C++11 standard library features cross compilers support - c++11

I need to verify that some specific standard library feature is implemented and since which version.
For example: std::reference_wrapper
Compilers I need to verify: gcc, clang, msvc
I am able to find https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb982605(v=vs.100).aspx so since version 10.0 the reference wrapper is implemented.
On their webpage http://libcxx.llvm.org/ is written that the library is 100% completed. Is it possible to find in which version was what implemented?
I found: http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/compiler_support (language support)
Also: https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-4.6.4/libstdc++/manual/manual/status.html#status.iso.200x
- seems reference wrapper is implemented here
But for example 4.8.5 https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-4.8.5/libstdc++/manual/manual/status.html#status.iso.2011
There is:
This page describes the C++11 support in mainline GCC SVN, not in any particular release.
I'm confused. Can someone clarify that for me?

http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/compiler_support is probably going to be your best shot at finding compiler support versions. From there, you'd need to drill down into standard library release notes for specific implementation versions and details.


Looking for stdckdint.h in the gcc 11.2 collection

I'm trying to find a copy of stdckdint.h, which I assume should be in the gcc 11.2 collection, but a search fails to locate it in the downloaded source tarball.
Is it not public yet, or do I have to unpack/build something to get the include files?
Gcc11 does not provide stdckdint.h. The documentation of gcc does not mentions it, neither in release notes nor in C standard support page. As the documentation states, C2x support in GCC is incomplete and experimental. The release notes for gcc11 lists implemented C2x features.
In the meantime, you can use my implementation available from https://gitlab.com/Kamcuk/ckd/-/tree/master .

c++ libs from ubuntu 16.04 repo - compiler options

Ubuntu 16.04 comes with GCC 5.4 which does support c++11 and it is the default compiler. By default c++11 is not enabled in that particular version of GCC.
My intent is to use some of the binary libraries (not header only) from their repository (e.g. boost). In my projects I will enable c++ 11.
How were c++ libraries from the repository compiled? Is it possible to use them with c++ 11 enabled? I know that c++ libraries can be called from different languages (Java, Pythons, C# etc) by hiding all c++ stuff behind plain C interface. With boost it is not a case. If a certain function returns me a string or a vector or anything from STL then it is a problem. AFAIK STL objects binary representation depends on compiler flags (eg. std=c++11).
Thank you.
Which exact libraries are you talking about?
If you are talking about the standard library, libstdc++ is a part of gcc. It is always okay to link it no matter which standard you compile at. gcc also made a decision to include ABI tags, so that they can be ABI compatible with code compiled at C++11 and pre C++11. See for instance TC's really nice answer to a question I asked here:
Is this simple C++ program using <locale> correct?
If by
How were c++ libraries from the repository compiled?
you mean, how are all of the C++ libraries in the ubuntu repositories compiled, the answer is, it may be different for each one.
For instance if you want to use libfreetype6-dev or libsdl2-dev, these are C libraries, they will be okay to link to no matter what standard you target.
If you want to use libsilly-dev from CEGUI, that is a C++ library, and it is usually best to use the exact same compiler for your project and the C++ lib that you are linking to. If it appears in ubuntu repository, you can assume it was built with the default g++ version that ubuntu is shipping. If you need to use a different compiler, it's probably best to build the C++ lib yourself -- in general C++ is not ABI stable across different compilers, or even different versions of the same compiler.
If you want to use compiled boost libraries, it's probably best to use the libs they give you and use the compiler they give you. If you only use header-only boost, then the compiler doesn't matter since you don't actually have to link with something they built. So you then have more flexibility with respect to compilers.
Often, if you need to use C++ libraries, it's best to integrate their build system into yours so that it can be easily rebuilt from source and you only have to configure the compiler once. (At least in my experience.) This can save a lot of time when you decide to upgrade compilers later. If you use cmake then it's often feasible, but sometimes this can be hard, especially if you have a lot of C++ dependencies. If you don't use cmake, well, many libraries use cmake and it won't be that easy to integrate them this way. cmake is still kind of a pain anyways, so this might not be such a loss.

Gcc, binutils and minimal support version of glibc?

How I can to know what is a minimal version of glibc for gcc or binutils?
binutils doesn't generally have a minimal glibc requirement because it doesn't have too much glibc-specific details in it. it's merely a collection of low level tools like an assembler and linker and objdumper all of which are built on code included in binutils.
gcc is a different beast -- it needs to know intimate details about C library capabilities. in the specific version of gcc you have, consult the INSTALL/index.html file (and particularly, the Prerequisites page) for the requirements.

How does one find what C++11 features have been implemented given a GLIBCXX version

Given a GLIBCXX version of the stdc++ library (example GLIBCXX_3.4.17) given this version, where would one find documentation which specifies what features have been implemented?
Further is there a way to which given the SO NAME version will provide the this same document.
I am working on an embedded system which has an existing version of libstdc++; unfortunately the supplied cross compiler (g++) is at a greater version than what the stdc++ library on the target supports. Upgrading the stdc++ library on the target is not an option. Before I write a lot of code, to only find that it does not run on the target; I would like to know beforehand what is and is not supported.
I have found the GNU Documentation to be useful; however, I am hoping there is a document in which one can get what has been implemented given the symbol version and/or the SO NAME and I just have somehow missed it.
Thanks for any help in advance
given this version, where would one find documentation which specifies what features have been implemented?
You can map a GLIBCXX_A.B.C symbol version to a GCC release by checking
N.B. that won't be precise, because e.g. GCC 5.1 and GCC 5.2 both use GLIBCXX_3.4.21 in the shared library. To tell them apart check the __GLIBCXX__ macro defined by the libstdc++ headers, also documented on that page.
The manuals for libstdc++ releases are at
Within that manual is a status table showing the implementation status for each standard, the table for C++11 support in GCC 5.3.0 is at
Before I write a lot of code, to only find that it does not run on the target; I would like to know beforehand what is and is not supported.
It's not enough to simply avoid using features that aren't supported by the library on the target system. If you link with the cross-compiler then it will depend on the libstdc++.so from that cross-compiler, and will fail to run on the target system if it only has an older libstdc++.so
Upgrading the stdc++ library on the target is not an option.
Then you either need to link statically (creating large executables) or downgrade your cross-compiler to match the target. Or at least force it to use the headers and dynamic library from the same version as found on the target (by overriding the header and library search paths to point to copies of the older files), although that might not work, as the newer g++ might not be able to compile the older headers if they contain some invalid C++ that the older g++ didn't diagnose.

Can GCC output code of older version?

Can I use GCC 4.8 to provide the compilation features that were available in an older version say GCC 4.1? I have used Java and seen that we can use use JDK7 to output JDK6 compatible code, was wondering if something similar was available in GCC.
