Get array index of matching query in Elasticsearch - elasticsearch

I'm storing records in Elasticsearch as:
"mappings": {
"en": {
"_timestamp": {
"enabled": true
"_all": {
"enabled": false
"properties": {
"id": {
"type": "string",
"index": "analyzed"
"text": {
"type": "string",
"index": "analyzed",
"analyzer": "english"
Where each elasticsearch record is actually many records bundled into one by having the id field an array of ids [id1, id2, id3, ...] and the text field its respective text ['text 1', 'text 2', 'text 3', ...], so a POST would look something like:
POST my-index/en
"id": ["{doc1-ID}", "{doc2-ID}"],
"text": ["document 1 text goes here", "document 2 text goes here"]
And I'm running a search for text in the text field, and this all ok except I need the matching documents corresponding id value. I can do this within the app logic itself by iterating through each array item, but that is very costly and inefficient since each Elasticsearch record will be near the max size of ~2GB, so storing that in memory while I search through it all is simply not an option. I'm trying to find a way to retrieve the array index of the matching text from the text array field, so that I can grab it's respective id. Is there a way to get the array's index of the matching text using some kind of Elasticsearch script?
NOTE: I'm storing my documents in this seemingly convoluted way for a very good reason, I realize it would obviously be much easier to have 1 record per elasticsearch record, as it's designed to be; but this will not work for my requirements.


Elasticsearch Index Design based on very big nested array (could have more than 300,000 records)

We have a following index schema:
PUT index_data
"aliases": {},
"mappings": {
"properties": {
"Id": {
"type": "integer"
"title": {
"type": "text"
"data": {
"properties": {
"FieldName": {
"type": "text"
"FieldValue": {
"type": "text"
"type": "nested"
Id is a unique identifier. Here data field is an array and it could have more than 300,000 objects and may be more. Is it sensible and correct way to index this kind of data? Or we should change our design and make the schema like following:
PUT index_data
"aliases": {},
"mappings": {
"properties": {
"Id": {
"type": "integer"
"title": {
"type": "text"
"FieldName": {
"type": "text"
"FieldValue": {
"type": "text"
In this design, we cant use Id as a document id because with this design, id would be repeating. If we have 300,000 FieldName and FieldValues for one Id, Id would be repeating 300,000 time. The challenge here is to generate our custom id using some mechanism. Because we need to handle both insert and update cases.
In the first approach one document size would be too large so that it could contain an array of 300,000 objects or may be more.
In second approach, we would have too many documents. 75370611530 is the number we currently have. This is the number of FieldNames and FieldValues we have. How should we handle this kind of data? Which approach would be better? What should be the size of shards in this index?
I noticed that the current mapping is not nested. I assume you would need to be nested as the query seems to be "find value for key = key1".
If it is known that 300K objects are expected - It may not be a good idea. ES soft limit is 10K. Indexing issues are going to give trouble with this approach in addition to possible slow queries.
I doubt if indexing 75 billion documents for this purpose is useful - given the resources required, though it is feasible and will work.
May be consider RDBMS?

Merging fields in Elastic Search

I am pretty new to Elastic Search. I have a dataset with multiple fields like name, product_info, description etc., So while searching a document, the search term can come from any of these fields (let us call them as "search core fields").
If I start storing the data in elastic search, should I derive a field which is a concatenated term of all the "search core fields" ? and then index this field alone ?
I came across _all mapping concept and little confused. Does it do the same ?
no, you don't need to create any new field with concatenated terms.
You can just use _all with match query to search a text from any field.
About _all, yes, it searches the text from any field
The _all field has been removed in ES 7, so it would only work in ES 6 and previous versions. The main reason for this is that it used too much storage space.
However, you can define your own all field using the copy_to feature. You basically specify in your mapping which fields should be copied to your custom all field and then you can search on that field.
You can define your mapping like this:
PUT my-index
"mappings": {
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "text",
"copy_to": "custom_all"
"product_info": {
"type": "text",
"copy_to": "custom_all"
"description": {
"type": "text",
"copy_to": "custom_all"
"custom_all": {
"type": "text"
PUT my-index/_doc/1
"name": "XYZ",
"product_info": "ABC product",
"description": "this product does blablabla"
And then you can search on your "all" field like this:
POST my-index/_search
"query": {
"match": {
"custom_all": {
"query": "ABC",
"operator": "and"

Fields that need not be searchable in ElasticSearch

I am using ElasticSearch v6 to search my product catalog.
My product has a number fields, such as title, description, price, etc... one of the fields is: photo_path, which would contain the location of product photo on disk.
photo_path does need to be searched, but need to be retrieved.
Question: Is there a way to mark this field as not searchable/not indexed? And is this a good idea, for example will I save storage/process time, by marking this field not searchable.
I have seen this answer and read, _source and _all, but since _all is deprecated in version 6, I am confused what to do.
If you want some field are not indexed are not queryable, setting property"index": false, and if you only want "photo_path" field as the search result, includes this field on source only (save disk space and fetch less data from disk), show mappings like below:
"mappings": {
"data": {
"_source": {
"includes": [
"photo_path" // search result only contains this
"properties": {
"photo_path": {
"type": "keyword",
"doc_values": false, // Set docValues as false if you don't want to use this field to sort/aggregate
"index": false // Not index this field
"title": {
"type": "..."

Mapping in elasticsearch

Good morning, In my code I can't search data which contain separate words. If I search on one word all good. I think problem in mapping. I use postman. When I put in URL and use method GET I get:
"sport_scouts": {
"mappings": {
"video": {
"properties": {
"hashtag": {
"type": "string"
"id": {
"type": "long"
"sharing_link": {
"type": "string"
"source": {
"type": "string"
"title": {
"type": "string"
"type": {
"type": "string"
"user_id": {
"type": "long"
"video_preview": {
"type": "string"
All good title have type string but if I search on two or more words I get empty massive. My code in Trait:
public function search($data) {
$params['body']['query']['filtered']['filter']['or'][]['term']['title'] = $data;
$search = $this->client->search($params)['hits']['hits'];
Then I call it in my Controller. Can you help me with this problem?
The reason that your indexed data can't be found is caused by a mismatch of the analyzing during indexing and a strict term filter when querying the data.
With your mapping configuration, you are using the default analyzing which (besides many other operations) does a tokenizing. So every multi-word data you insert is split at punctuation or whitespaces. If you insert for example "some great sentence", elasticsearch maps the following terms to your document: "some", "great", "sentence", but not the term "great sentence". So if you do a term filter on "great sentence" or any other part of the original value containing a whitespace, you will not get any results.
Please see the elasticsearch docs on how to configure your mapping for indexing without analyzing ( or consider doing a match query instead of a term filter on the existing mapping (
Please be aware that if you switch to not_analyzed you will be disabling many of the great fuzzy fulltext query functionality. Of course you can set up a mapping that does both, analyzed and not_analyzed in different fields. Then it's up on you to decide on which field you want to query on.

Is it possible to sort nested documents in ElasticSearch?

Lets say I have the following mapping:
"site": {
"properties": {
"title": { "type": "string" },
"description": { "type": "string" },
"category": { "type": "string" },
"tags": { "type": "array" },
"point": { "type": "geo_point" }
"localities": {
type: 'nested',
properties: {
"title": { "type": "string" },
"description": { "type": "string" },
"point": { "type": "geo_point" }
I'm then doing an "_geo_distance" sort on the parent document and am able to sort the documents on "site.point". However I would also like the nested localities to be sorted by "_geo_distance", inside the parent document.
Is this possible? If so, how?
Unfortunately, no (at least not yet).
A query in ElasticSearch just identifies which documents match the query, and how well they match.
To understand what nested documents are useful for, consider this example:
"title": "My post",
"body": "Text in my body...",
"followers": [
"name": "Joe",
"status": "active"
"name": "Mary",
"status": "pending"
The above JSON, once indexed in ES, is functionally equivalent to the following. Note how the followers field has been flattened:
"title": "My post",
"body": "Text in my body...",
"": ["Joe","Mary"],
"followers.status": ["active","pending"]
A search for: followers with status == active and name == Mary would match this document... incorrectly.
Nested fields allow us to work around this limitation. If the followers field is declared to be of type nested instead of type object then its contents are created as a separate (invisible) sub-document internally. That means that we can use a nested query or nested filter to query these nested documents as individual docs.
However, the output from the nested query/filter clauses only tells us if the main doc matches, and how well it matches. It doesn't even tell us which of the nested docs matched. To figure that out, we'd have to write code in our application to check each of the nested docs against our search criteria.
There are a few open issues requesting the addition of these features, but it is not an easy problem to solve.
The only way to achieve what you want is to index your sub-docs as separate documents, and to query and sort them independently. It may be useful to establish a parent-child relationship between the main doc and these separate sub-docs. (see parent-type mapping, the Parent & Child section of the index api docs, and the top-children and has-child queries.
Also, an ES user has mailed the list about a new has_parent filter that they are currently working on in a fork. However, this is not available in the main ES repo yet.
