How to select the value of a string option from another option in Kbuild Kconfig files? - linux-kernel

For Boolean config, I am using select. Is there a similar one for string?
Eventually, I would like to have something like:
config MY_VAR_STR
config MY_VAR_BOOL
default n
config OPTION_2
# Set MY_VAR_BOOL value to y
select MY_VAR_BOOL
# something like set MY_VAR "test string"

It is not possible to use select for non booleans according to kernel docs v4.15 says:
- reverse dependencies: "select" <symbol> ["if" <expr>]
Reverse dependencies can only be used with boolean or tristate symbols.
This likely implies it is not possible at all.

It's possible to use default on string variable like that:
config MY_VAR_STR
default "test string" if OPTION_2
config OPTION_2


How to add a list of strings in yaml file using argparser

I would like to define a List of Strings in .yaml config (ss is attached).
For example: ['HNN','FRC']
I've created sth like that.
nargs = '*',
help='Param used for definition of selected procesess')
I'm ok with this approach: It works properly.
type = lambda s: [str(item) for item in s.split(',')],
help='Param used for definition of selected procesess')

Fetch value from XML using dynamic tag in ESQL

I have an xml
I want to fetch the value from the XML based on the dynamic tag in ESQL. I have tried like this
SET dynamicTag = 'child_'||num;
SET value = InputRoot.XMLNSC.parent.(XML.Element)dynamicTag;
Here num is the value received from the input it can be one or two. The result should be value = ROY if num is one and value is VIC if num is two.
The chapter ESQL field reference overview describes this use case:
Because the names of the fields appear in the ESQL program, they must be known when the program is written. This limitation can be avoided by using the alternative syntax that uses braces ( { ... } ).
So can change your code like this:
SET value = InputRoot.XMLNSC.parent.(XMLNSC.Element){dynamicTag};
Notice the change of the element type as well, see comment of #kimbert.

Using one variable for multiple items data in descriptive programming

I know that with Descriptive programming you can do something like this:
Browser("StackOverflow").Page("StackOverflow").Link("text:=Go To Next Page ", "html tag:=A").Click
But is it possible to create some kind of string so I can assign more than one data value and pass it as single variable? I've tried many combinations using escape characters and I always get error.
For example in the case above, let's say I have more properties in the Page object, so I'd normally have to do something like this:
Browser("StackOverflow").Page("name:=StackOverflow", "html id:=PageID")...etc...
But I'd like to pass "name:=StackOverflow", "html id:=PageID" as a single variable, so when writing many objects I'd only have to write:
And the first part would remain static, so if the parents' data needs to be modified I'd only have to modify two variables and not all the objects created in all libraries.
Is it possible?
If I was not clear enough please let me know.
Thank you in advance!
I think what you're looking for is UFT's Description object
This allows you finer grained control on the description since in descriptive programming all values are regular expressions but with Description you can turn the regular expression functionality off for a specific property.
Set desc = Description.Create()
desc("html tag").Value = "A"
desc("innertext").Value = "More information..."
desc("innertext").RegularExpression = False
Browser("Example Domain").Navigate ""
Browser("Example Domain").Page("Example Domain").WebElement(desc).Click
If you want to represent this with plain string then it's a bit more of a problem, you can write a helper function but I'm not sure I would recommend it.
Function Desc(descString)
Set ret = Description.Create()
values = Split(descString, "::")
For Each value In values
keyVal = Split(value, ":=")
ret(keyVal(0)).Value = keyVal(1)
Set Desc = ret
End Function
' Usage
Browser("StackOverflow").Page("StackOverflow").WebElement(Desc("html tag:=H2::innertext:=some text")).Click
Further reading about descriptive programming.
As an alternative to Motti's excellent answer, you could also Set a variable to match your initial descriptive object and then extend it as required:
Set myPage = Browser("StackOverflow").Page("name:=StackOverflow", "html id:=PageID")
after which you can then use
throughout the rest of the code, so long as the myPage object stays in scope...

Assigning empty string if XML node doesn't exist in Freemarker

I have an XML document passed as root to a Freemarker template. I want some values from this XML to be assigned to variables as a string and later concatenate/print them out.
<#assign MyVar = root.child1.child2.child3.mynode>
The issue here is that even when a path doesn't exist MyVar gets assigned with a sequence+hash which cannot be printed out or converted to string. This variable although returns false for ?has_content, it needs an extra step for these checks and I have this same issue with many variables and across template files and modules.
The only solution I have been able to find was
<#assign MyVar = root.child1.child2.child3.mynode>
<#assign MyVar = MyVar ?has_content?then(MyVar , "")>
I am looking for something like the Default Value Operator which also checks for nulls like ?has_content.
Does Freemarker provide any simpler one line function to check if a variable has no content and assign it with a default?
In short:
<#assign myVar = root.child1.child2.child3.mynode[0]!''>
Or just <#assign myVar = root.child1.child2.child3.mynode[0]!> if the implicit multi-typed default value doesn't cause problems (like when you just print it with ${}).
Why: XML queries (just like XPath queries) always return a sequence of matching nodes. There are maybe 0 such nodes (or 1, or multiple). An empty sequence is not a "missing value" according the template language. It's an inconvenient mismatch with the XML data-model. But while the sequence always exists, its 1st element ([0]) doesn't, so you can use all the missing value handler operators with it as usual.

Is Nothing comparison gives type mismatch

I am trying to check if the 'Listivew.Tag property is nothing'.
I used to do the 'Is Nothing' check universally for all scenarios as first check to avoid errors
Can someone explain how to do it in VB 6?
If Not .lvwLocation.Tag Is Nothing Then
str = str & IIf(Len(.lvwLocation.Tag) > 0, " and u.location_id in " & .lvwLocation.Tag, "")
End If
Gives error 'type-mismatch'
Nothing is a valid value for Object variables, and Is is the way to compare object pointers.
But a VB6 control's Tag property is a String, and VB6's String type is not an Object; it's a primitive type. That means a String variable can't be assigned Nothing -- its emptiest possible value is the empty string. (And an Object variable can't be assigned a String value.) For strings just use the same equality/inequality/comparision operators that you use for other primitive (numeric/boolean/date) types:
If .lvwLocation.Tag <> "" Then ...
In VB6 it appears that using Is Nothing to compare Objects works, Every other data type that I tried did not. In .Net Nothing represents the default value of any data type and will work like you expect.
Dim test as Object
If Not test Is Nothing Then
End If
Since it appears the data type of th Tag property in VB6 is a string. I would use something like:
If .lvwLocation.Tag <> "" Then
End If
