The fastest random number Generator - macos

I'm intending to implement a random number generator via Swift 3. I have three different methods for generating an integer (between 0 and 50000) ten thousand times non-stop.
Do these generators use the same math principles of generating a value or not?
What generator is less CPU and RAM intensive at runtime (having 10000 iterations)?
method A:
var generator: Int = random() % 50000
method B:
let generator = Int(arc4random_uniform(50000))
method C:
import GameKit
let number: [Int] = [0, 1, 2... 50000]
func generator() -> Int {
let random = GKRandomSource.sharedRandom().nextIntWithUpperBound(number.count)
return number[random]

All of these are pretty well documented, and most have published source code.
var generator: Int = random() % 50000
Well, first of all, this is modulo biased, so it certainly won't be equivalent to a proper uniform random number. The docs for random explain it:
The random() function uses a non-linear, additive feedback, random number generator, employing a default table of size 31 long integers. It returns successive pseudo-random numbers in the range
from 0 to (2**31)-1. The period of this random number generator is very large, approximately 16*((2**31)-1).
But you can look at the full implementation and documentation in Apple's source code for libc.
Contrast the documentation for arc4random_uniform (which does not have modulo bias):
These functions use a cryptographic pseudo-random number generator to generate high quality random bytes very quickly. One data pool is used for all consumers in a process, so that consumption
under program flow can act as additional stirring. The subsystem is re-seeded from the kernel random number subsystem on a regular basis, and also upon fork(2).
And the source code is also available. The important thing to note from arc4random_uniform is that it avoids modulo bias by adjusting the modulo correctly and then generating random numbers until it is in the correct range. In principle this could require generating an unlimited number of random values; in practice it is incredibly rare that it would need to generate more than one, and rare-to-the-point-of-unbelievable that it would generate more than that.
GKRandomSource.sharedRandom() is also well documented:
The system random source shares state with the arc4random family of C functions. Generating random numbers with this source modifies the outcome of future calls to those functions, and calling those functions modifies the sequence of random values generated by this source. As such, this source is neither deterministic nor independent—use it only for trivial gameplay mechanics that do not rely on those attributes.
For performance, you would expect random() to be fastest since it never seeds itself from the system entropy pool, and so it also will not reduce the entropy in the system (though arc4random only does this periodically, I believe around every 1.5MB or so of random bytes generated; not for every value). But as with all things performance, you must profile. Of course since random() does not reseed itself it is less random than arc4random, which is itself less random than the source of entropy in the system (/dev/random).
When in doubt, if you have GameplayKit available, use it. Apple selected the implementation of sharedRandom() based on what they think is going to work best in most cases. Otherwise use arc4random. But if you really need to minimize impact on the system for "pretty good" (but not cryptographic) random numbers, look at random. If you're willing to take "kinda random if you don't look at them too closely" numbers and have even less impact on the system, look at rand. And if you want almost no impact on the system (guaranteed O(1), inlineable), see XKCD's getRandomNumber().

Xorshift generators are among the fastest non-cryptographically-secure random number generators, requiring very small code and state.
an example of swift implementation of xorshift128+
func xorshift128plus(seed0 : UInt64, seed1 : UInt64) -> () -> UInt64 {
var s0 = seed0
var s1 = seed1
if s0 == 0 && s1 == 0 {
s1 = 1 // The state must be seeded so that it is not everywhere zero.
return {
var x = s0
let y = s1
s0 = y
x ^= x << 23
x ^= x >> 17
x ^= y
x ^= y >> 26
s1 = x
return s0 &+ s1
// create random generator, seed as needed!!
let random = xorshift128plus(seed0: 0, seed1: 0)
for _ in 0..<100 {
// and use it later
to avoid modulo bias, you could use
func random_uniform(bound: UInt64)->UInt64 {
var u: UInt64 = 0
let b: UInt64 = (u &- bound) % bound
repeat {
u = random()
} while u < b
return u % bound
in your case
let r_number = random_uniform(bound: 5000) // r_number from interval 0..<5000


random number generator with x,y coordinates as seed

I'm looking for a efficient, uniformly distributed PRNG, that generates one random integer for any whole number point in the plain with coordinates x and y as input to the function.
int rand(int x, int y)
It has to deliver the same random number each time you input the same coordinate.
Do you know of algorithms, that can be used for this kind of problem and also in higher dimensions?
I already tried to use normal PRNGs like a LFSR and merged the x,y coordinates together to use it as a seed value. Something like this.
int seed = x << 16 | (y & 0xFFFF)
The obvious problem with this method is that the seed is not iterated over multiple times but is initialized again for every x,y-point. This results in very ugly non random patterns if you visualize the results.
I already know of the method which uses shuffled permutation tables of some size like 256 and you get a random integer out of it like this.
int r = P[x + P[y & 255] & 255];
But I don't want to use this method because of the very limited range, restricted period length and high memory consumption.
Thanks for any helpful suggestions!
I found a very simple, fast and sufficient hash function based on the xxhash algorithm.
// cash stands for chaos hash :D
int cash(int x, int y){
int h = seed + x*374761393 + y*668265263; //all constants are prime
h = (h^(h >> 13))*1274126177;
return h^(h >> 16);
It is now much faster than the lookup table method I described above and it looks equally random. I don't know if the random properties are good compared to xxhash but as long as it looks random to the eye it's a fair solution for my purpose.
This is what it looks like with the pixel coordinates as input:
My approach
In general i think you want some hash-function (mostly all of these are designed to output randomness; avalanche-effect for RNGs, explicitly needed randomness for CryptoPRNGs). Compare with this thread.
The following code uses this approach:
1) build something hashable from your input
2) hash -> random-bytes (non-cryptographically)
3) somehow convert these random-bytes to your integer range (hard to do correctly/uniformly!)
The last step is done by this approach, which seems to be not that fast, but has strong theoretical guarantees (selected answer was used).
The hash-function i used supports seeds, which will be used in step 3!
import xxhash
import math
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import time
def rng(a, b, maxExclN=100):
# preprocessing
bytes_needed = int(math.ceil(maxExclN / 256.0))
smallest_power_larger = 2
while smallest_power_larger < maxExclN:
smallest_power_larger *= 2
counter = 0
while True:
random_hash = xxhash.xxh32(str((a, b)).encode('utf-8'), seed=counter).digest()
random_integer = int.from_bytes(random_hash[:bytes_needed], byteorder='little')
if random_integer < 0:
counter += 1
continue # inefficient but safe; could be improved
random_integer = random_integer % smallest_power_larger
if random_integer < maxExclN:
return random_integer
counter += 1
test_a = rng(3, 6)
test_b = rng(3, 9)
test_c = rng(3, 6)
print(test_a, test_b, test_c) # OUTPUT: 90 22 90
random_as = np.random.randint(100, size=1000000)
random_bs = np.random.randint(100, size=1000000)
start = time.time()
rands = [rng(*x) for x in zip(random_as, random_bs)]
end = time.time()
plt.hist(rands, bins=100)
print('needed secs: ', end-start)
# OUTPUT: needed secs: 15.056888341903687 -> 0,015056 per sample
# -> possibly heavy-dependence on range of output
Possible improvements
Add additional entropy from some source (urandom; could be put into str)
Make a class and initialize to memorize preprocessing (costly if done for each sampling)
Handle negative integers; maybe just use abs(x)
the ouput-range is [0, N) -> just shift for others!
the output-range is smaller (bits) than the hash-output (may use xxh64)
Check randomness/uniformity
Check if deterministic regarding input
You can use various randomness extractors to achieve your goals. There are at least two sources you can look for a solution.
Dodis et al, "Randomness Extraction and Key Derivation
Using the CBC, Cascade and HMAC Modes"
NIST SP800-90 "Recommendation for the Entropy Sources Used for
Random Bit Generation"
All in all, you can preferably use:
AES-CBC-MAC using a random key (may be fixed and reused)
HMAC, preferably with SHA2-512
SHA-family hash functions (SHA1, SHA256 etc); using a random final block (eg use a big random salt at the end)
Thus, you can concatenate your coordinates, get their bytes, add a random key (for AES and HMAC) or a salt for SHA and your output has an adequate entropy.
According to NIST, the output entropy relies on the input entropy:
Assuming you use SHA1; thus n = 160bits. Let's suppose that m = input_entropy (your coordinates' entropy)
if m >= 2n then output_entropy=n=160 bits
if 2n < m <= n then maximum output_entropy=m (but full entropy is not guaranteed).
if m < n then maximum output_entropy=m (this is your case)
see NIST sp800-90c (page 11)

Single-use PRNG seedable with consecutive seeds

I need to make a pseudorandom number generator with a particular twist. Instead of generating numbers serially by using the seed from the previous generation for the new generation of a random number as it is usually done, I need a sequence of pseudorandom numbers generated in parallel from a consecutive sequence of seeds.
It would work like this, executed in parallel, each thread producing only a single number, with nothing shared or stored between threads:
thread #0: my_prng(1000) -> 1455191155 -> array[0]
thread #1: my_prng(1001) -> 2432152707 -> array[1]
thread #2: my_prng(1002) -> 185188134 -> array[2]
It's for generating image noise in parallel from a GPU (using OpenCL) so:
it should be run fast enough, as in using just a few operations
it shouldn't be cryptographically secure, it's just for graphics, it only needs to look about random
low periods are just fine, even 2^24 would do
it only needs to make 32-bit integers
it shouldn't use any memory, no buffers, and not store anything in a variable other than the result (the resulting new seed if there were one would go unused anyway)
it cannot rely on calls to rand() as it's not available in OpenCL or rely on any library
it shouldn't loop to use serialness (for instance looping 60 times just to make the 60th number)
it literally just needs to make a good pseudorandom number from a seed like 1000 that doesn't share a pattern with numbers made from adjacent seeds
None of the typical PRNG algorithms that I've tried could produce sequences from adjacent seeds that looked even remotely random, they're not meant to be seeded and used that way.
If you want 32bit->32bit RNG, then period would be 232, and with 224 in each stream you're limited to 28 streams.
Having said that, you might want to look into LCG RNG with following twist: implement fast skip-ahead as described in F. Brown, "Random Number Generation with Arbitrary Stride," Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc. (Nov. 1994).
Thus, you start with seed 1 and each consequent seed will just skip by 224 along the line
int32_t stream = 1 << 24;
rng.set_seed(int32_t seed) {
Thus, you'll guarantee to get non-overlapping streams covering your whole period
Code, which implements idea for 63bit generator is here
F.Brown postulated skip-ahead is logarithmic in N, O(log2N).
Following Severin Pappadeux's answer I looked into fast skipping of LCGs and found that it is actually very simple to adapt the MINSTD algorithm for this using a simple modular exponentiation.
With MINSTD being minstd(n+1) = 16807*minstd(n) mod 2147483647 we get minstd(n+1) = 16807^n mod 2147483647.
Here's my resulting algorithm in OpenCL:
int pow_mod(int base, uint expon, uint mod)
int x = 1, power = base % mod;
for (; expon > 0; expon >>= 1)
if (expon & 1)
x = (x * power) % mod;
power = (power * power) % mod;
return x;
uint rand16(uint pos)
return pow_mod(16807, pos, 2147483647) >> 13 & 0xFFFF;
uint rand32(uint pos)
return rand16(pos) << 16 | rand16(pos + 0x80000000);
MINSTD produces 31-bits (but no 2^31-1 value), however I found bad patterns in the 11 least significant bits, so I take 16 of the 20 good bits and make a good 32-bit random number out two of those.
pos would be a seed plus an offset, representing a position in the sequence of MINSTD outputs.

Generate random numbers without repetition (or vanishing probability of repetition) without storing full list of past generated numbers?

I need to generate random numbers in a very large range, 128 bits integers, and I will generate a many many of them. I'll generate so many of them, that I cannot fit into memory a list of the numbers generated.
I also have the requirement that the generated numbers do not repeat, or at least that the probability of repetition is vanishingly small.
Is there an algorithm that does this?
Build a 128 bit linear congruential generator or linear feedback shift register generator. With properly chosen coefficients either of those will achieve full cycle, meaning no repeats until you've exhausted all outcomes.
Any full-period PRNG with a 128-bit state will do what you need in principle. Unfortunately many of these generators tend to produce only 32 or 64 bits per iteration while the rest of the state goes through a predictable permutation (LFSRs being the worst case, producing only 1 bit per iteration). Each 128-bit state is unique, but many of its bits would show a trivial relation to the previous state.
This can be overcome with tempering -- taking your questionable-quality PRNG state with a known-good period, and permuting it through a 1:1 transform to hide the not-so-random factors.
For example, borrowing from the example xorshift+ shown on Wikipedia:
static uint64_t s[2] = { 1, 0 };
void random128(uint64_t result[]) {
uint64_t x = s[0];
uint64_t y = s[1];
x ^= x << 23;
x ^= y ^ (x >> 17) ^ (y >> 26);
s[0] = y;
s[1] = x;
At this point we know that s[0] is just the old value of s[1], which would be a terrible PRNG if all 128 bits were exposed (normally only s[1] is exposed). To overcome this we permute the result to disguise that relationship (following the same principle as a feistel network to ensure that the transform is 1:1).
y += x * 1630144151483159999;
x ^= y >> 3;
result[0] = x;
result[1] = y;
This seems to be sufficient to pass diehard. So long as the original generator has full(ish) period, the whole generator should be full period too.
The logical conclusion to tempering a low-quality generator is to use AES-128 in counter mode. Simply run a counter from 0 to 2**128-1 (an extremely low-quality generator), and encrypt each value using AES-128 and a consistent key (an ideal temper) for your final output.
If you do this, don't get distracted by full cryptographic RNG requirements. Those involve re-seeding and consequently can produce the same number more than once (which is more random, but it's what you want to avoid).

How to generate a random number from a random bit generator and guarantee termination?

Assuming I have a function that returns a random bit, is it possible to write a function that uniformly generates a random number within a certain range and always terminates?
I know how to do this so that it should (and probably will) terminate. I was just wondering if it's possible to write one that is guaranteed to terminate (and it doesn't have to be particularly efficient. What complexity would it have?
Here is a code for the not always terminating version
int random(int n)
int r = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < ceil(log(n)); i++)
r = r<<1;
r = r|getRandomBit();
return r;
I think this will work:
Suppose you want to generate a number in the range [a,b]
Generate a fraction r in range [0,1} using a binary radix. That means generate a number of form 0.x1x2x3.... where every x is either a 0 or 1 using your random function.
Once you have that, you can easily generate a number in the range [0,b-a], by computing ceil(r*(b-a)), and then simply add a to get a number in range [a,b]
If the size of the range isn't a power of 2, you can't get an exactly uniform distribution except through what amounts to rejection sampling. You can get as close as you like to uniform, however, by sampling once from a large range, and dividing the smaller range into it.
For instance, while you can't uniformly sample between 1 and 10, you can quite easily sample between 1 and 1024 by picking 10 random bits, and figure out some way of equitably dividing that into 10 intervals of about the same size.
Choosing additional bits has the effect of halving the largest error (from true uniformity) you have to see in your choices... so the error decreases exponentially as you choose more bits.

How to generate a number in arbitrary range using random()={0..1} preserving uniformness and density?

Generate a random number in range [x..y] where x and y are any arbitrary floating point numbers. Use function random(), which returns a random floating point number in range [0..1] from P uniformly distributed numbers (call it "density"). Uniform distribution must be preserved and P must be scaled as well.
I think, there is no easy solution for such problem. To simplify it a bit, I ask you how to generate a number in interval [-0.5 .. 0.5], then in [0 .. 2], then in [-2 .. 0], preserving uniformness and density? Thus, for [0 .. 2] it must generate a random number from P*2 uniformly distributed numbers.
The obvious simple solution random() * (x - y) + y will generate not all possible numbers because of the lower density for all abs(x-y)>1.0 cases. Many possible values will be missed. Remember, that random() returns only a number from P possible numbers. Then, if you multiply such number by Q, it will give you only one of P possible values, scaled by Q, but you have to scale density P by Q as well.
If I understand you problem well, I will provide you a solution: but I would exclude 1, from the range.
N = numbers_in_your_random // [0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8] will be 5
// This turns your random number generator to return integer values between [0..N[;
function randomInt()
return random()*N;
// This turns the integer random number generator to return arbitrary
// integer
function getRandomInt(maxValue)
if (maxValue < N)
return randomInt() % maxValue;
baseValue = randomInt();
bRate = maxValue DIV N;
bMod = maxValue % N;
if (baseValue < bMod)
return N*getRandomInt(bRate) + baseValue;
// This will return random number in range [lower, upper[ with the same density as random()
function extendedRandom(lower, upper)
diff = upper - lower;
ndiff = diff * N;
baseValue = getRandomInt(ndiff);
return lower + baseValue;
If you really want to generate all possible floating point numbers in a given range with uniform numeric density, you need to take into account the floating point format. For each possible value of your binary exponent, you have a different numeric density of codes. A direct generation method will need to deal with this explicitly, and an indirect generation method will still need to take it into account. I will develop a direct method; for the sake of simplicity, the following refers exclusively to IEEE 754 single-precision (32-bit) floating point numbers.
The most difficult case is any interval that includes zero. In that case, to produce an exactly even distribution, you will need to handle every exponent down to the lowest, plus denormalized numbers. As a special case, you will need to split zero into two cases, +0 and -0.
In addition, if you are paying such close attention to the result, you will need to make sure that you are using a good pseudorandom number generator with a large enough state space that you can expect it to hit every value with near-uniform probability. This disqualifies the C/Unix rand() and possibly the*rand48() library functions; you should use something like the Mersenne Twister instead.
The key is to dissect the target interval into subintervals, each of which is covered by different combination of binary exponent and sign: within each subinterval, floating point codes are uniformly distributed.
The first step is to select the appropriate subinterval, with probability proportional to its size. If the interval contains 0, or otherwise covers a large dynamic range, this may potentially require a number of random bits up to the full range of the available exponent.
In particular, for a 32-bit IEEE-754 number, there are 256 possible exponent values. Each exponent governs a range which is half the size of the next greater exponent, except for the denormalized case, which is the same size as the smallest normal exponent region. Zero can be considered the smallest denormalized number; as mentioned above, if the target interval straddles zero, the probability of each of +0 and -0 should perhaps be cut in half, to avoid doubling its weight.
If the subinterval chosen covers the entire region governed by a particular exponent, all that is necessary is to fill the mantissa with random bits (23 bits, for 32-bit IEEE-754 floats). However, if the subinterval does not cover the entire region, you will need to generate a random mantissa that covers only that subinterval.
The simplest way to handle both the initial and secondary random steps may be to round the target interval out to include the entirety of all exponent regions partially covered, then reject and retry numbers that fall outside it. This allows the exponent to be generated with simple power-of-2 probabilities (e.g., by counting the number of leading zeroes in your random bitstream), as well as providing a simple and accurate way of generating a mantissa that covers only part of an exponent interval. (This is also a good way of handling the +/-0 special case.)
As another special case: to avoid inefficient generation for target intervals which are much smaller than the exponent regions they reside in, the "obvious simple" solution will in fact generate fairly uniform numbers for such intervals. If you want exactly uniform distributions, you can generate the sub-interval mantissa by using only enough random bits to cover that sub-interval, while still using the aforementioned rejection method to eliminate values outside the target interval.
well, [0..1] * 2 == [0..2] (still uniform)
[0..1] - 0.5 == [-0.5..0.5] etc.
I wonder where have you experienced such an interview?
Update: well, if we want to start caring about losing precision on multiplication (which is weird, because somehow you did not care about that in the original task, and pretend we care about "number of values", we can start iterating. In order to do that, we need one more function, which would return uniformly distributed random values in [0..1) — which can be done by dropping the 1.0 value would it ever appear. After that, we can slice the whole range in equal parts small enough to not care about losing precision, choose one randomly (we have enough randomness to do that), and choose a number in this bucket using [0..1) function for all parts but the last one.
Or, you can come up with a way to code enough values to care about—and just generate random bits for this code, in which case you don't really care whether it's [0..1] or just {0, 1}.
Let me rephrase your question:
Let random() be a random number generator with a discrete uniform distribution over [0,1). Let D be the number of possible values returned by random(), each of which is precisely 1/D greater than the previous. Create a random number generator rand(L, U) with a discrete uniform distribution over [L, U) such that each possible value is precisely 1/D greater than the previous.
A couple quick notes.
The problem in this form, and as you phrased it is unsolvable. That
is, if N = 1 there is nothing we can do.
I don't require that 0.0 be one of the possible values for random(). If it is not, then it is possible that the solution below will fail when U - L < 1 / D. I'm not particularly worried about that case.
I use all half-open ranges because it makes the analysis simpler. Using your closed ranges would be simple, but tedious.
Finally, the good stuff. The key insight here is that the density can be maintained by independently selecting the whole and fractional parts of the result.
First, note that given random() it is trivial to create randomBit(). That is,
randomBit() { return random() >= 0.5; }
Then, if we want to select one of {0, 1, 2, ..., 2^N - 1} uniformly at random, that is simple using randomBit(), just generate each of the bits. Call this random2(N).
Using random2() we can select one of {0, 1, 2, ..., N - 1}:
randomInt(N) { while ((val = random2(ceil(log2(N)))) >= N); return val; }
Now, if D is known, then the problem is trivial as we can reduce it to simply choosing one of floor((U - L) * D) values uniformly at random and we can do that with randomInt().
So, let's assume that D is not known. Now, let's first make a function to generate random values in the range [0, 2^N) with the proper density. This is simple.
rand2D(N) { return random2(N) + random(); }
rand2D() is where we require that the difference between consecutive possible values for random() be precisely 1/D. If not, the possible values here would not have uniform density.
Next, we need a function that selects a value in the range [0, V) with the proper density. This is similar to randomInt() above.
randD(V) { while ((val = rand2D(ceil(log2(V)))) >= V); return val; }
And finally...
rand(L, U) { return L + randD(U - L); }
We now may have offset the discrete positions if L / D is not an integer, but that is unimportant.
A last note, you may have noticed that several of these functions may never terminate. That is essentially a requirement. For example, random() may have only a single bit of randomness. If I then ask you to select from one of three values, you cannot do so uniformly at random with a function that is guaranteed to terminate.
Consider this approach:
I'm assuming the base random number generator in the range [0..1]
generates among the numbers
0, 1/(p-1), 2/(p-1), ..., (p-2)/(p-1), (p-1)/(p-1)
If the target interval length is less than or equal to 1,
return random()*(y-x) + x.
Else, map each number r from the base RNG to an interval in the
target range:
[r*(p-1)*(y-x)/p, (r+1/(p-1))*(p-1)*(y-x)/p]
(i.e. for each of the P numbers assign one of P intervals with length (y-x)/p)
Then recursively generate another random number in that interval and
add it to the interval begin.
const p;
function rand(x, y)
r = random()
if y-x <= 1
return x + r*(y-x)
low = r*(p-1)*(y-x)/p
high = low + (y-x)/p
return x + low + rand(low, high)
In real math: the solution is just the provided:
return random() * (upper - lower) + lower
The problem is that, even when you have floating point numbers, only have a certain resolution. So what you can do is apply above function and add another random() value scaled to the missing part.
If I make a practical example it becomes clear what I mean:
E.g. take random() return value from 0..1 with 2 digits accuracy, ie 0.XY, and lower with 100 and upper with 1100.
So with above algorithm you get as result 0.XY * (1100-100) + 100 = XY0.0 + 100.
You will never see 201 as result, as the final digit has to be 0.
Solution here would be to generate again a random value and add it *10, so you have accuracy of one digit (here you have to take care that you dont exceed your given range, which can happen, in this case you have to discard the result and generate a new number).
Maybe you have to repeat it, how often depends on how many places the random() function delivers and how much you expect in your final result.
In a standard IEEE format has a limited precision (i.e. double 53 bits). So when you generate a number this way, you never need to generate more than one additional number.
But you have to be careful that when you add the new number, you dont exceed your given upper limit. There are multiple solutions to it: First if you exceed your limit, you start from new, generating a new number (dont cut off or similar, as this changes the distribution).
Second possibility is to check the the intervall size of the missing lower bit range, and
find the middle value, and generate an appropiate value, that guarantees that the result will fit.
You have to consider the amount of entropy that comes from each call to your RNG. Here is some C# code I just wrote that demonstrates how you can accumulate entropy from low-entropy source(s) and end up with a high-entropy random value.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
namespace SO_8019589
class LowEntropyRandom
public readonly double EffectiveEntropyBits;
public readonly int PossibleOutcomeCount;
private readonly double interval;
private readonly Random random = new Random();
public LowEntropyRandom(int possibleOutcomeCount)
PossibleOutcomeCount = possibleOutcomeCount;
EffectiveEntropyBits = Math.Log(PossibleOutcomeCount, 2);
interval = 1.0 / PossibleOutcomeCount;
public LowEntropyRandom(int possibleOutcomeCount, int seed)
: this(possibleOutcomeCount)
random = new Random(seed);
public int Next()
return random.Next(PossibleOutcomeCount);
public double NextDouble()
return interval * Next();
class EntropyAccumulator
private List<byte> currentEntropy = new List<byte>();
public double CurrentEntropyBits { get; private set; }
public void Clear()
CurrentEntropyBits = 0;
public void Add(byte[] entropy, double effectiveBits)
CurrentEntropyBits += effectiveBits;
public byte[] GetBytes(int count)
using (var hasher = new SHA512Managed())
count = Math.Min(count, hasher.HashSize / 8);
var bytes = new byte[count];
var hash = hasher.ComputeHash(currentEntropy.ToArray());
Array.Copy(hash, bytes, count);
return bytes;
public byte[] GetPackagedEntropy()
// Returns a compact byte array that represents almost all of the entropy.
return GetBytes((int)(CurrentEntropyBits / 8));
public double GetDouble()
// returns a uniformly distributed number on [0-1)
return (double)BitConverter.ToUInt64(GetBytes(8), 0) / ((double)UInt64.MaxValue + 1);
public double GetInt(int maxValue)
// returns a uniformly distributed integer on [0-maxValue)
return (int)(maxValue * GetDouble());
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var random = new LowEntropyRandom(2); // this only provides 1 bit of entropy per call
var desiredEntropyBits = 64; // enough for a double
while (true)
var adder = new EntropyAccumulator();
while (adder.CurrentEntropyBits < desiredEntropyBits)
adder.Add(BitConverter.GetBytes(random.Next()), random.EffectiveEntropyBits);
Since I'm using a 512-bit hash function, that is the max amount of entropy that you can get out of the EntropyAccumulator. This could be fixed, if necessarily.
If I understand your problem correctly, it's that rand() generates finely spaced but ultimately discrete random numbers. And if we multiply it by (y-x) which is large, this spreads these finely spaced floating point values out in a way that is missing many of the floating point values in the range [x,y]. Is that all right?
If so, I think we have a solution already given by Dialecticus. Let me explain why he is right.
First, we know how to generate a random float and then add another floating point value to it. This may produce a round off error due to addition, but it will be in the last decimal place only. Use doubles or something with finer numerical resolution if you want better precision. So, with that caveat, the problem is no harder than finding a random float in the range [0,y-x] with uniform density. Let's say y-x = z. Obviously, since z is a floating point it may not be an integer. We handle the problem in two steps: first we generate the random digits to the left of the decimal point and then generate the random digits to the right of it. Doing both uniformly means their sum is uniformly distributed across the range [0,z] too. Let w be the largest integer <= z. To answer our simplified problem, we can first pick a random integer from the range {0,1,...,w}. Then, step #2 is to add a random float from the unit interval to this random number. This isn't multiplied by any possibly large values, so it has as fine a resolution as the numerical type can have. (Assuming you're using an ideal random floating point number generator.)
So what about the corner case where the random integer was the largest one (i.e. w) and the random float we added to it was larger than z - w so that the random number exceeds the allowed maximum? The answer is simple: do all of it again and check the new result. Repeat until you get a digit in the allowed range. It's an easy proof that a uniformly generated random number which is tossed out and generated again if it's outside an allowed range results in a uniformly generated random in the allowed range. Once you make this key observation, you see that Dialecticus met all your criteria.
When you generate a random number with random(), you get a floating point number between 0 and 1 having an unknown precision (or density, you name it).
And when you multiply it with a number (NUM), you lose this precision, by lg(NUM) (10-based logarithm). So if you multiply by 1000 (NUM=1000), you lose the last 3 digits (lg(1000) = 3).
You may correct this by adding a smaller random number to the original, which has this missing 3 digits. But you don't know the precision, so you can't determine where are they exactly.
I can imagine two scenarios:
(X = range start, Y = range end)
1: you define the precision (PREC, eg. 20 digits, so PREC=20), and consider it enough to generate a random number, so the expression will be:
( random() * (Y-X) + X ) + ( random() / 10 ^ (PREC-trunc(lg(Y-X))) )
with numbers: (X = 500, Y = 1500, PREC = 20)
( random() * (1500-500) + 500 ) + ( random() / 10 ^ (20-trunc(lg(1000))) )
( random() * 1000 + 500 ) + ( random() / 10 ^ (17) )
There are some problems with this:
2 phase random generation (how much will it be random?)
the first random returns 1 -> result can be out of range
2: guess the precision by random numbers
you define some tries (eg. 4) to calculate the precision by generating random numbers and count the precision every time:
- 0.4663164 -> PREC=7
- 0.2581916 -> PREC=7
- 0.9147385 -> PREC=7
- 0.129141 -> PREC=6 -> 7, correcting by the average of the other tries
That's my idea.
