WebSocket compatibility with GopherJS [closed] - go

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Looking for some general guidance on how to implement a WebSocket client in a way that works on both native Go execution platforms and through GopherJS.
It appears that GopherJS has two WebSocket libraries, one at gopherjs/websocket and one at goxjs/websocket. It seems that goxjs/websocket is "isomorphic", meaning it should work in GopherJS while remaining API-compatible with golang.org/x/net/websocket. That would provide compatibility in both execution environments, which is fine, but I'm not sure if it's the best solution. gopherjs/websocket doesn't appear to work outside of the browser execution environment, so it's a non-starter.
The most recommended WebSocket implementation for native Go apps seems to be gorilla/websocket at the moment. I'd like to use this as it seems to have a good API and it seems rather fully-featured. I can successfully run gopherjs build if I import gorilla/websocket, but I'm concerned that it will fail in the JavaScript environment, or that it will be compiled down into JavaScript that doesn't use the browser's implementation of the WebSocket API.
I'm not seeing much guidance on which library is appropriate for which scenario, so hoping this can help compare and contrast and provide the direction necessary to make a good choice.

I don't have any guidance on what you should do, but can share these facts:
The gorilla/websocket package is an implementation of the Websocket protocol on TCP connections. Because browser applications cannot access TCP connections directly, the gorilla/websocket package will not run in the browser.
There's a difference in the models presented by gorilla/websocket package and the gopherjs/websocket packages. The WebSocket protocol is message-based and the gorilla/websocket package exposes an API around messages. The gopherjs/websocket provides bindings that make the message-based WebSocket protocol look like a stream of bytes. Messages are not exposed in the gopherjs/websocket API.
The x/net/websocket package is all but abandoned. There are long standing issues with protocol compliance that have not been addressed.


Golang websocket client [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I want to make client websocket connections to exertnal server each connection = goroutine and reader. I was looking informations on the internet but I found how to create server websocket tutorials.
Can anyone be so kind and make a trivial example and walk me through. I am using standart golang libary https://golang.org/x/net/websocket.
I created some code but when I closed one connection program exited with EOF information. I won't post the code because it's probably bad duo to the fact it was my first try.
I know how to read/send message from websocket but I don't know how to create multiple connections.
Any informations, examples would be appreciate, thanks for reading
You can use the Gorilla WebSocket library
Here's an example of it's use as a client
Golang official doc recommends to use gorilla for building websocket based application. Still the problem is, gorilla websocket is not event based. Applications need to handle concurrent read and write operations. Developers need to write custom goroutines for handling connect, disconnect and read events.
I think it is better to have a library handling everything for you.
So, I decided to write down my own client implementation - gowebsocket on top of gorilla. You can find more detailed explaination here Getting started with websocket client in go
You can check the comparison given on this link.
Article suggests to go for Gobwas(https://github.com/gobwas/ws). Its best performance wise and offers all the required features needed for websockets related applications.

Design approach for hosting multiple microservices on the same host [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm working on a Web application that I decoupled it in multiple containerized microservices. I have now around 20 services, but the whole system will definitely need more than 300. Most of the services now and some in the future will not need an entire machine so I'll deploy multiple services on a same host. I'm wondering how others deal with interservice communication. My preferred way was to go with a REST based communication but...
Isn't it too heavy to have multiple web servers running on the same machine? I'm developing in Ruby, but even a lightweight web server like Puma can consume a good amount of memory
I started writing a custom communication channel using UNIX sockets. So, I'd start one web server and my "router" app would communicate with the currently running services on that host through UNIX sockets. But I don't know if it's worth the effort and on top of that, all services have to be written and customized to use this kind of communication. I believe it would be hard to use any framework like Ruby-on-Rails or others, even different languages which is the whole appeal with microservices architecture. I feel like I'm trying to reinventing the wheel.
So, can someone suggest a better approach or vote for one of my current ones?
I appreciate any help,
Looks like you may want to look into docker swarm, they're actively working on these use cases. I wouldn't recommend building your own communication channel, stick with http or maybe use spdy if you're really concerned about performance. Anything you introduce will make using these upcoming solutions more difficult. Also keep in mind you don't need a heavy-duty web server in most cases, you can always introduce a layer above one or more of your services using nginx or haproxy for example.

ruby: libraries, frameworks, servers providing concurrency for development of a web based chat [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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What ruby concurrency lib/framework should I use for the development of a web based chat?
I have read about Eventmachine and Celluloid libraries, and about Sinatra::Synchrony, Cramp, Goliath and Gserver concurrency-ready-servers. If I am getting this right, all these libs or servers implement concurrency using two main different approaches: the reactor pattern (mostly all of them), or the use of multithreading (i.e. gserver, ...).
Now if this is all correct, and I hope it is, could someone:
correct me if it is not...
point out other actively developed libraries or frameworks that I've missed ?
The reason I am asking this is that I am trying to build, for learning purposes, a web based chat using ruby on server side. It will interact with client using websockets or Server Side Events, with Jquery or something else.
Also I've read about using ruby with a Xmpp server, or pub/sub messaging system (like Faye). If I put one of these in the dish, am I correct if I say if that it all shrinks down to having to worry only about making requests to those servers in a non-blocking way, rather than having to set-up a complete "non-blocking" ruby chat server ?
I know this is a bit convoluted, but I hope it still make sense..
But in case I am going totally the wrong direction about something, can someone please give me at least a general, vague idea of what I need to understand better ?
Funny you should ask. Peter Cooper from Ruby Weekly mentioned (Issue 116 - October 25, 2012) a talk subtitled "Ruby developers need to stop using EventMachine. It's the wrong direction," which spawned some interesting debate on HN, since many frameworks are built on top of it (Goliath, Cramp, etc.)
The disenchanted flock either to Celluloid (with Sidekiq as its most famous client), to the Node.js platform or to other languages that offer solid concurrency primitives from the get go. Yes, Go, Erlang, Clojure...
Personally, I implemented a realtime web-based chat not long ago using Cramp, Redis Pub/Sub and Websockets, loosely adapted from the following demo code. It worked as advertised, but the traffic it gets doesn't compare to the requirements of some high volume systems elsewhere.

Looking for an XMPP server library written in Ruby [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am in the process of building a web based chat app written in Ruby. I would like to provide the ability to also connect to this chat server using an XMPP client. So I am looking for a library that will handle being a real XMPP server which I can tie into with my existing Ruby code (or by using something like Redis in between). However, I am having a hard time finding the server library (though I can find many libraries for acting as a client which consumes or interacts with the server). I'm also not very experienced with XMPP to begin with so I may be asking for the wrong thing. Do you know of an XMPP server library I can use?
XMPP server libraries generally don't make much sense, as XMPP servers (like HTTP servers for example) run as separate standalone long-lived processes. You don't usually embed them into your application.
XMPP is even a step further from HTTP - there are HTTP server libraries that allow you to listen on a port, wait for requests, and send a response. XMPP is completely different in this aspect - XMPP sessions are long-lived, and require constant attention. Using an XMPP server library your application would spend most of the time inside that library - at which point, why isn't it as good as running a separate process?
I know it's a tempting idea, but having developed an XMPP server and thinking about this (people have requested it before you) I just concluded it made very little sense (even if it is technically possible).
Many XMPP servers allow custom plugins for integration with other systems, and there are servers in Ruby if that's a requirement for you (e.g. Vines).
For example - connection and authentication:
require "xmpp4r"
robot = Jabber::Client::new(Jabber::JID::new("sample#xmpp.ru"))
And sending message:
message = Jabber::Message::new("recipient#xmpp.ru", "Hi there!")
robot.send message
But the library is somewhat unstable under Windows, but great in Linux.
There is also XMPP server implementation under Ruby using XMPP4R - http://code.google.com/p/xmpp-rserve/
Maybe this is what you want. Looks like a library suitable for server usage - https://github.com/sprsquish/blather
Found it on XMPP official page - http://xmpp.org/xmpp-software/libraries/

What HTTP traffic monitor would you recommend for Windows? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I need the sniffer to test network traffic of applications developed by me for Windows and Facebook.
Basic requirements:
display request and response
display HTTP headers
display the time it took to complete HTTP request
Now I'm using HTTP Analyzer.
A very good tool, but it terminates with some error after 10-15 min running on Vista.
Wireshark if you want to see everything going on in the network.
Fiddler if you want to just monitor HTTP/s traffic.
Live HTTP Headers if you're in Firefox and want a quick plugin just to see the headers.
Also FireBug can get you that information too and provides a nice interface when your working on a single page during development. I've used it to monitor AJAX transactions.
I now use CharlesProxy for development, but previously I have used Fiddler
Try Wireshark:
Wireshark is the world's foremost
network protocol analyzer, and is the
de facto (and often de jure) standard
across many industries and educational
There is a bit of a learning curve but it is far and away the best tool available.
Microsoft Network Monitor (http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=983b941d-06cb-4658-b7f6-3088333d062f)
Fiddler is great when you are only interested in the http(s) side of the communications. It is also very useful when you are trying to inspect inside a https stream.
I like TcpCatcher because it is very simple to use and has a modern interface. It is provided as a jar file, you just download it and run it (no installation process). Also, it comes with a very useful "on the fly" packets modification features (debug mode).
I use Wireshark in most cases, but I have found Fiddler to be less of a hassle when dealing with encrypted data.
