Windows Error Reporting IIS performance impact? - performance

My question is simple. I just can't seem to find much information on it googling around. If I set up Windows Error Reporting to create memory dumps when an IIS app pool crashes (See article here for rundown.) could it cause any noticeable degradation in performance in terms of IIS serving up apps and websites?
We are looking to set this up in production to assist in tracking down issues when an app pool crashes. Also, is something like this recommended for production servers?

I assume you're using the LocalDumps Registry key to achieve this.
That Registry key has a setting called DumpType where you can specify the amount of data being collected.
The time it takes to capture the crash dump will mainly depend on the amount of data to be written to disk. A full memory crash dump of IIS can easily take 4 GB, which may take 8 seconds to be written to disk at a 500 MB/s disk throughput rate.
During those 8 seconds, another instance of IIS may still serve pages from cached files very fast, but might have trouble serving files that need to be read from disk.
You could mitigate this a bit by spending an extra disk or different partition for the crash dumps. You'll then just have the memory, CPU and SATA overhead.
Anyway, you'll not leave this setting on for very long. Just capture a few crash dumps and then disable it. You'll make your customers happier if you resolve the crash. Therefore, the performance impact IMHO is acceptable.
If you want to know the exact impact, you'd need to set up a load test system, serve pages and implement a website that crashes. You'll then notice (or not) the performance degradation and you'll be able to measure it.


Windows: track memory usage and limit threads

I am writing a Windows based application that uses the OpenCV library for image processing. This is a multi-threaded application and each thread loads an image and processes it. My problem is that when the images are huge, the memory consumption becomes very high and the application crashes.
I want to be able to track the amount of memory my app is using(from within the app) and dynamically restrict the number of threads being created. Is there a way in Windows to track how much of permitted memory the app is using( and how much more I will be allowed).
I am using VC++( VS2010 on Windows 7).
I did look at some questions such as this and this, but could not find any that allows tracking from within the app itself. Is this possible? Any guidelines would be helpful.
Don't know if this will have any serious impact on the memory consumption, but it's worth of checking if you haven't already done it.
When creating a thread, if you don't specify the stack size, the system will use the same amount as for the main thread. This could be 1MB. You probably don't need large stack, so try passing 32k, 64k, 128k...

performance problem - growing memory and cpu usage

I have windows application I wrote.
I installed it on virtual server (vmware) that holds windows server 2008 and for some reason the application getting bigger and bigger. I used perfmon in order to see maybe there is a memory leak - but as I understand, there isn't:
Here is the proccess in task manager:
There are also two proccesses that use a lot of memory and cpu but are steady and not growing like SimeserManager.exe.
The memory growing slows the surfing on sited that this server holds.
Before this week I used the my application on phizical server with windows server 2003 and there were no problem with surfing. I can't restore the situtaion in the phizical machine since I don't have it anymore, but I don't believe there was memory error when using the phizical server.
The application is written in c# .net using visual studio 2010.
What can be the problem?
Where can I get some clues?
I get ANTS memory profiler and tried to seek for the problem. I created memory snapshots and here is the results:
Now I'm really lost.
I tryed the standart filters but didn't manage to find a clue for the problem. In the image you can see there is increase in the private bytes. Does that sais there is a memory leak?
Can anyone give me some clues how to continue?
We don't have enough information here to really debug your application. However, there are tools you can use to identify and solve this issue in your application. I would suggest you use the ANTS Memory Profiler from RedGate to help you look for your problem. Here is a link to it:
It isn't free but it is cheap and extremely effective. Get the 14-day free trial and run it on your application. I would go as far as to say that if it doesn't find the issue, the issue probably isn't with your application.
As for the other processes that are taking a lot of memory, this is normal. SQL Server tries to get as much memory as possible. Running other applications on the same box as a SQL server may cause you performance issues if you aren't careful. Here is a good article on how SQL Server uses memory:
As for IIS memory usage (the other process that was using lots of memory), there could be multiple reasons for this. I would suggest you read through this forum to get a better idea of what it could be (if it truly is an issue):

What could cause the application as well as the system to slowdown?

I am debugging an application which slows down the system very badly. The application loads a large amount of data (some 1000 files each of half an MB) from the local hard disk.The files are loaded as memory mapped files and are mapped only when needed. This means that at any given point in time the virtual memory usage does not exceed 300 MB.
I also checked the Handle count using handle.exe from sysinternals and found that there are at the most some 8000 odd handles opened. When the data is unloaded it drops to around 400. There are no handle leaks after each load and unload operation.
After 2-3 Load unload cycles, during one load, the system becomes very slow. I checked the virtual memory usage of the application as well as the handle counts at this point and it was well within the limits (VM about 460MB not much fragmentation also, handle counts 3200).
I want how an application could make the system very slow to respond? What other tools can I use to debug this scenario?
Let me be more specific, when i mean system it is entire windows that is slowing down. Task manager itself takes 2 mins to come up and most often requires a hard reboot
The fact that the whole system slows downs is very annoying, it means you can not attach a profiler easily, it also means it would be even difficult to stop the profiling session in order to view the results ( since you said it require a hard reboot ).
The best tool suited for the job in this situation is ETW ( Event Tracing for Windows ), these tools are great, will give you the exact answer you are looking for
Check them out here
Hope this works.
Tools you can use at this point:
Event Viewer
In my experience, when things happen to a system that prevent Task Manager from popping up, they're usually of the hardware variety -- checking the system event log of Event Viewer is sometimes just full of warnings or errors that some hardware device is timing out.
If Event Viewer doesn't indicate that any kind of loggable hardware error is causing the slowdown, then try Perfmon -- add counters for system objects to track file read, exceptions, context switches etc. per second and see if there's something obvious there.
Frankly the sort of behavior demonstrated is meant to be impossible - by design - for user-mode code to cause. WinNT goes to a lot of effort to insulate applications from each other and prevent rogue applications from making the system unusable. So my suspicion is some kind of hardware fault is to blame. Is there any chance you can simply run the same test on a different PC?
If you don't have profilers, you may have to do the same work by hand...
Have you tried commenting out all read/write operations, just to check whether the slow down disappears ?
"Divide and conquer" strategies will help you find where the problem lies.
If you run it under an IDE, run it until it gets real slow, then hit the "pause" button. You will catch it in the act of doing whatever takes so much time.
You use tools like "IBM Rational Quantify" or "Intel VTune" to detect performance issue.
Like Benoît did, one good mean is measuring tasks time to identify which is eating cpu.
But remember, as you are working with many files, is likely to be missing that causes the memory to disk swap.
when task manager is taking 2 minutes to come up, are you getting a lot of disk activity? or is it cpu-bound?
I would try process explorer from sysinternals. When your system is in the slowed-down state, and you try running, say, notepad, pay attention to page fault deltas.
Windows is very greedy about caching file data. I would try removing file I/O as someone suggested, and also making sure you close the file mapping as soon as you are done with a file.
I/O is probably causing your slowdown,especially if your files are on the same disk as the OS. Another way to test that would be to move your files to another disk and see if that alleviates the problem.

Large application/file load-time

I'm sure many have noticed that when you have a large application (i.e. something requiring a few MBs of DLLs) it loads much faster the second time than the first time.
The same happens if you read a large file in your application. It's read much faster after the first time.
What affects this? I suppose this is the hard-drive cache, or is the OS adding some memory-caching of its own.
What techniques do you use to speed-up the loading times of large applications and files?
Thanks in advance
Note: the question refers to Windows
Added: What affects the cache size of the OS? In some apps, files are slow-loading again after a minute or so, so the cache fills in a minute?
Two things can affect this. The first is hard-disk caching (done by the disk which has little impact and by the OS which tends to have more impact). The second is that Windows (and other OS') have little reason to unload DLLs when they're finished with them unless the memory is needed for something else. This is because DLLs can easily be shared between processes.
So DLLs have a habit of hanging around even after the applications that were using them disappear. If another application decides the DLL is needed, it's already in memory and just has to be mapped into the processes address space.
I've seen some application pre-load their required DLLs (usually called QuickStart, I think both MS Office and Adobe Reader do this) so that the perceived load times are better.
Windows's memory manager is actually pretty slick -- it services memory requests AND acts as the disk cache. With enough free memory on the system, lots of files that have been recently accessed will reside in memory. Until the physical memory is needed, those DLLs will remain in cache -- all ala the CacheManager.
As far as how to help, look into Delay Loading your DLLs. The advantages of LoadLibrary only when you need it, but automatic so you don't have LoadLibrary/GetProcAddress on all of your code. (Well automatic, as far as just needing to add a linker command switch):
Or you could pre-load like Office and others do (as mentioned above), but I personally hate that -- slows down the computer at initial boot up.
I see two possibilities :
preload yourlibraries at system startup as already mentionned Office, OpenOffice and others are doing just that.
I am not a great fan of that solution : It makes your boot time longer and eats lots of memory.
load your DLL dynamically (see LoadLibrary) only when needed. Unfortunately not possible with all DLL.
For example, why load at startup a DLL to export file in XYZ format when you are not sure it will ever be needed ?? Load it when the user did select this export format.
I have a dream where Adobe Acrobat use this approach, instead of bogging me with loads of plugins I never use every time I want to display a PDF file !
Depending on your needs you might have to use both techniques : preload some big heavliy used librairies and load on demand only specific plugins...
One item that might be worth looking at is "rebasing". Each DLL has a preset "base" address that it prefers to be loaded into memory at. If an application is loading the DLL at a different address (because the preferred one is not available) the DLL is loaded at the new address and "rebased". Roughly speaking this means that parts of the dll are updated on the fly. This only applies to native images as opposed to .NET vm .dll's.
This really old MSDN article covers rebase'ng:
Not sure whether much of it still applies (it's a very old article)... but here's an enticing quote:
Prefer one large DLL over several
small ones; make sure that the
operating system does not need to
search for the DLLs very long; and
avoid many fixups if there is a chance
that the DLL may be rebased by the
operating system (or, alternatively,
try to select your base addresses such
that rebasing is unlikely).
Btw if you're dealing with .NET then "ngen'ng" your app/dlls should help speed things up (ngen = natve image generation).
Yep, anything read in from the hard drive is cached so it will load faster the second time. The basic assumption is that it's rare to use a large chunk of data from the HD only once and then discard it (this is usually a good assumption in practice). Typically I think it's the operating system (kernel) that implements the cache, taking up a chunk of RAM to do so, although I'm not sure if modern hard drives have some builtin cache capability. (I once wrote a small kernel as an academic project; caching of HD data in memory was one of its features)
One additional factor which affects program startup time is Superfetch, a technology introduced with (I believe) Windows XP. Essentially it monitors disk access during program startup, recognizes file access patterns and them attempts to "bunch up" the required data for quicker access (e.g. by rearranging the data sequentially on disk according to its loading order).
As the others mentioned, generally speaking any read operation is likely to be cached by the Windows disk cache, and reused unless the memory is needed for other operations.
NGENing the assemblies might help with the startup time, however, runtime might be effected (Sometimes the NGened code is not as optimal as OnDemand Compiled code)
NGENing can be done in the background as well:
Here's another good article NGen and Performance
The system cache is used for anything that comes off disk. That includes file metadata, so if you are using applications that open a large number of files (say, directory scanners), then you can easily flush the cache if you also have applications running that eat up a lot of memory.
For the stuff I use, I prefer to use a small number of large files (>64 MB to 1 GB) and asynchronous un-bufferred I/O. And a good ol' defrag every once in a while.

Best ways to Improve Sharepoint 2007 Performance?

OK we are at the end of our rope here, and I’d really appreciate feedback from the SO community.
Our basic issue is slow performance by our MOSS-based intranet--
Some environment info:
We have a MOSS standard edition for a collaboration based site.
The sitedb is 29 Gb
we have two VMWare based front end
servers. (2x 32bit CPUS each)
less than 1000 users spread over all
We have one big site
collection with subsites.
General symptoms:
Loading front page and pages that have been ‘warmed-up’ is pretty decent- but pages/sites off the beaten path are very slow to load.
We see spikes, where a page all of a sudden takes 30 seconds to load, vs its more normal 2
Here’s what we have done already:
Scaled way back on crawling
enabled object and blob caching
optimized VMware setup
followed the Microsoft IT whitepaper on MOSS sharepoint best practice (esp list size etc)
I don’t know what else to do here—Split into multiple site collections?
Switch to 64 bit front-end servers?
Would be great to hear from others who have been in similar situations.
You don't say how much memory your front end servers have - given that they are 32bit, I'll assume the maximum per worker process of roughly 2gb + change.
My advice? Switch to 64 bit, add more memory, and check that you are not using just one w3wp worker process per front end. Have a dig into "web gardens," that is to say where you configure multiple w3wp processes per front end. To start with, start with two workerprocesses per front end and see how that works out. Also make sure they are set to recycle, and that the recycling of each pair of worker processes do NOT overlap - having two+ workers means they can take turns to recycle without cutting access.
just my 0.02.
I think your very first task is to determine where the problem actually is -
until you know that you are wasting your time changing things.
Is the database server on a separate server or one of your web servers?
Do you see a CPU/Disk bottleneck on your front end or db servers?
It sounds like your world wide; do you see the same performance problems from networks close to the server - is it a WAN issue?
Thanks for some helpful advice all, one thing I just learned was that our object caching has basically not been doing anything! This is because the way it seems to work is that if you have rights to edit ANYWHERE on the site collection, it per default disables object caching across the portal. Since all users have rights to at least something, this means caching was doing basically nothing!
We discovered this by enabling the cache debugging, which puts a small comment in the html about what cache is being used. After changing the setting "Allow writers to view cached content" in the authenticated cache profile,
We are seeing what this does for editors, but for regular viewers, the anecdotal evidence is that it is having a big impact!
Yes, caching is the best way to reduce load on the system.
Adding RAM to the SQL server is also good. (64 bit is really a must for your SQL server, WFE not so important).
Not sure if you want to recycle the processes though. I have not evidence for this except a conversation with someone saying the recycling the processes looked to have solved one performance issue, but was introducing others.
Did I mention caching?
The SQL server should handle database up to 100Gb, but at that size they will be hard to manage for backups and the like, so splitting your site into relevant site collections is something you may need to plan for now, but this may not be relevant to performance.
Did you take a look at Plan for software boundaries (Office SharePoint Server)?
At first glance, your server fits in their recommended settings.
To improve performance you should take a look at :
64-bit servers
Limiting the number of items displayed in your document lists
Definitely check the disk usage. If you have two VMs and they run of the same disk / SAN, make sure it isn't too busy. Overloaded SANs kill performance
I'll throw my hat in the ring and recommend 64 bit as well. Perhaps not as an immediate fix, but going forward, I would put a move to 64 bit as a goal for your entire farm.
I'd also take some issue w/ Nat's comment that it doesn't matter on the Web Front Ends. I won't debate benchmarks or argue memory addressability. It's really simpler than that.
Microsoft has publically stated that 2007 is the last version of SharePoint that will run on 32 bit servers. Going forward 64 bit is going to be a requirement - so like the FRAM oil filter guy says - "pay me now or pay me later"...
we have also performance problems. We upgraded on win 2008 64bit witch make some difference but not as much as expected.
The bih boost gave us changing from NTLM azthentication to Kerberos. This was our major improvement.
hope this helps to someone
I run a very similar setup, however we have over 400GB spread over 3 site collections. There are a few other things you can attempt before going down the 64bit path.
Ensure there is no Disk or Bandwidth issues between the DB server and web front ends. The network speed to the database server is critical.
Check the database server itself, if the disks are on a SAN there may be performance issues if there is contention for the phsyical drive on the san. RAM is also important, the more it can cache to memory the less time waiting for disks to respond.
Schedule crawling jobs to run outside of regular business hours
You've enabled object caching which can be huge help, be sure to ensure compression is enabled too! For lower bandwidth users sharepoint sends a large amount of CSS information to users that compresses down to 1/10th it's size if compression is enabled.
Heres another big one, ensure your companies DNS is working correctly in other locations and look into if this problem is related to external sources. IE we have a sonicwall firewall that is brutal on response times for offices connecting through it for anything.
Micrsoft has a whitepaper on performance counter monitering. It is very thorough and will help you narrow down the problem between CPU/RAM/Network/HD IO.
Hope this helps!
