Using Swagger with Spring Boot and JWT - spring-boot

I run my app with Spring Boot using JWT token for authentication. I have a filter checks a token. Also my app provide rest API documentation with Swagger 2. I don't want my rest api will be public
So my question is, how i can provide a security for Swagger access? and can provide basic security for it?


generate azure ad jwt token and call the thrid party api using those token using spring boot

I registered the app in an azure ad, and I have application id(client id) and directory id (tenant id), and secret key.
using this need to generate the jwt token in the azure ad and need to validate that token.
once the token generate need to call the third-party API's using that token in spring boot application.
please provide some example
To achieve the above requirement. You can take Reference of this Post to call the third-party Api using the JWT token using spring boot application.
In the above, there is tutorial they have built a Spring Boot Application that supports Token based Authentication with JWT. Please refer the section How to configure Spring Security to work with JWT that might be solution of requirement.

Swagger + Springdoc OpenAPI + Spring Boot, how to secure the API definition endpoint

Using Swagger UI from Springdoc OpenAPI 1.5.11 in a Spring Boot 2.5.3 web application that exposes a REST API.
The REST API is secured using a bearer provided JWT token.
I successfully configured Springdoc to display the "Authorize" button with bearer authorization, where users can type a valid JWT token, and use that token when calling the REST API.
Hence, using the REST API is properly secured.
But viewing the REST API (endpoints, methods, input and output data structures, etc) must also be secured. This means that the API definition endpoint (the one defined by "springdoc.api-docs.path") called by Swagger UI should also use the token.
So far, I could not make Swagger UI use token to fetch the API definition, see snapshot.
Is this possible ?

Adding authentication based on API key and API secret to APIs in Spring Boot application

I am working on a Spring Boot application where existing user authentication is based on Oauth2 with 2FA. Now, I would like to call the APIs in my application from the third-party client as well, say from another service.
Basically, I would like to develop one auth API, where on providing a valid client name, valid API key, and API secret, the client will get an auth token, which will be valid for say 1 hour. Then this auth token can be passed in all successive API invocation until the token gets expired.
I found a few articles here:
a. Securing Spring Boot API with API key and secret
b. How to secure spring Boot API with API key and secret
c. how to implement api key secure in spring boot?
d. How to config multiple level authentication for spring boot RESTful web service?
But, I am not getting any concrete idea regarding, how to achieve this.
Could you please suggest how can I achieve this? Thanks

oauth 2.0, JWT, Spring security, Micro services

I need some understanding on over all flow of spring security.
I have implemented oauth2 Authorization Server and a Resource server in the same Spring Boot App.Where i am able to generate JWT tokens. And sample Rest api in this app is secured and accessible only with token.
I have another spring boot app which should be secured? What should i do in this. Also i need to read the token in this service to know the role of user.
Please clarify me how to implement the step2.
You can create a module where your spring security config is implemented.
In this module is the class that is annotated with the #EnableWebSecurity annotation, where you define the open routes. I guess you already have a class like this for your sample rest API, mentioned in step 1.
Now every microseconds that has to be secured uses this module by importing it, eg as maven dependency. By this it's api is automatically secured via spring security.
Your auth service serves a jwk endpoint where every microservice can verify a token via public key.

Migrating from Spring Boot Oauth2 to Spring Security 5

Today I'm using Spring Boot OAuth2 to grant correct use of OAuth2 in my project, so I have the following:
I have API A calling API B
API A generate JWT Token and calls API B.
API B validate the JWT Token using two ways: Online (Introspection) and Offline (with RSA keys).
So, migrating to Spring Security 5 I got the following problems:
I didn't found any samples ( using Spring Cloud OpenFeign. All my project use it (Feing) and change to Spring WebClient can be very problematic.
Documentation just talk about WebClient (, nothing about RestTemplate or Feign.
Joe Grandja wrote an OAuth2 application and the corresponding migrated Spring Security application.
You can check the examples here:
Spring Security OAuth 2.4 Migration Sample
Also, docs about configuring Spring Security are here:
OAuth 2.0 Resource Server
