Using a specific seed in the `RANDOM_NUMBER` algorithm - random

I'm looking to use a specific set of seeds for the intrinsic function RANDOM_NUMBER (a PRNG). What I've read so far is that the seed value can be set via calling RANDOM_SEED, specifically RANDOM_SEED(GET = array). My confusion is how to (if it's possible) set a specific value for the algorithm, for instance in the RAND, RANDU, or RANDM algorithms one can specify their own seed directly. I'm not sure how to set the seed, as the get function seems to take an array. If it takes an array, does it always pull the seed value from a specific index in the array?
Basically, is there a way to set a specific single seed value? If so, would someone be able to write-it out?
As a side note - I'm attempting to set my seed because allegedly one of the other PRNGs I mentioned only works well with "large odd numbers" according to my professor, so I decided that I may as well control this when comparing the PRNG's.

First, the RANDOM_SEED is only used for controlimg the seed of RANDOM_NUMBER(). If you use any other random number generator subroutine or function, it will not affect them at all or if yes then in some compiler specific way which you must find in the manual. But most probably it does not affect them.
Second, you should not care at all whether the seed array contains 1, 4 or 42 integers, it doesn't matter because the PRNG uses the bits from the whole array in some unspecified custom way. For example you may be generating 64 bit real numbers, but the seed array is made of 32 bit integers. You cannot simply say which integer from the seed array does what. You can view the whole seed array as one big integer number that is cut into smaller pieces if you want.
Regarding your professors advice, who knows what he meant, but the seed is probably set by some procedure of that particular generator, and not by the standard RANDOM_SEED, so you must read the documentation for that generator.
And how to use a specific seed in RANDOM_SEED? It was described on this site several times,jkust search for RANDOM_SEED in the top right search field, really. But it is simple, once you know the size of the array, size it to any non-trivial numbers (you need enough non-zero bits) you want and use put=. That's really all, just don't think about individual values in the array, the whole array is one piece of data together.


Rust GSL library always returns the same number for a random number generator

I am using the rgsl library in Rust that wraps functions from the C GSL math libraries. I was using a random number generator function, but I am always getting the same exact value whenever I generate a new random number. I imagine that the number should vary upon each run of the function. Is there something that I am missing? Do I need to set a new random seed each time or such?
extern crate rgsl;
use rgsl::Rng;
fn main() {
let t = rgsl::rng::default();
let r = Rng::new(&t).unwrap()
let val = rgsl::randist::binomial::binomial(&r, 0.01f64, 1u32);
The value I keep getting is 1, which seems really high considering the probability of obtaining a 1 is 0.01.
The documentation for env_setup explains everything you need to know:
This function reads the environment variables GSL_RNG_TYPE and GSL_RNG_SEED and uses their values to set the corresponding library variables gsl_rng_default and gsl_rng_default_seed
If you don’t specify a generator for GSL_RNG_TYPE then gsl_rng_mt19937 is used as the default. The initial value of gsl_rng_default_seed is zero.
(Emphasis mine)
Like all software random number generators, this is really an algorithm that produces pseudo random numbers. The algorithm and the initial seed uniquely identify a sequence of these numbers. Since the seed is always the same, the first (and second, third, ...) number in the sequence will always be the same.
So if I want to generate a new series of random numbers, then I need to change the seed each time. However, if I use the rng to generate a set of random seeds, then I will get the same seeds each time.
That's correct.
Other languages don't seem to have this constraint, meaning that the seed can be manually set if desired, but is otherwise is random.
A classical way to do this is to seed your RNG with the current time. This produces an "acceptable" seed for many cases. You can also get access to true random data from the operating system and use that as a seed or mix it in to produce more random data.
Is there no way to do this in Rust?
This is a very different question. If you just want a random number generator in Rust, use the rand crate. This uses techniques like I described above.
You could even do something crazy like using random values from the rand crate to seed your other random number generator. I just assumed that there is some important reason you are using that crate instead of rand.

Algorithms to represent a set of integers with only one integer

This may not be a programming question but it's a problem that arised recently at work. Some background: big C development with special interest in performance.
I've a set of integers and want to test the membership of another given integer. I would love to implement an algorithm that can check it with a minimal set of algebraic functions, using only a integer to represent the whole space of integers contained in the first set.
I've tried a composite Cantor pairing function for instance, but with a 30 element set it seems too complicated, and focusing in performance it makes no sense. I played with some operations, like XORing and negating, but it gives me low estimations on membership. Then I tried with successions of additions and finally got lost.
Any ideas?
For sets of unsigned long of size 30, the following is one fairly obvious way to do it:
store each set as a sorted array, 30 * sizeof(unsigned long) bytes per set.
to look up an integer, do a few steps of a binary search, followed by a linear search (profile in order to figure out how many steps of binary search is best - my wild guess is 2 steps, but you might find out different, and of course if you test bsearch and it's fast enough, you can just use it).
So the next question is why you want a big-maths solution, which will tell me what's wrong with this solution other than "it is insufficiently pleasing".
I suspect that any big-math solution will be slower than this. A single arithmetic operation on an N-digit number takes at least linear time in N. A single number to represent a set can't be very much smaller than the elements of the set laid end to end with a separator in between. So even a linear search in the set is about as fast as a single arithmetic operation on a big number. With the possible exception of a Goedel representation, which could do it in one division once you've found the nth prime number, any clever mathematical representation of sets is going to take multiple arithmetic operations to establish membership.
Note also that there are two different reasons you might care about the performance of "look up an integer in a set":
You are looking up lots of different integers in a single set, in which case you might be able to go faster by constructing a custom lookup function for that data. Of course in C that means you need either (a) a simple virtual machine to execute that "function", or (b) runtime code generation, or (c) to know the set at compile time. None of which is necessarily easy.
You are looking up the same integer in lots of different sets (to get a sequence of all the sets it belongs to), in which case you might benefit from a combined representation of all the sets you care about, rather than considering each set separately.
I suppose that very occasionally, you might be looking up lots of different integers, each in a different set, and so neither of the reasons applies. If this is one of them, you can ignore that stuff.
One good start is to try Bloom Filters.
Basically, it's a probabilistic data structure that gives you no false negative, but some false positive. So when an integer matches a bloom filter, you then have to check if it really matches the set, but it's a big speedup by reducing a lot the number of sets to check.
if i'd understood your correctly, python example:
>>> a=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0]
>>> len_a = len(a)
>>> b = [1]
>>> if len(set(a) - set(b)) < len_a:
... print 'this integer exists in set'
this integer exists in set
math base:

Does Kernel::srand have a maximum input value?

I'm trying to seed a random number generator with the output of a hash. Currently I'm computing a SHA-1 hash, converting it to a giant integer, and feeding it to srand to initialize the RNG. This is so that I can get a predictable set of random numbers for an set of infinite cartesian coordinates (I'm hashing the coordinates).
I'm wondering whether Kernel::srand actually has a maximum value that it'll take, after which it truncates it in some way. The docs don't really make this obvious - they just say "a number".
I'll try to figure it out myself, but I'm assuming somebody out there has run into this already.
Knowing what programmers are like, it probably just calls libc's srand(). Either way, it's probably limited to 2^32-1, 2^31-1, 2^16-1, or 2^15-1.
There's also a danger that the value is clipped when cast from a biginteger to a C int/long, instead of only taking the low-order bits.
An easy test is to seed with 1 and take the first output. Then, seed with 2i+1 for i in [1..64] or so, take the first output of each, and compare. If you get a match for some i=n and all greater is, then it's probably doing arithmetic modulo 2n.
Note that the random number generator is almost certainly limited to 32 or 48 bits of entropy anyway, so there's little point seeding it with a huge value, and an attacker can reasonably easily predict future outputs given past outputs (and an "attacker" could simply be a player on a public nethack server).
EDIT: So I was wrong.
According to the docs for Kernel::rand(),
Ruby currently uses a modified Mersenne Twister with a period of 2**19937-1.
This means it's not just a call to libc's rand(). The Mersenne Twister is statistically superior (but not cryptographically secure). But anyway.
Testing using Kernel::srand(0); Kernel::sprintf("%x",Kernel::rand(2**32)) for various output sizes (2*16, 2*32, 2*36, 2*60, 2*64, 2*32+1, 2*35, 2*34+1), a few things are evident:
It figures out how many bits it needs (number of bits in max-1).
It generates output in groups of 32 bits, most-significant-bits-first, and drops the top bits (i.e. 0x[r0][r1][r2][r3][r4] with the top bits masked off).
If it's not less than max, it does some sort of retry. It's not obvious what this is from the output.
If it is less than max, it outputs the result.
I'm not sure why 2*32+1 and 2*64+1 are special (they produce the same output from Kernel::rand(2**1024) so probably have the exact same state) — I haven't found another collision.
The good news is that it doesn't simply clip to some arbitrary maximum (i.e. passing in huge numbers isn't equivalent to passing in 2**31-1), which is the most obvious thing that can go wrong. Kernel::srand() also returns the previous seed, which appears to be 128-bit, so it seems likely to be safe to pass in something large.
EDIT 2: Of course, there's no guarantee that the output will be reproducible between different Ruby versions (the docs merely say what it "currently uses"; apparently this was initially committed in 2002). Java has several portable deterministic PRNGs (SecureRandom.getInstance("SHA1PRNG","SUN"), albeit slow); I'm not aware of something similar for Ruby.

Chicken/Egg problem: Hash of file (including hash) inside file! Possible?

Thing is I have a file that has room for metadata. I want to store a hash for integrity verification in it. Problem is, once I store the hash, the file and the hash along with it changes.
I perfectly understand that this is by definition impossible with one way cryptographic hash methods like md5/sha.
I am also aware of the possibility of containers that store verification data separated from the content as zip & co do.
I am also aware of the possibility to calculate the hash separately and send it along with the file or to append it at the end or somewhere where the client, when calculating the hash, ignores it.
This is not what I want.
I want to know whether there is an algorithm where its possible to get the resulting hash from data where the very result of the hash itself is included.
It doesn't need to be cryptographic or fullfill a lot of criterias. It can also be based on some heuristics that after a realistic amount of time deliver the desired result.
I am really not so into mathematics, but couldn't there be some really advanced exponential modulo polynom cyclic back-reference devision stuff that makes this possible?
And if not, whats (if there is) the proof against it?
The reason why i need tis is because i want (ultimately) to store a hash along with MP4 files. Its complicated, but other solutions are not easy to implement as the file walks through a badly desigend production pipeline...
It's possible to do this with a CRC, in a way. What I've done in the past is to set aside 4 bytes in a file as a placeholder for a CRC32, filling them with zeros. Then I calculate the CRC of the file.
It is then possible to fill the placeholder bytes to make the CRC of the file equal to an arbitrary fixed constant, by computing numbers in the Galois field of the CRC polynomial.
(Further details possible but not right at this moment. You basically need to compute (CRC_desired - CRC_initial) * 2-8*byte_offset in the Galois field, where byte_offset is the number of bytes between the placeholder bytes and the end of the file.)
Note: as per #KeithS's comments this solution is not to prevent against intentional tampering. We used it on one project as a means to tie metadata within an embedded system to the executable used to program it -- the embedded system itself does not have direct knowledge of the file(s) used to program it, and therefore cannot calculate a CRC or hash itself -- to detect inadvertent mismatch between an embedded system and the file used to program it. (In later systems I've just used UUIDs.)
Of course this is possible, in a multitude of ways. However, it cannot prevent intentional tampering.
For example, let
hash(X) = sum of all 32-bit (non-overlapping) blocks of X modulo 65521.
Z = X followed by the 32-bit unsigned integer (hash(X) * 65521)
hash(Z) == hash(X) == last 32-bits of Z
The idea here is just that any 32-bit integer congruent to 0 modulo 65521 will have no effect on the hash of X. Then, since 65521 < 2^16, hash has a range less then 2^16, and there are at least 2^16 values less than 2^32 congruent to 0 modulo 65521. And so we can encode the hash into a 32 bit integer that will not affect the hash. You could actually use any number less than 2^16, 65521 just happens to be the largest such prime number.
I remember an old DOS program that was able to embed in a text file the CRC value of that file. However, this is possible only with simple hash functions.
Altough in theory you could create such file for any kind of hash function (given enough time or the right algorithm), the attacker would be able to use exactly the same approach. Even more, he would have a chose: to use exactly your approach to obtain such file, or just to get rid of the check.
It means that now you have two problems instead of one, and both should be implemented with the same complexity. It's up to you to decide if it worth it.
EDIT: you could consider hashing some intermediary results (like RAW decoded output, or something specific to your codec). In this way the decoder would have it anyway, but for another program it would be more difficult to compute.
No, not possible. You either you a separate file for hashs ala md5sum, or the embedded hash is only for the "data" portion of the file.
the way the nix package manager does this is by when calculating the hash you pretend the contents of the hash in the file are some fixed value like 20 x's and not the hash of the file then you write the hash over those 20 x's and when you check the hash you read that and ignore again it pretending the hash was just the fixed value of 20 x's when hashing
they do this because the paths at which a package is installed depend on the hash of the whole package so as the hash is of fixed length they set it as some fixed value and then replace it with the real hash and when verifying they ignore the value they placed and pretend it's that fixed value
but if you don't use such a method is it impossible
It depends on your definition of "hash". As you state, obviously with any pseudo-random hash this would be impossible (in a reasonable amount of time).
Equally obvious, there are of course trivial "hashes" where you can do this. Data with an odd number of bits set to 1 hash to 00 and an even number of 1s hash to 11, for example. The hash doesn't modify the odd/evenness of the 1 bits, so files hash the same when their hash is included.

A function where small changes in input always result in large changes in output

I would like an algorithm for a function that takes n integers and returns one integer. For small changes in the input, the resulting integer should vary greatly. Even though I've taken a number of courses in math, I have not used that knowledge very much and now I need some help...
An important property of this function should be that if it is used with coordinate pairs as input and the result is plotted (as a grayscale value for example) on an image, any repeating patterns should only be visible if the image is very big.
I have experimented with various algorithms for pseudo-random numbers with little success and finally it struck me that md5 almost meets my criteria, except that it is not for numbers (at least not from what I know). That resulted in something like this Python prototype (for n = 2, it could easily be changed to take a list of integers of course):
import hashlib
def uniqnum(x, y):
return int(hashlib.md5(str(x) + ',' + str(y)).hexdigest()[-6:], 16)
But obviously it feels wrong to go over strings when both input and output are integers. What would be a good replacement for this implementation (in pseudo-code, python, or whatever language)?
A "hash" is the solution created to solve exactly the problem you are describing. See wikipedia's article
Any hash function you use will be nice; hash functions tend to be judged based on these criteria:
The degree to which they prevent collisions (two separate inputs producing the same output) -- a by-product of this is the degree to which the function minimizes outputs that may never be reached from any input.
The uniformity the distribution of its outputs given a uniformly distributed set of inputs
The degree to which small changes in the input create large changes in the output.
(see perfect hash function)
Given how hard it is to create a hash function that maximizes all of these criteria, why not just use one of the most commonly used and relied-on existing hash functions there already are?
From what it seems, turning integers into strings almost seems like another layer of encryption! (which is good for your purposes, I'd assume)
However, your question asks for hash functions that deal specifically with numbers, so here we go.
Hash functions that work over the integers
If you want to borrow already-existing algorithms, you may want to dabble in pseudo-random number generators
One simple one is the middle square method:
Take a digit number
Square it
Chop off the digits and leave the middle digits with the same length as your original.
1111 => 01234321 => 2342
so, 1111 would be "hashed" to 2342, in the middle square method.
This way isn't that effective, but for a few number of hashes, this has very low collision rates, a uniform distribution, and great chaos-potential (small changes => big changes). But if you have many values, time to look for something else...
The grand-daddy of all feasibly efficient and simple random number generators is the (Mersenne Twister)[]. In fact, an implementation is probably out there for every programming language imaginable. Your hash "input" is something that will be called a "seed" in their terminology.
In conclusion
Nothing wrong with string-based hash functions
If you want to stick with the integers and be fancy, try using your number as a seed for a pseudo-random number generator.
Hashing fits your requirements perfectly. If you really don't want to use strings, find a Hash library that will take numbers or binary data. But using strings here looks OK to me.
Bob Jenkins' mix function is a classic choice, at when n=3.
As others point out, hash functions do exactly what you want. Hashes take bytes - not character strings - and return bytes, and converting between integers and bytes is, of course, simple. Here's an example python function that works on 32 bit integers, and outputs a 32 bit integer:
import hashlib
import struct
def intsha1(ints):
input = struct.pack('>%di' % len(ints), *ints)
output = hashlib.sha1(input).digest()
return struct.unpack('>i', output[:4])
It can, of course, be easily adapted to work with different length inputs and outputs.
Have a look at this, may be you can be inspired
Chaotic system
In chaotic dynamics, small changes vary results greatly.
A x-bit block cipher will take an number and convert it effectively to another number. You could combine (sum/mult?) your input numbers and cipher them, or iteratively encipher each number - similar to a CBC or chained mode. Google 'format preserving encyption'. It is possible to create a 32-bit block cipher (not widely 'available') and use this to create a 'hashed' output. Main difference between hash and encryption, is that hash is irreversible.
