Looping through NetSuite "objects" with FreeMarker - freemarker

I am struggling to deal with a few aspects of the data being "passed" to Advanced PDF Templates in NetSuite and the fact there is no "object browser". I have seen, using:
<#list .data_model?keys as key>
${key} = ${.data_model[key]}<br />
that there are data "objects":
companyinformation =
message =
nsfont =
preferences =
record =
record#title = Invoice
subsidiary =
subsidiary#title = Subsidiary
user =
Is there anyway to look deeper into each of these objects to see their properties?

You can dump the properties of the objects on the same way, that is, by iterating through their ?keys, because it's not only for Map-s, but for any value that has named subvariables. (Well, assuming the ObjectWrapper in the FreeMarker configuration is like that, but let's hope it is for now.)
Because this is going to be recursive, you will want to use a #macro. Be careful with infinite recursion though (usually, you want a maximum depth at least).
If FreeMarker is at least 2.3.25, you can also write <#list something as key, value>, which is nicer, and supports non-string keys.


Fetch value from XML using dynamic tag in ESQL

I have an xml
I want to fetch the value from the XML based on the dynamic tag in ESQL. I have tried like this
SET dynamicTag = 'child_'||num;
SET value = InputRoot.XMLNSC.parent.(XML.Element)dynamicTag;
Here num is the value received from the input it can be one or two. The result should be value = ROY if num is one and value is VIC if num is two.
The chapter ESQL field reference overview describes this use case:
Because the names of the fields appear in the ESQL program, they must be known when the program is written. This limitation can be avoided by using the alternative syntax that uses braces ( { ... } ).
So can change your code like this:
SET value = InputRoot.XMLNSC.parent.(XMLNSC.Element){dynamicTag};
Notice the change of the element type as well, see comment of #kimbert.

Access an JSON object value - used path contains an dynamic value

I like to access a specific JSON object value, where the access path contains a dynamic value. The dynamic value is calculated beforehand during the dialog process.
How can I do this in a "set property" node? I did not find a good working approach.
Here my approach, which leads to no useful result.
Which language are you using? You should be able to just address it directly without a string designator. For example, here is how I get the score for the top intent, where intent is a variable property. You would just want to get it via the [] notation instead of the . notation.
var intent = LuisRecognizer.topIntent(recognizerResult);
if (recognizerResult.intents[intent].score < 0.5) {
intent = 'None';

Using one variable for multiple items data in descriptive programming

I know that with Descriptive programming you can do something like this:
Browser("StackOverflow").Page("StackOverflow").Link("text:=Go To Next Page ", "html tag:=A").Click
But is it possible to create some kind of string so I can assign more than one data value and pass it as single variable? I've tried many combinations using escape characters and I always get error.
For example in the case above, let's say I have more properties in the Page object, so I'd normally have to do something like this:
Browser("StackOverflow").Page("name:=StackOverflow", "html id:=PageID")...etc...
But I'd like to pass "name:=StackOverflow", "html id:=PageID" as a single variable, so when writing many objects I'd only have to write:
And the first part would remain static, so if the parents' data needs to be modified I'd only have to modify two variables and not all the objects created in all libraries.
Is it possible?
If I was not clear enough please let me know.
Thank you in advance!
I think what you're looking for is UFT's Description object
This allows you finer grained control on the description since in descriptive programming all values are regular expressions but with Description you can turn the regular expression functionality off for a specific property.
Set desc = Description.Create()
desc("html tag").Value = "A"
desc("innertext").Value = "More information..."
desc("innertext").RegularExpression = False
Browser("Example Domain").Navigate "www.example.com"
Browser("Example Domain").Page("Example Domain").WebElement(desc).Click
If you want to represent this with plain string then it's a bit more of a problem, you can write a helper function but I'm not sure I would recommend it.
Function Desc(descString)
Set ret = Description.Create()
values = Split(descString, "::")
For Each value In values
keyVal = Split(value, ":=")
ret(keyVal(0)).Value = keyVal(1)
Set Desc = ret
End Function
' Usage
Browser("StackOverflow").Page("StackOverflow").WebElement(Desc("html tag:=H2::innertext:=some text")).Click
Further reading about descriptive programming.
As an alternative to Motti's excellent answer, you could also Set a variable to match your initial descriptive object and then extend it as required:
Set myPage = Browser("StackOverflow").Page("name:=StackOverflow", "html id:=PageID")
after which you can then use
throughout the rest of the code, so long as the myPage object stays in scope...

How to get value from a column referenced by a number, from JDBC Response object of Jmeter?

I know they advice to get a cell value this way:
columnValue = vars.getObject("resultObject").get(0).get("Column Name");
as stated on jMeter doc : component reference : JDBC_Request.
But: How to access the same RS cell value by just a number of the column?
...instead of giving it a String of column Name/Label.
edit 1: Lets use Groovy/Java, instead of BeanShell. Thanks.
edit 2: The original motivation was the difference between column Name / Label, as these seem to be not fully guaranteed (? seems to be not clear here, not to me), especially due case-sensitivity ("id"/"ID", "name"/"Name"/"NAME" ..)
It should be something like:
String value = (new ArrayList<String>(vars.getObject("resultObject").get(0).values())).get(4)
More information: Debugging JDBC Sampler Results in JMeter
Be aware that according to HashMap documentation:
This class makes no guarantees as to the order of the map; in particular, it does not guarantee that the order will remain constant over time.
So the order of columns might be a big question mark.
The row itself is a HashMap, defined in source code as:
HashMap<String, Object> row
So using BeanShell syntax, you could get it as
row = vars.getObject("resultObject").get(0); // returns HashMap
In HashMap, you cannot access item (column) by ID. You could, however, apply one of the methods described here, but HashMap doesn't guarantee order, so you cannot be sure what "column 4" will contain.
If you want to be able to loop through all columns, it's better to do it in a Map style, not by index. For example using entrySet() with BeanShell:
for(Map.Entry entry : row.entrySet())
log.info(entry.getKey() + "=" + entry.getValue());
See various ways to iterate through Map here.

How to do a projection on Freemarker sequences to extract a property?

Let's say I have some object container in a freemarker variable and container.content gives me a sequence of objects (I will call them "things") with names and a String getName() accessor. I would like to produce a comma-separated list of the names from the container.content sequence.
If I already had a sequence of names instead of a sequence of things with names, I could simply do names?join(", "). Is there something concise to extract the .name-s from container.content and join them afterwards? More generally, I am looking for a functional programming map (collect, projection) operation, but did not find one in the docs.
What I have tried for now:
Currently, I have <#list container.content as x>${x.name}<#if x?has_next>, </#if></#list> to reproduce that map-then-join operation, but I find that rather verbose and it looks like a smell to me to have basically reimplemented join.
Previously I had container.content?join(", ") and I got "Thing[name=A, otherStuff=...], Thing[name=B, otherStuff=...]" instead of "A, B", of course. I do not wish to modify that Thing#toString method to only return the name instead. I would like to keep that detailed representation for debugging purposes.
You can create function which will extract key values from input sequence:
<#function map seq key>
<#assign result = []>
<#list seq as item>
<#assign result = result + [item[key]]>
<#return result>
And then use it like that:
${map(container.content, "name")?join(", ")}
