Get neo4j result - jdbc

I'm using neo4j jdbc driver to access a local service and make the following query to find what I need:
"MATCH (u:User)-->(d:Deck)-[p:Played]->(g:Game)" +
"WHERE id(g) = ?" +
"RETURN {r {user :u, deck :d, played:p, game:g}}"
I cast it as a map and can find the parts and, right there in my face, I can see the stuff I need. How do I get it? (the {comment= ...} etc)
I do know how to get it by
RETURN p.comment, ... etc
But I fear this will soon get out of hand. If I can just get at least that json string I would be happy.

There is a built-in Cypher function PROPERTIES(), outlined here, that will convert anything that has properties (nodes, relationships, even pre-existing Maps) to a Map of the properties with no other data. The language drivers have built-in tools to hydrate Nodes and Relationships so that property access is simple, but if you require a Map and only a Map to be returned, just use RETURN PROPERTIES(p) and you'll get it.

Reading between the lines, it looks like you are trying to get all the properties of specific nodes and properties, without any extraneous metadata.
After installing the APOC plugin, you can use the procedure to generate a map with all the properties of a node or relationship.
For example, to get all the properties of every User node:
MATCH (u:User)
CALL[k IN KEYS(u) | [k, u[k]]]) YIELD value AS props
RETURN props;
[k IN KEYS(u) | [k, u[k]]] generates a collection of key/value collections.
The procedure takes a collection of key/value collections, and converts it into a map.


If I eager load associated child records, then that means future WHERE retrievals won't dig through database again?

Just trying to understand... if at the start of some method I eager load a record and its associated children like this:
#object = Object.include(:children).where(email:"").first
Then does that mean that if later I have to look through that object's children this will not generate more database queries?
#found_child = #object.children.where(type_of_child:"this type").first
Unfortunately not - using ActiveRecord::Relation methods such as where will query the database again.
You could however filter the data without any further queries, using the standard Array / Enumerable methods:
#object.children.detect {|child| child.type_of_child == "this type"}
It will generate another database query in your case.
Eager loading is used to avoid N+1 queries. This is done by loading all associated objects. But this doesn't work when you want to filter that list with where later on, Rails will than build a new query and run that one.
That said: In your example the include makes your code actually slower, because it loads associated object, but cannot use them.
I would change your example to:
#object = Object.find_by(email: "")
#found_child = #object.children.find_by(type_of_child: "this type")

How do you query Active record with enums

I am trying this query and it is not working:
OrderFulfillment.where(shopper_id:, fulfillment_status: [:fulfillment_requested_assignment, :fulfillment_assigned, :fulfillment_shopping])
I am not sure why but I am unable to get querying using enums to work
fulfillment_status: OrderFulfillment
Rails isn't smart enough to know that you are passing keys and not values, so when you were passing the statuses straight like that it was looking for the wrong values (it changed them to null because it didn't understand). The enums are physically stored as integers, so that's what you actually need to use in the query. Therefore, you can use the Rails-provided fulfillment_statuses method to grab a hash of the key/value pairs of the enum, and then the values_at method of the hash to get the values for the array of keys you pass in.

How do I access information from this unfamiliar data structure via Ruby?

I'm using Fog to access a cloud environment at Terremark. When I pull down our organizational data it returns a data structure that, while I know it should be straight forward, confuses me.
Using irb I initialize the connection and then request the data using conn.organizations and display it with awesome_print. It returns:
[0] <Fog::Compute::Ecloud::Organization
name="****************************** (***-###-###)",
other_links=[{:href=>"/cloudapi/ecloud/admin/organizations/#######", :name=>"****************************** (***-###-###)", :type=>"application/", :rel=>"alternate"}, {:href=>"/cloudapi/ecloud/environments/organizations/#######", :type=>"application/; type=collection", :rel=>"down"}, {:href=>"/cloudapi/ecloud/devicetags/organizations/#######", :type=>"application/; type=collection", :rel=>"down"}, {:href=>"/cloudapi/ecloud/alerts/organizations/#######", :type=>"application/", :rel=>"down"}]
So it is returning an array with a singular element. That element is comprised of another data structure surrounded by < and >. But I'm not certain if that's accurate because there also appears to be another array containing a hash embedded within that structure.
My issue is that I need to extract the value represented by the ####### but I don't know how to access any of the sections of the output which contain that value.
What am I looking at as far as the data structure is concerned and how do I go about access the data contained within?
It's a Fog::Compute::Ecloud::Organization object and the documentation of that class should tell you what methods are available. Or you can just ask the object itself, by calling Object#methods.

How to get the collection based upon the wildchar redis key using redis-rb gem?

The redis objects created using the redis-rb gem.
$redis =
$redis.sadd("work:the-first-task", 1)
$redis.sadd("work:another-task", 2)
$redis.sadd("work:yet-another-task", 3)
Is there any method to get the collection that has "work:*" keys?
Actually, if you just want to build a collection on Redis, you only need one key.
The example you provided builds 3 distinct collections, each of them with a single item. This is probably not that you wanted to do. The example could be rewritten as:
$redis =
$redis.sadd("work", "another-task|2")
$redis.sadd("work", "yet-another-task|3")
To retrieve all the items of this collection, use the following code:
x = $redis.smembers("work")
If you need to keep track of the order of the items in your collection, it would be better to use a list instead of a set.
In any case, usage of the KEYS command should be restricted to tooling/debug code only. It is not meant to be used in a real application because of its linear complexity.
If you really need to build several collections, and retrieve items from all these collections, the best way is probably to introduce a new "catalog" collection to keep track of the keys corresponding to these collections.
For instance:
$redis =
$redis.sadd("catalog:work", "work:the-first-task" )
$redis.sadd("catalog:work", "work:another-task" )
$redis.sadd("work:the-first-task", 1)
$redis.sadd("work:the-first-task", 2)
$redis.sadd("work:another-task", 3)
$redis.sadd("work:another-task", 4)
To efficiently retrieve all the items:
keys = $redis.smembers("catalog:work")
res = $redis.pipelined do
keys.each do |x|
The idea is to perform a first query to get the content of catalog:work, and then iterate on the result using pipelining to fetch all the data. I'm not a Ruby user, so there is probably a more idiomatic way to implement it.
Another simpler option can be used if the number of collections you want to retrieve is limited, and if you do not care about the ownership of the items (in which set is stored each item)
keys = $redis.smembers("catalog:work")
res = $redis.sunion(*keys)
Here the SUNION command is used to build a set resulting of the union of all the sets you are interested in. It also filters out the duplicates in the result (this was not done in the previous example).
Well, I could get it by $redis.keys("work:*").

Retrieve list of mongo documents by ids preserving order

Which is the best way to retrieve a list of mongodb documents using mongoid in the order specified in the list.
My current solution is:
docs = Doc.where( => ids).sort { |x, y| ids.index( <=> ids.index( }
It seems there should be a better solution for this using mongoid query interface. Any ideas?
If the number of ids is small you might get away with this (no need to sort it though):
docs = { |id| Doc.find(id) }
The drawback is of course that it will still go to the database for every document.
The closest method I could find is Doc.criteria.for_ids(ids) but it will not honor the order of the ids and fetch every document only once. See this question.
