Nativescript - Changing the launch screen - nativescript

There is a way to change de launch screen without have to change each image one by one?
Like the doc says I used the tool: to change the icon, but to change the splash screen I have to change 20 images, there isn't an easiest way?

The easiest way to do this; is on the community site...
Actually the images sub-site specifically.
It will allow you to post a single image and it will generate all the proper size screens for both android and ios.
The second way to do it is to use the ns command line (tns was renamed to ns in late 2020)
ns resources generate splashes ../SourceImage.png --background "#FFFFFF"
You want to use a source image of at least 1024x1024 as Apple requires this for the main app page image, otherwise you will be missing this size and you won't be able to submit the app to Apple.
Please note: no matter which way you generate your screens; you should always DE-INSTALL the app from your test devices so that it can do a full reinstall so that you do see the new splash screens.
I'm the developer of group of sites.

With NativeScript 4.x.x and above the CLI has introudced a command for automatic generation of splash screen for both iOS and Android.
tns resources generate splashes ../myImage.png --background "#FF00FF"
The above will take the myImage.png and create different scaled images and replace them in `splash_screen.xml. It will also produce a background PNG with the desired background color. More about this feature in the official documentation.


How to use scaled UI content in iOS?

I would like to create a zoomed/scaled UI as in Screenshot 1 below:
Keep in mind that I am NOT using the Zoomed option in iOS Display Settings.
So, somehow it is possible to make an app look like it is scaled/ zoomed.
Are such apps created with an old version of XCode and that's why their UI looks scaled or it is some sort of a technic?
Screenshot 1 (taken on iPhone 6s Plus 1920x1080)
Screenshot 2 - Normal app.
hi by default the OS will scale your app EITHER because it is an iphone app running on an iPad or because AX is on or it is a very old app where the LaunchImage does tell ios it doesnt really support the screen size.
you cant really say 'hey ios, scale my whole app for me'
that said, you can DRAW 'scaled' by applying a transformation to your root window/view.. dont know if there are issues with scaling the whole hierrachy but it technically works
i just know the bug with facebook sdk its when you call your fb friends list in the app and it scales all the ui after that window xd

Xamarin UI Measurement

I'm a UI designer working with a junior app developer.
We are working on an app I gave him the assets and there sizes using Zeplin app, he showed me the app and it was different than was design telling me that Xamarin doesn't use pixels or dpi but using a number without any measurement.
Is there any way to help him as a designer or something he can use to make the program use pixels or dpi.
#Muslem Mohammed
I think as you are an UI Designer, you are aware that how to provide assets for native app development if not please check for below process.
You can provide Android Assets in the form of Mdpi drawable, hdpi, xhdpi, xxhdpi.
And for iOS 1x, 2x and 3x same like native app assets.
And the developer place all those images into respective folder with respect to the platform.
Example: For Android you will be providing 5 kinds of images with same name respect to the folder I mentioned above.
sample.png for respective folders with the resolution, developer place those images into Android specific project.
Then developer place all images under resources and keep in respective folders.
For iOS also provide the images with same name and by applying 1x,2x,3x with sample below,
sample.png, sample#2x.png and sample#3x.png.
Then developer go to iOS project and place all ios images into Resources folder.
And finally developer will place the image control like below,
<Image source="sample.png" />
And this will show up the image in iOS and Android as well.

Google play tablet 7-inch screenshots

Google play console wants me to add some 7-inch tablet screenshots in order to make the app easily accessible to tablets. But I don't have any tablet. Don't understand what's the problem. I have made screenshots in the final phase of development, testing the game in the Unity editor. I suppose these .png images are as good as if they were made from a phone. I don't even know how to make screenshots from a phone.
Is there a hidden feature to identify a screenshot as being made from the 7-inch tablet? Why don't they simply state the image resolution they want for the tablet "screenshot"??
Actually, it doesn't matter what resolution your image is. Just upload the images to that section, the purpose of that section is only to let your users have a first look of what your app looks like before they install it. If you don't intend to make your app for Tablet, just let that section empty, upload images only to Phone's section.
If you are using an Android phone such as Samsung, I would recommend you have a look at Settings/Advanced Features/ Smart Capture (turn it on). Then you can swipe your screen to take a screenshots (it has a tutorial there)

Getting same color output on iOS Simulator versus Quartz drawing in Mac app

I have a PDF that seems to have some internal color profile attached. If I render this in iPhone simulator the colors come out as they look in Photoshop which apparently can parse this color profile. If I render the same PDF on Mac I get the same colors (less bright, muddy) as in Preview and Pixelmator.
Is there some way how I can achieve the same (correct) rendering result on Mac as I was getting in iPhone simulator?
On iOS Simulator, I used CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB with a kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst bitmap context. I also set rendering intent kCGRenderingIntentPerceptual, though I don't know if this makes any difference.
on Mac I tried the same settings, as well as all the different kinds of color spaces, but I'm never able to achieve the same result us in Simulator.
I also tried the two ICC based approaches mentioned here:
I'm getting desperate. What is different between iOS simulator which gets the colors right and Mac? I thought iOS doesn't do color correction, but Mac does? Right now I am drawing the individual pages with PDFKit. Is there a difference in PDFKit on Mac versus iOS related to color correction that makes it work properly on iOS Simulator, but fails on Mac?
I also took a JPG that was rendered from this PDF in iOS Simulator, put it into a new PDF in Preview and there preview and my Mac rendering yielded exactly the same colors as the input.
It looks to me like iOS Simulator has a magical ability to use a color profile embedded in this PDF which Preview or Quartz on Mac does not.
Please help!
kind regards
Oliver Drobnik
I don't know exactly how simulator works, but I can assure you that both Preview and iOS have very incorrect handling of certain features of PDF files; especially when it comes to color management, transparency, overprint, advanced compression of images etc...
Two tips:
On Mac, open the PDF file in Adobe Reader (free download from The color you see in Reader should be very close to the actual truth. If your PDF file contains ICC profiles (for objects in the file or in the output intent, meaning for the whole file) it will be used correctly. On iOS, also look at Adobe Reader - it currently is the best (highest quality) display tool on that platform.
Secondly, if you want to know what the simulator or some other tool can or cannot do, have a look at the test patches from the GWG ( These patches were designed to give very easy to interpret results on whether certain tools or printers can handle specific PDF features.
These two steps should at least tell you what works and where it works. That should make it easier to figure out what you need to correct.
Unfortunately this is a confirmed bug in CGPDF on Mac. It manifests itself if you have CMYK as a transparency color space. iOS ignores this correctly, the Mac messes up the colors.

Fullscreen Cocoa app retina support

I'm developing a screenshot application working in fullscreen mode. I have a bug report about issues with MBP Retina, but I have no idea how to test and fix them. It looks like QuartzDebug can change displays to HiDPI mode, but I'm not sure that will do the trick. Can't find any "Retina Emultaion" related topics in Apple docs.
So my question is how can I test app (not just icons, but whole fullscreen application) for being compatible with retina display without buying one.
It's actually all in the Apple docs, though slightly hard to find: Testing High Resolution Content.
I'll sum it up for you: you should always test on a real device (or go to the Apple Store and put your application on to one of their demo retinas). But as an intermediate step, emulating the retina works too.
Quartz Debug's HiDPI mode works for this, and is a method Apple delineates as one to test with. You can also tint high resolution images using the command (in Terminal)
defaults write -g CGContextHighlight2xScaledImages YES
