How to quit every instance of three.js when script is finished? - three.js

Please, I’d like to know how can I stop every instance of three.js when my script has finished? Is there a global THREE.quit() or something like that, because I don't think it’s a good solution to .remove() renderers, composers, cameras, scenes, meshes, backgrounds, and so on, et cetera.
Thank you!

When your instance runs in a div, you could remove the div or make it invisible.


Transition between volume_up and volume_down icons

Taking the two icons volume_up and volume_down from
I want to achieve the same effect as the gif below in flutter.
To note, I am using bloc architecture so pretty much everything is Stateless and would prefer avoiding Stateful widgets.
The animation should be infinite duration.
I cannot figure out a simple way to essentially swap between two icons on an infinite loop using animations (and a plus would be for a nice fade in/out effect).
I thought about using a Timer and swapping between the two icons but that seems a rather basic hack for what should be a tried and tested functionality.
Does anyone have a code solution to achieve what the gif shows or can point me to an example doing the same thing?
Simply use AnimatedSwitcher switch between images and control the duration by Timer

Unity 2D Animator, confusion on parameters and transitions for platform 2d character

I am new to designing games and have been having trouble for the past couple of days with the animator. I have downloaded a free asset off the Unity store that included a free sprite character and also its animations for idle, walk, run, and jump. My issue is when I go to use this asset pack in my game, I can not for the life of me figure out how to transition between idle->walk, and any state->jump. I believe it has to do with no parameters being set up, as I want the walk animation to occur when my character is moving. The issue is that it seems to be stuck in idle mode. In the animator the transitions are set up, but I can not figure out how to let the animator know when I am moving, and when I am actually idle. How can I connect my characters movement scripts to be used in conjunction with the animation? Do I need to write a new script, that uses new parameters I make in the animator, or am I completely missing something? Again I am very new at this, so I apologize if this is a dumb question but I cannot figure it out. All the videos I have watched only show how to build the animations and put them into the animator, and nothing about the scripts or parameters in specific. Thank you!
Look at the animation transition requirements, then set the required values. For example:
Animator anim = obj.GetComponent<Animator>();
anim.SetFloat("speed", 2);
anim.SetBool("running", true);
One small thing that could be going wrong: If you somehow have a reference to the prefab instead of the instantiated object in your scene, it will not work. And to be sure it's not working, play the game, find the object with the Animator in the Hierarchy, click it, and open the Animator window. You can see which state is active.
If this doesn't help, can you describe the transitions in more detail?

animation not playing unity

This appears to be such a common problem, that finding answer to my specific case is near impossible, because of the amount of noise in google or forum searches.
I have imported object to unity from blender. This objects had smaller objects inside it. Those smaller objects have animation on them, which was created in unity. If I open the animation window (Window->Animation) and press play - I can see correct movement of an object. Animation is set to play automatically in inspector, culling type is always animate. If I play the game however, animation does not play. Why?
add the animation to the main object, then animate the smaller object...
you have to put animation component to main object, then animate the small part...
it is important...
it should work
I Could not find any unity inspector based answer. For now, the best option I have is to create new script, and in update() check if the animation is playing. If not, play it. Very inefficient, so to whoever might stumble upon this post in the future, I suggest you try to add in setting up part of the script.
I know it's kinda late, but this is for others having this same issue.
Animations in Unity have types (2 of which I know).
Type 1 can be attached to an object using the Animation Component.
Type 2 can only be used in Animators (Mechanim).
Animations imported with FBX files are type 2 (and as far as I know, animation type in FBX files can NOT be changed), so they will usually not work when attached directly to an object with "Animation". They should be used with Animators and Animator Controllers. Just create a New Controller and add the animation. It will become the default animation state and play automatically.
If you want it to loop, click on the FBX asset, and in the Animation tab, choose Loop Time and click Apply.

What's the best practice in cocos2d to redirect an animating sprite?

I am making a game where 'defending' sprites need to animate towards 'attacking' sprites.
But for example an attacker might change course to attack something else, mid animation. What's the best way to manage animations, and destinations? I believe I must remove any action on a sprite before adding a new one. Perhaps I need to use the shared action manager or something??
Yes, just stop the existing actions, and add the new animation to the sprite.

Creating a quick look style zooming effect

I would like to create an effect than an image zooms up from a thumbnail size to full screen.
I am not sure what's the right steps to achieve this. Should I create a transparent full screen window and animate a layer on top of it?
Take a look at this CoreGraphics example. Specifically, take a look at the "grow" and "shrink" animations. That's how Apple does it, and that's what you'll want to do too.
Your solution of a transparent window with a CALayer inside is probably the best supported way to do it.
One thing that seems like it should be a good solution (at least it's the first thing I thought of when I wanted to do this) but isn't is NSView's enterFullScreenMode:withOptions:. If memory serves, it was originally meant to do what you're talking about here, but the animation was taken out and it generally doesn't work that well now.
