Responsive widths, not heights, in threejs - three.js

I have noticed that in threejs, every example of the sizing of an object relative to its container seems to only be based on the height of the canvas/window it is responding to. This works well for worlds where the canvas is the only thing on the page. However, in a new project we are using overlaying divs as part of the design and as the window gets thinner, we are hoping to be able to scale down the main object in our scene. I have linked to and took 2 screenshots of a basic example. I am wondering if anyone has come up with a good solution for dealing with making the width responsive as well.


A good solution for a VR HUD?

I'm developing a game with THREEjs and webvr-boilerplate. I'm struggling a bit with how to properly render a HUD (score, distance, powerups etc) that always stays at the top of the scene. I've tried to have a plane (with a texture that's brought in from a hidden canvas element) but positioning it in space proves difficult since I can't match the right depth.
Any clues please? :)
Well, you shouldn't have a classic HUD, VR doesn't work like that.
You're searching for something called diegetic or spatial UI - that is the scores and other icons are rendered as geometry in scene space in a fixed position or distance (this one is called spatial UI). For best results, draw the information on some game object mimicking real displays, for example a fuel gauge on the dashboard of a car or visible remaining bullets on a gun (this one is called diegetic UI).
Unity has made a nice page describing these concepts.
I created a performance statistics HUD specifically for WebVR & THREE.js Projects.
While the default setup shows specific information, you can modify it to show custom graphics and other data.
And if you don't believe me, just check out the
StatVR video tutorial.

CreateJS Performance issue when rendering in a canvas that is displayed on mobile

I have a very specific issue. I am doing a demo in VR with three.js where I want to display 2D data. The data that will be displayed is dynamic (Text info) and needs to be animated.
Animate CC providing a nice suite of tools is an easy choice for this. With three.js, the way I found to add some 2D animation in the world, was to create a plane, add a texture from a canvas I created, which I update on RAF. No problem as of now.
The canvas I'm rendering is also the one that I create my stage from. Here the issue : Whatever the animation is (even an empty stage) I see a drop in framerate of about 15, as soon as I add the eventlistener on tick for the stage update. I tried many things (like not even adding the mesh, onto which I draw the canvas, to my scene) And If the eventlistener is added, I see my fps take a hit.
Whether the animation is "heavy" or not, I see this drop in framerate. And that drop is a big issue in VR since staying on 60 FPS is pretty much a must have at this point.
Any lead on what I could do to make this better ? Thank you !

LÖVE viewport like Libgdx

I wonder if LÖVE framework has the same feature like Libgdx's viewport, because this feature were really great when I used Libgdx and I wonder if there's anything similar to do in LÖVE.
About viewports:
If, by viewport, you mean using normalised coordinates (resolution-independant), then yes, LÖVE can do that.
Although it's not available by default in the framework itself, there's always a possibility to add your own features.
You could make a Viewport system using LÖVE's canvases.
Start by creating a canvas with fixed dimensions,
then make your game using percentages of these dimensions instead of regular pixel positioning.
For example, player.x = 80 (left side of the screen) becomes player.x = canvas:getWidth()*.1
Once you've drawn everything into your virtual window -that is- the canvas, you can scale it and render your game to fit any window resolution.
I suggest that you take a look at this library that handles all the scaling stuff for you, once you provide your game's virtual dimensions.

Unity script: scene to 3D led cube

I am a total beginner to Unity, but I'm getting familiar with the interface and the way scripts work with Game Objects. Some days ago, I came across with an article regarding a 3D LED Matrix controlled by Unity and since then I've been trying to make it work with my project.
Original article:
Basically, once the script is attached to an Orthographic camera (or at least that's what I understood from the article), the camera layers and "slices" the scene, transforms it into a pixel matrix and paints the result into some preview layers dynamically generated.
I have accomplished to attach the camera and get the preview layers to show up. However, I'm unable to get the final result the article shows, as preview layers show absolutely nothing. I think it has to do with the fact that the author is using some kind of transparent planes I have been unable to replicate.
It would be great if someone could guide me a bit to get the exact same result of the article by reading it and watching the last Vine, as it shows his Unity screen with the transparent layers working up and running.
The script was looking at the background color to decided wether a pixel had to be painted or not.
Changing the camera background to transparent (RGBA) was enough to see the final result.

OpenGL draw partial object in scrollable panel

I am making a GUI in OpenGL (more specifically lwjgl). I have tried hard to research different ways of doing this but I am having a hard time finding exactly what I want. I do not want to use any external libraries (only ones built in OpenGL, even trying to stay away from using GLUT) and I would like to have it work on anything that supports OpenGL (ex. Frame Buffer Objects don't work on older graphic cards).
I am making a 3D GUI with a scrollable panel as a component. The problem is I don't know how to draw a partial GUI component without doing a lot of calculations to only render part of it. I am making the components out of OpenGL primitives, not textures. I was hoping there is an easy way to do this like use multiple viewports. I don't really even understand what viewports are.
In short: I need to have a scrollable panel as a component overlapping other GUI components (since it will be a drop down menu) and not let any of the components in my panel draw outside my panel.
If you just want to prevent drawing pixels that are outside of a rectangular region (and I think that's what you're asking), than glScissor is exactly what you're looking for.
In lwjgl, you can find the function in org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11.
If you want to scroll a larger scene within a fixed region on the screen, the most straightforward way to go is by just modifying your projection matrix for the scroll position and redrawing the scene. If you are using gluPerspective to set up your projection matrix you'll have to convert it to a direct call to glFrustum; if you're using glOrtho it's much more straightforward.
Keep in mind that "scrolling" a perspective view has no one right way to do things - it depends on what sort of effect you want to achieve, and what particular sort of distortion you want near the edges of the overall viewport.
