Visual Studio Android Emulator internet connection - xamarin

Android emulators cannot connect to internet when using WiFi on host computer. The host is a Macbook pro and the development environment is Visual Studio 2015 running inside a Windows 10 VM using Parallels. When I connect an ethernet cable to the Macbook the Android emulator can connect to the internet and load websites, but when using WiFi on the host it cannot connect. Has anyone else had this issue?

Check network adapters in virtual machine. You probably have some from Oracle Virtual box or other

I put this to work in a nested virtualization environment, but my host is a Windows Server 2016 machine:
Physical machine (WinServer2016) -> VM (WinServer2016) -> VS Emulator for Android
I had to execute the following command in my host:
Set-VMNetworkAdapter -VMName $vmName -MacAddressSpoofing on
I think that if you enable MAC address spoofing on your Macbook pro this will work.

The issue was with Wifi. If the Mac host was connected to the internet via Wifi then the emulators running inside of the Windows VM could not access the internet. Once I switched to LAN connection the emulators were able to connect to the web.


Emulator Windows 10 Mobile: No Internet connection

Since installing the Windows 10 Mobile emulator 10.0.15063 under VS 2017, I can no longer connect to the Internet from the emulator. I didn't have this problem with the Windows 10 Mobile emulator provided with VS 2015.
It seems that the problem comes from setting up the virtual network adapters created during the installation, and the Internet connection mode of the PC hosting the Hyper-V machines (I am connected in WiFi). I can't change the settings correctly (and on the other hand, is it normal to have to edit them?). Thank you to the one who can help me.

Xamarin Mac Agent Connection issue

I am new to Xamarin, I am having problems connecting from my windows 10 PC to my mac mini. If I disable Windows firewall I can connect but I don't want to leave my firewall turned off. Anyone know what port needs to be opened on the windows machine for the mac agent to communicate with? I tried opening SSH (Port 22), but that didn't help.
Xamarin Firewall Configuration Instructions
Xamarin Mac Agent
To connect Visual Studio to your Mac build host using the Xamarin Mac Agent requires the SSH port to be open. By default this is Port 22.

Windows Mobile device not connecting to VS2008 using CoreCon/RDB2008

I am trying to connect a Windows Mobile 5.0 device with Visual Studio 2008 using Corecon (tried all processor architecture files available inside wce400 folder) and RDB2008, but it won't connect. Here is the device details page:
Does anyone have any idea what could be wrong here? I suspect a mix-up of Device OS, architecture and SDK. Appreciate any effort or help on this. Thanks.
Remote debug within VS2008 for a Windows Mobile device needs a valid IP connection with the debug ports (5655) opened (if a firewall is active).
First try to start a debug session with a simple .NET Compact Framework application (a C# SmartDevice project) and the device is connected via USB ActiveSync/WindowsMobileDeviceCenter. If that does not work, you are in trouble. Does the device connect to Windows Mobile Device Center? Try Start>Settings>Connections>USBtoPC setting change on the device.
If you can 'debug' using an USB connection but not using WiFi, check subnet and ports and Internet connection setting for Wireless Card on the device. Can you ping the device from the VS2008 PC? Can you ping the VS2008 PC from the device (vxUtils ping)? Is the debug port opened on the device after RDB2008.exe started and installed (see my NetStat for Windows Mobile)?
You may try a network trace on the VS2008 PC to see what happens on port 5655. Or even a network trace on the device (MS powertoys NetAnalyze).
I assume you followed this

USB Debugging in Windows CE?

How to debug a windows CE device using USB?. Is there any tool available to debug windows CE devices through usb?
As far as I know, you need TCP/Activesync to debug a winCe device.
From visual studio/Platform builder, you can select your SDK, and the corresponding device. The device may already be connected to your network, in which case, you can provide its IP address. If not, you can connect it to your PC using a USB cable. After connection, it seems to share your PC's internet connection and it will be assigned an IP.
You can set visual studio to auto-detect your device without providing a fixed IP only.
Visual studio>Tools>Options>Device Tools>Devices gives you the above mentioned settings.
Anyway, your device must be connected to your network. Though I am not sure, you might be able to fiddle with your windows settings such that when you connect your device to the USB, your PC will assign it an IP and use 'Microsoft Loopback Adapter' as the network adapter. In this case, your device will not be visible to the rest of the network, but only to you.

Accesing Windows on Parallels Desktop from external device

I'm using Mac OS X Mountain Lion and Parallels Desktop 7 with Windows 7 on it. On Windows I'm developing a server (IIS) running on localhost. Subnet ip of windows is, and server can be accessed from browser on Mac. But I also want to access my server from external device (in my case, from android phone). Is it possible? What should I do for that?
In VM preferences I've selected Shared Network.
