how to change joomla basic url update in joomla 3.6.4? - joomla

how to change joomla basic url update in joomla 3.6.4 ?
for example:
change to:
image for this question

You can change that thru your database:
In the table (dbprefix)_update_sites, the location url.


How to url rewrite for multi-lang Joomla site (add fake sub directory in url)

How to url rewrite for multi-lang Joomla site:
Now is:
Redirect to English site:
What I want to do is:
Enter: (Not redirect to which is wrong)
And reading this:
There is a default Joomla plugin called Language Filter which should take care of this.
If you haven't already enabled it, then I would suggest you do via the Plugin Manager in the Joomla Backend and adjust the parameters accordingly to whatever suits you.

how to give the url in joomla supporting form

I’m new to joomla and I’m using joomla 2.5. I need to redirect the page in joomla to another page. I saw that JROUTE is used for giving urls in joomla. but it start only from joomla folder. I need to get a file in the path
how can I write the above URL in joomla standard format?? can I use JURI base with jroute ??
Try this,
echo JURI::root().'images/uploads/file.pdf'
JURI::root() will return the site url.
If you required physical path try JPATH_SITE
Hope it helps..

How to get Joomla installed domain

I need to do custom redirect after login, but i'm not very familiar with the base of Joomla, so i'm did a little hardcode
$app->redirect(JRoute::_('http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 0, strrpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '/')).'/index.php?option=com_myapp'));
But in some cases there are problems, so is it possible somehow determinate what is the default joomla domain/url/path where it is installed so i could use something like $domain.'/index.php?option=com_myapp'?
Using 2.5
You can get the joomla site url using-
JURI::base() Result differs according to front and backend
You can check different joomla constant here-
This answer may also be helpful-
Change Redirect URL of Joomla Login Page

How to disable SEF pagination of Joomla's VirtueMart component?

Is it possible to disable SEF for VirtueMart component? I don't need if for some reasons on pagination...
BUT, I need to disable it ONLY on pagination. For other link on VM I need pagination.
Is it possible to do that with small changes in code?
First I`d suggest you update your joomla version ASAP, because there was some security bug fixed on latest version.
As for your problem, please make sure you are using default joomla .htaccess and also go to sh404sef configuration at "By component" tab and set Virtuemart component ( in 4th dropdown box ) to "Use joomla! router.php". After that go to "URL manager" delete the old virtuemart sef urls and let the changes to be applied.
Install Instructions
Download the router.php file
Place the router.php file into your components/com_virtuemart folder in your joomla installation.
Enable Joomla SEF URLs in your Joomla admin under Global Configuration-> Site -> SEO Settings as shown in the image below:
1) SEF URLS for all important landing pages (products, categories and manufactures)
2) Handles categories and products with the same name
3) Converts / characters to - in URL
4) Handles multiple categories for one product by choosing the category with the highest list order
5) No duplicate URLs

Joomla 2.5 language code in URL. How to disable?

I have Joomla 2.5 with built-it multilanguage system. Main language is russian and second is english.
In 2 specific articles I have iframes with src="/freeflight2/form.php". In russian version of the site the iframe loading correctly. But in english I get URL of iframe with language code: http://xxx/en/freefligh2/en/form.php which causing 404.
I also tried to write full url, but Joomla again inserting language code.
Is there any way to fix it?
Is this custom or within Joomla? If custom have you tried using JPATH to get the base path? If within Joomla are you using an editor like JCE to create the iframes?
