How can I open shell and then execute a command inside it - shell

What I want is to open default shell, then call another and execute a command there.
Was trying something like this:
c:/Windows/System32/bash.exe -c "zsh & zstyle"
cmd /k "c:/Windows/System32/bash.exe -c zsh" & zstyle - this open shell but doesn't run a commands
c:/Windows/System32/bash.exe -c "zsh -c 'zstyle'"
Currently I am using a cmder/conemu terminal for windows.

Unfortunately, passing a startup to command to zsh with -c and keeping it open for interactive use (with -i) doesn't work.
Disclaimer: The following solutions were tested from a regular Command Prompt (cmd.exe), not cmder/conemu, though I'd expect them to work there too.
To try them from PowerShell (v3+), insert --% as the first argument after (right after bash.exe).
Here's a workaround:
c:/Windows/System32/bash.exe -c "zsh -c 'zstyle' && exec zsh -i"
Note that command zstyle is executed in a different, transient zsh instance, so this approach won't work for commands whose purpose is to modify the environment of the interactive shell that stays open.
If that is a requirement, things get more complicated (this solution courtesy of this answer):
c:/Windows/System32/bash.exe -c "{ { echo 'zstyle'; echo 'exec 0<&3-';} | zsh -i; } 3<&0"
Note, however, that both commands being executed will be printed before their output, if any, is shown, preceded by the prompt - as if the commands had been typed interactively.


bash interact just once

I want to write a script for Ubuntu, which open a terminal-emulator, which only allows users interact with it only once. After finish running user's first command typed in, the terminal close on itself automatically, which is kind of like Win+R on windows OS.
How should I do that?
I try script like gnome-terminal -- bash -c "read cmd && $cmd", but there's two problem:
No auto-complete on user inputting commands;
Commands from .bashrc, .bash_aliases are not recognized.
You can try :
gnome-terminal -- bash --rcfile <(cat ~/.bashrc; echo 'PROMPT_COMMAND="PROMPT_COMMAND=exit"')
I don't have Ubuntu to test at the moment, but bash ... part worked.

Lua Mac os.execute open Terminal and run command

I need to open the Mac Terminal and run some commands with os.execute in Lua
export VAMP_PATH=/path/to/plugin/directory
cd /path/to/script
./sonic-annotator -l
EDIT: got it to work without terminal with this
os.execute('export VAMP_PATH="'..script_path..'sonic/mac64/vamp"; cd "'..script_path..'sonic/mac64/"; ./sonic-annotator -d vamp:qm-vamp-plugins:qm-barbeattracker:beats -w csv "'..filename..'"')
To answer your actual question, you can start a Terminal and run some bash commands in it like this:
os.execute("osascript -e 'tell application \"Terminal\" to do script \"cd /Users/mark && ls\"'")
But, as I said in the comments, you don't necessarily need a Terminal to run a script, so you can just run a command like this:
os.execute("export V=fred; cd /Users/mark && ./")
If you are running a script because you just want the user to see the output of the script, it is often easier and involves far less quoting if you run your command and pipe the result to open -f like this, which displays the output in a text editor:
os.execute("cd /Users/mark; ls | open -f")

set env before bash initialization

I am creating new tab to run my command, and kill it when not needed.
$ roxterm --tab -e top
$ pkill -f top
(gnome-terminal is preferred, but doesn't support new tab to execute given command; splitting open & run fails to pkill).
My command requires a script setting environment variables to be called prior to execution. However,
$ roxterm --tab -e "source; mycommand"
fails, with the error line 1: source not found, as the bash environment is not yet initialized in the just being created roxterm env. How to circumvent.
One option i can think of is to create below script,
but i'd like to avoid creating scripts for each of my commands, and be able to kill it with pkill -f mycommand

Nest execute commands in bash

I am trying to associate a hotkey with opening vim with recent history browsing, thus I have wrote the following line
gnome-terminal -x "vim -c ':browse old'"
However this gives
Error: Failed to execute child process "vim -c ':browse old'" (No such file or directory)
What am I doing wrong?
Good news! The -x option of gnome-terminal makes it very easy to start a new terminal and run a new program in it. Just do:
gnome-terminal -x vim -c ':browse old'
The meaning of -x is that all subsequent arguments are passed to the program that you run, so no quoting is needed.

source .bashrc from .cshrc

Is it possible to source a .bshrc file from .cshrc in a non-interactive session?
I'm asking because tcsh is our default shell at work and the .cshrc has to be used to set up the environment initially.
However, I am not really familiar with the tcsh and I have my own set-up in bash, so right now I have the following lines at the end of my .cshrc file:
if ( $?prompt && -x /bin/bash) then
exec /bin/bash
This works fine, loading my environment from .bashrc and giving me a bash prompt for interactive sessions but now I also need the same set-up for non-interactive sessions, e.g. to run a command remotely via SSH with all the correct PATHs etc.
I can't use 'exec' in that case but I can't figure out how to switch to bash and load the bash config files "non-interactively".
All our machines share the same home directory, so any changes to my local *rc files will affect the remote machiens as well.
Any ideas welcome - thank you for your help!
After some more research I'm now quite sure that this won't work, but of course feel free to prove me wrong!
To load the environment in bash I have to switch to a bash shell. Even if that is possible "in the background", i.e. without getting a prompt, it would still break any tcsh commands which would then be attempted to execute under bash.
Hmmmm, back to the drawing board...
If $command is set there are arguments to csh, so it is a remote shell command. This works for me in .cshrc:
if ($?command) then
echo Executing non-interactive command in bash: $command $*
exec /bin/bash -c "${command} $*"
echo Interactive bash shell
exec bash -l
$ ssh remotehost set | grep BASH
proves that it ran in Bash.
