Runtime system for Stm32F103 Arm, GNAT Ada compiler - runtime

Id like to use Ada with Stm32F103 uc, but here is the problem - there is no build-in runtime system within GNAT 2016. There is another cortex-m3 uc by TI RTS included - zfp-lm3s, but seems like it needs some global updates, simple change of memory size/origin doesn't work.
So, there is some questions:
Does some body have RTS for stm32f103?
Is there any good books about low-level staff of cortex-m3 or other arm uc?
PS. Using zfp-lm3s rises this error, when i try to run program via GPS:
Loading section .text, size 0x140 lma 0x0
Load failed

The STM32F series is from STMicroelectronics, not TI, so the stm32f4 might seem to be a better starting point.
In particular, the clock code in bsp/setup_pll.adb should need only minor tweaking; use STM’s STM32CubeMX tool (written in Java) to find the magic numbers to set up the clock properly.
You will also find that the assembler code used in bsp/start*.S needs simplifying/porting to the Cortex-M3 part.
My Cortex GNAT Run Time Systems project includes an Arduino Due version (also Cortex-M3), which has startup code written entirely in Ada. I don’t suppose the rest of the code would help a lot, being based on FreeRTOS - you’d have to be very very careful about memory usage.

I stumbled upon this question while looking for a zfp runtime specific to the stm32l0xx boards. It doesn't look like one exists from what I can see, but I did stumble upon this guide to creating a new runtime from AdaCore, which might help anyone stuck with the same issue:


When we get runtime error in swift project, Why does Xcode send us to Thread output in assembly language? What's the point ?

As you know when there is somethings wrong when we are running a Swift project in Xcode we will direct to tread debug navigator's thread section and we will be face with some assembly code like this :
I am wondering is there any reference, tutorial or tools for understanding these codes , there should be reasone that we direct to these code
let me clear; I know how to fix the errors but this suffering me when I do not understand some thing like this. I want to know what are these codes and how we can use them or at least understand them.
Thanks :)
Original question: what language is that? That's AT&T syntax assembly language for x86-64. for manuals from Intel and other resources, and for how AT&T syntax differs from Intel syntax used in most manuals. (I think the x86 tag wiki has a few AT&T syntax tutorials.) Most AT&T-syntax disassemblers have an intel-syntax mode, too, so you can use that if you want asm that matches Intel's manuals.
What's the point?
The point is so you can debug your program if you know asm. Or you can show the asm to someone who does understand it, or include it in a bug report.
Did you compile without debug symbols? Or did it crash in library code without symbols? It's normal for debuggers to show you asm if it can't show you source, or if you ask for asm.
If you have debug symbols for your own code, you can at least backtrace into parent functions for which you do have source. (Unless the stack is corrupted.)
Did your program fault on that instruction highlighted in pink? That's a bit odd, since it's loading from static data (a RIP-relative load means the address is a link-time constant).
Did you maybe munmap or mprotect that page of your program's data or text segment so a load would fault? Normally you only get faults when an addressing mode involves a pointer.
(The call *0x1234(%rip) right before it is calling through a function pointer, though. The function-pointer is stored in memory, but code-fetch after the call executes would fault if it was pointing to an unmapped or non-executable page). But your first image shows you got a SIGABRT, not SIGSEGV, so that's more like the program on purpose aborted after failing an assertion.
I believe majority of swift coders don't know asm
There's nothing more useful a debugger can do without debug symbols and source files.
Also keep in mind that the majority of debugger authors do know asm, so for them it is an obviously-useful feature / behaviour. They know that many people won't be able to benefit from it, but that some will.
Asm is what's really running on the machine. Without asm, you couldn't find wrong-code compiler bugs, etc. etc. As far as software bugs, there is no lower level than asm, so it's not some arbitrary choice of some lower-level layer to stop at.
(Unless there's also a bug in your disassembler or debugger, in which case you need to check the hex machine code.)

optimisation of atmel start code

I am a beginner in embedded programming and developing bootloader in SAMD10 using Atmel studio 7, I generate Flash read/write/append programme using atmel start website which is taking space of 0x1500 but available memory is only 0x300 for bootloader so I want to optimise it.Can any one suggest me how to write.
0x0300 bytes = less then 1Kb of code. It is possible to do a simple bootloader but if yours is too complet it may never fit.
I could help and at least tell you if it COULD fit in there if you post your source code of the features you want in the bootloader. Short story : If you want anything else then a simple bootloader then it won't fit in such a small space.
You could also use a part of the program memory ( outside of the bootloader memory ) to store a routine or two and call them from the bootloader. For this you must know what you are doing because reprogramming the program will likely erase these functions if you don't make things right. If you don't know how to do it, I'm not sure you should try it. On a commercial device, doing this wrong may brick your device which wouldn't be upgradable with the bootloader anymore. It CAN be done safely if you know what you're doing, I've done similar things a few times with no problem.
A simpler method if you don't want a part of the bootloader in the program space is to add a feature in the program itself that allows a firmware upgrade. Just put your bootloader source code in the program and you're done.

CUDA-like workflow for OpenCL

The typical example workflow for OpenCL programming seems to be focused on source code within strings, passed to the JIT compiler, then finally enqueued (with a specific kernel name); and the compilation results can be cached - but that's left for you the programmer to take care of.
In CUDA, the code is compiled in a non-JIT way to object files (alongside host-side code, but forget about that for a second), and then one just refers to device-side functions in the context of an enqueue or arguments etc.
Now, I'd like to have the second kind of workflow, but with OpenCL sources. That is, suppose I have some C host-side code my_app.c, and some OpenCL kernel code in a separate file, (which for the purpose of discussion is self-contained). I would like to be able to run a magic command on, get a my_kernel.whatever, link or faux-link that together with my_app.o, and get a binary. Now, in my_app.c I want to be able to somehow to refer to the kernel, even if it's not an extern symbol, as compiled OpenCL program (or program + kernel name) - and not get compilation errors.
Is this supported somehow? With nVIDIA's ICD or with one of the other ICDs? If not, is at least some of this supported, say, the magic kernel compiler + generation of an extra header or source stub to use in compiling my_app.c?
Look into SYCL, it offers single-source C++ OpenCL. However, not yet available on every platform.
There is already ongoing effort that enables CUDA-like workflow in TensorFlow, and it uses SYCL 1.2 - it is actively up-streamed.
Similarly to CUDA, SYCL's approach needs the following steps:
device registration via device factory ( device is called SYCL ) - done here:
operation registration for above device. In order to create / port operation you can either:
re-use Eigen's code since Tensor module has SYCL back-end ( look here: - we just partially specialize operation for SYCL device and calling the already implemented functor;
write SYCL code - it has been done for FillPhiloxRandom - see
SYCL kernel uses modern C++
you can use OpenCL interoperability - thanks to which you can write pure OpenCL C kernel code! - I think this bit is most relevant to you
The workflow is a bit different as you do not have to do an explicit instantiation of the functor templates as CUDA does or any file ( in fact you do not have to add any new files - avoids mess with the build system )
As well as this thing:;
TL;DR - CUDA can create "persistent" pointers, OpenCL needs to go through Buffers and Accessors.
Codeplay's SYCL compiler ( ComputeCpp ) at the moment requires OpenCL 1.2 with SPIR extension - these are Intel CPU, Intel GPU ( Beignet work in progress ), AMD GPU ( although older drivers ) - additional platforms are coming!
Setup instructions can be found here:
Our effort can be tracked in my fork of TensorFlow: ( branch dev/eigen_mehdi )
Eigen used is: ( branch default )
We are getting there! Contributions are welcome! :)

Kernel does NOT recognize NAND bad blocks marked by u-boot

While in u-boot of my ARM based board (DM368) I mark some kernel partition block manually as bad. U-boot says that it was marked and, for example, while writing/reading kernel image I see it skipping this bad block.
But when I try to write the same partition from within Linux (loaded via NFS) I see that Linux nandwrite command USES this bad block! I checked this in several ways - Linux ignores bad block mark for 100%. But everywhere in the internet it is said that BBT is one for both u-boot and Linux.
So, where is the catch?
OK, the answer is found.
For some unclear reason Texas Instruments, manufacturer of the board DM365EVM which I use for development, provides the kernel with different BBT structure. They defined BBT offset as 2, while all the world, including the provided u-boot, defines this offset as 8.
I wish them a good health for many years.

How can I get a list of legal ARM opcodes from gcc (or elsewhere)?

I'd like to generate pseudo-random ARM instructions. Via assembler directives, I can tell gcc what mode I'm in, and it will complain if I try a set of opcodes and operands that's not legal in that mode, so it must have some internal listing of what can be done in which mode. Where does that live? Would it be easier to extract that info from LLVM?
Is this question "not even wrong"? Should I try a different approach entirely?
To answer my own question, this is actually really easy to do from and and in gcc/config/arm/. I probably spent more time answering asking this question and answering comments for it than I did figuring this out. Turns out I just need to look for 'TARGET_THUMB1', until I get around to implementing thumb2.
For the ARM family the buck stops at the ARM ARM (ARM Architectural Reference Manual). There is an ARM instruction set section and a Thumb instruction set section. Within both each instruction tells you what generation (ARMvX where X is some number like 4 (arm7), or 5 (arm9 time frame) ,etc). Since the opcode and pseudo code is listed for each instruction you should be able to figure out what is a real instruction and, if any, are syntax to save typing on another (push and pop for example).
With the Cortex-m3 and thumb2 in particular you also need to look at the TRM (Technical Reference Manual) as well. ARM has, I forget the name, a universal syntax they are trying to use that should work on both Thumb and ARM. For example on an ARM you have three register instructions:
add r1,r1,r2
In thumb there are only two register operations
add r1,r2
The desire basically is to meet in the middle or I would say more accurately to encourage ARM assemblers to parse Thumb instructions and encode them with the equivalent ARM instruction without complaining. This may have started with thumb and not thumb2, I have always separated the two syntaxes in my code until recently (and I still generally use ARM syntax for ARM and Thumb for Thumb).
And then yes you have to see what the specific implementation of the assembler tool is, in your case binutils. And it sounds like you have found the binutils/gnu secret decoder ring.
