OpenMP: How to copy back value of firstprivate variable back to global - parallel-processing

I am new to OpenMP and I am stuck with a basic operation. Here is a sample code for my question.
#include <omp.h>
int main(void)
int A[16] = {1,2,3,4,5 ...... 16};
#pragma omp parallel for firstprivate(A)
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
A[i*4+j] = Process(A[i*4+j]);
As evident,value of A is local to each thread. However, at the end, I want to write back part of A calculated by each threadto the corresponding position in global variable A. How this can be accomplished?

Simply make A shared. This is fine, because all loop iterations operate on separate elements of A. Remember that OpenMP is shared memory programming.
You can do so explicitly by using shared instead of firstprivate, or simply remove the declaration:
int A[16] = {1,2,3,4,5 ...... 16};
#pragma omp parallel for
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
By default all variables declared outside of the parallel region. You can find an extended exemplary description in this answer.


OpenMP device offload reduction to existing device memory location

How do I tell OpenMP device offload to use an existing location in device memory for a reduction? I want to avoid data movement to/from device. Results will only be accessed on the device.
Here's my code
void reduce(const double *mi, const double *xi, const double *yi,
double *mo, double *xo, double *yo, long n)
#pragma omp target teams distribute parallel for reduction(+: mo[0],xo[0],yo[0]) is_device_ptr(mi,xi,yi,mo,xo,yo)
for (long i = 0; i < n; ++i)
mo[0] += mi[i];
xo[0] += mi[i]*xi[i];
yo[0] += mi[i]*yi[i];
#pragma omp target is_device_ptr(mo,xo,yo)
xo[0] /= mo[0];
yo[0] /= mo[0];
with this code and clang++ 15 targeting nvidia ptx, I'm getting the error:
test.cpp:6:109: error: reduction variable cannot be in a is_device_ptr clause in '#pragma omp target teams distribute parallel for' directive
#pragma omp target teams distribute parallel for reduction(+: mo[0],xo[0],yo[0]) is_device_ptr(mi,xi,yi,mo,xo,yo)
test.cpp:6:67: note: defined as reduction
#pragma omp target teams distribute parallel for reduction(+: mo[0],xo[0],yo[0]) is_device_ptr(mi,xi,yi,mo,xo,yo)
You cannot use array subscripts in reduction clause. That's non-conforming code. Please try something along these lines:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
double sum = 0;
#pragma omp target data map(tofrom:sum)
for (int t = 0; t < 10; t++) {
#pragma omp target teams distribute parallel for map(tofrom:sum) reduction(+:sum)
for (int j = 0; j < 10000; j++) {
sum += 1;
printf("sum=%lf\n", sum);
return 0;
With the the target data construct you can allocate a buffer for the reduction variable on the GPU. The target construct's reduction clause will then reduce the value into that buffered variable and will only transfer the variable back from the GPU at the closing curly brace of the target data construct.
It is possible to do this all on the device. A couple of key pieces of info were required:
the map clause's map-type is used to optimize the copies to/from the device and disable unnecessary copies. The alloc map-type disables both copies to and from the device.
variables have only one instance in the device. map clauses for variables already mapped by an enclosing target data or target enter data by default do not result in copies to/from the device.
With that the solution is as follows:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void reduce(const double *mi, const double *xi, const double *yi,
double *mo, double *xo, double *yo, long n)
double m, x, y;
#pragma omp target enter data map(alloc: m,x,y)
#pragma omp target map(alloc: m,x,y)
m = 0.;
x = 0.;
y = 0.;
#pragma omp target teams distribute parallel for reduction(+: m,x,y), \
is_device_ptr(mi,xi,yi), map(alloc: m,x,y)
for (long i = 0; i < n; ++i)
m += mi[i];
x += mi[i]*xi[i];
y += mi[i]*yi[i];
#pragma omp target is_device_ptr(mo,xo,yo), map(alloc: m,x,y)
mo[0] = m;
xo[0] = x/m;
yo[0] = y/m;
#pragma omp target exit data map(release: m,x,y)
BEWARE this is a tentative, unverified answer, since I don't have the target, and Compiler Explorer doesn.t seem to have a gcc which has offload enabled. Hence this is untested.
However, you can clearly try this for yourself!
I suggest splitting the directives, and adding explicit scalar locals for the reduction.
So your code would look something like this
void reduce(const double *mi, const double *xi, const double *yi,
double *mo, double *xo, double *yo, long n)
#pragma omp target is_device_ptr(mi,xi,yi,mo,xo,yo)
double mTotal = 0.0;
double xTotal = 0.0;
double yTotal = 0.0;
#pragma omp teams distribute parallel for reduction(+: mTotal, xTotal, yTotal)
for (long i = 0; i < n; ++i)
mTotal += mi[i];
xTotal += mi[i]*xi[i];
yTotal += mi[i]*yi[i];
mo[0] = mTotal;
xo[0] = xTotal/mTotal;
yo[0] = yTotal/mTotal;
That compiles OK for the host, but, as above, YOUR MILEAGE MAY VARY

Difference between mutual exclusion like atomic and reduction in OpenMP

I'm am following video lectures of Tim Mattson on OpenMP and there was one exercise to find errors in provided code that count area of the Mandelbrot. So here is the solution that was provided:
#define NPOINTS 1000
#define MAXITER 1000
void testpoint(struct d_complex);
struct d_complex{
double r;
double i;
struct d_complex c;
int numoutside = 0;
int main(){
int i,j;
double area, error, eps = 1.0e-5;
#pragma omp parallel for default(shared) private(c,j) firstprivate(eps)
for(i = 0; i<NPOINTS; i++){
for(j=0; j < NPOINTS; j++){
c.r = -2.0+2.5*(double)(i)/(double)(NPOINTS)+eps;
c.i = 1.125*(double)(j)/(double)(NPOINTS)+eps;
printf("Area of Mandlebrot set = %12.8f +/- %12.8f\n",area,error);
printf("Correct answer should be around 1.510659\n");
void testpoint(struct d_complex c){
// Does the iteration z=z*z+c, until |z| > 2 when point is known to be outside set
// If loop count reaches MAXITER, point is considered to be inside the set
struct d_complex z;
int iter;
double temp;
for (iter=0; iter<MAXITER; iter++){
temp = (z.r*z.r)-(z.i*z.i)+c.r;
z.i = z.r*z.i*2+c.i;
z.r = temp;
if ((z.r*z.r+z.i*z.i)>4.0) {
#pragma omp atomic
The question I have is, could we use reduction in #pragma omp parallel of variable numoutside like:
#pragma omp parallel for default(shared) private(c,j) firstprivate(eps) reduction(+:numoutside)
without atomic construct in testpoint function?
I tested the function without atomic, and the result was different from the one I got in the first place. Why does that happen? And while I understand the concept of mutual exclusion and use of it because of race conditioning, isn't reduction just another form of solving that problem with private variables?
Thank You in advance.

Output container from openmp parallel loop

Which critical section style is better when collecting output container?
// Insert into the output container one object at a time.
vector<float> output;
#pragma omp parallel for
for(int i=0; i<1000000; ++i)
float value = // compute something complicated
#pragma omp critical
// Insert object into per-thread container; later aggregate those containers.
vector<float> output;
#pragma omp parallel
vector<float> per_thread;
#pragma omp for
for(int i=0; i<1000000; ++i)
float value = // compute something complicated
#pragma omp critical
output.insert(output.end(), per_thread.begin(), per_thread.end());
EDIT: the above examples were misleading because they indicated that each iteration pushes exactly one item, which is not true in my case. Here are more accurate examples:
// Insert into the output container one object at a time.
vector<float> output;
#pragma omp parallel for
for(int i=0; i<1000000; ++i)
int k = // compute number of items
for( int j=0; j<k; ++j)
float value = // compute something complicated
#pragma omp critical
// Insert object into per-thread container; later aggregate those containers.
vector<float> output;
#pragma omp parallel
vector<float> per_thread;
#pragma omp for
for(int i=0; i<1000000; ++i)
int k = // compute number of items
for( int j=0; j<k; ++j)
float value = // compute something complicated
#pragma omp critical
output.insert(output.end(), per_thread.begin(), per_thread.end());
If you always insert exactly one item per parallel iteration, the proper way is:
std::vector<float> output(1000000);
#pragma omp parallel for
for(int i=0; i<1000000; ++i)
float value = // compute something complicated
output[i] = value;
It is threadsafe to assign distinct elements of std::vector (which is guaranteed because all i are different). And there is no significant false-sharing in this case.
If you do not insert exactly one item per parallel iteration either version is basically correct.
Your first version using a critical in the loop can be very slow - note that if the computation is really slow, it may still be fine overall.
The per-thread container / manual reduction is generally fine. Of course it makes the order of the result non-deterministic. You could streamline this by using a user-defined reduction.

OpenMP double for loop

I'd like to use openMP to apply multi-thread.
Here is simple code that I wrote.
vector<Vector3f> a;
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i<10; i++)
Vector3f b;
#pragma omp parallel for private(j)
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
b[j] = j;
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
cout << a[i] << endl;
I want to change it to works lik :
parallel for1
parallel for2
Code works when #pragma line is deleted. but it does not work when I use it. What's the problem?
///////// Added
Actually I use OpenMP to more complicated example,
double for loop question.
here, also When I do not apply MP, it works well.
But When I apply it,
the error occurs at vector push_back line.
vector<Class> B;
for 1
#pragma omp parallel for private(j)
parallel for j
Class A;
B.push_back(A); // error!!!!!!!
If I erase B.push_back(A) line, it works as well when I applying MP.
I could not find exact error message, but it looks like exception error about vector I guess. Debug stops at
void _Reallocate(size_type _Count)
{ // move to array of exactly _Count elements
pointer _Ptr = this->_Getal().allocate(_Count);
_Umove(this->_Myfirst, this->_Mylast, _Ptr);
std::vector::push_back is not thread safe, you cannot call that without any protection against race conditions from multiple threads.
Instead, prepare the vector such that it's size is already correct and then insert the elements via operator[].
Alternatively you can protect the insertion with a critical region:
#pragma omp critical
This way only one thread at a time will do the insertion which will fix the error but slow down the code.
In general I think you don't approach parallelization the right way, but there is no way to give better advise without a clearer and more representative problem description.

Ways to parallelize this using OpenMP?

Can anybody suggest a best way to parallelize this using openmp? The program gets aborted when I run this code.
void grayerode(int **img, int height, int width, int filterheight,
int filterwidth, int iterations, int pixrange)
int maxlabel=0;
int fh, fw, iters, pixval=0, i, j, s, k;
int fhlimit = filterheight/2;
int fwlimit = filterwidth/2;
int **smoothedlabels;
allocate_2D_int_matrix ( &smoothedlabels, height, width );
#pragma omp parallel for shared(smoothedlabels,height,width,k)
for (i=0; i<height; i++)
for (j=0; j<width; j++)
smoothedlabels[i][j] = img[i][j];
int *labeltemp = (int *)malloc(pixrange*sizeof(int));
for (s=0; s<pixrange; s++)
labeltemp[s] = 0;
for (iters=0; iters<iterations; iters++) {
#pragma omp parallel for private(i,j,labeltemp)
for (i=fhlimit; i<height-fhlimit; i++) {
for (j=fwlimit; j<width-fwlimit; j++) {
for (fh=-fhlimit; fh<=fhlimit; fh++)
for (fw=-fwlimit; fw<=fwlimit; fw++) {
for (s=0; s<pixrange; s++) {
if (labeltemp[s]>maxlabel) {
maxlabel = labeltemp[s];
pixval = s;
for (s=0; s<pixrange; s++)
labeltemp[s] = 0;
maxlabel = 0;
for (i=0; i<height; i++)
for (j=0; j<width; j++)
img[i][j] = smoothedlabels[i][j];
free_2D_int_matrix ( &smoothedlabels );
A few things:
You are not declaring private variables correctly. One example of doing it the correct way in your code:
#pragma omp parallel for private(i,j) shared(smoothedlabels, img, width, height)
for(i=0; i<height; i++)
for(j=0; j<width; j++)
smoothedlabels[i][j] = img[i][j]
It is important that j remains private or each thread will try change its value - giving you unexpected behaviour. (Note: i is actually implicitly declared private when you declare the pragma statement, but I always prefer to state it explicitly for better readability)
Try avoiding 2D arrays because they restrict your ability to parallelize. In the same example you could do the following:
#pragma omp parallel for private(i) shared(width, height, smoothedlabels, img)
for(i=0; i<width * height; i++)
smoothedlabels[i] = img[i]
This will parallelize the entire loop for you rather than just the outer loop. You can order your 1D array either column wise or row wise.
Same thing goes for the rest of the loops - just apply the same concept.
Later in your code for example, you have the following:
for (fh=-fhlimit; fh<=fhlimit; fh++)
for (fw=-fwlimit; fw<=fwlimit; fw++) {
If you do not declare fh and fw private, then you will get unexpected behaviour for the same reason not declaring j before would give you unexpected behaviour.
