Set shortcut for command Debug.DisableAllBreakpoints - visual-studio

I am using VS2015. I would like to have shortcut Ctrl + Shift + D for disabling all breakpoints. It should be easy, but under Environment - Keyboard after pressing Ctrl + Shift + D I have only limited amount of choices to pick from. Is it possible to set this shortcut to command Debug.DisableAllBreakpoints?

That bottom list is not your set of is what is currently assigned to the key sequence you are trying to use.
If you click "Assign", the key sequence should be assigned to your command and overwrite the sequence in the commands in the bottom list, i.e. remove the shortcut from those commands.


I don't understand the format selection (cmd + K cmd + F) shortcut keys in VS Code

Can someone please explain to me how the "format selection" (cmd + K cmd + F) shortcut keys - and other shortcuts that seemingly have multiple button press combinations - work in VS Code.
I tried pressing cmd + K and cmd + F simultaneously (though, cmd is listed twice so I am really pressing cmd + K + F in this case) and I have tried hitting them in order. If someone could explain what they mean here, then it would be much appreciated. I am sure it's a simple solution that I have been overlooking for all these years.
The written format for shortcut expressions use the operators '+' (plus) and ' ' (space) to define whether the expressions on each side of the operator should be pressed simultaneously, or sequentially.
'+' represents two keys pressed then held simultaneously, in left-to-right order.
This is the same as typing an uppercase letter using the shift key: Shift+a -> A
' ' represents concatenating the right-hand-side key combo after the left-hand-side combo.
This is the same as typing an uppercase word using the Shift key: Shift+h Shift+i -> HI
In the second example above, note that you can either keep holding Shift, or you can release it and press it again for each letter. The same applies with VSCode shortcuts.
In the case of Format Selection (Cmd+k Cmd+f), Cmd should be held while first k then f are pressed. Pressing k and f together is a different shortcut entirely (Cmd+k+f), as is pressing f and k together (Cmd+f+k). Since the left-hand-side key (Cmd) is the same for both expressions, you don't need to release it between typing the k and f.
To get a better grasp of how keyboard shortcuts are expressed, I'd suggest opening the the VSCode Preferences for Keyboard Shortcuts either using the command palette, or using the shortcut: Cmd+k Cmd+s: (type ks while holding Cmd).
Then activate the Record Keys mode (Alt+K). Now type different key sequences, and it will show you the textual representation in the search bar, along with any shortcuts that match what you typed.

How to set keybinding to move (rearrange) tabs in Atom?

I'm trying to setup keybinding for physically moving my current tab, either right or left of other tabs (rather than click and drag to rearrange them).
I know user defined keybindings are added to ~/.atom/keymap.cson, I'm just having trouble determining the command as I don't see it present in the default keybindings.
I found that Atom has a native keybinding set for this under as:
ctrl + shift + ←: pane:move-item-left
ctrl + shift + →: pane:move-item-left
The native bindings weren't showing up in Settings > Keybindings. Here they are:
'atom-workspace atom-text-editor:not([mini])':
'ctrl-alt-]': 'window:move-active-item-to-pane-on-right'
'ctrl-alt-[': 'window:move-active-item-to-pane-on-left'
You can take a look at Tab Move Key package. It is simple, you can use alt page up and alt + page down for moving tabs around.
command + [ = to move the block left by 1 tab
command + ] = to move the block right by 1 tab

How can I block select in Geany?

I often need to select a block of text, like a leading character that occurs on many lines. LibreOffice has block selection. How can I do this in Geany?
For example, I want to remove the pipe and the space at the beginning of each line:
| Create another 'Login Role' for the 'auth' user:
| Role name: auth
| Password: auth
| Role privileges: Create database objects
It's called "column mode editing". Look here:
Column mode editing (rectangular selections)
There is basic support for column mode editing. To use it, create a
rectangular selection by holding down the Control and Shift keys (or
Alt and Shift on Windows) while selecting some text. Once a
rectangular selection exists you can start editing the text within
this selection and the modifications will be done for every line in
the selection.
It is also possible to create a zero-column selection - this is useful
to insert text on multiple lines.
Peter Mortensen has documented how to configure this on Lubuntu (for LXQt):
On Lubuntu, the keyboard shortcuts for selecting a rectangular area of
text (“column mode” in UltraEdit) do not work, because they conflict
with four default keyboard shortcuts in the window manager (LXDE?
Openbox?), Shift + Alt + arrow up, Shift + Alt + arrow down,
Shift + Alt + arrow left, and Shift + Alt + arrow right.
Disable the window manager keyboard shortcuts by editing file
~/.config/openbox/lubuntu-rc.xml near “S-A-Up”, “S-A-Down”,
“S-A-Left”, and “S-A-Right”. For example, change “S-A-Up” to
“S-A-Up99”, “S-A-Down” to “S-A-Down99”, “S-A-Left” to “S-A-Left99”,
and “S-A-Right” to “S-A-Right99”, respectively. And add an XML comment
as to why and document the original values (so they can more easily be
reverted). Edit and update (without a restart required):
vi ~/.config/openbox/lubuntu-rc.xml
openbox --reconfigure
It was tested with Lubuntu 18.04 (32 bit).
In Debian the following works for me: press only the Ctrl key and select by the mouse (not both Ctrl and Shift keys, as described in the manual).
In Ubuntu MATE (Geany 1.25) I can use Shift + Alt and then mark the text using arrow keys.
I think, Ctrl + Shift + mouse(!). It's working correct on Ubuntu with Geany 1.23.1. Please use the mouse, not the arrow keys.
Ctrl + Shift + Mouse on CentOS 7.3.
For me the key shortcuts are different. After installing the Extra Selection Geany plugin, I can use:
Alt + Shift + C (and then use the up, down, etc. arrow keys to move the cursor; edit the text; and then repeat Alt + Shift + C to go back to 'normal' edit mode).
More information is here.
(I use VirtualBox with Xubuntu 16.04.4 LTS (Windows 10 host).)

Can I disable or change a single ReSharper shortcut?

I am using VS 2010 and there is one shortcut I really like which is a shortcut I set myself: ctrl + shift + Q in order to remove all unused usings and sort the remaining ones.
I installed ReSharper and it overwrote my VS shortcuts, so pressing ctrl + shift + Q will generate a comment (/**/).
Is there any way I can disable this single shortcut? (or change it to any other key combination that will allow me to use my old one?
I tried this solution: How to change shortcut keys for a given command in ReSharper? but my shortcut is still set in my VS configs.
Go to Tools > Options > Environment > Keyboard
Search for a command called ReSharper.ReSharper_BlockComment
Remove the current shortcut or reassign another shortcut to the ReSharper command.
I'm guessing that you've set your shortcut in Global context whereas ReSharper has assigned the shortcut to its command in the Text Editor context. The latter takes precedence when you're invoking the shortcut while editing your code.
Also, consider taking a look at ReSharper's own Code Cleanup, which takes care of unused directives, other redundant items, and formatting.
To elaborate on the steps:
Suppose you want to change the binding of "Ctrl +Q"
Open Tools Options Environment Keyboard
Under "Press Shortcut Keys" Enter : Ctrl +Q
This will show you what all commands are currently bound to this shortcut
Then search for the commands in the "Show Commands containg window " and REMOVE the assignment (for the context that you want).
Note that more than 1 command can bind to a shortcut depending on the context and so make sure you remove whatever you need
Then verify that no the binding is gone, by repeating step 2 above
Finally search for the new command that you want to bind the shortcut to and then enter shortcut and bind it in the context that you want to using ASSIGN

Is there a shortcut to search the word under cursor in Xcode?

The functionality I'm talking about is in VI/VIM. ie. When the cursor is over the text of a word like say jiggle in command mode, press * to search for the next instance of jiggle. I use this all the time in VIM. Does such a shortcut exist for Xcode? or can we only double-click to highlight, CMD + C, CMD + F, CMD + V, and hit Enter?
Ok, Phrogz has a good solution, but I found a simpler way to do this...
To search consecutive instances of a word in Xcode:
Double-click the word you would like to find the next instance(s) of, then as Phrogz mentioned press ⌘ + E (Use Selection for Find) and then ⌘ + G (Find Next) to search for the next occurrence(s)
Cmd + Ctrl + T will invoke the menu item "Edit All in Scope". That will highlight all uses of the current identifier and allow you to edit all simultaneously.
Not exactly the same thing, but I find it very useful for the sort of case you're talking about. Even if I don't need to edit an identifier, it's a nice way to quickly see all the places its used.
If you select the word (⌥←,⌥⇧→) you can press ⌘ + E (Use Selection for Find) and then ⌘ + G (Find Next) to search for the next occurrence.
You can combine the command+e, command+g to a shortcut
Find a file IDETextKeyBindingSet.plist in directory "/Applications/"
Open this file by Xcode
Add a Dictionary named Customized under the Root
Add a String named Move to Next Instance under the Customized
and set the value to selectWord:, useSelectionForFind:, findNext:
Restart Xcode and set the Key Bindings
Find Move to Next Instance and set the key to option+↓ (or other key you prefered)
Key Bindings
To search a word in the currently opened file using Xcode 5 and above:
Double click the word and then
shift optioncommand E
Now you can move to the next/previous instance using:
command G
