would typically ignore all differences in whitespace, case and punctuation if taking this approach.
If you want to find matches that can span paragraphs as well, it becomes quite a bit more complex, as you have to store the character positions for every shingle and consider many different configurations of possible matches, penalizing them according to how widely scattered their shingles are. That could end up quite complex code, and I would seriously consider just sticking with a Levenstein-based solution such as Smith-Waterman, even if it doesn't deal well with inversions of word order.
I don't think a bloom filter is likely to help you much, though I'm not sure how you're using it. Bloom filters might be useful if your document is highly structured: a limited set of possible strings and you're searching for the existence of one of them. For natural language, though, I doubt it will be very useful.

elasticsearch - breaking english compound words?

I'm looking for a filter in elasticsearch that will let me break english compound words into their constituent parts, so for example for a term like eyewitness, eye witness and eyewitness as queries would both match eyewitness. I noticed the compound word filter, but this requires explicity defining a word list, which I couldn't possibly come up with on my own.
First, you need to ask yourself if you really need to break the compound words. Consider a simpler approach like using "edge n-grams" to hit in the leading or trailing edges. It would have the side effect of loosely hitting on fragments like "ey", but maybe that would be acceptable for your situation.
If you do need to break the compounds, and want to explicitly index the word fragments, the you'll need to get a word list. You can download a list English words, one example is here. The dictionary word list is used to know which fragments of the compound words are actually words themselves. This will add overhead to your indexing, so be sure to test it. An example showing the usage is here.
If your text is German, consider

Lucene performance drop with single character

I am currently using Lucene to search a large amount of documents.
Most commonly it is being searched on the name of the object in the document.
I am using the standardAnalyser with a null list of stop words. This means words like 'and' will be searchable.
The search term looks like this (+keys:bunker +keys:s*)(keys:0x000bunkers*)
the 0x000 is a prefix to make sure that it comes higher up the list of results.
the 'keys' field also contains other information like postcode.
So must match at least one of those.
Now with the background done on with the main problem.
For some reason when I search a term with a single character. Whether it is just 's' or bunker 's' it takes around 1.7 seconds compared to say 'bunk' which will take less than 0.5 seconds.
I have sorting, I have tried it with and without that no difference. I have tried it with and without the prefix.
Just wondering if anyone else has come across anything like this, or will have any inkling of why it would do this.
Thank you.
The most commonly used terms in your index will be the slowest terms to search on.
You're using StandardAnalyzer which does not remove any stop words. Further, it splits words on punctuation, so John's is indexed as two terms John and s. These splits are likely creating a lot of occurrences of s in your index.
The more occurrences of a term in your index, the more work Lucene has to do at search-time. A term like bunk likely occurs much less in your index by orders of magnitude, thus it requires a lot less work to process at search-time.

Search Query Tokenizer

We're trying to add a simple search functionality to our website that lists restaurants. We try to detect the place name, location, and place features from the search string, something like "cheap restaurants near cairo" or "chinese and high-end food in virginia".
What we are doing right now it tokenizing the query and searching in the tables with the least performance cost first (the table of prices (cheap-budget-expensive-high-end) is smaller than the tables of the places list). Is this the right approach ?
I'd say you should build sets of synonyms (e.g. cheap, low budget, etc go into synset:1) and map each token from the search string to one of those groups.
Btw, it will be easy to handle spelling mistakes here since this is genereally a pretty small search space. Edit distance, common k-grams, ... anything should be alright.
In a next step you should build inverted index lists for each of those syn-groups the map to a sorted list of restaurants that can be associated with that property. For each syngroup from a query, get all those lists and simply intersect them.
Words that cannot be mapped to one of those synsets will probably have to be ignored unless you have some sort of fulltexts about the restaurants that you could index as well. In that can you can also buildsuch restaurant lists for "normal" words and intersect them as well. But this would already be quite close to classical search engines and it might be a good idea to use a technology like apache lucence. Without fulltexts I don't think you'd need such a thing because an inverted index of snygroups is really easy to process on your own.
Seems you may be missing how misspelled queries are handled.

How do you Index Files for Fast Searches?

Nowadays, Microsoft and Google will index the files on your hard drive so that you can search their contents quickly.
What I want to know is how do they do this? Can you describe the algorithm?
The simple case is an inverted index.
The most basic algorithm is simply:
scan the file for words, creating a list of unique words
normalize and filter the words
place an entry tying that word to the file in your index
The details are where things get tricky, but the fundamentals are the same.
By "normalize and filter" the words, I mean things like converting everything to lowercase, removing common "stop words" (the, if, in, a etc.), possibly "stemming" (removing common suffixes for verbs and plurals and such).
After that, you've got a unique list of words for the file and you can build your index off of that.
There are optimizations for reducing storage, techniques for checking locality of words (is "this" near "that" in the document, for example).
But, that's the fundamental way it's done.
Here's a really basic description; for more details, you can read this textbook (free online):¹
1). For all files, create an index. The index consists of all unique words that occur in your dataset (called a "corpus"). With each word, a list of document ids is associated; each document id refers to a document that contains the word.
Variations: sometimes when you generate the index you want to ignore stop words ("a", "the", etc). You have to be careful, though ("to be or not to be" is a real query composed of stopwords).
Sometimes you also stem the words. This has more impact on search quality in non-English languages that use suffixes and prefixes to a greater extent.
2) When a user enters a query, look up the corresponding lists, and merge them. If it's a strict boolean query, the process is pretty straightforward -- for AND, a docid has to occur in all the word lists, for OR, in at least one wordlist, etc.
3) If you want to rank your results, there are a number of ways to do that, but the basic idea is to use the frequency with which a word occurs in a document, as compared to the frequency you expect it to occur in any document in the corpus, as a signal that the document is more or less relevant. See textbook.
4) You can also store word positions to infer phrases, etc.
Most of that is irrelevant for desktop search, as you are more interested in recall (all documents that include the term) than ranking.
¹ previously on, accessible via wayback machine
You could always look into something like Apache Lucene.
Apache Lucene is a high-performance, full-featured text search engine library written entirely in Java. It is a technology suitable for nearly any application that requires full-text search, especially cross-platform.
