What is the best way to build C++ code that uses the dlib library using Bazel? I.e., what would the BUILD rules look like?
I tried following the answer for OpenCV as follows, but had no luck:
name = "dlib",
srcs = glob(["build/dlib/*.so*"]),
hdrs = glob(["dlib/*.h"]),
includes = ["include"],
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
linkstatic = 1,
I think I figured it out. Assuming dlib was unzipped to /opt/dlib-19.2 and built in /opt/dlib-19.2/build.
In your WORKSPACE file:
name = "dlib",
path = "/opt/dlib-19.2",
build_file = "dlib.BUILD",
In dlib.BUILD:
name = "dlib",
srcs = glob(["build/dlib/*.so*"]),
hdrs = glob(["dlib/**/*.h"]),
includes = ["."],
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
linkstatic = 1,
There is a protobuf that my project needs. The protobuf itself is in another repo altogether owned by a completely different team. However they do publish their artifacts on my company's internal Artifactory.
How can I use that (non Bazel) protobuf in my Bazel project?
This is the direction I was trying to go before I hit a deadend.
load("#bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive", "http_file")
name = "rules_proto",
sha256 = "80d3a4ec17354cccc898bfe32118edd934f851b03029d63ef3fc7c8663a7415c",
strip_prefix = "rules_proto-5.3.0-21.5",
urls = [
load("#rules_proto//proto:repositories.bzl", "rules_proto_dependencies", "rules_proto_toolchains")
name = "some-service-protobuf",
url = "https://artifactory.xyz.com/artifactory/x/y/some-service-protobuf.dbgrel.zip",
BUILD file:
load("#rules_proto//proto:defs.bzl", "proto_library")
name = "SomeService.proto",
The resources I'm trying to use:
Is fetching proto files from remote URL possible? How show I do it after copying those files in my repo.
You might try using http_archive instead:
And then use the build_file or build_file_content attributes to add the build file with the proto_library definition to the external workspace created from the zip file:
name = "some-service-protobuf",
url = "https://artifactory.xyz.com/artifactory/x/y/some-service-protobuf.dbgrel.zip",
build_file = "BUILD.some_service",
load("#rules_proto//proto:defs.bzl", "proto_library")
name = "some_service_proto",
srcs = ["SomeService.proto"],
Then in another build file you can do something like:
name = "some_service_java_protobuf",
deps = ["#some-service-protobuf//:some_service_proto"],
I am using a package graphviz as part of a service and to use it I begin the bazel WORKSPACE file like this
name = "graphviz",
path = "/usr/local/Cellar/graphviz/2.49.1",
build_file_content = """
package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
name = "headers",
srcs = glob(["**/*.dylib"]),
hdrs = glob(["**/*.h"])
The problem with it is its depends upon graphviz being downloaded, pre-installed and present in the path /usr/local/Cellar/graphviz/2.49.1. Is there a way to make it part of the bazel build process such that if its not present it will be fetched and put in the right place?
You can use http_archive to download one of graphviz's release archives:
From https://graphviz.org/download/source/ the 2.49.1 release is available at https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/4207231/packages/generic/graphviz-releases/2.49.1/graphviz-2.49.1.tar.gz
load("#bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")
name = "graphviz",
url = "https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/4207231/packages/generic/graphviz-releases/2.49.1/graphviz-2.49.1.tar.gz",
strip_prefix = "graphviz-2.49.1",
sha256 = "ba1aa7a209025cb3fc5aca1f2c0114e18ea3ad29c481d75e4d445ad44e0fb0f7",
build_file_content = """
package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
name = "headers",
srcs = glob(["**/*.dylib"]),
hdrs = glob(["**/*.h"])
To answer the "if its not present" part of the question, I'm not aware of a straight forward way to accomplish automatically switching between something that's locally installed and downloading something. http_archive will always download the archive, and new_local_repository will always use something local.
There's the --override_repository flag, which replaces a repository with a local one, e.g. --override_repository=graphviz=/usr/local/Cellar/graphviz/2.49.1 would effectively replace the http_archive with a local_repository pointing to that path. However, bazel would then expect there to be a WORKSPACE file and BUILD file already at that location (i.e., there's no way to specify build_file_content)
You could specify both repository rules in the WORKSPACE file, and then use some indirection, a Starlark flag, and a select() to switch between the repositories using a command-line flag. It's a little involved though, and also not automatic. Something like this:
name = "graphviz-download",
name = "graphviz-installed",
load("#bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")
name = "bazel_skylib",
urls = [
sha256 = "c6966ec828da198c5d9adbaa94c05e3a1c7f21bd012a0b29ba8ddbccb2c93b0d",
load("#bazel_skylib//:workspace.bzl", "bazel_skylib_workspace")
BUILD (e.g. in //third_party/graphviz):
load("#bazel_skylib//rules:common_settings.bzl", "bool_flag")
name = "use-installed-graphviz",
build_setting_default = False,
name = "installed",
flag_values = {
":use-installed-graphviz": "True",
name = "headers",
actual = select({
":installed": "#graphviz-installed//:headers",
"//conditions:default": "#graphviz-download//:headers",
Then your code depends on //third_party/graphviz:headers, by default the alias will point to the downloaded version, and the flag --//third_party/graphviz:use-installed-graphviz will switch it to the installed version:
$ bazel cquery --output build //third_party/graphviz:headers
name = "headers",
actual = "#graphviz-download//:headers",
$ bazel cquery --output build //third_party/graphviz:headers --//third_party/graphviz:use-installed-graphviz
name = "headers",
actual = "#graphviz-installed//:headers",
Another option is to write (or find) a custom repository rule that combines the functionality of http_archive and local_repository, but that would probably be a fair bit of work.
Generally I think most people just use an http_archive and download the dependencies, and if there are specific needs for being offline or caching, there's --distdir for using already-downloaded artifacts for remote repository rules: https://docs.bazel.build/versions/main/guide.html#distribution-files-directories
Edit: An example of using rules_foreign_cc with graphviz:
load("#bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")
name = "rules_foreign_cc",
sha256 = "69023642d5781c68911beda769f91fcbc8ca48711db935a75da7f6536b65047f",
strip_prefix = "rules_foreign_cc-0.6.0",
url = "https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_foreign_cc/archive/0.6.0.tar.gz",
load("#rules_foreign_cc//foreign_cc:repositories.bzl", "rules_foreign_cc_dependencies")
# This sets up some common toolchains for building targets. For more details, please see
# https://bazelbuild.github.io/rules_foreign_cc/0.6.0/flatten.html#rules_foreign_cc_dependencies
name = "graphviz",
url = "https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/4207231/packages/generic/graphviz-releases/2.49.1/graphviz-2.49.1.tar.gz",
strip_prefix = "graphviz-2.49.1",
sha256 = "ba1aa7a209025cb3fc5aca1f2c0114e18ea3ad29c481d75e4d445ad44e0fb0f7",
build_file_content = """\
name = "all_srcs",
srcs = glob(["**"]),
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
load("#rules_foreign_cc//foreign_cc:defs.bzl", "configure_make")
# see https://bazelbuild.github.io/rules_foreign_cc/0.6.0/configure_make.html
name = "graphviz",
lib_source = "#graphviz//:all_srcs",
out_shared_libs = ["libcgraph.so"], # or other graphviz libs
name = "foo",
srcs = ["foo.c"],
deps = [":graphviz"],
#include "graphviz/cgraph.h"
int main() {
Agraph_t *g;
g = agopen("G", Agdirected, NULL);
return 0;
$ bazel build foo
INFO: Analyzed target //:foo (0 packages loaded, 2 targets configured).
INFO: Found 1 target...
Target //:foo up-to-date:
INFO: Elapsed time: 0.229s, Critical Path: 0.06s
INFO: 7 processes: 5 internal, 2 linux-sandbox.
INFO: Build completed successfully, 7 total actions
I am currently using bazel for my GoLang app.
name = "my-golang-app",
base = "#ubuntu_base//image",
cmd = ["/bin/my-golang-app"],
directory = "/bin/",
files = [":my-golang-app"],
tags = [
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
Except my-golang-app folder I need to copy, while building this image, another folder named my-new-folder and everything in it.
How does one do that with bazel? I can't seem to find the solution in the bazel docs.
dockerfile {
run 'mkdir -p /usr/local/bin'
// add the lines below
add {
from 'docker/my-new-folder/'
into '/'
Use pkg_tar like the container_image docs reference. Something like this:
name = "my-files",
srcs = glob(["my-new-folder/**"]),
strip_prefix = ".",
name = "my-golang-app",
files = [":my-golang-app"],
<everything else you already have>,
tars = [":my-files"],
pkg_tar has various options to control where your files end up, if you want something beyond just taking an entire directory. For more complicated arrangements, I find multiple pkg_tar rules for various directories linked together via deps a helpful pattern.
I'm new to bazel. I am trying out migrating some parts of my company's vast build to bazel. We have some protos zipped up in nexus. I need to grab several archives and compile all the contained proto files together. I have tried all sorts and just can't get it to work.
I'm using an http_archive with a filegroup to get the files.
name = "protos_1",
url = "..."
build_file_content = """
name = "files",
srcs = glob(["**/*.proto"]),
visibility = ["//visibility:public"]
Now I figured I would just do something like:
name = "combined_protos",
srcs = [
but no dice. I've tried using the filegroups as deps and data and everything else I can think of. Any tips?
I would like to use a specific version of g++ installedvat /opt/blabla/bin/g++.
How do I force premake to add initialization of CXX variable in makefile, such that it will point to the specific location?
I do realize that once makefile is generated, I can to 'make CXX=...' but I would like to have CXX set inside auto-generated makefile.
Using premake5, targeting gmake.
Thanks in advance
By poking examples and browsing the code, I figured out I can do it by adding this code into premake5.lua:
local GCC_BIN_PATH = "/opt/blala/bin"
-- start: setting gcc version
-- todo: consider moving this instrumentation into a side lua script
local gcc = premake.tools.gcc
gcc.tools = {
cc = GCC_BIN_PATH.."/gcc",
cxx = GCC_BIN_PATH.."/g++",
ar = GCC_BIN_PATH.."/ar"
function gcc.gettoolname(cfg, tool)
return gcc.tools[tool]
-- finish: setting gcc version
Is there a better way to achieve the same? In particular, does it make sense to redefine gettoolname function?
Same answer as above but more generic. This file can be named "add_new_gcc_toolset.lua":
local function add_new_gcc_toolset (name, prefix)
local gcc = premake.tools.gcc
local new_toolset = {}
new_toolset.getcflags = gcc.getcflags
new_toolset.getcxxflags = gcc.getcxxflags
new_toolset.getforceincludes = gcc.getforceincludes
new_toolset.getldflags = gcc.getldflags
new_toolset.getcppflags = gcc.getcppflags
new_toolset.getdefines = gcc.getdefines
new_toolset.getincludedirs = gcc.getincludedirs
new_toolset.getLibraryDirectories = gcc.getLibraryDirectories
new_toolset.getlinks = gcc.getlinks
new_toolset.getmakesettings = gcc.getmakesettings
new_toolset.toolset_prefix = prefix
function new_toolset.gettoolname (cfg, tool)
if tool == "cc" then
name = new_toolset.toolset_prefix .. "gcc"
elseif tool == "cxx" then
name = new_toolset.toolset_prefix .. "g++"
elseif tool == "ar" then
name = new_toolset.toolset_prefix .. "ar"
return name
premake.tools[name] = new_toolset
return add_new_gcc_toolset
I think that official way is to create your own toolset.
The example below creates a toolset with the "arm_gcc" name:
premake.tools.arm_gcc = {}
local arm_gcc = premake.tools.arm_gcc
local gcc = premake.tools.gcc
arm_gcc.getcflags = gcc.getcflags
arm_gcc.getcxxflags = gcc.getcxxflags
arm_gcc.getforceincludes = gcc.getforceincludes
arm_gcc.getldflags = gcc.getldflags
arm_gcc.getcppflags = gcc.getcppflags
arm_gcc.getdefines = gcc.getdefines
arm_gcc.getincludedirs = gcc.getincludedirs
arm_gcc.getLibraryDirectories = gcc.getLibraryDirectories
arm_gcc.getlinks = gcc.getlinks
arm_gcc.getmakesettings = gcc.getmakesettings
function arm_gcc.gettoolname (cfg, tool)
local prefix = path.getabsolute ("../../arm_env")
prefix = prefix .. "/arm_toolchain/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf-"
if tool == "cc" then
name = prefix .. "gcc"
elseif tool == "cxx" then
name = prefix .. "g++"
elseif tool == "ar" then
name = prefix .. "ar"
name = nil
return name
Then you can use:
toolset "arm_gcc"
Inside your projects, filters, etc.
This method has the advantage that you aren't overwriting the regular gcc toolset. Both can coexist if necessary.
In my case I actually find cleaner to add each compiler in its own lua file and then include it from the main (premake5.lua) script.
as a workaround, I found this method:
makesettings [[
CC = gcc