Magento Admin Menu Acl - magento

The code add a new menu in backend. But i have a permission denied problem on the new page. I add the controller and helper.
My adminhtml.xml
<mycustomtab module="colorswitch" translate="title">
<title>My Custom Tab</title>
<index module="colorswitch" translate="title">
<title>Index Action</title>
<list module="colorswitch" translate="title">
<title>List Action</title>
<custom translate="title" module="colorswitch">
<title>My Controller</title>
<index translate="title">
<title>Index Action</title>
<list translate="title">
<title>List Action</title>
I havent no idea, where is the problem.

In menu you hve used node
<mycustomtab module="colorswitch" translate="title">
and below
<**custom** translate="title" module="colorswitch">
Change this custom node to mycustomtab

Your code :
<custom translate="title" module="colorswitch">
<title>My Controller</title>
<index translate="title">
<title>Index Action</title>
<list translate="title">
<title>List Action</title>
Should Be :
<mycustomtab translate="title" module="colorswitch">
<title>My Controller</title>
<index translate="title">
<title>Index Action</title>
<list translate="title">
<title>List Action</title>


create a submenu under Customers Menu in magento

I know how to create a sub-menu under catalog main navigation menu in config.xml which is:
<title>Manage Testimonials</title>
but how do I create a sub-menu under Customers Menu? I tried:
<title>Manage Testimonials</title>
but it doesn't work. Any suggestion would be appreciated.
Assuming that this is not a permission issue and you have clear cache and re-login.
In config.xml
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<adminhtml> <---
<title>Manage Testimonials</title>
</adminhtml> <---
In adminhtml.xml
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<title>Manage Testimonials</title>

Magento - Can't Save Role Resource for Custom Module

I’ve created a custom module and my config.xml is as follows…
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<blacklist translate="title" module="blacklist">
<items translate="title" module="blacklist">
<title>Manage Items</title>
<title>Allow Everything</title>
<Leon_Blacklist translate="title" module="blacklist">
<title>Blacklist Module</title>
<items translate="title" module="blacklist">
<title>Manage Items</title>
The module works as expected if an admin account is logged in. I can see the module in the admin panel and in the Role Resource Tab (System->Permissions->Roles), but when I tried to check the module and save the user role, it will say that it has been saved. But when I rechecked the user role, it is still unchecked.
And when I tried to login using the account with the said user role, the custom module is hidden. What seems to be the problem? Any kind of help is much appreciated..
Your acl section of config is a little wrong. Tags should be similar to menu section. So in your case it should look like this:
<blacklist translate="title" module="blacklist">
<title>Blacklist Module</title>
<items translate="title" module="blacklist">
<title>Manage Items</title>
Here is my acl section of config.xml
<title>Allow Everything</title>
<banner translate="title" module="banner">
<title>Banner Module</title>
<banner translate="title" module="banner">
<title>Manage Banners</title>
Also add the below function in your controller to avoid the "Access denied" message
protected function _isAllowed(){
return true;
Code taken from:

Magento custom tab and admin controller acl

I have an issue with a custom controllers ACL for the admin backend.
Ive read, re-read, checked....and still cant find my issue. Dammit.
First, the code...the module itself is working...i have blocks, helpers, front end controllers...system->config tab/group data...all working fine. My issue is just relating to admincontroller ill just add the relevant code for that area for now.
My backend tab is showing, but the urls (admin/mynewmodule/index, admin/mynewmodule/list) go to a 404 page.
config.xml, admin routers:
<mynewmodule before="Mage_Adminhtml">
</mynewmodule >
Adminhtml.xml, backend tab, and acl
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<mynewmodule module="mynewmodule " translate="title">
<items module="mynewmodule " translate="title">
<title>Index Action</title>
<list module="mynewmodule " translate="title">
<title>List Action</title>
</mynewmodule >
<mynewmodule translate="title">
<mynewmodule translate="title" module="mynewmodule">
<items translate="title">
<title>Index Action</title>
<list translate="title">
<title>List Action</title>
Admin controller
class Mworkz_MyNewModule_Adminhtml_MyNewModuleController extends Mage_Adminhtml_Controller_action
protected function _initAction() {
->_addBreadcrumb(Mage::helper('adminhtml')->__('Items Manager'), Mage::helper('adminhtml')->__('Item Manager'));
return $this;
public function indexAction() {
public function listAction() {
If you write your own extension, path must be module_name/admin_html/list. Download free magento extension, for example: and look at etc/config.xml.
So right code:
<modulename module="modulename" translate="title">
<title>Module Name</title>
<add translate="title" module="modulename">
<title>Add New Item</title>
<items translate="title" module="modulename">
<title>Items Manager</title>
<settings translate="title" module="modulename">

Magento admin menu link not showing up

I have created 2 modules (A and B) in Magento. Each of these modules are managed from the admin section.
I tried creating a menu link under cms(menu) in the admin section for each module by writing the following configuration in modules' config files
Module A>etc>config.xml
<a module="A">
<items module="A">
<title>Manage A</title>
Module B>etc>config.xml
<b module="B">
<items module="B">
<title>Manage B</title>
However only the link for Module B shows up under CMS menu. How can I show both links?
the following worked
Module A>etc>config.xml
<a module="A">
<items module="A">
<title>Manage A</title>
Module B>etc>config.xml
<b module="B">
<items module="B">
<title>Manage B</title>

How do I add a submenu to an existing menu in Magento?

My existing code creates a menu that looks like this.
But I want a menu that is a sub-menu of the Catalog menu.
Here is my existing code in adminhtml.xml
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<mycustom_menu translate="title" module="brands">
<title>My Custom Menu Item</title>
<!-- child items go here -->
<subitem translate="title" module="brands">
<title>Manage Brands</title>
<mycustom_menu translate="title" module="brands">
<title>My Custom Menu Item</title>
<subitem translate="title" module="brands">
Instead of using <mycustom_menu> you need to re-use the nodename that was used in the adminhtml.xml of the catalog module. That name is catalog.
So your XML should look like:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<title>Subitem 1</title>
<title>Subitem 1</title>
For example to add submenu in customer tab:
<vendor module="yourmodule">
<title>Your Title</title>
