"Variable ... must occur on both sides of this | pattern" - syntax

As I was typing up some code in OCaml, I wanted to match two cases at once (since the function I'm writing is commutative):
type something =
| Two of int * int
| One of int
let my_function p q =
match p, q with
| Two (_, _) as two, One (x)
| One (x), Two (_, _) as two -> (* some value *)
| _ -> (* some other value *)
I'm getting the following error:
Error: Variable two must occur on both sides of this | pattern
The problem doesn't occur when I remove the as statement, but I need it for the logic purposes. Why can't I do it like this? Will I have to resort to rewriting the logic twice?

as has lower precedence than ,. Hence you should put parenthesis around Two (_,_) as two.


how to do this without "match ... with"

For a better understanding, I try to rewrite this code without "... with" but I struggle:
let rec blast list =
list with
| x :: y :: [] -> x
| hd :: tl -> blast tl
| _ -> fail "not enough";;
Any ideas? Thanks!
Sure we could "manually" try to match each pattern.
The first applies when there is exactly 2 elements, the second when there is more than 1 (but not 2) and the third in all other cases (0 elements).
The second case can be folded into the last case (As when there is 1 element, the recursive call just fails).
So now we have 3 cases: exactly 2, more than 2 and less than 2.
Perfect for List.compare_length_with: 'a list -> int -> int:
let rec beforelast list =
let cmp = List.compare_length_with list 2 in
if cmp = 0 then (* Exactly 2 elements *)
List.hd list
else if cmp > 0 then (* More than 2 elements *)
beforelast (List.tl list)
else (* 1 or 0 elements *)
failwith "not enough"
Though note that you are still pattern matching under the hood, because that's what OCaml data types are made for. For example, List.hd might be implemented like:
let hd = function
| head :: _ -> head
| [] -> raise (Failure "hd")
So the match ... with way should be the way that leads to a better understanding.

Duplicate subgoals in Coq

Is there some Coq tactic to prevent the generation of several identical subgoals? If not, is it possible to write some tactic for eliminating the duplicate subgoals just after its generation? In Isabelle you can do it with:
apply (tactic {* distinct_subgoals_tac *})
It is not possible to eliminate duplicates after the fact without writing OCaml code, but you can create an evar which is the conjunction of all subgoals, deduplicated. Something like this:
Ltac distinct_subgoals_tactical tac :=
let H := fresh in
unshelve epose proof _ as H;
[ |
| tac;
[ (* first split apart the hypothesis containing the conjunction of all previous subgoals *)
repeat match type of H with prod _ _ => destruct H as [? H] end;
(* see if any of them solve the goal *)
try assumption;
(* otherwise, add another conjunct to the hypothesis and use the first part of it to solve the current goal *)
refine (fst H) .. ] ];
[ exact True (* fill the final conjunct with True *)
| repeat apply pair; try exact I .. ].
Then you can invoke it as distinct_subgoals_tactical ltac:(<apply tactic here>)

Some OCAML concerns

So I have a couple of questions, as a newbie trying to learn O'Caml.
In functions, I often times see a | what does that mean? Also, why are functions some times defined as:
let rec a = function
Why does it specifically equal to function and then the code?
My main question however is, I was trying to write a function that would count the number of times an element exists in a list, so if I had 1, 5,5,6,9 with the target val as 5, then I'd return 2, if target val was 9, then I'd return 1, since it repeats once.
here is my attempt, please tell me what I'm doing wrong:
let rec track (x, l)= let rec helper(x,l, count)
in counthelper
match l with [] --> count
| (a::as) -> if(x = a)
then helper(as,l, count+1)
else count( as, l, count);;
The match and function keywords take a list of patterns to be matched. The | symbol is used to separate the different patterns. That's why it shows up so frequently in OCaml code.
The function keyword is like an abbreviation for fun and match. It lets you define a function as a set of patterns to be matched against an argument.
Your code has let rec helper (x, l, count) in .... This isn't a proper let expression. You want something like this: let helper (x, l, count) = def in expr.
More generally your code might look like this:
let track (x, l) =
let rec helper (x, l, count) =
... definition of helper ...
helper (x, l, 0)
As a side comment, you're using tuples for function parameters. It's more idiomatic in OCaml to use currying, i.e., to have separate parameters more like this:
let track x l =
This lets you do partial application (specify only some of the parameters), and also is cleaner syntactically.
Your latest code doesn't return a value because it has infinite recursion.
Usually | means pattern matching.
let rec means that function can be recursive (call itself). Tutorial.
This is my solution where some useful symbols are changed to _ symbols. Let it be an exercise for you:
let rec count y xs =
let rec inner n = function
| __ -> n
| ______________ -> inner (n+1) xs
| ____ -> inner n xs
inner 0 xs;;
Your implementation has some issues.
The most obvious one is that you are using as in pattern matching. You can't us keyword in pattern matching this way.
You need to reread chapter about function declarations. It seems that you are mixing it with function invocation.
You are using not curried functions. You did some in C before, don't you?
You are using if when using using when is nicer. This construction is called guard.

adding a number to a list within a function OCaml

Here is what I have and the error that I am getting sadly is
Error: This function has type 'a * 'a list -> 'a list
It is applied to too many arguments; maybe you forgot a `;'.
Why is that the case? I plan on passing two lists to the deleteDuplicates function, a sorted list, and an empty list, and expect the duplicates to be removed in the list r, which will be returned once the original list reaches [] condition.
will be back with updated code
let myfunc_caml_way arg0 arg1 = ...
rather than
let myfunc_java_way(arg0, arg1) = ...
Then you can call your function in this way:
myfunc_caml_way "10" 123
rather than
myfunc_java_way("10, 123)
I don't know how useful this might be, but here is some code that does what you want, written in a fairly standard OCaml style. Spend some time making sure you understand how and why it works. Maybe you should start with something simpler (eg how would you sum the elements of a list of integers ?). Actually, you should probably start with an OCaml tutorial, reading carefully and making sure you aunderstand the code examples.
let deleteDuplicates u =
u : the sorted list
v : the result so far
last : the last element we read from u
let rec aux u v last =
match u with
[] -> v
| x::xs when x = last -> aux xs v last
| x::xs -> aux u (x::v) x
(* the first element is a special case *)
match u with
[] -> []
| x::xs -> List.rev (aux xs [x] x)
This is not a direct answer to your question.
The standard way of defining an "n-ary" function is
let myfunc_caml_way arg0 arg1 = ...
rather than
let myfunc_java_way(arg0, arg1) = ...
Then you can call your function in this way:
myfunc_caml_way "10" 123
rather than
myfunc_java_way("10, 123)
See examples here:
By switching from myfunc_java_way to myfunc_caml_way, you will be benefited from what's called "Currying"
What is 'Currying'?
However please note that you sometimes need to enclose the whole invocation by parenthesis
myfunc_caml_way (otherfunc_caml_way "foo" "bar") 123
in order to tell the compiler not to interpret your code as
((myfunc_caml_way otherfunc_caml_way "foo") "bar" 123)
You seem to be thinking that OCaml uses tuples (a, b) to indicate arguments of function calls. This isn't the case. Whenever some expressions stand next to each other, that's a function call. The first expression is the function, and the rest of the expressions are the arguments to the function.
So, these two lines:
deleteDuplicates(remaining, r)
Represent a function call with three arguments. The function is append. The first argument is (first ,r). The second argument is deleteDuplicates. The third argument is (remaining, r).
Since append has just one argument (a tuple), you're passing it too many arguments. This is what the compiler is telling you.
You also seem to be thinking that append(first, r) will change the value of r. This is not the case. Variables in OCaml are immutable. You can't do anything that will change the value of r.
I think you have too many questions for SO to help you effectively at this point. You might try reading some OCaml tutorials. It will be much faster than asking a question here for every error you see :-)
Nonetheless, here's what "match failure" means. It means that somewhere you have a match that you're applying to an expression, but none of the patterns of the match matches the expression. Your deleteDuplicates code clearly has a pattern coverage error; i.e., it has a pattern that doesn't cover all cases. Your first match only works for empty lists or for lists of 2 or more elements. It doesn't work for lists of 1 element.

OCaml literal negative number?

I'm learning. This is something I found strange:
let test_treeways x = match x with
| _ when x < 0 -> -1
| _ when x > 0 -> 1
| _ -> 0;;
If I then call it like this:
test_threeways -10;;
I will get type mismatch error (because, as far as I understand, it interprets unary minus as if it was partial function application, so it considers the type of the expression to be int -> int. However, this:
test_threeways (-10);;
acts as expected (though this actually calculates the value, as I could understand, it doesn't pass a constant "minus ten" to the function.
So, how do you write constant negative numbers in OCaml?
You need to enclose it in order to avoid parsing amiguity. "test_threeways -10" could also mean: substract 10 from test_threeways.
And there is no function application involved. Just redefine the unary minus, to see the difference:
#let (~-) = (+) 2 ;; (* See documentation of pervarsives *)
val ( ~- ) : int -> int = <fun>
# let t = -2 ;;
val t : int = -2 (* no function application, constant negative number *)
# -t ;;
- : int = 0 (* function application *)
You can use ~- and ~-. directly (as hinted in the other answer), they are both explicitly prefix operators so parsing them is not ambiguous.
However I prefer using parentheses.
