Cannot get Relay to make GraphQL Call over the network - graphql

I am new to Relay, and I am having problems making it work with a GraphQL server.
I have adapted the Tea sample from the relay homepage to the SWAPI relay service. I cloned swapi-graphql, and added cors to the express server. I tested the link with this code:
var query = `
allFilms {
edges {
node {
fetch("http://localhost:50515/graphiql?query=" + query)
I got a response from the server, I saw some network action, it worked! I can communicate with the graphiql service.
Next, I created a query that was structured similar to the TeaStoreQuery. I tested it, and it returned the expected results.
query AllFilmQuery {
allFilms {
fragment filmListFragment on FilmsConnection {
edges {
node {
fragment filmFragment on Film {
I cannot figure out how to use Relay to query the server. Here is the code that I adapted from the Tea sample.
import { render } from 'react-dom'
import {
} from 'react-relay'
// React component for each star wars film
const Film = ({ id, title, releaseDate }) =>
<li key={id}>
{title} (<em>{releaseDate}</em>)
// Relay container for each film
const FilmContainer = createContainer(Film, {
fragments: {
film: () => Relay.QL`
fragment on Film {
// React component for listing films
const FilmList = ({ films=[] }) =>
film => <Film {} />
// Relay container for Listing all Films
const FilmListContainer = createContainer(FilmList, {
fragments: {
films: () => Relay.QL`
fragment on FilmsConnection {
edges {
node {
${ Film.getFragment('film') }
// The Home Route
class FilmHomeRoute extends Route {
static routeName = 'Home'
static queries = {
allFilms: (Component) => Relay.QL`
query AllFilmQuery {
allFilms {
// Is this how you setup a network layer
// I am using CORS, and I testing the graphql service with fetch
// The graphql service works but Relay never seems to try to connect
new Relay.DefaultNetworkLayer('http://localhost:50515/graphiql')
route={new FilmHomeRoute()}
When I run this sample (source | output) I do not see any attempts at making network requests. I do see an error "Cannot render map of null". It seems like it cannot map the allfilms data.
What am I doing wrong?

According to section 5.1 of this document, the "Relay Object Identification Specification":
Relay‐compliant servers may expose root fields that are not plural identifying root fields; the Relay client will just be unable to use those fields as root fields in its queries.
Based on this specification, Relay can not query plural fields at the root of a query unless the field takes a list of arguments that exactly maps to the results. That means the allFilms field cannot be used with Relay. You can read more about the limitations in this other StackOverflow answer: How to get RelayJS to understand that a response from GraphQL is an array of items, not just a single item
If you would like to have a GraphQL schema with root fields that return arrays, you might want to use a different GraphQL client, since Relay is particularly restrictive in what kinds of schemas it works with. has a list:


Getting an error when having heuristic fragment matching with Apollo & Nuxt.js

I am trying to connect the below graphql query with nuxtjs.
query getContent($slug: String!) {
contents (filters: { slug: { eq: $slug } }) {
data {
attributes {
content {
... on ComponentContentParagraph {
I am getting the following error and not getting the result from the query.
You are using the simple (heuristic) fragment matcher, but your queries contain union or interface types. Apollo Client will not be able to accurately map fragments. To make this error go away, use the `IntrospectionFragmentMatcher` as described in the docs:
I have checked the questions and answers available here.
Apollo+GraphQL - Heuristic Fragment Manual Matching
I have followed the docs from apollo as well.
I managed to generate possibleTypes as mentioned in the docs.
Here is my next config.
apollo: {
includeNodeModules: true,
clientConfigs: {
default: "~/graphql/default.js",
This is the default.js
import { InMemoryCache } from "apollo-cache-inmemory";
import possibleTypes from "./possibleTypes.json";
export default () => {
return {
httpEndpoint: process.env.BACKEND_URL || "http://localhost:1337/graphql",
cache: new InMemoryCache({ possibleTypes }),
I am using strapi for the backend and this query works fine when running from graphql interface.

Strapi GraphQL search by multiple attributes

I've got a very simple Nuxt app with Strapi GraphQL backend that I'm trying to use and learn more about GraphQL in the process.
One of my last features is to implement a search feature where a user enters a search query, and Strapi/GraphQL performs that search based on attributes such as image name and tag names that are associated with that image. I've been reading the Strapi documentation and there's a segment about performing a search.
So in my schema.graphql, I've added this line:
type Query {
...other generated queries
searchImages(searchQuery: String): [Image
Then in the /api/image/config/schema.graphql.js file, I've added this:
module.exports = {
query: `
searchImages(searchQuery: String): [Image]
resolver: {
Query: {
searchImages: {
resolverOf: 'Image.find',
async resolver(_, { searchQuery }) {
if (searchQuery) {
const params = {
name_contains: searchQuery,
// tags_contains: searchQuery,
// location_contains: searchQuery,
const searchResults = await;
console.log('searchResults: ', searchResults);
return searchResults;
At this point I'm just trying to return results in the GraphQL playground, however when I run something simple in the Playground like:
query($searchQuery: String!) {
searchImages(searchQuery:$searchQuery) {
I get the error: "TypeError: Cannot read property 'split' of undefined".
Any ideas what might be going on here?
For now, I'm using deep filtering instead of the search like so:
query($searchQuery: String) {
where: {
tags: { title_contains: $searchQuery }
name_contains: $searchQuery
) {
src {
This is not ideal because it's not an OR/WHERE operator, meaning it's not searching by tag title or image name. It seems to only hit the first where. Ideally I would like to use Strapi's search service.
I actually ran into this problem not to recently and took a different solution.
the where condition can be combined with using either _and or _or. as seen below.
articles(where: {
_or: [
{ content_contains: $dataContains },
{ description_contains: $dataContains }
(where: {
_and: [
{slug_contains: $categoriesContains}
Additionally, these operators can be combined given that where in this instance is an object.
For your solution I would presume you want an or condition in your where filter predicate like below
images(where: {
_or: [
{ title_contains: $searchQuery },
{ name_contains: $searchQuery }
Lastly, you can perform a query that filters by a predicate by creating an event schema and adding the #search directive as seen here

Optional queries in Gatsby / GraphQL

I have a Gatsby site with a contentful source, the initial page build GraphQL looks like this:
allContentfulProduct {
edges {
node {
this works fine when using the preview API, but when using the production one it fails unless I have at least 1 Product entry published:
There was an error in your GraphQL query:
Cannot query field "allContentfulProduct" on type "Query". Did you mean ... [suggested entry names] ?
I'm pretty sure that when I publish a Product things will work as expected, but is there any way to make this query optional. The query should return zero results, and thus no Product pages will be created (expected outcome if no Product entries are published)
Try to add into your gatsby-node.js file and play around that.
exports.createSchemaCustomization = ({ actions }) => {
const { createTypes } = actions
const typeDefs = `
type allContentfulProduct implements Node{
slug: String,
contentfulid: String

GatsbyJs - How to handle empty graphql node from Contentful plugin

I am building a site in Gatsbyjs that pulls information in via the gatsby-source-contentful plugin, but I'm struggling with the graphql side of things.
If I have a Content model in Contentful that contains a field to override the default description for example - then if none of the content uses that yet graphql throws an error if I try to include it in my query.
Is there anyway to short circuit the graphql queries?
allContentfulPage {
edges {
node {
description {
This will break if there is no Page model that exists with a description, but as soon as one page gets a description it works.
Gatsby pulls data from Contentful and then it builds an internal "model" of what the data from Contenful looks like. The Contentful API is REST but internally Gatsby uses GraphQL.
If a field does not have a value on Contentful then it will not be a part of the generated GraphQL query in Gatsby. The solution is to push a single value in one of your records.
The other solution would be to create and define the ContentfulPage type in your gatsby-node.js file. here is the link to gatsby documentation if you need to read more .
To create types you could add this to your gatsby-node.js file:
const createSchemaCustomization = ({ actions }) => {
const types = [
type ContentfulPage implements Node {
description : ContentfullDescription
type ContentfullDescription implements Node {
description : String
const gatsbyNode = {
export default gatsbyNode;
this is only the case if the description is a string, if it is some other type such as rich text you should add its type the createTypes api. then it would be:
const createSchemaCustomization = ({ actions }) => {
const types = [
type ContentfulPage implements Node {
description : ContentfullDescription
type ContentfullDescription implements Node {
description : ContentfulRichText
type ContentfulRichText {
raw: String
references: [Node] #link(from: "references___NODE")
const gatsbyNode = {
export default gatsbyNode;
Please take note that I am just guessing the type of description it might be some other types that you need to create yourself.

Relay mutation fragments intersection

I don't use Relay container, because I'd like to have more control over components. Instead of it I use HOC + Relay.Store.forceFetch, that fetches any given query with variables. So I have the following query:
query {
root {
search(filter: $filter) {
selectors {
data {
selectorGroups {
data {
Then I have to do some mutation on selector type.
export default class ChangeStatusMutation extends Relay.Mutation {
getMutation() {
return Relay.QL`mutation {selectors_status_mutation}`;
getVariables() {
return {
status: this.props.status
getFatQuery() {
return Relay.QL`
fragment on selectors_status_mutationPayload{
result {
data {
static fragments = {
result: () => Relay.QL`
fragment on selector {
data {
getOptimisticResponse() {
return {
result: {
data: {
status: this.props.status
getConfigs() {
return [{
fieldIDs: {
Call mutation in component:
const mutation = new ChangeStatusMutation({id, status, result: selector});
After mutation commitment selector in Relay storage is not changed. I guess that's because of empty Tracked Fragment Query and mutation performs without any fields:
ChangeStatusMutation($input_0:selectors_statusInput!) {
selectors_status_mutation(input:$input_0) {
But the modifying selector was already fetched by Relay, and I pass it to the mutation with props. So Relay knows the type, that should be changed, how to find the item and which fields should be replaced. But can not intersect. What's wrong?
So, you're definitely a bit "off the ranch" here by avoiding Relay container, but I think this should still work...
Relay performs the query intersection by looking up the node indicated by your FIELDS_CHANGE config. In this case, your fieldIDs points it at the result node with ID
Are you sure you have a node with that ID in your store? I'm noticing that in your forceFetch query you fetch some kind of alternative _id but not actually fetching id. Relay requires an id field to be present on anything that you later want to refetch or use the declarative mutation API on...
I'd start by checking the query you're sending to fetch whatever this result type is. I don't see you fetching that anywhere in your question description, so I'm just assuming that maybe you aren't fetching that right now?
