How much app can be launched using a single Production certificate? - xcode

I have 3 apps in Appstore with different production certificate, Is there any possibility to have those three apps with single production cerlificatae.

To clarify on the previous answer, you can sign all your app store apps with a single iOS Distribution certificate. You will need to create 3 separate Distribution provisioning profiles, all tied to the same certificate, but each assigned to the Application ID for their specific app. If you have an existing app store distribution certificate, you can simply use it when creating your new provisioning profiles - simply check the box next to your certificate when you create or edit the profile.
So you will have one cert (e.g. App Store Cert), and three profiles like this:
App One:
App One Provisioning Profile (App Store Distribution)
Cert: App Store Cert
App Id: com.example.appOne
App Two:
App Two Provisioning Profile (App Store Distribution)
Cert: App Store Cert
App Id: com.example.appTwo
App Three
App Three Provisioning Profile (App Store Distribution)
Cert: App Store Cert
App Id: com.example.appThree
Unless something has changed, I do not believe Apple will even allow you to have more than 2 active Distribution certificates at any given time. They allow two only so that you can create a second when your current cert is about to expire. This gives you time to ensure all your developer have the new cert prior to the old expiring, but the old will still work in the transition.

You need to have different profiles for each application. Else certificate does not matter in terms of number i.e., you can have same certificate for multiple apps only catch is you need to have different provisioning profiles for each application.


I have client auth set as "want" because some endpoints expect client to provide certificate, android 9 devices with chrome treat "want" as need

Server is setup so the client providing certificate is optional. It is needed only for 2 endpoints (so small percentage).
We have noticed that users with Android 9 and chrome have complained that visiting even just a root page it asks them to provide certificate.
"The Chrome app has requested a certificate. Choosing a certificate will let the app use this identity with servers now and in the future. The app has identified the requesting server as myserverulr.domain, but you should only give the app access to the certificate if you trust the app"
Spring boot
This happens with very few users but it's still a problem. Is there any workaround for it?

When do I update the APN pem

We are using the development APN pem currently.
We are about to submit app to the apple store for review for distribution
Shall we change the APN pem to distribution one now or only after apple's approval?
Currently for beta testing, we are using the build that uses development APN pem
You should not change the Push Notification Cert on your server, instead you should provide one for each environment (development, production). You can create one certificate per environment for your app in the Developer Portal. This approach allows you to test your push notification code and setup from Debug-Builds as well as from AdHoc-, TestFlight- or AppStore-Builds.

Dependency between APNS certificate and distribution provisioning profile?

I have an app in the App Store with APNS.
Now, my distribution profile is broken and I can't add my device to the distribution profile. It is a generated profile by apple with the prefix XC:.
So one solution is to create a new distribution profile for a new version of my app and submit it to the App Store.
But do I then also need to create a new APNS certificate? Or will this also work with the new distribution profile?
Perhaps my actual question is: is there a relationship between the distribution profile and the APNS certificate? Or is it the app ID that is important to let the APNS work?
As outlined in the push notification guide, the SSL certificate used for push notifications is independent from the distribution provisioning profile used by your app.
However, you need to ensure that your new provisioning profile provides the correct entitlements for using push notifications and their production/development environment, as described here. Good luck.

Are different certificates used automatically

I'm building an app that uses Parse to send push notifications. Currently I am in beta and have uploaded both a development and production push certificates. Client side, I add a bool to the Installation object to designate if the client is running a beta version.
When I send a push notification with Cloud Code how do I specify which certificate to use? Is it automatically selected for me? What happens when my app is in production simultaneously with my beta?
I don't use Parse, but I found this in their tutorial :
Note that once you have uploaded a production push certificate to Parse, you will only be able to target devices using a distribution provisioning profile. Devices running an app signed with a development provisioning profile will need to install the newly provisioned build again.
Based on this quote, you can't use Parse simultaneously for both development and production push notifications.

Java 7 Update 51 web start signing jar files

Our organization developed some application on java before 8 years and we have some customers who have installed our product in their environment and providing services.
In java 7 update 51, java has updated their security, so it is asking us to sign the jar files using public certificate.
Customer is not fine with ask every user to reduce the security level or add the site in exception list in control pannel java.
The question here is, do all the customer needs to buy one certificate for them self and sign the jars or as an organization we buy a certificate and the single certificate can be used for all the customers?
If you get a certificate for your organization, you can use it to sign any Java applications that you wish to deploy. A different certificate is not needed for each application or customer.
It's not even necessary to avtually "buy" a certificate. You could create a self-signed certificate using the java keytool and use it to sign your code. Then your customers would have to install that certificate into their java trusted certificate store and everything should be fine.
"Buying" a certificate is only necessary when you need every computer with a standard-trustlist to be able to run your application, but if you're in close contact with your customers - as it seems you are - you should be able to hand them a self-created certificate for installation on their machines.
