Where can I find/generate a template for timeline in Microsoft Powerpoint with following speicifics -
Durartion - 4 years
Granularity - month
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X scale function in D3.js keeps returning undefined
(1 answer)
D3.js error using timescale (path is NaN)
(1 answer)
Closed 3 years ago.
I am trying to use log scale for y-axis of my line chart. The log scale just doesnt seem to work - it always returns NaN. Heres what I am trying:
Where am I going wrong?
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How to capture pygame screen?
(4 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I've made a really basic drawing program in Python with Pygame. The program has a square window, in which you draw. How could I save the area inside the window as an image?
As downshift commented, use pygame.image.save
win = pygame.display.set_mode(...)
# your stuff
pygame.image.save(win, "screenshot.jpg")
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How to locate JLabels to an absolute position on Java GUI
(3 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
Is there any way to put JLabels one top on other? Trying to make a card hand representation in Netbeans. I am using JLabel icon for each card. Like you have 1st card (label) on top, then next one a bit right and down from the 1st card and etc. Netbeans form designer does not allow to make intersections of JLabels. Just put the label next to another one.
I found the solution in JLayeredPane
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Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
rendering a waveform on an iphone
Efficient method to draw a line with millions of points
Can anyone please help me with displaying the waveform of an audio file in xcode?
Actually, I've recorded an audio through AVAudioRecorder class. Now, I want to get the waveform of this either while the audio is being recorded OR use the .caf file it saved.
Thanks :)
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How to animate a favicon?
(7 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
While visiting Dean Edward's site, I saw that the favicon was animated ;). Cute. But how does one do that?
It's an animated GIF file.