I can use SciPy to classify text on my machine, but I need to categorize string objects from HTTP POST requests at, or in near, real time. What algorithms should I research if my goals are high concurrency, near real-time output and small memory footprint? I figured I could get by with the Support Vector Machine (SVM) implementation in Go, but is that the best algorithm for my use case?
Yes, SVM (with a linear kernel) should be a good starting point. You can use scikit-learn (it wraps liblinear I believe) to train your model. After the model is learned, the model is simply a list of feature:weight for each category you want to classifying into. Something like this (suppose you have only 3 classes):
class1[feature1] = weight11
class1[feature2] = weight12
class1[featurek] = weight1k ------- for class 1
... different <feature, weight> ------ for class 2
... different <feature, weight> ------ for class 3 , etc
At prediction time, you don't need scikit-learn at all, you can use whatever language you are using on the server backend to do a linear computation. Suppose a specific POST request contains features (feature3, feature5), what you need to do is like this:
linear_score[class1] = 0
linear_score[class1] += lookup weight of feature3 in class1
linear_score[class1] += lookup weight of feature5 in class1
linear_score[class2] = 0
linear_score[class2] += lookup weight of feature3 in class2
linear_score[class2] += lookup weight of feature5 in class2
..... same thing for class3
pick class1, or class2 or class3 whichever has the highest linear_score
One step further: If you could have some way to define the feature weight (e.g., using tf-idf score of tokens), then your prediction could become:
linear_score[class1] += class1[feature3] x feature_weight[feature3]
so on and so forth.
Note feature_weight[feature k] is usually different for each request.
Since for each request, the total number of active features must be much smaller than the total number of considered features (consider 50 tokens or features vs your entire vocabulary of 1 MM tokens), the prediction should be very fast. I can imagine once your model is ready, an implementation of the prediction could be just written based on a key-value store (e.g., redis).
I am looking for advice on the proper model notation to test for differences between sex in my data. My goal is to determine whether or not I need to split my data into M and F, or if I can keep my data combined (I hope that I will be able to keep it combined due to sample size).
I am using the glmmTMB package in R for resource selection function analysis and my plan is to run 1 model with random intercepts and slopes, without sex, and then compare this model to essentially the same model but contains sex as an interaction term. I will compare AIC to determine the most supported model (i.e. if the model with sex is supported, then I will separate my data into M and F and analyze separately. If the model without sex is supported, then I will keep it combined).
I am following the code provide in the supplementary materials by Muff et al. 2019 (model M4): https://conservancy.umn.edu/bitstream/handle/11299/204737/Goats_RSF.html?sequence=21&isAllowed=y
For example:
My model without sex looks like this:
glmmTMB(Used_and_Available_Locations ~ Urbanization + (1|AnimalID) + (0 + Urbanization|AnimalID), family = binomial(),...)
My model with sex is where I am confused...How do I account for sex as a random effect when there is an interaction? Should I not account for sex as a random effect?
glmmTMB(Used_and_Available_Locations ~ Sex + Sex*Urbanization + Urbanization + (1|AnimalID) + (0 + Urbanization|AnimalID), family = binomial(),...)
My goal is to determine whether or not I need to split my data into M and F, or if I can keep my data combined (I hope that I will be able to keep it combined due to sample size).
I have never come across a scenario in which it is a good idea to split data along these lines. It results in a massive loss of statistical power, and provides no benefits.
When you have an "effect" of a predictor variable that differs depending on the level of another predictor such as Urbanization in your model having a different effect in females than in males, the interaction term will uncover this, without any loss of statistical power. The main thing to be aware of when fitting an interaction is that the main effect of the variables involved are then each conditional on the other variable being at zero (or at it's refernce level in the case of the categorical variable such as sex)
My model with sex is where I am confused...How do I account for sex as a random effect when there is an interaction? Should I not account for sex as a random effect?
Sex would never be a random effect. It does not make sense as a random intercept because there are only 2 levels of it (and can't really be considerd as a random factor for any other reason) and since it does not vary within individuals it does not make sense for it to be a random slope either.
Does the Distribution represented by the training data need to reflect the distribution of the test data and the data that you predict on? Can I measure the quality of the training data by looking at the distribution of each feature and compare that distribution to the data I am predicting or testing with? Ideally the training data should be sufficiently representative of the real world distribution.
Short answer: similar ranges would be a good idea.
Long answer: sometimes it won't be an issue (rarely) but let's examine when.
In an ideal situation, your model will capture the true phenomenon perfectly. Imagine the simplest case: the linear model y = x. If the training data are noiseless (or have tolerable noise). Your linear regression will naturally land on a model approximately equal to y = x. The generalization of the model will work nearly perfect even outside of the training range. If your train data were {1:1, 2:2, 3:3, 4:4, 5:5, 6:6, 7:7, 8:8, 9:9, 10:10}. The test point 500, will nicely map onto the function, returning 500.
In most modeling scenarios, this will almost certainly not be the case. If the training data are ample and the model is appropriately complex (and no more), you're golden.
The trouble is that few functions (and corresponding natural phenomena) -- especially when we consider nonlinear functions -- extend to data outside of the training range so cleanly. Imagine sampling office temperature against employee comfort. If you only look at temperatures from 40 deg to 60 deg. A linear function will behave brilliantly in the training data. Oddly enough, if you test on 60 to 80, the mapping will break down. Here, the issue is confidence in your claim that the data are sufficiently representative.
Now let's consider noise. Imagine that you know EXACTLY what the real world function is: a sine wave. Better still, you are told its amplitude and phase. What you don't know is its frequency. You have a really solid sampling between 1 and 100, the function you fit maps against the training data really well. Now if there is just enough noise, you might estimate the frequency incorrectly by a hair. When you test near the training range, the results aren't so bad. Outside of the training range, things start to get wonky. As you move further and further from the training range, the real function and the function diverge and converge based on their relative frequencies. Sometimes, the residuals are seemingly fine; sometimes they are dreadful.
There is an issue with your idea of examining the variable distributions: interaction between variables. Even if each variable is appropriately balanced in train and test, it is possible that the relationships between variables will differ (joint distributions). For a purely contrived example, consider you were predicting an individual's likelihood of being pregnant at any given time. In your training set, you had women aged 20 to 30 and men aged 30 to 40. In testing, you had the same percentage of men and women, but the age ranges were flipped. Independently, the variables look very nicely matched! But in your training set, you could very easily conclude, "only people under 30 get pregnant." Oddly enough, your testing set would demonstrate the exact opposite! The trouble is that your predictions are being made from a multivariate space, but the distributions you are thinking about are univariate. Considering the joint distributions of continuous variables against one another (and considering categorical variables appropriately) is, however, a good idea. Ideally, your fit model should have access to a similar range to your testing data.
Fundamentally, the question is about extrapolation from a limited training space. If the model fit in the training space generalizes, you can generalize; ultimately, it is usually safest to have a really well distributed training set to maximize the likelihood that you have captured the complexity of the underlying function.
Really interesting question! I hope the answer was somewhat insightful; I'll continue to build on it as resources come to mind! Let me know if any questions remain!
EDIT: a point made in the comments that I think should be read by future readers.
Ideally, training data should NEVER influence testing data in ANY way. That includes examining of the distributions, joint distributions etc. With sufficient data, distributions in the training data should converge on distributions in the testing data (think the mean, law of large nums). Manipulation to match distributions (like z-scoring before train/test split) fundamentally skews performance metrics in your favor. An appropriate technique for splitting train and test data would be something like stratified k fold for cross validation.
Sorry for the delayed response. After going through a few months of iterating, I implemented and pushed the following solution to production and it is working quite well.
The issue here boils down to how can one reduce the training/test score variance when performing cross validation. This is important as if your variance is high, the confidence in picking the best model goes down. The more representative the test data is to the train data, the less variance you get in your test scores across the cross validation set. Stratified cross validation tackles this issue especially when there is significant class imbalance, by ensuring that the label class proportions are preserved across all test/train sets. However, this doesnt address the issue with the feature distribution.
In my case, I had a few features that were very strong predictors but also very skewed in their distribution. This caused significant variance in my test scores which made it harder to pick a model with any confidence. Essentially, the solution is to ensure that the joint distribution of the label with the feature set is maintained across test/train sets. Many ways of doing this but a very simple approach is to simply take each column bucket range (if continuous) or label (if categorical) one by one and sample from these buckets when generating the test and train sets. Note that the buckets quickly gets very sparse especially when you have a lot of categorical variables. Also, the column order in which you bucket affects the sampling output greatly. Below is a solution where I bucket the label first (same like stratified CV) and then sample 1 other feature (most important feature (called score_percentage) that is known upfront).
def train_test_folds(self, label_column="label"):
# train_test is an array of tuples where each tuple is a test numpy array and train numpy array pair.
# The final iterator would return these individual elements separately.
n_folds = self.n_folds
label_classes = np.unique(self.label)
train_test = []
fmpd_copy = self.fm.copy()
fmpd_copy[label_column] = self.label
fmpd_copy = fmpd_copy.reset_index(drop=True).reset_index()
fmpd_copy = fmpd_copy.sort_values("score_percentage")
for lbl in label_classes:
fmpd_label = fmpd_copy[fmpd_copy[label_column] == lbl]
# Calculate the fold # using the label specific dataset
if (fmpd_label.shape[0] < n_folds):
raise ValueError("n_folds=%d cannot be greater than the"
" number of rows in each class."
% (fmpd_label.shape[0]))
# let's get some variance -- shuffle within each buck
# let's go through the data set, shuffling items in buckets of size nFolds
s = 0
shuffle_array = fmpd_label["index"].values
maxS = len(shuffle_array)
while s < maxS:
max = min(maxS, s + n_folds) - 1
for i in range(s, max):
j = random.randint(i, max)
if i < j:
tempI = shuffle_array[i]
shuffle_array[i] = shuffle_array[j]
shuffle_array[j] = tempI
s = s + n_folds
# print("shuffle s =",s," max =",max, " maxS=",maxS)
fmpd_label["index"] = shuffle_array
fmpd_label = fmpd_label.reset_index(drop=True).reset_index()
fmpd_label["test_set_number"] = fmpd_label.iloc[:, 0].apply(
lambda x: x % n_folds)
print("label ", lbl)
for n in range(0, n_folds):
test_set = fmpd_label[fmpd_label["test_set_number"]
== n]["index"].values
train_set = fmpd_label[fmpd_label["test_set_number"]
!= n]["index"].values
print("for label ", lbl, " test size is ",
test_set.shape, " train size is ", train_set.shape)
print("len of total size", len(train_test))
if (len(train_test) != n_folds):
# Split doesnt exist. Add it in.
train_test.append([train_set, test_set])
temp_arr = train_test[n]
temp_arr[0] = np.append(temp_arr[0], train_set)
temp_arr[1] = np.append(temp_arr[1], test_set)
train_test[n] = [temp_arr[0], temp_arr[1]]
return train_test
Over time, I realized that this whole issue falls under the umbrella of covariate shift which is a well studied area within machine learning. Link below or just search google for covariate shift. The concept is how to detect and ensure that your prediction data is of similar distribution with your training data. THis is in the feature space but in theory you could have label drift as well.
I have a dataset. Each element of this set consists of numerical and categorical variables. Categorical variables are nominal and ordinal.
There is some natural structure in this dataset. Commonly, experts clusterize datasets such as mine using their 'expert knowledge', but I want to automate this process of clusterization.
Most algorithms for clusterization use distance (Euclidean, Mahalanobdis and so on) between objects to group them in clusters. But it is hard to find some reasonable metrics for mixed data types, i.e. we can't find a distance between 'glass' and 'steel'. So I came to the conclusion that I have to use conditional probabilities P(feature = 'something' | Class) and some utility function that depends on them. It is reasonable for categorical variables, and it works fine with numeric variables assuming they are distributed normally.
So it became clear to me that algorithms like K-means will not produce good results.
At this time I try to work with COBWEB algorithm, that fully matches my ideas of using conditional probabilities. But I faced another obsacles: results of clusterization are really hard to interpret, if not impossible. As a result I wanted to get something like a set of rules that describes each cluster (e.g. if feature1 = 'a' and feature2 in [30, 60], it is cluster1), like descision trees for classification.
So, my question is:
Is there any existing clusterization algorithm that works with mixed data type and produces an understandable (and reasonable for humans) description of clusters.
Additional info:
As I understand my task is in the field of conceptual clustering. I can't define a similarity function as it was suggested (it as an ultimate goal of the whoal project), because of the field of study - it is very complicated and mercyless in terms of formalization. As far as I understand the most reasonable approach is the one used in COBWEB, but I'm not sure how to adapt it, so I can get an undestandable description of clusters.
Decision Tree
As it was suggested, I tried to train a decision tree on the clustering output, thus getting a description of clusters as a set of rules. But unfortunately interpretation of this rules is almost as hard as with the raw clustering output. First of only a few first levels of rules from the root node do make any sense: closer to the leaf - less sense we have. Secondly, these rules doesn't match any expert knowledge.
So, I came to the conclusion that clustering is a black-box, and it worth not trying to interpret its results.
I had an interesting idea to modify a 'decision tree for regression' algorithm in a certain way: istead of calculating an intra-group variance calcualte a category utility function and use it as a split criterion. As a result we should have a decision tree with leafs-clusters and clusters description out of the box. But I haven't tried to do so, and I am not sure about accuracy and everything else.
For most algorithms, you will need to define similarity. It doesn't need to be a proper distance function (e.g. satisfy triangle inequality).
K-means is particularly bad, because it also needs to compute means. So it's better to stay away from it if you cannot compute means, or are using a different distance function than Euclidean.
However, consider defining a distance function that captures your domain knowledge of similarity. It can be composed of other distance functions, say you use the harmonic mean of the Euclidean distance (maybe weighted with some scaling factor) and a categorial similarity function.
Once you have a decent similarity function, a whole bunch of algorithms will become available to you. e.g. DBSCAN (Wikipedia) or OPTICS (Wikipedia). ELKI may be of interest to you, they have a Tutorial on writing custom distance functions.
Interpretation is a separate thing. Unfortunately, few clustering algorithms will give you a human-readable interpretation of what they found. They may give you things such as a representative (e.g. the mean of a cluster in k-means), but little more. But of course you could next train a decision tree on the clustering output and try to interpret the decision tree learned from the clustering. Because the one really nice feature about decision trees, is that they are somewhat human understandable. But just like a Support Vector Machine will not give you an explanation, most (if not all) clustering algorithms will not do that either, sorry, unless you do this kind of post-processing. Plus, it will actually work with any clustering algorithm, which is a nice property if you want to compare multiple algorithms.
There was a related publication last year. It is a bit obscure and experimental (on a workshop at ECML-PKDD), and requires the data set to have a quite extensive ground truth in form of rankings. In the example, they used color similarity rankings and some labels. The key idea is to analyze the cluster and find the best explanation using the given ground truth(s). They were trying to use it to e.g. say "this cluster found is largely based on this particular shade of green, so it is not very interesting, but the other cluster cannot be explained very well, you need to investigate it closer - maybe the algorithm discovered something new here". But it was very experimental (Workshops are for work-in-progress type of research). You might be able to use this, by just using your features as ground truth. It should then detect if a cluster can be easily explained by things such as "attribute5 is approx. 0.4 with low variance". But it will not forcibly create such an explanation!
H.-P. Kriegel, E. Schubert, A. Zimek
Evaluation of Multiple Clustering Solutions
In 2nd MultiClust Workshop: Discovering, Summarizing and Using Multiple Clusterings Held in Conjunction with ECML PKDD 2011. http://dme.rwth-aachen.de/en/MultiClust2011
A common approach to solve this type of clustering problem is to define a statistical model that captures relevant characteristics of your data. Cluster assignments can be derived by using a mixture model (as in the Gaussian Mixture Model) then finding the mixture component with the highest probability for a particular data point.
In your case, each example is a vector has both real and categorical components. A simple approach is to model each component of the vector separately.
I generated a small example dataset where each example is a vector of two dimensions. The first dimension is a normally distributed variable and the second is a choice of five categories (see graph):
There are a number of frameworks that are available to run monte carlo inference for statistical models. BUGS is probably the most popular (http://www.mrc-bsu.cam.ac.uk/bugs/). I created this model in Stan (http://mc-stan.org/), which uses a different sampling technique than BUGs and is more efficient for many problems:
data {
int<lower=0> N; //number of data points
int<lower=0> C; //number of categories
real x[N]; // normally distributed component data
int y[N]; // categorical component data
parameters {
real<lower=0,upper=1> theta; // mixture probability
real mu[2]; // means for the normal component
simplex[C] phi[2]; // categorical distributions for the categorical component
transformed parameters {
real log_theta;
real log_one_minus_theta;
vector[C] log_phi[2];
vector[C] alpha;
log_theta <- log(theta);
log_one_minus_theta <- log(1.0 - theta);
for( c in 1:C)
alpha[c] <- .5;
for( k in 1:2)
for( c in 1:C)
log_phi[k,c] <- log(phi[k,c]);
model {
theta ~ uniform(0,1); // equivalently, ~ beta(1,1);
for (k in 1:2){
mu[k] ~ normal(0,10);
phi[k] ~ dirichlet(alpha);
for (n in 1:N) {
lp__ <- lp__ + log_sum_exp(log_theta + normal_log(x[n],mu[1],1) + log_phi[1,y[n]],
log_one_minus_theta + normal_log(x[n],mu[2],1) + log_phi[2,y[n]]);
I compiled and ran the Stan model and used the parameters from the final sample to compute the probability of each datapoint under each mixture component. I then assigned each datapoint to the mixture component (cluster) with higher probability to recover the cluster assignments below:
Basically, the parameters for each mixture component will give you the core characteristics of each cluster if you have created a model appropriate for your dataset.
For heterogenous, non-Euclidean data vectors as you describe, hierarchical clustering algorithms often work best. The conditional probability condition you describe can be incorporated as an ordering of attributes used to perform cluster agglomeration or division. The semantics of the resulting clusters are easy to describe.
I've always thought from what I read that cross validation is performed like this:
In k-fold cross-validation, the original sample is randomly
partitioned into k subsamples. Of the k subsamples, a single subsample
is retained as the validation data for testing the model, and the
remaining k − 1 subsamples are used as training data. The
cross-validation process is then repeated k times (the folds), with
each of the k subsamples used exactly once as the validation data. The
k results from the folds then can be averaged (or otherwise combined)
to produce a single estimation
So k models are built and the final one is the average of those.
In Weka guide is written that each model is always built using ALL the data set. So how does cross validation in Weka work ? Is the model built from all data and the "cross-validation" means that k fold are created then each fold is evaluated on it and the final output results is simply the averaged result from folds?
So, here is the scenario again: you have 100 labeled data
Use training set
weka will take 100 labeled data
it will apply an algorithm to build a classifier from these 100 data
it applies that classifier AGAIN on
these 100 data
it provides you with the performance of the
classifier (applied to the same 100 data from which it was
Use 10 fold CV
Weka takes 100 labeled data
it produces 10 equal sized sets. Each set is divided into two groups: 90 labeled data are used for training and 10 labeled data are used for testing.
it produces a classifier with an algorithm from 90 labeled data and applies that on the 10 testing data for set 1.
It does the same thing for set 2 to 10 and produces 9 more classifiers
it averages the performance of the 10 classifiers produced from 10 equal sized (90 training and 10 testing) sets
Let me know if that answers your question.
I would have answered in a comment but my reputation still doesn't allow me to:
In addition to Rushdi's accepted answer, I want to emphasize that the models which are created for the cross-validation fold sets are all discarded after the performance measurements have been carried out and averaged.
The resulting model is always based on the full training set, regardless of your test options. Since M-T-A was asking for an update to the quoted link, here it is: https://web.archive.org/web/20170519110106/http://list.waikato.ac.nz/pipermail/wekalist/2009-December/046633.html/. It's an answer from one of the WEKA maintainers, pointing out just what I wrote.
I think I figured it out. Take (for example) weka.classifiers.rules.OneR -x 10 -d outmodel.xxx. This does two things:
It creates a model based on the full dataset. This is the model that is written to outmodel.xxx. This model is not used as part of cross-validation.
Then cross-validation is run. cross-validation involves creating (in this case) 10 new models with the training and testing on segments of the data as has been described. The key is the models used in cross-validation are temporary and only used to generate statistics. They are not equivalent to, or used for the model that is given to the user.
Weka follows the conventional k-fold cross validation you mentioned here. You have the full data set, then divide it into k nos of equal sets (k1, k2, ... , k10 for example for 10 fold CV) without overlaps. Then at the first run, take k1 to k9 as training set and develop a model. Use that model on k10 to get the performance. Next comes k1 to k8 and k10 as training set. Develop a model from them and apply it to k9 to get the performance. In this way, use all the folds where each fold at most 1 time is used as test set.
Then Weka averages the performances and presents that on the output pane.
once we've done the 10-cross-validation by dividing data in 10 segments & create Decision tree and evaluate, what Weka does is run the algorithm an eleventh time on the whole dataset. That will then produce a classifier that we might deploy in practice. We use 10-fold cross-validation in order to get an evaluation result and estimate of the error, and then finally we do classification one more time to get an actual classifier to use in practice.
During kth cross validation, we will going to have different Decision tree but final one is created on whole datasets. CV is used to see if we have overfitting or large variance issue.
According to "Data Mining with Weka" at The University of Waikato:
Cross-validation is a way of improving upon repeated holdout.
Cross-validation is a systematic way of doing repeated holdout that actually improves upon it by reducing the variance of the estimate.
We take a training set and we create a classifier
Then we’re looking to evaluate the performance of that classifier, and there’s a certain amount of variance in that evaluation, because it’s all statistical underneath.
We want to keep the variance in the estimate as low as possible.
Cross-validation is a way of reducing the variance, and a variant on cross-validation called “stratified cross-validation” reduces it even further.
(In contrast to the the “repeated holdout” method in which we hold out 10% for the testing and we repeat that 10 times.)
So how does cross validation in Weka work ?:
With cross-validation, we divide our dataset just once, but we divide into k pieces, for example , 10 pieces. Then we take 9 of the pieces and use them for training and the last piece we use for testing. Then with the same division, we take another 9 pieces and use them for training and the held-out piece for testing. We do the whole thing 10 times, using a different segment for testing each time. In other words, we divide the dataset into 10 pieces, and then we hold out each of these pieces in turn for testing, train on the rest, do the testing and average the 10 results.
That would be 10-fold cross-validation. Divide the dataset into 10 parts (these are called “folds”);
hold out each part in turn;
and average the results.
So each data point in the dataset is used once for testing and 9 times for training.
That’s 10-fold cross-validation.
I need an algorithm that allows me to determine an appropriate <priority> field for my website's sitemap based on the page's views and comments count.
For those of you unfamiliar with sitemaps, the priority field is used to signal the importance of a page relative to the others on the same website. It must be a decimal number between 0 and 1.
The algorithm will accept two parameters, viewCount and commentCount, and will return the priority value. For example:
GetPriority(100000, 100000); // Damn, a lot of views/comments! The returned value will be very close to 1, for example 0.995
GetPriority(3, 2); // Ok not many users are interested in this page, so for example it will return 0.082
You mentioned doing this in an SQL query, so I'll give samples in that.
If you have a table/view Pages, something like this
views:int - indexed
comments:int - indexed
Then you can order them by writing
(0.3+LOG10(10+views)/LOG10(10+(SELECT MAX(views) FROM Pages))) +
(0.7+LOG10(10+comments)/LOG10(10+(SELECT MAX(comments) FROM Pages)))
I've deliberately chosen unequal weighting between views and comments. A problem that can arise with keeping an equal weighting with views/comments is that the ranking becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy - a page is returned at the top of the list, so it's visited more often, and thus gets more points, so it's shown at the stop of the list, and it's visited more often, and it gets more points.... Putting more weight on on the comments reflects that these take real effort and show real interest.
The above formula will give you ranking based on all-time statistics. So an article that amassed the same number of views/comments in the last week as another article amassed in the last year will be given the same priority. It may make sense to repeat the formula, each time specifying a range of dates, and favoring pages with higher activity, e.g.
0.3*(score for views/comments today) - live data
0.3*(score for views/comments in the last week)
0.25*(score for views/comments in the last month)
0.15*(score for all views/comments, all time)
This will ensure that "hot" pages are given higher priority than similarly scored pages that haven't seen much action lately. All values apart from today's scores can be persisted in tables by scheduled stored procedures so that the database isn't having to aggregate many many comments/view stats. Only today's stats are computed "live". Taking it one step further, the ranking formula itself can be computed and stored for historical data by a stored procedure run daily.
EDIT: To get a strict range from 0.1 to 1.0, you would motify the formula like this. But I stress - this will only add overhead and is unecessary - the absolute values of priority are not important - only their relative values to other urls. The search engine uses these to answer the question, is URL A more important/relevant than URL B? It does this by comparing their priorities - which one is greatest - not their absolute values.
// unnormalized - x is some page id
un(x) = 0.3*log(views(x)+10)/log(10+maxViews()) +
// the original formula (now in pseudo code)
The maximum will be 1.0, the minimum will start at 1.0 and move downwards as more views/comments are made.
we define un(0) as the minimum value, i.e. (where views(x) and comments(x) are both 0 in the above formula)
To get a normalized formula from 0.1 to 1.0, you then compute n(x), the normalized priority for page x
(1.0-un(x)) * (un(0)-0.1)
n(x) = un(x) - ------------------------- when un(0) != 1.0
= 0.1 otherwise.
Priority = W1 * views / maxViewsOfAllArticles + W2 * comments / maxCommentsOfAllArticles
with W1+W2=1
Although IMHO, just use 0.5*log_10(10+views)/log_10(10+maxViews) + 0.5*log_10(10+comments)/log_10(10+maxComments)
What you're looking for here is not an algorithm, but a formula.
Unfortunately, you haven't really specified the details of what you want, so there's no way we can provide the formula to you.
Instead, let's try to walk through the problem together.
You've got two incoming parameters, the viewCount and the commentCount. You want to return a single number, Priority. So far, so good.
You say that Priority should range between 0 and 1, but this isn't really important. If we were to come up with a formula we liked, but resulted in values between 0 and N, we could just divide the results by N-- so this constraint isn't really relevant.
Now, the first thing we need to decide is the relative weight of Comments vs Views.
If page A has 100 comments and 10 views, and page B has 10 comments and 100 views, which should have a higher priority? Or, should it be the same priority? You need to decide what's right for your definition of Priority.
If you decide, for example, that comments are 5 times more valuable than views, then we can begin with a formula like
Priority = 5 * Comments + Views
Obviously, this can be generalized to
Priority = A * Comments + B * Views
Where A and B are relative weights.
But, sometimes we want our weights to be exponential instead of linear, like
Priority = Comment ^ A + Views ^ B
which will give a very different curve than the earlier formula.
Priority = Comment ^ A * Views ^ B
will give higher value to a page with 20 comments and 20 views than one with 1 comment and 40 views, if the weights are equal.
So, to summarize:
You really ought to make a spreadsheet with sample values for Views and Comments, and then play around with various formulas until you get one that has the distribution that you are hoping for.
We can't do it for you, because we don't know how you want to value things.
I know it has been a while since this was asked, but I encountered a similar problem and had a different solution.
When you want to have a way to rank something, and there are multiple factors that you're using to perform that ranking, you're doing something called multi-criteria decision analysis. (MCDA). See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multi-criteria_decision_analysis
There are several ways to handle this. In your case, your criteria have different "units". One is in units of comments, the other is in units of views. Futhermore, you may want to give different weight to these criteria based on whatever business rules you come up with.
In that case, the best solution is something called a weighted product model. See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weighted_product_model
The gist is that you take each of your criteria and turn it into a percentage (as was previously suggested), then you take that percentage and raise it to the power of X, where X is a number between 0 and 1. This number represents your weight. Your total weights should add up to one.
Lastly, you multiple each of the results together to come up with a rank. If the rank is greater than 1, than the numerator page has a higher rank than the denominator page.
Each page would be compared against every other page by doing something like:
p1C = page 1 comments
p1V = page 1 view
p2C = page 2 comments
p2V = page 2 views
wC = comment weight
wV = view weight
rank = (p1C/p2C)^(wC) * (p1V/p2V)^(wV)
The end result is a sorted list of pages according to their rank.
I've implemented this in C# by performing a sort on a collection of objects implementing IComparable.
What several posters have essentially advocated without conceptual clarification is that you use linear regression to determine a weighting function of webpage view and comment counts to establish priority.
This technique is pretty easy to implement for your problem, and the basic concept is described well in this Wikipedia article on linear regression models.
A quick summary of how to apply it to your problem is:
Determine the parameters of the line which best fits the view and comment count data for all your site's webpages, i.e., use linear regression.
Use the line parameters to derive your priority function for the view/count parameters.
Code examples for basic linear regression should not be hard to track down if you don't want to implement it from scratch from basic math formulas (use the web, Numerical Recipes, etc.). Also, any general math software package like Matlab, R, etc., comes with linear regression functions.
The most naive approach would be the following:
Let v[i] the views of page i, c[i] the number of comments for page i, then define the relative view weight for page i to be
r_v(i) = v[i]/(sum_j v[j])
where sum_j v[j] is the total of the v[.] over all pages. Similarly define the relative comment weight for page i to be
r_c(i) = c[i]/(sum_j c[j]).
Now you want some constant parameter p: 0 < p < 1 which indicates the importance of views over comments: p = 0 means only comments are significant, p = 1 means only views are significant, and p = 0.5 gives equal weight.
Then set the priority to be
p*r_v(i) + (1-p)*r_c(i)
This might be over-simplistic but its probably the best starting point.