Have the async code working but don't see how I can use the values return in the main code. Is this possible? All the examples I have seen show all logic in the .then continuations. I don't want to convert all the code to async just the web api call.
pplx::task<void> GetXMLAsync() {
http_client client("url")
return client.request().then([=](http_response response) {
<< get result, parse it and return the **values** >>
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
use the **values** in the rest of the code
Appreciate any insight on this. Thanks
I figured it out.
pptx::task<http_response> test() {}
auto request_task = test();
auto response = request_task.get();
Then you can use the response variable as you need. Hoping that this helps others.
I'm new to JS and am currently immersing myself in asynchronous functions and promises. Having quite some experience in Python and R, this is totally new for me. I read many different websites, topics and solutions for returning a value in an asynchronous function - but I can't get it to work. Below I boiled it down to a simplification of the function I wrote, designed to get information from google about a location and return it. Simple as that. I followed the advice online and tried to rewrite the following advice from Benjamin Gruenbaum on How do I return the response from an asynchronous call?.
async function foo(){
var data = await fetch("/echo/json"); // notice the await
// code here only executes _after_ the request is done
return data.json(); // data is defined
Please see my own code below. It seems to me that it I'm doing the same thing, but it still logs as PromiseĀ {<pending>}... What am I doing wrong? data should be an array. Even if I only replace my googleapi url and use fetch() and .json(), it logs as PromiseĀ {<pending>}.
async function foo() {
var data = await axios.get("https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?address=Amsterdam&key=API_KEY");
return data;
try This way of calling async function
async function foo()
let response = await fetch(`https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?address=Amsterdam&key=API_KEY`);
let data = await response.json()
return data;
foo().then(data => console.log(data));
Can you try below code to know what is going on in the "data" you got .
This is not the solution of your problem but just you will know what you got in result
I'm trying to wrap an HttpRequest object (from Cocos2d-x) in my own functor. Everything's working fine except calling the callback passed to my functor. Can you spot the error in the classes below? (I only pasted the relevant parts of the code).
#ifndef Cloud_hpp
#define Cloud_hpp
#include "external/json/document.h"
#include "network/HttpClient.h"
using namespace cocos2d::network;
typedef std::function<void()> CloudCallback;
class Cloud
std::string url { "http://localhost:3000/1.0/" };
std::string end_point;
CloudCallback callback;
std::string getPath();
void onHttpRequestCompleted(HttpClient *sender, HttpResponse *response);
Cloud (std::string end_point) : end_point(end_point) {}
void operator() (CloudCallback callback);
#endif /* Cloud_hpp */
This is the class that stores the callback passed in the constructor. Here's the implementation:
#include "Cloud.hpp"
#include <iostream>
std::string Cloud::getPath()
return url + end_point;
void Cloud::operator()(CloudCallback callback)
this->callback = callback;
std::vector<std::string> headers;
HttpRequest* request = new (std::nothrow) HttpRequest();
request->setResponseCallback(CC_CALLBACK_2(Cloud::onHttpRequestCompleted, this));
void Cloud::onHttpRequestCompleted(HttpClient *sender, HttpResponse *response)
What I'm trying to do is, make a simple Http request with the help of a functor, calling like this:
Cloud cloud("decks");
cloud([&]() {
CCLOG("Got the decks");
I'm getting EXC_BAD_ACCESS(Code=EXC_I386_GPFLT) as soon as the line
is called.
What is it that I am doing wrong here?
EDIT: Now I guess it's something to do with threads. If I remove the HttpRequest and call the callback method passed to the operator() immediately, this works without any problems. Begging for help :-)
It looks like the problem could be a lifetime issue. Since the http response callback is called asynchronously, some objects may have been destroyed in the meantime. There are two possibilities:
The Cloud object itself is destroyed before the callback is called.
One or more objects referenced by the lambda (since you're capturing by reference), may have also gone out of scope and been destroyed.
Try this:
void Cloud::operator()(const CloudCallback &callback)
im learning libcurl and boost:asio from this nice post http://www.lijoantony.com/?p=76
though i do have one question about the source code at:
sample code
the main function looks like:
int main(int argc, char **argv)
GlobalInfo g;
CURLMcode rc;
memset(&g, 0, sizeof(GlobalInfo));
g.multi = curl_multi_init();
curl_multi_setopt(g.multi, CURLMOPT_SOCKETFUNCTION, sock_cb);
curl_multi_setopt(g.multi, CURLMOPT_SOCKETDATA, &g);
curl_multi_setopt(g.multi, CURLMOPT_TIMERFUNCTION, multi_timer_cb);
curl_multi_setopt(g.multi, CURLMOPT_TIMERDATA, &g);
new_conn((char *)"http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86_64/331.79/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-331.79.run", &g); /* add a URL */
/* enter io_service run loop */
fprintf(MSG_OUT, "\ndone.\n");
return 0;
i see there is no place calling the curl function curl_multi_perform()
how does the tasks get started at the very begining?
I see there is no place calling the curl function curl_multi_perform()
This is because this sample code uses an alternative API called curl_multi_socket_action:
curl_multi_socket_action is then used instead of curl_multi_perform.
(see the MULTI_SOCKET section of the official documentation for more details)
how does the tasks get started at the very begining?
The magic occurs thanks to the CURLMOPT_TIMERFUNCTION option, curl_multi_add_handle function and corresponding timer logic.
If you refer to the static void new_conn(char *url, GlobalInfo *g ) function you can see that:
static void new_conn(char *url, GlobalInfo *g )
/* ... */
rc = curl_multi_add_handle(g->multi, conn->easy);
mcode_or_die("new_conn: curl_multi_add_handle", rc);
/* note that the add_handle() will set a time-out to trigger very soon so
that the necessary socket_action() call will be called by this app */
So in practice everything starts by calling new_conn(...) which in turn will trigger multi_timer_cb which then calls timer_cb.
And timer_cb performs the curl_multi_socket_action.
OK, I have a function in C++ that I need to call from JavaScript, and one of the parameters is a JavaScript object. The JavaScript looks like this:
var message = {
fieldA: 42,
fieldB: "moo"
myObj.send(message, function (err) { console.log("Result: " + err); });
In the send() routine I need to call a native function in another C library that may block. All functions in this library may block so I've been using uv_queue_work extensively.
This routine is the first time I've hit an issue and it is because of the JavaScript object. The C++ code looks like this:
struct SendMessageRequest
Persistent<Object> message;
Persistent<Function> callback;
int result;
Handle<Value> MyObj::Send(const Arguments& args)
HandleScope scope;
// Parameter checking done but not included here
Local<Object> message = Local<Object>::Cast(args[0]);
Local<Function> callback = Local<Function>::Cast(args[1]);
// Send data to worker thread
SendMessageRequest* request = new SendMessageRequest;
request->message = Persistent<Object>::New(message);
request->callback = Persistent<Function>::New(callback);
uv_work_t* req = new uv_work_t();
req->data = request;
uv_queue_work(uv_default_loop(), req, SendMessageWorker, SendMessageWorkerComplete);
return scope.Close(Undefined());
This is all fine, the problem comes when I try to access request->message in the SendMessageWorker function.
void SendMessageWorker(uv_work_t* req)
SendMessageRequest* request = (SendMessageRequest*)req->data;
Local<Array> names = request->message->GetPropertyNames();
It seems that calling methods off of request->message causes an Access Violation on a really small address (probably a NULL pointer reference somewhere in V8/node). So using request->message directly must be wrong. I know to access the callback function I need to do this:
request->callback->Call(Context::GetCurrent()->Global(), 1, argv);
Do I need to use Context::GetCurrent()->Global() in order to access methods off of the Object class that is wrapped by the Persistent template? If so how do I do that?
The code in SendMessageWorker is not executed on the JavaScript - what uv_queue_work does is execute your SendMessageWorker in a separate thread, so it can let the node.js code run as well, and when it's ready, SendMessageWorkerComplete is executed back on the JavaScript thread.
So you can't use JavaScript variables in SendMessageWorker - if you really need to, you'd have to convert them to e.g. C++ string before calling uv_queue_work.
I was going over the examples of boost.asio and I am wondering why there isn't an example of a simple server/client example that prints a string on the server and then returns a response to the client.
I tried to modify the echo server but I can't really figure out what I'm doing at all.
Can anyone find me a template of a client and a template of a server?
I would like to eventually create a server/client application that receives binary data and just returns an acknowledgment back to the client that the data is received.
void handle_read(const boost::system::error_code& error,
size_t bytes_transferred) // from the server
if (!error)
boost::asio::buffer("ACK", bytes_transferred),
boost::bind(&session::handle_write, this,
delete this;
This returns to the client only 'A'.
Also in data_ I get a lot of weird symbols after the response itself.
Those are my problems.
Ok so the main problem is with the client.
size_t reply_length = boost::asio::read(s,
boost::asio::buffer(reply, request_length));
Since it's an echo server the 'ACK' will only appear whenever the request length is more then 3 characters.
How do I overcome this?
I tried changing request_length to 4 but that only makes the client wait and not do anything at all.
Eventually I found out that the problem resides in this bit of code in the server:
void handle_read(const boost::system::error_code& error,
size_t bytes_transferred) // from the server
if (!error)
boost::asio::buffer("ACK", 4), // replaced bytes_transferred with the length of my message
boost::bind(&session::handle_write, this,
delete this;
And in the client:
size_t reply_length = boost::asio::read(s,
boost::asio::buffer(reply, 4)); // replaced request_length with the length of the custom message.
The echo client/server is the simple example. What areas are you having trouble with? The client should be fairly straightforward since it uses the blocking APIs. The server is slightly more complex since it uses the asynchronous APIs with callbacks. When you boil it down to the core concepts (session, server, io_service) it's fairly easy to understand.