Run and compile vba script in visual studio - visual-studio

I've been working with macros on VBA for a while, and there's some information on them that I want to hide. As excel is a very unsafe language, I've come with the idea of creating an .exe file of the compiled script to avoid people from accessing my code.
I've been looking for the way to do this with Visual Studio, but can't get the answer.
Can someone show me how to do this?
Many thanks in advance :)

I dont think that you can create EXEs/DLLs by using vba. EXEs/DLLs are compiled assemblies, therefore you need a programming language/environment that can be compiled. Compiled means "pre-translated to machine language". VBA is just an interpreted language, that means that it will be translated on the fly in the VBA environment. I think you have to use C#, C++ etc. to do this. For further infromation please see:
Create a DLL using VBA editor
You can lock and hide your VBA code without creating a DLL:
Best way to protect Excel VBA code?
But I am not sure if that solves your problem: You say, that excel VBA seems to be an unsafe language. I am not sure if I understand what you mean. If you just want to hide the contents of the script, see above. Up to now this will protect your code better than in further versions of excel. But I think there is still a way to crack that, e. g. Brute Force attack etc. Usually that are enhanced methods but if you want to be sure you (or better an experienced programmer have to create a programm (exe) for that. If secure means something different (why do you want to hide your code?) than let me know, maybe there is a other way to achieve what you want to do.

using ADODB;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace HiddenConnectionString
public interface IMyServer
Connection GetConnection();
void Shutdown();
public class MyServer : IMyServer
private Connection cn;
private string cnStr = "Provider=MSDAORA.1;Password=YourPass;User ID=YourID;Data Source=YourServer";
public MyServer()
public Connection GetConnection()
cn = new Connection();
cn.ConnectionString = cnStr;
return cn;
public void Shutdown()
You might get this error... It is because of the InterfaceType Guid
Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED))
Check this link for the solution:
This is the code but I would visit the link that Stefan suggested.


How to set FiddlerCore up to monitor all system traffic?

We are evaluating FiddlerCore for a use-case. Basically, for now we just want to catch all of the endpoints/urls being requested on a system. This works fine in Fiddler, no issues. But we only want to catch them while a certain vendor software is open. So we want to write a plugin to that software that will run when it launches, and then exit when it exits. Hence, using FiddlerCore (hopefully).
As proof-of-concept, I just made a simple app, one form with a textbox, that it should just append each url into the textbox. Simple as simple can be. However, it's not doing anything. I run the app, then refresh a page in my browser, and ... nothing.
Here is the entire (non-generated) code of my program...
using Fiddler;
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace ScratchCSharp {
public partial class Form1 : Form {
public Form1() {
FiddlerApplication.AfterSessionComplete += FiddlerApplication_AfterSessionComplete;
FiddlerApplication.Startup(8888, FiddlerCoreStartupFlags.Default);
private void FiddlerApplication_AfterSessionComplete(Session s) {
textBox1.Invoke((Action)delegate () {
public void AddText(string text) {
textBox1.Text += $"{text}\n";
After a little more poking around, I see that FiddlerApplication.IsSystemProxy is returning false. Seems to have to do with that the Startup flag to set as system proxy is no longer honored, and it tells you now to use the Telerik.NetworkConnections.NetworkConnectionManager to set it as the system proxy. But I can't find anywhere that actually says how to do that. The closest thing I could find is this thread which seems to be their official answer to this question. However, it only goes into a lot of talk about WHY they deprecated the flag, and what their thinking was in how they designed its replacement, but not actually into HOW TO USE the replacement. The Demo app also does NOT use these libraries (probably why it doesn't catch anything either).
The biggest problem though, is that the NetworkConnectionsManager class has no public constructor, so you can't create an instance. It is not inheritable, so you can't make a subclass instance. All of the methods on it are instance methods, not static/shared. And there seems to be no method in the libraries which will create an instance of NetworkConnectitonsManager for you.
So while the class is clearly designed to be used as an instance (hence the methods not being static/shared, there doesn't actually seem to be any way to create an instance.
Any help on how to set this thing up to catch all the outgoing URLs on the system?
You can use the following code for starting Fiddler Core and registering it as a system proxy:
FiddlerCoreStartupSettings startupSettings =
new FiddlerCoreStartupSettingsBuilder()
Some of the methods are obsolete for now, but I would recommend to stick with them until the NetworkConnectionManager API is improved and finalized.
Also, there is a sample application (that FiddlerCore installer installs on the Desktop), which is useful for a starting point with the development.

Unmanaged Exports (DLLExport) crashes

I'm using RGiesecke DLLExport library to produce a C# DLL that can be dynamically loaded from legacy application built on VC6. It exported methods and they were called from VC6 code. No problems. However, as long as I tried to declare a variable as of any one of my .net classes, it crashed.
//I tried CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall too
[DllExport(CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Winapi)]
static void GetDwgReferences(string fileName)
//OK: inialize System classes of .net
DateTime dateTime = DateTime.Now;
//crashing here: declare a variable of my static class (.net assemebly)
//SafeString safeString;
//crashing here: declare a variable of my class (.net assemebly)
//Email email;
//crashing here: initialize an object of my class (.net assemebly)
//DwgXrefs dwgXrefs = new DwgXrefs();
//crashing here by declcare a variable of third-party library (.net assemebly)
//ExSystemServices _serv;
What's wrong? Please help.
I had a similar problem here trying to use unmanaged exports with Metatrader to load associated managed dlls.
After some digging I think I have found the problem. The app domain is probably not where you would expect it to be, the CLR is trying to resolve your assembly but failing with a nondescript error. In my case the app domain was actually executing in the directory of the host application, so I assume this is always the case.
What I would suggest you do is build a bare dll with no dependencies, and place in something such as the following:
static void Initialize()
SimpleLog.WriteLog("App -" + AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory);
[DllExport("Test", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
public static void Test()
I am not sure but I think you possibly cannot use a static constructor here?
In the log you should see the executing directory for that domain. If you put your assemblies here it (hopefully) should work. It has fixed the problem for me here. I guess the next question is can we change the domain at runtime as I might not want to put these assemblies here.
Have a google if you need the source code for a simple logger - obviously do not use a third party logging framework with dll dependencies!
I think mine is an adaptation of this one:
As the other answer stated, it is difficult to know what error C# is throwing without explicitly catching the error in a try / catch block within each method of a C# dll.
You likely need to export as CallingConvention.StdCall and additionally marshal the incoming string as an unmanaged LPWStr type:
[DllExport(CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
static void GetDwgReferences([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string fileName)
Please see Code to Export C# DLL to Metatrader Build 600+ for a working example using Robert Giesecke's C# Project Template for Unmanaged Exports to export a C# dll to a legacy application (MT4).
Additionally, you might find Native and .NET Interopability interesting though it is mostly geared toward accessing native code from within .NET.

Windows bluetooth autopairing or disable authentication

I need windows to automatically pair with bluetooth devices. I don't want the user to have to click anything on the windows side. The server will be physically located somewhere the user cannot get to. Having to pair on the user side is fine. Windows just needs to accept any requests that come in without user input.
How can I accomplish this? Registry hacks? Replace a dll? A Hardware change (autopairing dongle or something)?
Is there any SDK that will give me the tools take care of this?
Currently I am using bluecove on the windows machine on top of Microsoft stack. I tried the Widcomm stack also with no luck.
The primary protocol that devices will use to connect is RFCOMM.
using the accepted answer below I came up with this code, that auto-pairs
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using InTheHand.Net.Bluetooth;
using System.Threading;
namespace BT
class BluetoothAutoSSP
public static void Main()
BluetoothAutoSSP c = new BluetoothAutoSSP();
EventHandler<BluetoothWin32AuthenticationEventArgs> handler = new EventHandler<BluetoothWin32AuthenticationEventArgs>(c.handleRequests);
BluetoothWin32Authentication authenticator = new BluetoothWin32Authentication(handler);
while (true)
public void handleRequests(Object thing, BluetoothWin32AuthenticationEventArgs args)
args.Confirm = true;
For the Microsoft Bluetooth stack: To support both traditional Bluetooth pairing as well as v2.1's Secure Simple Pairing use the BluetoothRegisterForAuthenticationEx function and in your callback function respond by calling BluetoothSendAuthenticationResponseEx.
See more at BluetoothWin32Authentication 32feet.NET docs which describes the way to handle that in the 32feet.NET Bluetooth library for .NET, my doc Bluetooth in Windows 7, and MSDN e.g. BluetoothRegisterForAuthenticationEx etc.
BTW Widcomm does not have a programatic way to respond to pairing (it does have a method to initiate pairing). BlueSoleil does have an API apparently.

Using Linq in .NET Handlers

I have a Handler and I am trying to perform LINQ operations. However I cannot. Is it possible to do this in .ASHX files?
using (UserDataContext userDataContext = new UserDataContext)
User user = userDataContext.Users.Single -- Does not show up as an option in intellisense.
Have you added import?
using System.Linq;

PROBLEM :An error message cannot be displayed because an optional resource assembly containing it cannot be found

I created Windows Mobile Application and I loaded web service that contain one method (GetNumber). When I call this method from my emulator I got a following exception
An error message cannot be displayed because an optional resource assembly containing it cannot be found.
Can anyone help me. This is my code from WM Application, it is very siple.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using MobileClientApp;
namespace MobileClientApp
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
MobileClientApp.localhost.WebService m = new MobileClientApp.localhost.WebService();
int result;
bool resbool;
m.GetNumber(10, true, out result, out resbool);
label1.Text = result.ToString();
For a very good explanation:
(excerpt from above)
There has been some confusion about the error message: "Could not find resource assembly". Basically, this means that there is some exception that has happened in the program. The error did not happen because it could not find the resource assembly. The resource assembly that it is searching for contains exception messages (strings) that would be helpful in debugging what went wrong with the program.
Since the user is never expected to see this error message if the program works as expected and all exceptions are handled appropriately, it was decided (due to size constraints) that the resource assembly that has these error strings are never put on a user's device. Thus the main target audience of these error strings are developers who would like to debug issues. Hence, when you do an F5 deploy onto the device, the System.SR.dll assembly which have these error strings are copied to the device and the developer can see the error messages. But in case .Net Compact Framework is installed from a redistributable or you are using .Net Compact Framework that come with the device (as a user of the device would be doing), the System.SR.dll is not present on the device. Hence, if the application did come upon an exceptional condition that wasn't handled by the application, this "Could not find resource assembly" message would be shown to the user.
If you are not using Visual Studio F5 deploy to the device and would still like to see the exception messages, you can achieve this by taking the System_SR_[Language].CAB where [Language] corresponds to the language in which you want to see the error message to appear and clicking on the cab file to install it
Sounds like you are missing an assembly in your deployment.
