ElasticSearch: Check if a field is informed - elasticsearch

I'm using ElasticSearch as primary backend infrastructure.
Currently, I need to know whether a field is informed, so, I need to know #documents with a field 'x' > 0.
Imagine a collection with these two documents:
[ {
"_index" : "living_v1",
"_type" : "fuas",
"_id" : "58fb4509-9452-11e6-a361-02420a016207",
"_score" : 1.0,
"_routing" : "living_team",
"_source" : {
"user" : "living_team",
"timestamp" : "2016-10-17T10:29:27.037Z",
"startTimestamp" : "2016-10-17T10:29:27.037Z",
"dueTimestamp" : null,
"closingTimestamp" : null,
"matter" : "FUA1",
"comment" : null,
"status" : 0,
"backlogStatus" : 20,
"metainfos" : {
"cabeaacaceaacadeaacaeeaacafeaa" : [ "s11" ],
"cdbccaeacdbccaeacdbccaeacdbccaeacdbccaea_ldate" : [ "2016-10-19T07:08:23.130Z" ]
"resources" : [ ],
"notes" : null
}, {
"_index" : "living_v1",
"_type" : "fuas",
"_id" : "2298eab3-9a8a-11e6-8f4a-02420a010a07",
"_score" : 1.0,
"_routing" : "living_team",
"_source" : {
"user" : "living_team",
"timestamp" : "2016-10-25T09:53:23.078Z",
"startTimestamp" : "2016-10-25T09:53:23.078Z",
"dueTimestamp" : null,
"closingTimestamp" : null,
"matter" : "FUA2",
"comment" : null,
"status" : 0,
"backlogStatus" : 20,
"metainfos" : {
"aecfacebfaaecfcebfaaecfcebfaaecfcebfaaecfcebfa" : [ "s22" ]
"resources" : [ ],
"notes" : null
} ]
I'd like to know how many documents have a field status informed. For example, if I want to know if a field named exfield is informed, the response will be NO, nevertheless, if I want to know if a field named matter is informed the response will be YES.
Does exist anyway to do that?


Can I update specific field value in elasticsearch?

I want to update count field in the following doc for example. Please help
"_index" : "test-object",
"_type" : "data",
"_id" : "2.5.179963",
"_score" : 10.039009,
"_source" : {
"object_id" : "2.5.179963",
"block_time" : "2022-04-09T13:16:32",
"block_number" : 46975476,
"parent" : "1.2.162932",
"field_type" : "1.3.2",
"count" : 57000,
"maintenance_flag" : false
you can simply use the Update API as
POST <your-index>/_update/<your-doc-id>
"doc": {
"count": "" // provide the value which you want to update

Problem re-adding the same fields to start with a lowercase letter when updating

I am encountering a problem while updating. The problem I'm having is, for example, I want to update the Title field, but I see that a new field has been created for the Title field in the document. (A title field that starts with a lowercase letter). I'm doing the update process with NEST, can anyone share an idea with me? Thank you in advance for your help.
The state of the document before the update:
"_index" : "my_test_index",
"_type" : "_doc",
"_id" : "uPggFnoBChFNLIc8qdjW",
"_score" : 31.908756,
"_source" : {
"RelatedPassiveCompanyId" : "0d075c1681106286cfe9f31999f8247c",
"CreateTime" : "2021-06-16T21:41:17.2697847+03:00",
"IsBannedFromOpenCorpCompanies" : false,
"CreatedBy" : 1,
"IsActivated" : false,
"IsCancelled" : false,
"IsMembershipTypeBought" : false
The state of the document after the update:
"_index" : "my_test_index",
"_type" : "_doc",
"_id" : "uPggFnoBChFNLIc8qdjW",
"_score" : 26.380388,
"_source" : {
"RelatedPassiveCompanyId" : "0d075c1681106286cfe9f31999f8247c",
"CreateTime" : "2021-06-16T21:41:17.2697847+03:00",
"IsBannedFromOpenCorpCompanies" : false,
"CreatedBy" : 1,
"IsActivated" : false,
"IsCancelled" : false,
"IsMembershipTypeBought" : false,
"isBannedFromOpenCorpCompanies" : false,
"contactInformations" : {
"contactPerson" : { },
"phones" : [ ]
"isCancelled" : false,
"dnbInformation" : {
"processId" : "fba921ee-493d-4f12-aa0a-0a432b9e8b3a",
"requestLogs" : [
"requestTime" : "2021-11-23T10:03:09.8302661+03:00",
"message" : "Company not found on Dnb",
"resultType" : 2
"createTime" : "2021-06-16T21:41:17.2697847+03:00",
"createdBy" : 1,
"isMembershipTypeBought" : false,
"isActivated" : false,
"relatedPassiveCompanyId" : "0d075c1681106286cfe9f31999f8247c"
my update function:
public bool UpdateDocuments(IHit<MyESModel> documentHitItem)
var response = elasticClient.Update<MyESModel, object>(DocumentPath<MyESModel>
.Id(documentHitItem.Id), u => u
return response.IsValid;
I would be very happy if anyone has any idea what the problem could be.

Elasticsearch Top 10 Most Frequent Values In Array Across All Records

I have an index "test". Document structure is as shown below. Each document has an array of "tags". I am not able to figure out how to query this index to get top 10 most frequently occurring tags?
Also, what are the best practices one should follow if we have more than 2mil docs in this index?
"_index" : "test",
"_type" : "data",
"_id" : "1412879673545024927_1373991666",
"_score" : 1.0,
"_source" : {
"instagramuserid" : "1373991666",
"likes_count" : 163,
"#timestamp" : "2017-06-08T08:52:41.803Z",
"post" : {
"created_time" : "1482648403",
"comments" : {
"count" : 9
"user_has_liked" : true,
"link" : "https://www.instagram.com/p/BObjpPMBWWf/",
"caption" : {
"created_time" : "1482648403",
"from" : {
"full_name" : "PARAMSahib ™",
"profile_picture" : "https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-19/s150x150/12750236_1692144537739696_350427084_a.jpg",
"id" : "1373991666",
"username" : "parambanana"
"id" : "17845953787172829",
"text" : "This feature talks about how to work pastels .\n\nDull gold pullover + saffron khadi kurta + baby pink pants + Deep purple patka and white sneakers - Perfect colours for a Happy sunday christmas morning . \n#paramsahib #men #menswear #mensfashion #mensfashionblog #mensfashionblogger #menswearofficial #menstyle #fashion #fashionfashion #fashionblog #blog #blogger #designer #fashiondesigner #streetstyle #streetfashion #sikh #sikhfashion #singhstreetstyle #sikhdesigner #bearded #indian #indianfashionblog #indiandesigner #international #ootd #lookbook #delhistyleblog #delhifashionblog"
"type" : "image",
"tags" : [
"filter" : "Normal",
"attribution" : null,
"location" : null,
"id" : "1412879673545024927_1373991666",
"likes" : {
"count" : 163
If your tags type in mapping is object (which is by default) you can use an aggregation query like this:
"size": 0,
"aggs": {
"frequent_tags": {
"terms": {"field": "post.tags"}

elasticsearch doesn't update documents

I'm facing up with a trouble related with document updatings.
I'm able to index(create) documents and they are correctly added on index.
Nevertheless, when I'm trying to update one of them, the operation is not made, the document is not updated.
When I first time add the document it's like:
"user" : "user4",
"timestamp" : "2016-12-16T15:00:22.645Z",
"startTimestamp" : "2016-12-16T15:00:22.645Z",
"dueTimestamp" : null,
"closingTimestamp" : null,
"matter" : "F1",
"comment" : null,
"status" : 0,
"backlogStatus" : 20,
"metainfos" : {
"ceeaceaaaceeaceaaaceeaceaaaceeaaceaaaceeabceaaa" : [ "FZ11" ]
"resources" : [ ],
"notes" : null
This is the code I'm using in order to build UpdateRequest:
I've also been able to debug which's the content of this request begore sending it to elasticsearch. The document is:
As you can see the only difference is metainfos is empty when I try to update the document.
After having performed this update request the document is not updated. I mean the content of metainfos keeps as before:
#curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/user4/fuas/_search?pretty'
"took" : 2,
"timed_out" : false,
"_shards" : {
"total" : 1,
"successful" : 1,
"failed" : 0
"hits" : {
"total" : 1,
"max_score" : 1.0,
"hits" : [ {
"_index" : "living_v1",
"_type" : "fuas",
"_id" : "327c9435-c394-11e6-aa90-02420a011808",
"_score" : 1.0,
"_routing" : "user4",
"_source" : {
"user" : "user4",
"timestamp" : "2016-12-16T15:00:22.645Z",
"startTimestamp" : "2016-12-16T15:00:22.645Z",
"dueTimestamp" : null,
"closingTimestamp" : null,
"matter" : "F1",
"comment" : null,
"status" : 0,
"backlogStatus" : 20,
"metainfos" : {
>>>>>>>> "ceeaceaaaceeaceaaaceeaceaaaceeaaceaaaceeabceaaa" : [ "FZ11" ]
"resources" : [ ],
"notes" : null
} ]
I don't quite figure out what's wrong. Any ideas?
ElasticSearch will not update an empty object. You can try with:
null "metainfos":null
to clean the field.

How to sum two value and do comparison under aggregation

Can anyone assist me on how to sum of two value from two field( ts + duration) and compare if SUMVALUE is under a RANGE between startDate and endDate. And finally do a sorting under aggregation. Thank You
"_index" : "conn",
"_type" : "logs",
"_id" : "AVa8ThhDvPxUqjjShMXt",
"_score" : 0.0,
"_source" : {
"ts" : "2016-08-24T11:26:26.066429Z",
"uid" : "CBnx2VffmLzE5CvE7",
"proto" : "udp",
"duration" : 3.003767,
"orig_bytes" : 696,
"resp_bytes" : 0,
"conn_state" : "S0",
"local_orig" : false,
"local_resp" : false,
"missed_bytes" : 0,
"history" : "D",
"orig_pkts" : 4,
"orig_ip_bytes" : 808,
"resp_pkts" : 0,
"resp_ip_bytes" : 0,
"tunnel_parents" : [ ],
"#version" : "1",
"#timestamp" : "2016-08-24T11:26:26.066Z",
"path" : "/usr/local/logs/current/conn.log",
"host" : "oracle",
"tags" : [ "conn" ],
"id_orig_h" : "",
"id_orig_p" : 58548,
"id_resp_h" : "",
"id_resp_p" : 1900
} ]
