Detect quadrilateral from grayscale image - algorithm

I'm looking for a method to detect quadrilateral based on grayscale images like this.
The actual solution I've made is based on HoughLines and has two problems:
As it is a parametric method, small changes on the input image gives
me two different rectangles.
The outputs are not precise as the
borders of the rectangle in the input image is thick.
Can you recommend me another method to do this ? I'm actually looking at this article but it seems to be a slow method.


Using regionprops in MATLAB to detect shapes only in part of the picture

I have video frames with elliptical objects in them. I'm trying to detect the main ellipse using regionprops and it works just fine.
However, since I want to speed up the process, I want regionprops to only look for those ellipses in a certain area of the image. I can crop the images each frame, to only have the relevant area left, but I would rather have regionprops look only in specified areas.
Is such an option possible?
Regioprops uses label matrix provided by bwlabel(bw_image) or just logical(grayscale_image) if you suppose that there is only object in the image. To make regionprops process only a part of image you should set irrelevant part of the label matrix to zero.

Image pixelation library, non-square "pixel" shape

I've seen a few libraries that pixelate images, some of them even feature non-square shapes such as The Pixelator's circle and diamond shapes.
I'm looking however to make a particular shape, I want a "pixel" that is 19x27 px. Essentially, the image would still look pixelated but it would use tallish rectangle shapes as the pixel base.
Are there any libraries out there that do this, if not, what alterations to existing algorithms/functions would I need to make to accomplish this?
Unless I am not understanding your question, the algorithm you need is quite simple!
Just break your image up into a grid of rectangles the size you want (in this case 19x27). Loop over each section of the grid and take the average color of the pixels inside (you can simply take the average of each channel in RGB independently). Then set all of the pixels contained inside to the average color.
This would give you an image that is the same size as your input. You could of course resize your image first to a more appropriate output size.
You might want to look up convolution matrices.
In a shader, you would use your current pixel location to grab a set of nearby pixels from the original image to render to a pixel in a new buffer image.
It is actually just a slight variation of the Box Blur image processing algorithm except that instead of grabbing from the nearby pixels you would grab by the divisions of the original image relative to the 19x27 divisions of the resulting image.

Any ideas on how to remove small abandoned pixel in a png using OpenCV or other algorithm?

I got a png image like this:
The blue color is represent transparent. And all the circle is a pixel group. So, I would like to find the biggest one, and remove all the small pixel, which is not group with the biggest one. In this example, the biggest one is red colour circle, and I will retain it. But the green and yellow are to small, so I will remove them. After that, I will have something like this:
Any ideas? Thanks.
If you consider only the size of objects, use the following algorithm: labellize the connex components of the mask image of the objects (all object pixels are white, transparent ones are black). Then compute the areas of the connex components, and filter them. At this step, you have a label map and a list of authorized labels. You can read the label map and overwrite the mask image with setting every pixel to white if it has an authorized label.
OpenCV does not seem to have a labelling function, but cvFloodFill can do the same thing with several calls: for each unlabeled white pixel, call FloodFill with this pixel as marker. Then you can store the result of this step in an array (of the size of the image) by assigning each newly assigned pixel with its label. Repeat this as long as you have unlabellized pixels.
Else you can recode the connex component function for binary images, this algorithm is well known and easy to implement (maybe start with Matlab's bwlabel).
The handiest way to filter objects if you have an a priori knowledge of their size is to use morphological operators. In your case, with opencv, once you've loaded your image (OpenCV supports PNG), you have to do an "openning", that is an erosion followed by a dilation.
The small objects (smaller than the size of the structuring element you chose) will disappear with erosion, while the bigger will remain and be restored with the dilation.
(reference here, cv::morphologyEx).
The shape of the big object might be altered. If you're only doing detection, it is harmless, but if you want your object to avoid transformation you'll need to apply a "top hat" transform.

Map image/texture to a predefined uneven surface (t-shirt with folds, mug, etc.)

Basically I was trying to achieve this: impose an arbitrary image to a pre-defined uneven surface. (See examples below).
I do not have a lot of experience with image processing or 3D algorithms, so here is the best method I can think of so far:
Predefine a set of coordinates (say if we have a 10x10 grid, we have 100 coordinates that starts with (0,0), (0,10), (0,20), ... etc. There will be 9x9 = 81 grids.
Record the transformations for each individual coordinate on the t-shirt image e.g. (0,0) becomes (51,31), (0, 10) becomes (51, 35), etc.
Triangulate the original image into 81x2=162 triangles (with 2 triangles for each grid). Transform each triangle of the image based on the coordinate transformations obtained in Step 2 and draw it on the t-shirt image.
Problems/questions I have:
I don't know how to smooth out each triangle so that the image on t-shirt does not look ragged.
Is there a better way to do it? I want to make sure I'm not reinventing the wheels here before I proceed with an implementation.
This is called digital image warping. There was a popular graphics text on it in the 1990s (probably from somebody's thesis). You can also find an article on it from Dr. Dobb's Journal.
Your process is essentially correct. If you work pixel by pixel, rather than trying to use triangles, you'll avoid some of the problems you're facing. Scan across the pixels in target bitmap, and apply the local transformation based on the cell you're in to determine the coordinate of the corresponding pixel in the source bitmap. Copy that pixel over.
For a smoother result, you do your coordinate transformations in floating point and interpolate the pixel values from the source image using something like bilinear interpolation.
It's not really a solution for the problem, it's just a workaround :
If you have the 3D model that represents the T-Shirt.
you can use directX\OpenGL and put your image as a texture of the t-shirt.
Then you can ask it to render the picture you want from any point of view.

How do you mask an arbitrary area of an image to overlay another image?

I want to mask an arbitrary convex polygon area of an image and put another image into that area. I found this posting, but is wasn't clear to me if this applies only to rectangular areas and not arbitrary polygons.
The basic flow I am talking about is to have an (x,y) coordinate on the screen which would serve to be the center of my polygon (center in terms of an arbitrary point which is consistent for me). I would like to mask this area where the new image (polygonal in nature) would be displayed while leaving the rest of the screen as is.
Can I do this easily and quickly?
You have to use stencil buffer. It's basically another type of buffer that has plethora of awesome applications and one of the simplest one is masking. While I can't recommend any OpenGL ES specific tutorial off the top of my head, I highly recommend reading general tutorials, since it's not that different and surely is fascinating.
Try glScissor... it might be the rectangle you want.
