Golang: JSON formatted byte slice - go

I'm new to Go. Currently I have two arrays that look like:
words: ["apple", "banana", "peach"]
freq: [2, 3, 1]
where "freq" stores the count of each word in "words". I hope to combine the two arrays into a Json formatted byte slice that looks like
How can I achieve this goal?
Currently I've declared a struct
type Entry struct {
w string
c int
and when I loop through the two arrays, I did
res := make([]byte, len(words))
for i:=0;i<len(words);i++ {
obj := Entry{
w: words[i],
c: freq[i],
b, err := json.Marshal(obj)
if err==nil {
res = append(res, b...)
return res // {}{}{}
which doesn't gives me the desired result. Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.

json.Marshal requires the struct fields to be exported.
You can use json tags to have json with small letter keys.
type Entry struct {
W string `json:"w"`
C int `json:"c"`
Also it would be easier to use a []Entry to generate the output json.
Sample code.


How to convert a slice of maps to a slice of structs with different properties

I am working with an api and I need to pass it a slice of structs.
I have a slice of maps so I need to convert it to a slice of structs.
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
a := []map[string]interface{}{}
b := make(map[string]interface{})
c := make(map[string]interface{})
b["Prop1"] = "Foo"
b["Prop2"] = "Bar"
a = append(a, b)
c["Prop3"] = "Baz"
c["Prop4"] = "Foobar"
a = append(a, c)
[map[Prop1:Foo Prop2:Bar] map[Prop3:Baz Prop4:Foobar]]
so in this example, I have the slice of maps a, which contains b and c which are maps of strings with different keys.
I'm looking to convert a to a slice of structs where the first element is a struct with Prop1 and Prop2 as properties, and where the second element is a struct with Prop3 and Prop4 as properties.
Is this possible?
I've looked at https://github.com/mitchellh/mapstructure but I wasn't able to get it working for my use case. I've looked at this answer:
which explains how to use the library:
mapstructure.Decode(myData, &result)
however this seems to assume that the struct of which result is an instance is predefined, whereas in my case the structure is dynamic.
What you can do is to first loop over each map individually, using the key-value pairs of each map you construct a corresponding slice of reflect.StructField values. Once you have such a slice ready you can pass it to reflect.StructOf, that will return a reflect.Type value that represents the dynamic struct type, you can then pass that to reflect.New to create a reflect.Value which will represent an instance of the dynamic struct (actually pointer to the struct).
var result []any
for _, m := range a {
fields := make([]reflect.StructField, 0, len(m))
for k, v := range m {
f := reflect.StructField{
Name: k,
Type: reflect.TypeOf(v), // allow for other types, not just strings
fields = append(fields, f)
st := reflect.StructOf(fields) // new struct type
sv := reflect.New(st) // new struct value
for k, v := range m {
sv.Elem(). // dereference struct pointer
FieldByName(k). // get the relevant field
Set(reflect.ValueOf(v)) // set the value of the field
result = append(result, sv.Interface())

How to assign to struct fields from an array of values in order?

I know you can create a struct with a literal, listing the fields in order:
type Foo struct {
A string
B string
C string
foo := Foo{ "foo", "bar", "baz" }
Is there any way to do the same thing dynamically? I have an array of values (actually an array of arrays) and I want to assign them to an array of structs in field order, and there are rather more than three fields. Is there a way to say "assign this struct's fields from this array of values in order"? I really don't want to write a bunch of structArray[i].field1 = dataArray[i][0]; structArray[i].field2 = dataArray[i][1], etc.
My thoughts so far have been to use reflect, which seems overkillish, or maybe to create an array of field names and build json strings and unmarshal them. Any better ideas?
With reflection you can write a function like this:
func populate(dst any, src any) {
v := reflect.ValueOf(dst)
if v.Type().Kind() != reflect.Pointer {
panic("dst must be a pointer")
v = v.Elem()
if v.Type().Kind() != reflect.Struct {
panic("dst must be a pointer to struct")
w := reflect.ValueOf(src)
if w.Type().Kind() != reflect.Slice {
panic("src must be a slice")
for i := 0; i < v.NumField(); i++ {
// in case you need to support source slices of arbitrary types
value := w.Index(i)
if value.Type().Kind() == reflect.Interface {
value = value.Elem()
You must make sure that dst is addressable, hence pass a pointer to Foo into populate; and that the i-th element in the source slice is actually assignable to the corresponding i-th field in the struct.
The code above is in a quite simplified form. You can add additional checks to it, e.g. with CanAddr or AssignableTo, if you think callers may misbehave.
Call it like:
func main() {
f := Foo{}
populate(&f, []string{"foo", "bar", "baz"})
fmt.Println(f) // {foo bar baz}
Here's a playground that also shows that you can pass a slice of []any as the source slice, in case the struct fields aren't all the same type: https://go.dev/play/p/G8qjDCt79C7

How do we create an empty map and append new data in golang?

I'm having a problem with creating an empty map and append new data to it while looping on another map.
this is the error i'm getting on my IDE.
here's my data struct to be added to the map.
type Outcome struct {
QuestionIndex string
ChoiceIndex int64
Correct bool
func createEntryOutcome(e *entry.Entry) map[string]interface{} {
entryPicks := e.Live.Picks
outcomes := make(map[string]interface{})
for idx, pick := range entryPicks {
mappedPick := pick.(map[string]interface{})
outcomes = append(outcomes, Outcome{
QuestionIndex: idx,
ChoiceIndex: mappedPick["index"].(int64),
Correct: mappedPick["correct"].(bool),
return outcomes
i basically want something like below to be saved in the database.
qIndex: "1",
cIndex: 1,
correct: false,
qIndex: "1",
cIndex: 1,
correct: false,
im new to golang and any help is appreciated. thanks
As the error clearly says:
first argument to append must be slice; have map[string]interface{}
which means you need to create a slice before appending the data to outcomes which is actually slice of outcomes, like you have mentioned in the output you want.
The append function appends the elements x to the end of the slice s,
and grows the slice if a greater capacity is needed.
Create a slice of outcomes and then append the data from entryPicks to that slice:
outcomes := make([]map[string]interface{})
for idx, pick := range entryPicks {
mappedPick := pick.(map[string]interface{})
outcomes = append(outcomes, Outcome{
QuestionIndex: idx,
ChoiceIndex: mappedPick["index"].(int64),
Correct: mappedPick["correct"].(bool),
which will let you provide the outcome you want.
type Outcome struct {
QuestionIndex string
ChoiceIndex int64
Correct bool
func createEntryOutcome(e *entry.Entry) map[string]interface{} {
entryPicks := e.Live.Picks
var outcomes []Outcome
for idx, pick := range entryPicks {
mappedPick := pick.(map[string]interface{})
outcomes = append(outcomes, Outcome{
QuestionIndex: idx,
ChoiceIndex: mappedPick["index"].(int64),
Correct: mappedPick["correct"].(bool),
return outcomes
change outcomes := make(map[string]interface{}) to var outcomes []Outcome

Adding anonymous struct element to slice

let's say I have a slice of anonymous structs
data := []struct{a string, b string}{}
Now, I would like to append a new item to this slice.
data = append(data, ???)
How do I do that? Any ideas?
Since you're using an anonymous struct, you have to again use an anonymous struct, with identical declaration, in the append statement:
data = append(data, struct{a string, b string}{a: "foo", b: "bar"})
Much easier would be to use a named type:
type myStruct struct {
a string
b string
data := []myStruct{}
data = append(data, myStruct{a: "foo", b: "bar"})
Actually, I found a way to add elements to array without repeated type declaration.
But it is dirty.
slice := []struct {
v, p string
}{{}} // here we init first element to copy it later
el := slice[0]
el2 := el // here we copy this element
el2.p = "1" // and fill it with data
el2.v = "2"
// repeat - copy el as match as you want
slice = append(slice[1:], el2 /* el3, el4 ...*/) // skip first, fake, element and add actual
Slice of pointers to struct is more conventional. At that case coping will slightly differ
slice := []*struct { ... }{{}}
el := slice[0]
el2 := *el
All this is far from any good practices. Use carefully.

In Go Language, how do I unmarshal json to array of object?

I have the following JSON, and I want to parse it into array of class:
"1001": {"level":10, "monster-id": 1001, "skill-level": 1, "aimer-id": 301}
"1002": {"level":12, "monster-id": 1002, "skill-level": 1, "aimer-id": 302}
"1003": {"level":16, "monster-id": 1003, "skill-level": 2, "aimer-id": 303}
Here is what i am trying to do but failed:
type Monster struct {
MonsterId int32
Level int32
SkillLevel int32
AimerId int32
type MonsterCollection struct {
Pool map[string]Monster
func (mc *MonsterCollection) FromJson(jsonStr string) {
var data interface{}
b := []byte(jsonStr)
err := json.Unmarshal(b, &data)
if err != nil {
m := data.(map[string]interface{})
i := 0
for k, v := range m {
monster := new(Monster)
monster.Level = v["level"]
monster.MonsterId = v["monster-id"]
monster.SkillLevel = v["skill-level"]
monster.AimerId = v["aimer-id"]
mc.Pool[i] = monster
The compiler complain about the v["level"]
<< invalid operation. index of type interface().
This code has many errors in it. To start with, the json isn't valid json. You are missing the commas in between key pairs in your top level object. I added the commas and pretty printed it for you:
Your next problem (the one you asked about) is that m := data.(map[string]interface{}) makes m a map[string]interface{}. That means when you index it such as the v in your range loop, the type is interface{}. You need to type assert it again with v.(map[string]interface{}) and then type assert each time you read from the map.
I also notice that you next attempt mc.Pool[i] = monster when i is an int and mc.Pool is a map[string]Monster. An int is not a valid key for that map.
Your data looks very rigid so I would make unmarshall do most of the work for you. Instead of providing it a map[string]interface{}, you can provide it a map[string]Monster.
Here is a quick example. As well as changing how the unmarshalling works, I also added an error return. The error return is useful for finding bugs. That error return is what told me you had invalid json.
type Monster struct {
MonsterId int32 `json:"monster-id"`
Level int32 `json:"level"`
SkillLevel int32 `json:"skill-level"`
AimerId int32 `json:"aimer-id"`
type MonsterCollection struct {
Pool map[string]Monster
func (mc *MonsterCollection) FromJson(jsonStr string) error {
var data = &mc.Pool
b := []byte(jsonStr)
return json.Unmarshal(b, data)
I posted a working example to goplay: http://play.golang.org/p/4EaasS2VLL
Slightly off to one side - you asked for an array of objects when you needed a map
If you need an array (actually a slice)
