How to check if user Declines call in Sinch - sinch

I'm trying to call using Sinch API. When I call, I need to check if user Decline the call. For example: I'm device A and calling to Device B if device B declines my call, I can handle it and report to device A.
Thanks in Advance

You can see the reason why a call ended in endCause on calldetails
SINCallDetails Protocol Reference
Conforms to NSObject
Declared in SINCallDetails.h
The SINCallDetails holds metadata about a call (SINCall).
startedTime required method
establishedTime required method
endedTime required method
endCause required method
Holds the cause of why a call ended, after it has ended. It may be one of the following:
#property (nonatomic, readonly) SINCallEndCause endCause
If the call has not ended yet, the value is SINCallEndCauseNone.
So when you recieve callDidEnd you just look at the details of the call that ended


Is there a way to make this 'undefined' object safe?

On a page in a web app, a loading screen/widget continue to appear after the user leaves the text field.
The app is using version I looked at the most recent version of Prototype 1.7.3 and I did not find that function.
I also tested other instances when this method is called. If there is no user input, the widget does not hang-up.
This error is displayed in the console of Chrome’s developer tools.
at E (framework.pack.js:1699)
at Function.stopObserving (framework.pack.js:1732)
at A.hide (ui.pack.js:13410)
at A.render (ui.pack.js:13591)
at A.updateChoices (ui.pack.js:13650)
at A.onComplete (ui.pack.js:13786)
at Object.oncomplete (framework.pack.js:76)
at framework.pack.js:2748
The specific method in questions seems to be in the Prototype.js file this =>
if (element._prototypeEventID) return element._prototypeEventID[0]; = || 1;
return element._prototypeEventID = [];
I expect the loading widget to disappear after the save is done, but it is still on the page. The console of Chrome's developer tools also has a second error:
validateFormCheck # common.js:1031
It looks like the getEventID method is being called where the undefined warning/error triggers.
In version getEventID is only called in createWrapper and stopObserving, I see stopObserving is in the call stack that you posted so let's go with that one.
stopObserving() takes 1 required parameter and 2 optional parameters (element, eventName, handler) if you only pass the element to the function it looks it up and then deletes all the PrototypeJS observers attached to that element. If you pass eventName and/or handler as well stopObserving will only specifically delete the observer you tell it to.
That being said, if the element is removed from the DOM before stopObserving is called this could cause the error you are seeing.
2 fixes that could work
move the call to stopObserving() above the call to remove()
comment out the call to stopObserving() and see if page behaves like you want it to

Is it possible to use pyobjc with a privilved XPC helper tool and XPCInterface API?

I believe the answer to this question is "no", but I'm putting it out to the community just in case someone has been more successful than I have.
I have a privileged helper tool that a client Cocoa application uses with the NSXPCConnection and NSXPCInterface. The interface itself includes a method that provides a return code through a completion handler block.
In Objective-C the client code looks like this:
NSXPCConnection * xpcConn = [NSXPCConnection alloc]
// MyProtocol defines an instance method runCommand:(NSString*) withReply:^(int result)
NSXPCInterface * mySvcIF = [NSXPCInterface interfaceWithProtocol:#protocol(MyProtocol)];
xpcConn.remoteObjectInterface = mySvcIF;
[xpcConn resume];
if (nil == xpcConn.remoteObjectProxy) {
NSLog(#"ERROR - remote interface is nil, can't communicate with service");
[[xpcConn remoteObjectProxy] runCommand:nsstrCmd withReply:^(int result) {
NSLog(#"service result is: %d", result);
if (result != 0) {
self.svcResult = result;
self.svcCommandComplete = YES;
I also have a pyobjc / py2app Mac application that needs to use this helper tool's functionality. I've got the tool built into the pyobjc app bundle, signed, and authorizing via SMJobBless, but it is looking like there are several problems that make actual use of this API unsupported:
1) Bridging the invocation of runCommand:withReply:^ doesn't seem to be supported - if I understand correctly blocks are only supported for NS* framework method invocations not for 'custom' (i.e. user-defined) methods? Note, I could make a version of the method with no return code if this was the only blocking issue, but an attempt didn't quite work because...
2) In order to use the API in the way the Objective-C does I need to create a #selector reference to runCommand: that does not actually have any python function implementation - it needs to just be a function object that defines the signature for a function that will be furnished by the dynamically created remoteProxy. I don't define the remoteProxy implementation in python. This does not seem to be supported - I could not get the selector declaration without a python function to work via objc.selector().
3) I'm not positive that even if I could get 2) to work, that construction of the formal protocol would work the way it's expected to as a parameter to interfaceWithProtocol: from python - it needs to become a native custom #protocol that NSXPCInterface could use in its factory method to create the remoteProxy.
Thanks for any tips if you've figured out how to do this in pyobjc, or any definitive confirmation that this stuff just isn't possible based on your knowledge of it.
The first two subquestions are straightforward to answer: It is possible to call APIs with blocks, even those in libraries that aren't Apple frameworks. This does require some more work in the python code because the Objective-C runtime doesn't expose enough information to fully automatically do the right thing.
For this particular example you could do something like this:
objc.registerMetaDataForSelector(b'NSObject', b'runCommand:withReply:', {
'arguments': {
3: {
'callable': {
'retval': {'type': b'#'},
'arguments': {
0: {'type': b'^v'},
1: {'type': b'i'},
This registers additional information for the method "-[NSObject runCommand:withReply:]". The block argument is number 3: counting starts at 0 and the first two arguments of Objective-C methods are "self" and "_sel" (the latter is not exposed to Python).
You normally use the actual class where the method is implemented, but I expect that this is a hidden class that might even be dynamically generated. Just registering metadata on NSObject should be safe as long as there is no conflict with other classes.
Creating protocols in Python is also possible:
MyProtocol = objc.formal_protocol('MyProtocol', (), [
objc.selector(None, b"runCommand:withReply:", signature=b"v#:##?"),
And creating the XPC interface with:
mySvcIF = Foundation.NSXPCInterface.interfaceWithProtocol_(MyProtocol)
The latter step sadly enough does not work because NSXPCInterface raises an exception: NSInvalidArgumentException - NSXPCInterface: Unable to get extended method signature from Protocol data (MyProtocol / runCommand:withReply:). Use of clang is required for NSXPCInterface..
I've filed an issue for this in PyObjC's tracker:
A workaround for this issue is to create a Python extension that contains the protocol definition as well as an unused function that uses the protocol (see for example for the latter part). After importing the extension you can use objc.protocolNamed("MyProtocol") to access the protocol, which will then refer to the full protocol object created by clang and should work with NSXPCInterface.
This solution is now documented in the official documentation, here:
P.S. I rarely visit stackoverflow, its often easier to get my attention by mailing to (PyObjC mailinglist).

Make outgoing call with CallKit

I'm actually on swift 2.3.
Inbound Call works great with CallKit. But OutGoing Call ....
I saw the SpeakerBox project, I do the same things.
But it doesn't work.
To start my call, I used
let handle = CXHandle(type: .PhoneNumber, value: "TOTO")
let startCallAction = CXStartCallAction(callUUID: uuid, handle: handle) = video
let transaction = CXTransaction()
After, in SpeakerBox Project, this function is called :
func provider(provider: CXProvider, perform action: CXStartCallAction)
But not in my project. Then, when i hangup, i see : "Call failed".
Do you have an idea ?
Be sure you are configuring your CXProvider and setting its delegate properly. If you do not set the CXProvider's delegate property, the delegate will not receive any actions to perform.
Also, if you see a "Call Failed" UI, this may indicate your app is crashing. I'd check for crash logs or run the app in the debugger.
As far as I can see, SpeakerBox demo does not perform the following provider method:
func reportCall(with UUID: UUID,
endedAt dateEnded: Date?,
reason endedReason: CXCallEndedReason)
- (void)reportCallWithUUID:(NSUUID *)UUID endedAtDate:(nullable NSDate
*)dateEnded reason:(CXCallEndedReason)endedReason;
Which leads to the "Call failed" UI screen being displayed - as CallKit was not given a reason why the call has ended, and it seems that "
CXCallEndedReasonFailed" is assumed by default.
Call "reportCall endedAt" before requesting the CXEndCallAction transaction to remove "Call failed" screen.
Have you added the required permissions to your info.plist?

How do I intercept an OS X API call in an app

I am using a 3rd party library that invokes a Core Foundation function.
Since that lib has a bug, passing incorrect values to a CF function, I need to intercept that call to fix the passed values.
How do I hook into the CF function call so that I can look at the passed parameters, change them and then call the actual (original) function?
I have the impression I can get to the actual function with the CFBundleGetFunctionPointerForName, passing CFBundleGetMainBundle()as the first parameter and the name of the CF function as the second parameter.
In my particular case, that would be:
void *p = CFBundleGetFunctionPointerForName (CFBundleGetMainBundle(), "CFRunLoopTimerCreate");
But that returns NULL.
I also tried this:
void *p = CFBundleGetFunctionPointerForName (CFBundleGetBundleWithIdentifier(""), "CFRunLoopTimerCreate");
That returns a non-null value but it still does not appear to be a pointer I could change but rather the actual starting address of the function's code.
So, how do I get an address of a function pointer to an imported API function that I can save and then change to point to my intercepting function? Or how else could I hook into an imported function?
CFBundleGetFunctionPointerForName will just return the address of a function in a given bundle; this will never let you change the destination of calls to the function. If you really want to do something like that, please refer to Is it possible to hook API calls on Mac OS? Note that this is highly not recommended.

How to determine if a write operation is successful using NSFileHandle?

The method -writeData: of NSFileHandle class returns nothing. Is there any way for us to determine whether the operation is successful or not? Or I should use other way to save my data?
According to writeData method Reference, this method raises an exception if the file descriptor is closed or is not valid, if the receiver represents an unconnected pipe or socket endpoint, if no free space is left on the file system, or if any other writing error occurs.
You can write any standard cocoa object to a file pretty simple. This returns a BOOL value if it is sucessful or not
BOOL result = [YOUR_OBJECT writeToFile:#"absolute/file/path" atomically:YES]];
if (result)
NSLog(#"All went well");
NSLog(#"File was not saved");
