I do a first simple tkinter tool. It connects via FTP to a server and uploads a file (it's for a restaurant's menucard to go on their server).
All this is working fine.
I'm trying to make an animation indicating the upload. And there is a problem.
The main-class inherits from Tk
inits menu, buttons and such, relevant: self.anim = Canvas(self, width=500, height=300) # Canvas for Animation
self.anim.grid(column=0, row=5)
eventually, when uploading it calls self.animation()
There I draw a little PC via create_... methods and then what should be the card, zooming out the screen and going up. Running I see like maybe 4 of 5 runs how it is supposed to show up (so far) but sometimes it looks like it renders that animations two times (second double in factor) and these are overlapping, zooming twice as big and going far out of intended stop...
That's not a good sign, same input, different output. Anyone can explain why this happens?
x0, y0, x1, y1 = (185, 100, 190, 110) # menucard
ix0, iy0, ix1, iy1 = (187, 102, 189, 104) # menucard's "image"
self.speisekarte = self.anim.create_rectangle(x0, y0, x1, y1, # menucard
outline='#bbb', fill='#fef',
stipple='gray75', tag='karte')
self.karteimg = self.anim.create_rectangle(ix0, iy0, ix1, iy1, # menucard's "image"
outline='#f77', fill='#f57',
stipple='gray50', tag='karte')
self.anim.create_line(185, 100, 185, 109, tag='karte')
for z in range(13):
self.anim.after(100, self.zoom())
for z in range(50):
self.anim.after(50, self.move())
self.anim.create_text(350, 50, text='O N L I N E !', fill='#f57')
def zoom(self):
self.anim.scale('karte', 185, 110, 1.09, 1.06)
def move(self):
self.anim.move('karte', 2, -1)
#furas helped me to my solution. From there I had to find a way to exit the function. I found nowwhere an example, so here how it works for me now:
def animdrawUpload(self):
while self.move():
return True
def move(self):
if self.anim.coords('karte')[0] > 300:
return False
self.anim.move('karte', 2, -1)
self.anim.after(100, self.move)
return True
Eventually I just have to hope I will get the same result on windows10 ;)
I've written a tkinter script with animation, that works fine on Xubuntu, but when I run it on Mac, the animation doesn't work. Here's a little script that demonstrates the problem:
import tkinter as tk
from time import sleep
root = tk.Tk()
canvas = tk.Canvas(root, height=200, width = 200)
this = canvas.create_rectangle(25,25, 75, 75, fill='blue')
that = canvas.create_rectangle(125, 125, 175, 175, fill = 'red')
def blink(event):
global this, that
for _ in range(9):
canvas.itemconfigure(this, fill='red')
canvas.itemconfigure(that, fill = 'blue')
this, that = that, this
canvas.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', blink)
This draws a red square and a blue square on a canvas. When the user clicks the canvas, the squares repeatedly switch colors. On Xubuntu, it works as intended.
On Mac, when I click the canvas, I get spinning beach ball, and after a few seconds, we see that squares have switched colors, because they switch colors an odd number of times in the code.
It seems to me that update_idletasks isn't working. Is there some way to fix this? I am running python 3.9.5 with Tk 8.6 on Big Sur.
I think what you can do is avoid tasks that will block the mainloop, in this case time.sleep(). So your code can be remade by emulating a for loop with after, and I see nothing that stops this general code from running OS independent:
count = 0 # Think of this as the `_` in for _ in range(9)
def blink(event=None):
global this, that, count
if count < 9: # Basically repeats everytime `count` is less than 9, like a for loop
canvas.itemconfigure(this, fill='red')
canvas.itemconfigure(that, fill='blue')
this, that = that, this
count += 1 # Increase count
root.after(400,blink) # Repeat this code block every 400 ms or 0.4 seconds
count = 0 # After it is 9, set it to 0 for the next click to be processed
I found that using update instead of update_idletasks works on both platforms. It's my understanding though, that the latter is much preferred. See the accepted answer to this question for example. This solves my immediate problem, but does anyone know if update_idletasks ever works on the Mac?
My version of Python is 3.2, and Pygame is 1.9.1.
I followed the first part of the instructions found here: http://wiki.sheep.art.pl/Tiled%20Map%20in%20PyGame, with a few adjustments to accommodate for my own tileset:
def load_tileset(filename, width, height):
image = pygame.image.load(filename).convert_alpha()
imageWidth, imageHeight = image.get_size()
tileSet = []
for tileX in range(0, 3):
line = []
for tileY in range(0, 3):
rect = (tileX*width, tileY*height, width, height)
if __name__=='__main__':
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((WIDTH, HEIGHT))
pygame.display.set_caption('Tiled Background')
screen.fill((240, 240, 255))
table = load_tileset('tableset.gif', 16, 16)
for x, row in enumerate(table):
for y, tile in enumerate(row):
screen.blit(tile, (x*24, y*24))
while pygame.event.wait().type != pygame.locals.QUIT:
I get the Nonetype error in for x, row in enumerate(table):*. I've tried various things, even moving the tileset itself, and changing the file type. I've also tried other codes, such as range.
I have managed to load images in the past, this is just my first time trying to use a tile set. The tile set has 9 16x16 tiles, and there is some transparency in them (hence the convert_alpha()).
So, can anyone say why I got the NoneType error here? Is it something to do with the image?
(Note, the reason there's 3's in the "For tileX in range" is that it wouldn't accept the calculation as set fourth in the tutorial, so I just did the maths myself.)
Edit: Accidently typed: for x, row in range(table): instead of for x, row in enumerate(table): in description.
You aren't posting the full code, or have made a mistake: there's no for x, row in range(table) line in the code above. With this specific code, you seem to be trying to pull two variables from the range function, but it only returns one value at a time.
You probably meant to type for x, row in enumerate(table). In that case, you need to return an object when you call table = load_tileset('tableset.gif', 16, 16) because unless any given function is explicitly told to return an object, it'll return None and that's why the line is giving you trouble, because the type of None is Nonetype
Here's an example of a function returning None and then returning a string, a returned string:
def thisFuncReturnsNone():
print 'what gets returned:', thisFuncReturnsNone()
>>> None
def thisFuncReturnsAString():
return 'a returned string'
print 'what gets returned a second time:', thisFuncReturnsAString()
>>> a returned string
I want the window transparent, but the label to be 100% in opacity. How can I achieve this? BTW: I noticed when I upgraded to Ubuntu 12.04's unity interface that window.set_opacity wasn't working like it did on GNOME, but even if it did all the content inside the window would become transparent as well.
This is the code I started out with...
#!/usr/bin/env python
import pygtk
import gtk
import pango
import time
class Clock:
def __init__(self):
me = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL)
me.connect("destroy", lambda w: gtk.main_quit())
me.set_property('skip-taskbar-hint', True)
self.label = gtk.Label()
self.label.modify_font(pango.FontDescription("FreeSerif Bold 50"))
attr = pango.AttrList()
fg_color = pango.AttrForeground(65535, 0, 0, 0, 65535)
def update(self):
return True
clock = Clock()
gtk.timeout_add(200, clock.update)
I found this topic on askubuntu and It's exactly what I was looking for however now I'm having problems having the digital clock show. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Here's my code.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import pygtk
import gtk
import pango
import time
import cairo
class Clock (gtk.Window):
def __init__(self):
super(Clock, self).__init__()
self.connect("destroy", lambda w: gtk.main_quit())
self.set_property('skip-taskbar-hint', True)
self.label = gtk.Label()
self.label.modify_font(pango.FontDescription("FreeSerif Bold 50"))
attr = pango.AttrList()
fg_color = pango.AttrForeground(65535, 0, 0, 0, 65535)
self.screen = self.get_screen()
self.visual = self.screen.get_rgba_visual()
self.connect("draw", self.area_draw)
def update(self):
return True
def area_draw(self, widget, cr):
cr.set_source_rgba(.2, .2, .2, 0.5)
clock = Clock()
gtk.timeout_add(200, clock.update)
Well, you have to hack a lot to make a label like this.
The best is to reinvent the wheel: make a round one.
Draw your own label.
Get window context ( mywin.window.cairo_create())) and keep track of x, y.
def draw(*args):
ctx = win.window.cairo_create()
ctx.set_source_rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)
ctx.set_operator(0) # OPERATOR_CLEAR
ctx.set_source_rgba(0, .6, 1, .3)
ctx.arc(w/2, h/2, w/2, 0, 2*3.1415)
ctx.set_source_rgba(1, .8, 0, 1)
ctx.show_text('29-May-1234') #you have some work for font, style and so on
google gives you an hack that use ctypes for loading ttf font from file; it works very well on Linux( I have no idea on win).
NOTE: Above asume that you have an composit manager, or ... rgba for widget is None.
Also put an
colormap = self.win.get_screen().get_rgba_colormap()
if colormap == None: colormap = self.win.get_screen().get_rgb_colormap()
to set rgba if posible, and also it worth a check:
if self.win.is_composited():print ('OK!')
else:self.bg = self.capt_screen()
def capt_screen(self):
x, y = self.win.get_position()
win = gtk.gdk.get_default_root_window()
w, h = win.get_size()
pb = gtk.gdk.Pixbuf(0 , False, 8, w, h)
pb = pb.get_from_drawable(win, win.get_colormap(), 0, 0, 0, 0, w, h)
if (pb != None):
im = Image.fromstring('RGB', (w, h), pb.get_pixels())
im = im.crop((x, y, x + self._w, y + self._h))
im = im.convert('RGBA')
return im #or pb
The above is „xp” transparent efect: copy the bg and bledit with your win. Only if it is not a composit manager runing. Is ok for widget - stay on desk, but flickr for something else: at every refresh window has to hide itself, capture the gb, drawing and reveal.
PS: I have an working clock example, but I use png. If you like, i could send you an tar.gz on mail
Now I made WidgetArea originally for Windows, but being primarily a Linux user. I wanted to make it for Linux as well, but mainly to learn more about the file dialog in PyGTK. So I took a look at this tutorial to have a better understanding of it, while working on this simple, yet small application, as that's easier for me to learn, and understand by experimentation.
So here's my source code.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys, os
import pygtk, gtk, gobject
import pygst
import gst
class WidgetArea(gtk.Window):
def addwidget(self, w):
self.win = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL)
self.win.set_property('skip-taskbar-hint', True)
self.previewimage = gtk.Image()
def pinning(self, checkbox):
if checkbox.get_active():
def change_size(self, w):
width = int(self.entryw.get_text())
height = int(self.entryh.get_text())
def __init__(self):
super(WidgetArea, self).__init__()
self.set_property('skip-taskbar-hint', True)
self.connect("destroy", gtk.main_quit, "WM destroy")
vbox = gtk.VBox(spacing=0)
hbox = gtk.HBox(spacing=0)
hbox2 = gtk.HBox(spacing=0)
hbox3 = gtk.HBox(spacing=0)
hbox4 = gtk.HBox(spacing=0)
self.widgetsize = gtk.Label("Widget Size:")
self.widgetsize.set_size_request(100, 30)
self.entryw = gtk.Entry()
self.entryh = gtk.Entry()
self.entryw.set_size_request(75, 30)
labelcoma = gtk.Label(",")
labelcoma.set_size_request(10, 30)
self.entryh.set_size_request(75, 30)
labelspac1 = gtk.Label(" ")
labelspac1.set_size_request(10, 30)
hbox.pack_start(labelspac1, 0, 0, 10)
check = gtk.CheckButton("Pin This Window")
check.connect("clicked", self.pinning)
hbox.pack_start(check, 0, 0, 10)
labelspac2 = gtk.Label(" ")
labelspac2.set_size_request(250, 15)
filefilter = gtk.FileFilter()
self.ref_file_button = gtk.FileChooserButton('Add Widget')
self.ref_file_button.connect("file-set", self.on_open_clicked)
hbox3.pack_start(self.ref_file_button, 150, 150, 10)
labelspac5 = gtk.Label(" ")
labelspac5.set_size_request(0, 10)
def on_open_clicked(self, widget, data=None):
ref_image_path = widget.get_filename()
self.addwidg.connect("clicked", self.addwidget)
self.addwidg.connect("clicked", self.change_size)
I removed the following code (1st), due to the following error (2nd).
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./widgetarea.py", line 109, in <module>
File "./widgetarea.py", line 86, in __init__
AttributeError: 'WidgetArea' object has no attribute 'rootdir'
Now this isn't a big deal at this point. My main goal is to get the image displayed in a new window. So after I removed the code above, due to that error I got another one.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./widgetarea.py", line 103, in on_open_clicked
AttributeError: 'WidgetArea' object has no attribute 'previewimage'
All I'm having problems with is when you browse to select an image I want the chosen image, when pressed OK to launch as a new window displaying the chosen image in that window, as stated above.
To correct the first error, use gtk.FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_OPEN instead of gtk.FileChooserAction.OPEN.
The second problem is because there is no variable named image at that point in your code (line 116). Perhaps you are coming from a C++ or Java background, where a name like image can be resolved by looking at the attributes of the enclosing class, i.e. this.image?
In Python you can't do that. You have to assign explicitly to self.image in your addwidget() method. Otherwise the name image remains local to the addwidget() method and is not available outside of it.
This raises a different problem, what happens every time the button gets clicked and addwidget() is called? self.win and self.image are overwritten. That may be what you want, but I'm just calling it to your attention --- it seems a little odd to me.
I have used something like this in one of my projects. And it's working well for me in Linux.
def __init__(self):
# Define all the widgets
image_filter = gtk.FileFilter()
self.ref_file_button = gtk.FileChooserButton('Select Image')
self.ref_file_button.set_current_folder("/".join([self.rootdir,"pics"])) # set directory path
self.ref_file_button.set_tooltip_text('Select Image')
self.ref_file_button.connect("file-set", self.ref_image_selected)
def ref_image_selected(self,widget,data=None):
ref_image_path = widget.get_filename()
print ref_image_path
After getting the path of the image, you can load it using gtk.Image
Your code is a bit erroneous. You are never calling the function addwidget(), and hence self.previewimage is not defined. and so it gives AttributeError.
def __init__(self):
# your code
self.addwidget(200) # I don't know what 'w' is. so I took a random number.
def on_open_clicked(self, widget, data=None):
ref_image_path = widget.get_filename()
self.addwidg.connect("clicked", self.addwidget)
self.addwidg.connect("clicked", self.change_size)
What is self.addwidg ?
And I am able to view the image now.
I'll try to be as clear as possible, though this is all a bit muddled in my head.
I have a PyQt application that has been working for about a year now. After updating to PyQt 4.5.1 (from 4.3.3) none of my icons appear in the QTableView anymore (this update was concurrent with an update to python 2.6.5 from 2.5.1). Reverting to the older python and PyQt, everything works as expected.
The breakdown is this:
I am using the model-view methodology. My model, when requested via a Qt.DecorationRole in the data() method, will return a custom object (ColorSwatch) that is a subclass of the QIcon class. This has always worked (with the caveat that I, for reasons I don't understand, have to recast it as a QVariant first). After updating to PyQt 4.5.1 it appears to run correctly (i.e. I am not getting any errors), but the icon does not draw (though the space where it would be drawn is "reserved" i.e. the text has been shifted to the right to make way for this invisible icon).
Here are some things that I have tried:
I have verified that the ColorSwatch class does still function. This same class is used to draw icons into a contextual menu - and they appear correctly.
I have verified that the data() method is actually getting called and is returning this ColorSwatch object (recast into a QVariant <- though I have tested without this recasting as well).
Pouring snake blood onto my keyboard and lighting it afire.
Nothing so far has given me any clue as to what I should do. Any hints would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Here is some of the (potentially) relevant code (note that paramObj.get_icon() returns a ColorSwatch object):
def data(self, index, role=QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole):
Returns the text or formatting for a particular cell, depending on the
role supplied.
elif role == QtCore.Qt.DecorationRole:
if platform.system()=='Darwin':
return QtGui.QIcon(paramObj.get_icon())
return QtCore.QVariant(paramObj.get_icon())
import os
import tempfile
import sys
import colorsys
import copy
import fnmatch
import time
from PyQt4 import QtGui
from PyQt4 import QtCore
class ColorSwatch(QtGui.QIcon):
A subclass of QIcon, this class draws a colored paint chip with a border
The color and size are determined at construction time, and cannot
be changed later.
def __init__(self, r=1, g=1, b=1, br = 0, bg = 0, bb = 0, w=20, h=20):
Constructor for the ColorSwatch class. Takes the passed arguments and
creates a square icon filled with the given color and with a border
color determined by br, bg, bb. All colors should be in floating point
#normalize the color
r8, g8, b8 = self.normalize_color((r, g, b))
#convert the r, g, b values to 8 bit colors
r8, g8, b8 = self.fp_to_8b_color((r8, g8, b8))
#Create the pixmap and painter objects
paintChip = QtGui.QPixmap(w, h)
painter = QtGui.QPainter()
#fill the swatch
baseColor = QtGui.QColor(r8, g8, b8)
painter.fillRect(0, 0, w, h, baseColor)
#if any of the values were super brights (>1), draw a smaller, white
#box inset to make sure the user knows
if r > 1 or g > 1 or b > 1:
painter.fillRect(5, 5, w-10, h-10, QtGui.QColor(255, 255, 255))
#if all values are 0, put a faint x through the icon
# # # brush = QtGui.QBrush()
# # # brush.setColor(QtGui.QColor(30, 30, 30))
painter.setPen(QtGui.QColor(200, 200, 200))
if r ==0 and g == 0 and b == 0:
painter.drawLine(0, 0, w, h)
painter.drawLine(w-1, 0, -1, h)
# # #
# # # #normalize the color
# # # r8, g8, b8 = self.normalize_color((r8, g8, b8))
#now draw the border(s)
#convert the r, g, b values to 8 bit colors
r8, g8, b8 = self.fp_to_8b_color((br, bg, bb))
#draw the border
painter.setPen(QtGui.QColor(r8, g8, b8))
#if any of the values were super brights (>1), draw a border around the
#inset box as well.
if r > 1 or g > 1 or b > 1:
#done drawing
#add it (both to the normal and the selected modes)
self.addPixmap(paintChip, QtGui.QIcon.Normal)
self.addPixmap(paintChip, QtGui.QIcon.Selected)
def fp_to_8b_color(self, color):
Convert a floating point color value (passed in the form of a three
element tuple) to a regular 8-bit 0-255 value. Returns a 3 item tuple.
r = max(min(int(color[0]*255),255),0)
g = max(min(int(color[1]*255),255),0)
b = max(min(int(color[2]*255),255),0)
return (r,g,b)
def normalize_color(self, color):
"normalizes" a color value so that if there are any super-whites, it
balances all the other floating point values so that we end up with a
"real" color. Negative values will result in undefined behavior.
Mainly used to make the color chip "look right" when using super whites.
maxValue = max(color)
if maxValue > 1:
return (color[0]/maxValue, color[1]/maxValue, color[2]/maxValue)
return color
Ivo answered my question above.
the actual code that works is:
def data(self, index, role=QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole):
Returns the text or formatting for a particular cell, depending on the
role supplied.
elif role == QtCore.Qt.DecorationRole:
if platform.system()=='Darwin':
return QtGui.QIcon(paramObj.get_icon())
return QtCore.QVariant(QtGui.QIcon(paramObj.get_icon()))
#Note that it is first cast as a QIcon before
#being cast as a QVariant.
Thanks again Ivo.