How to ensure uniqueness of a property in a NoSQL record ( Golang + tiedot ) - go

I'm working on a simple application written in golang, using tiedot as NoSQL database engine.
I need to store some users in the database.
type User struct {
Login string
PasswordHash string
Salt string
Of course two users cannot have the same login, and - as this engine does not provide any transaction mechanism - I'm wondering how to ensure that there's no duplicated login in the database when writing.
I first thought that I could just search for user by login before inserting, but as the database will be
used concurently, it is not reliable.
Maybe I could wait for a random time and if there is another user with the same login in the collection, delete it, but that does not sound reliable either.
Is this even possible, or should I switch to a database engine that support transactions ?

Below is my solution. It is not Tiedot specific, but It uses CQRS and can be applied to various DBs.
You can also have other benefits using it, such as caching and bulk write (in case DB supports it) to prevent asking DB on every request.
package main
import (
type User struct {
Login string
PasswordHash string
Salt string
type MutexedUser struct {
Map map[string]User
var u = &MutexedUser{}
func main() {
var user User
// Get new user here
if err := u.Insert(user); err != nil {
// Ask to provide new login
func (u *MutexedUser) Insert(user User) (err error) {
if _, ok := u.Map[user.Login]; !ok {
u.Map[user.Login] = user
// Add user to DB
return err
return errors.New("duplicated login")
func (u *MutexedUser) Read(login string) User {
value := u.Map[login]
return value
func (u *MutexedUser) Sync() (err error) {
var users []User
defer u.Unlock()
// Read users from DB
u.Map = make(map[string]User)
for _, user := range users {
u.Map[user.Login] = user
return err

I first thought that I could just search for user by login before inserting, but as the database will be used concurently, it is not reliable.
Right, it creates a race condition. The only way to resolve this is:
Lock the table
Search for the login
Insert if the login is not found
Unlock the table
Table-locks are not a scalable solution, because it creates an expensive bottleneck in your application. It's why non-transactional storage engines like MySQL's MyISAM are being phased out. It's why MongoDB has to use clusters to scale up.
It can work if you have a small dataset size and a light amount of concurrency, so perhaps it's adequate for login creation on a lightly-used website. New logins probably aren't created so frequently that they need to scale up so much.
But users logging in, or password changes, or other changes to account attributes, do happen more frequently.
The solution for this is to make this operation atomic, to avoid race conditions. For example, attempt the insert and have the database engine verify uniqueness and reject the insert if it violates that constraint.
Unfortunately, I don't see any documentation in tiedot that shows that it supports a unique constraint or a uniqueness enforcement on indexes.
Tiedot is 98% written by a single developer, in a period of about 2 years (May 2013 - April 2015). Very little activity since then (see I would consider tiedot to be an experimental project, unlikely to expand in feature set.


How can I separate generated code package and user code but have them accessible from one place in code

I am newer to golang, so I have some courses that I bought from udemy to help break me into the language. One of them I found very helpful for a general understanding as I took on a project in the language.
In the class that I took, all of the sql related functions were in the sqlc folder with the structure less broken out:
One of those files is a querier that is generated by sqlc that contains an interface with all of the methods that were generated. Here is the general idea of what it currently looks like:
package db
import (
type Querier interface {
AddAccountBalance(ctx context.Context, arg AddAccountBalanceParams) (Account, error)
CreateAccount(ctx context.Context, arg CreateAccountParams) (Account, error)
var _ Querier = (*Queries)(nil)
Would it be possible to wrap both what sqlc generates AND any queries that a developer creates (dynamic queries) into a single querier? I'm also trying to have it so that the sqlc generated code is in its own folder. The structure I am aiming for is:
store - (wraps it all together)
This should clear up what a I mean by store:
package db
import (
// Store defines all functions to execute db queries and transactions
type Store interface {
TransferTx(ctx context.Context, arg TransferTxParams) (TransferTxResult, error)
// SQLStore provides all functions to execute SQL queries and transactions
type SQLStore struct {
db *sql.DB
// NewStore creates a new store
func NewStore(db *sql.DB) Store {
return &SQLStore{
db: db,
Queries: New(db),
I'm trying to run everything through that store (both generated and my functions), so I can make a call similar to the CreateUser function in this file (
arg := db.CreateUserParams{
Username: req.Username,
HashedPassword: hashedPassword,
FullName: req.FullName,
Email: req.Email,
user, err :=, arg)
if err != nil {
if pqErr, ok := err.(*pq.Error); ok {
switch pqErr.Code.Name() {
case "unique_violation":
ctx.JSON(http.StatusForbidden, errorResponse(err))
ctx.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, errorResponse(err))
I've tried creating something that houses another querier interface that embeds the generated one, then creating my own db.go that uses the generated DBTX interface but has its own Queries struct, and New function. It always gives me an error that the Queries struct I created aren't implementing the functions I made, despite having it implemented in one of the custom methods I made.
I deleted that branch, and have been clicking through the simplebank project linked above to see if I can find another way this could be done, or if I missed something. If it can't be done, that's okay. I'm just using this as a good opportunity to learn a little more about the language, and keep some code separated if possible.
There were only a few pieces I had to change, but I modified the store.go to look more like:
// sdb is imported, but points to the generated Querier
// Store provides all functions to execute db queries and transactions
type Store interface {
// SQLStore provides all functions to execute SQL queries and transactions
type SQLStore struct {
db *sql.DB
// NewStore creates a new Store
func NewStore(db *sql.DB) Store {
return &SQLStore{
db: db,
Queries: sdb.New(db),
dynamicQueries: New(db),
Then just created a new Querier and struct for the methods I would be creating. Gave them their own New function, and tied it together in the above. Before, I was trying to figure out a way to reuse as much of the generated code as possible, which I think was the issue.
Why I wanted the Interface:
I wanted a structure that separated the files I would be working in more from the files that I would never touch (generated). This is the new structure:
I like how the generated code put everything in the Querier interface, then checked that anything implementing it satisfied all of the function requirements. So I wanted to replicate that for the dynamic portion which I would be creating on my own.
It might be complicating it a bit more than it would 'NEED' to be, but it also provides an additional set of error checking that is nice to have. And in this case, even while maybe not necessary, it ended up being doable.
Would it be possible to wrap both what sqlc generates AND any queries that a developer creates (dynamic queries) into a single querier?
If I'm understanding your question correctly I think that you are looking for something like the below (playground):
package main
import (
// Sample SQL C Code
type DBTX interface {
ExecContext(context.Context, string, ...interface{}) (sql.Result, error)
PrepareContext(context.Context, string) (*sql.Stmt, error)
QueryContext(context.Context, string, ...interface{}) (*sql.Rows, error)
QueryRowContext(context.Context, string, ...interface{}) *sql.Row
type Queries struct {
func (q *Queries) DeleteAccount(ctx context.Context, id int64) error {
// _, err := q.db.ExecContext(ctx, deleteAccount, id)
// return err
return nil // Pretend that this always works
type Querier interface {
DeleteAccount(ctx context.Context, id int64) error
// Your custom "dynamic" queries
type myDynamicQueries struct {
func (m *myDynamicQueries) GetDynamicResult(ctx context.Context) error {
// _, err := q.db.ExecContext(ctx, deleteAccount, id)
// return err
return nil // Pretend that this always works
type myDynamicQuerier interface {
GetDynamicResult(ctx context.Context) error
// Combine things
type allDatabase struct {
*Queries // Note: You could embed this directly into myDynamicQueries instead of having a seperate struct if that is your preference
type DatabaseFunctions interface {
func main() {
// Basic example
var db DatabaseFunctions
db = getDatabase()
db.DeleteAccount(context.Background(), 0)
// getDatabase - Perform whatever is needed to connect to database...
func getDatabase() allDatabase {
sqlc := &Queries{db: nil} // In reality you would use New() to do this!
myDyn := &myDynamicQueries{db: nil} // Again it's often cleaner to use a function
return allDatabase{Queries: sqlc, myDynamicQueries: myDyn}
The above is all in one file for simplicity but could easily pull from multiple packages e.g.
type allDatabase struct {
If this does not answer your question then please show one of your failed attempts (so we can see where you are going wrong).
One general comment - do you really need the interface? A common recommendation is "Accept interfaces, return structs". While this may not always apply I suspect you may be introducing interfaces where they are not really necessary and this may add unnecessary complexity.
I thought that the Store, which was housing both Queriers, was tying it all together. Can you explain a little with the example above (in the question post) why it's not necessary? How does SQLStore get access to all of the Querier interface functions?
The struct SQLStore is what is "tying it all together". As per the Go spec:
Given a struct type S and a named type T, promoted methods are included in the method set of the struct as follows:
If S contains an embedded field T, the method sets of S and *S both include promoted methods with receiver T. The method set of *S also includes promoted methods with receiver *T.
If S contains an embedded field *T, the method sets of S and *S both include promoted methods with receiver T or *T.
So an object of type SQLStore:
type SQLStore struct {
db *sql.DB
var foo SQLStore // Assume that we are actually providing values for all fields
Will implement all of the methods of sdb.Queries and, also, those in dynamicQueries (you can also access the sql.DB members via foo.db.XXX). This means that you can call foo.AddAccountBalance() and foo.MyGenericQuery() (assuming that is in dynamicQueries!) etc.
The spec says "In its most basic form an interface specifies a (possibly empty) list of methods". So you can think of an interface as a list of functions that must be implemented by whatever implementation (e.g. struct) you assign to the interface (the interface itself does not implement anything directly).
This example might help you understand.
Hopefully that helps a little (as I'm not sure which aspect you don't understand I'm not really sure what to focus on).

How to structure my Go app for transactions via pgx

I have the following models
type UsersModel struct {
db *pgx.Conn
func (u *UsersModel) SignupUser(ctx context.Context, payload SignupRequest) (SignupQueryResult, error) {
err := u.db.Exec("...")
return SignupQueryResult{}, err
type SessionsModel struct {
db *pgx.Conn
func (s *SessionsModel) CreateSession(ctx context.Context, payload CreateSessionRequest) error {
_, err := s.db.Exec("...")
return err
and my service calls UsersModel.SignupUser as follows
type SignupService struct {
userModel signupServiceUserModel
func (ss *SignupService) Signup(ctx context.Context, request SignupRequest) (SignupQueryResult, error) {
return ss.userModel.SignupUser(ctx, request)
Now, I need to tie SignupUser and CreateSession in a transaction instead of isolated operations, not sure what the best way to structure this is, and how to pass transaction around while maintaining that abstraction of DB specific stuff from services. Or should I just call the sessions table insert query(which I'm putting in *SessionsModel.CreateSession directly in *UsersModel.SignupUser?
For reference, transactions in pgx happen by calling *pgx.Conn.Begin() which returns a concrete pgx.Tx , on which you execute the same functions as you would on *px.Conn , followed by *pgx.Tx.Commit() or *pgx.Tx.Rollback()
Questions I have are:
Where to start transaction - model or service?
If in service, how do I do that while abstracting that there's an underlying DB from service?
How do I pass transaction between models?
There is no right or wrong answer for this since there are multiple ways to do it. However, I share how I'd do it and why.
make sure to keep the service layer clean of any concrete DB implementation, so if you switch to a completely new DB you do not need to change other pieces.
about the solution, I would create a completely new method called SignupUserAndCreateSession that encloses all the logic you need. I wouldn't worry because you have the two original methods in one, as per my understanding in this scenario both of them are tightly coupled by design, so this would not be an anti-pattern.
I would avoid moving around the *pgx.Tx between methods since anyway you would depend on another level that makes sure to commit or roll back, and this might cause errors in future implementations.

Insert data with Gorm with reflect

I'm creating a basic REST service. My intent is to write the logic for the resources as abstractly as possible. What I mean is if I have already created a CRUD logic for endpoint /devices for example, then when I need a new resource endpoint like /cars, I should not be repeating myself over the CRUD procedures.
In another language like Python, classes and methods are first class objects and that can be stored in a list or dictionary (map) and then instantiated as needed. In Go it doesn't seem as easy. I tried to use the reflect package.
First I create a TypeRegistry according to this.
var TypeRegistry = make(map[string]reflect.Type)
TypeRegistry["devices"] = reflect.TypeOf(models.Device{}) // models.Device{} is the Gorm SQL table model
Then I have handler creator which is intended to handle the creation of all types of resources like this (error handling redacted):
func CreateOneHandler(typeString string) func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) {
return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
defer r.Body.Close()
jsn, _ = ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body)
jsonBytes, _ := datamapper.CreateOne(typeString, jsn)
I'm using Chi, so I bind the handlers like this:
func addRoute(r chi.Router, endpoint string, typeString string) {
r.Route("/"+endpoint, func(r chi.Router) {
typeString := endpoint
r.Post("/", CreateOneHandler(typeString))
The idea is to, after defining the Gorm models, simply add routes by calling it repeatedly, addRoute(r, "devices"); addRoute(r, "cars") for a consistent REST interface across multiple models.
Now within CreateOne() I want to insert something into the table:
func CreateOne(typeString string, json []byte) ([]byte, error) {
modelType := typeregistry.TypeRegistry[typeString]
value := reflect.New(modelType)
db.Create(modelPtr.Elem()) // ==> Now this doesn't work
How do I make it work? Gorm said "create failed no such table: value". Because a reflect value or reflect type isn't the same as if I were just to instantiate objects the regular way. How do I make it work?
(A side note: given the static nature of the type switch and type assertions, I am already compromising some of my designs which would probably be possible in a language like Python. It seems to me like it's unavoidable to litter code with type switches which tried to check whether it is a device, car or any number of new models explicitly. In a regular object-oriented language maybe this would be simple polymorphic method call. Any pointer to better design would be appreciated as well.)

Fetching Logged in User Info for display

I am using Go web framework. I have:
User Registered
User Verified & Logged in
Session created and set with key username with user (table & struct) username
Now, here is my code for logged in user:
// Loaded All DB and other required value above
allRoutes := app.Party("/", logThisMiddleware, authCheck) {
allRoutes.Get("/", func(ctx context.Context) {
In authcheck middleware
func authcheck(ctx context.Context) {
// Loaded session.
// Fetched Session key "isLoggedIn"
// If isLoggedIn == "no" or "" (empty)
// Redirected to login page
// else
My Session function
func connectSess() *sessions.Sessions {
// Creating Gorilla SecureCookie Session
// returning session
Now, my problem is, how do I share Logged User value to all routes in template. My Current option is:
// Loaded all DB and required value
allRoutes := app.Party("/", logThisMiddleware, authCheck) {
allRoutes.Get("/", func(ctx context.Context) {
// Load Session again
// Fetch username stored in session
// Run Query against DB
// Share the user struct value.
// Example ctx.ViewData("user", user)
allRoutes.Get("dashboard", func(ctx context.Context) {
// Load Session again
// Fetch username stored in session
// Run Query against DB
// Share the user struct value.
// Example ctx.ViewData("user", user)
But problem with above code is, I will have to write session for each route and run query again for each route I run and than share.
I feel, there must be better way of doing it , rather than loading session twice for each route one in authCheck middleware and second inside allRoutes.Get route.
I need ideas on how this can be optimised and user data can be shared to template by just writing code one time and not repeating below for each route
// Load Session again
// Fetch username stored in session
// Run Query against DB
// Share the user struct value.
// Example ctx.ViewData("user", user)
it's easy you can use the ctx.Values().Set/Get to make something shareable between your route's handlers or middleware(s).
// load session manager once
sess := connectSess()
func authCheck(ctx context.Context) {
session := sess.Start(ctx)
// Load your user here.
// [...]
// Save the returning user to the local storage of this handlers chain, once.
ctx.Values().Set("user", user) // <-- IMPORTANT
app.Get("/", func(ctx context.Context) {
// Get the user from our handlers chain's local storage.
user := ctx.Values().Get("user") // <-- IMPORTANT
// Bind the "{{.user}}" to the user instance.
ctx.ViewData("user", user)
// Render the template file.
app.Get("dashboard", func(ctx context.Context) {
// The same, get the user from the local storage...
user := ctx.Values().Get("user") // <-- IMPORTANT
ctx.ViewData("user", user)
That's all, pretty simple, right?
But I have some notes for you, read them if you have more time.
When you're on root "/" you don't have to create a party for it(.Party) in order to add middlewares (begin(Use) or finish(Done)), use just the iris.Application instance, app.Use/Done.
Don't write this:
allRoutes := app.Party("/", logThisMiddleware, authCheck) {
allRoutes.Get("/", myHandler)
Do that instead:
app.Use(logThisMiddleware, authCheck)
app.Get("/", myHandler)
It's easier to read and understand.
I've also noticed that you're using ; at the end of your functions, your editor and gocode tool will remove those, when you write a program using the Go Programming Language you shouldn't do that, remove all ;.
Last, please read the documentation and the examples, we have many of them at , hopes you the best!

Google Datastore go client, storing dynamic data

Our application provides functionality which enables a customer to create dynamic forms and business rules. We recently decided to explore Google infrastructures so we don't have to spend time tweaking and adjusting our infrastructure.
Thus far, we have managed well using a NOSQL database such as arangodb to store random data sets through their JSON HTTP REST APIs, that stores any sort of data structure, so long as it is a valid JSON. However, Google data store go client library and Datastore doesn;t work with JSON and also imposes rules like no silce []type, no map map[type]type failing with errors such as datastore: invalid Value type e.t.c
I explored option of implementing PropertyLoadSaver interface load/save functions with modifications to create PropertyList and Property to crate a []Property. Case below Collection is type Collection map[string]interface{} which holds an sort of data set
func (m Collection) Save() ([]datastore.Property, error) {
data := []datastore.Property{}
for key, value := range m {
if util.IsSlice(value) {
props := datastore.PropertyList{}
for _, item := range value.([]string) {
props = append(props, datastore.Property{Name: key, Value: item})
data = append(data, datastore.Property{Name: key, Value: props})
} else {
data = append(data, datastore.Property{Name: key, Value: value, NoIndex: true})
return data, nil
Yes, we can create a struct which we can populate based on map data and save that to Datastore. We were however wondering if there possibly is an easier way to just receive a map and save it to Datastore with no added complexity.
type Person struct{
Name string
Surname string
Addresses []Address
type Address struct{
Type string
Detail string
This map[string]interface{}{Name:"Kwasi", Surname:"Gyasi-Agyei", Addresses:...} can than be marshaled into above struct to be saved by Datastore go client lib.
Am however more interested in taking advantage of PropertList, []Property, unless that route is unnecessarily complex. What am basically asking is, which is the most appropriate route that offer the same type of flexibility as a schemaless database.
