What is the <jdoc:include>? Is it HTML or PHP? - joomla

< jdoc:include >
But I do not know how the above works. I mean, how is it compiled?
How does the HTML Code recognize that this is related to Joomla!

It is Joomla syntax. <jdoc ... is processed by the Joomla engine to output specific information. You can read more about it here.
The "HTML code" really has nothing to do with it, it is compiled by Joomla before serving the page to the browser.


Joomla TinyMCE Editor removes <link> from html

My code is this:
When i toggle the editor I have:
Where have I got it wrong?
From your title, I am assuming any <link> tag is being stripped.
Link tags are only valid in the head of the page, and TinyMCE is set to use the HTML5 specification by default when it tidies code, so presumably it is removing them due to their invalidity in the body of the page.
You could probably configure the code of TinyMCE to do what you want (see: http://www.tinymce.com/wiki.php/Configuration:valid_children), but as that does not seem to be possible via Joomla's plug-in parameters, it would mean overriding a core file, which may then cause problems should you patch the site.
One alternative would be to turn off Tiny MCE, and add the code via the blank editor.
Ideally, it sounds like you should be creating a bespoke module in which the link element can go in the head of the page as it should be.

Missing html markup in Joomla template file

I am trying to add some code to a Joomla site just before the tag. I have never used Joomla before but from what I read up it should be something like this -
Log on to: http://www.yoursite.com/administrator/
In the top menu select: "Extensions" > "Template Manager"
Now select the template which is marked as default and click "Edit"
In the template edit page click "Edit HTML"
Or index.php file from your template folder however when I do both of these options the only thing there is:
if (class_exists('T3Template')) {
$tmpl = T3Template::getInstance($this);
} else {
//Need to install or enable JAT3 Plugin
echo JText::_('Missing jat3 framework plugin');
Any ideas where I can find the normal HTML markup with the tag?
Thanks for the help.
The markup for your template would normally be in /templates/template_name/index.php but your joomlart template uses a framework (which is not standard joomla, but common practice amongst large template providers). You should look into joomlart documentation, so you can make sure you will follow their best practices. From a quick glance at their forums, try looking at the \plugins\system\jat3\jat3\base-themes\default\page\default.php file (see here: http://www.joomlart.com/forums/showthread.php?55256-Add-code-before-lt-body-gt-amp-lt-head-gt&highlight=template+edit+jat3)
In a standard Joomla template, you would find the code inside abovementioned index.php.
You can find the template files at following location:

Jquery Error in Joomla site

I am facing jquery errors on my joomla site in which i am using virtue mart but i am loading a jquery from jqueryLoadPlugin, to avoid jquery conflicts & disable virtue mart jquery it works good but when i enable scrollers it again giving me errors.
below i have mentioned the links of the pages, on which i am getting a jquery error for scrollers. kindly guide me what i have to do this to avoid this conflict.
Jquery.noconflict(); is already called on the page.
please need your help:(
(on the tabs, when you click on the LAtest Projects you will get an slider which stucks.)
(I call module here in the article it does'not works an where)
There are a few things you can try to get this working.
Be sure your script is being pulled into the page, one way to check is by using the 'sources' tab in the Chrome Debugger and searching for the file else in the html head section
Be sure that you've included the other script after you've included jQuery, as it is most certainly dependant upon that.
Check whether jQuery is included properly and once only.
Watch out for jQuery conflicts. There is some other library which is overridding $, so your code is not working because $ is not an alias for jQuery anymore. You can use jQuery.noConflict() to avoid conflicts with other libraries on the page which use the same variable $.
Try using jQuery Easy rather.

Magento 1.7 WYSIWYG

I have a problem with magento 1.7 (WYSIWYG).
My problem is that I can't have a proper description of the product when I use the WYSIWYG.
For example if I write in the WYSIWYG my product description, on site web site I will have a presentation which isn't the same.
The WYSIWYG puts html tags for each line return.
Thank you for your help
I've found in the past that with some themes the description is run through the nl2br function first. This will replace all new lines with <br> tags. Look in your view.phtml template file for this and remove the nl2br function.
It could be that you have custom css on the front causing it to appair different, view source both the admin (WYSIWYG) and on the website to see if the html are the same. If they are the same then check your custom css
In the file description.phtml in the template/easytabs folder, I removed the nl2br.
And then it works fine.

How to insert HTML/javascript/css code in joomla article

I am using Joomla 1.5. and I am writing a blog in joomla and want to highlight some HTML and javascript code but when I save that article after inserting the HTML code as it is, it gets exicuted itself. I also tried it with codecitation plugin but no result. If you people have any solution then please reply.
Use a <pre> tag it should work.
In your blog try "& lt;" (without space) to write < and "& gt;" (without space) to write > in your HTML Code.
This syntax is used to write "<" and ">" symbols on some web page. Otherwise it will treat your code as part of the blog article and will show its output.
You can use <pre> and <code> tags.
Also Joomla has a native plugin to display code and syntax highlighting, based on the Geshi project.
It's easy to use, just be sure it is enabled in your plugins config:
<pre lang="html" >
<p> some text </p>
</pre >
Hope it helps!
Use the a jQuery highlighter.
Sorry for coming late to the party.
I used an extension called Easy Script. Just download, install and paste your script in your article manager and Boom. It even supports Bootstraps and other scripts as well.. Just give is a trial
Easy Script
