assembly: sorting numbers using only conditional statments - sorting

I am new to assembly and I am trying to write a program that gets five user inputed numbers, stores them in variables num1-num5, sorts them(without using arrays) with num5 having the greatest value and num1 having the lowest value, and then displays the sorted numbers. I am having trouble figuring out how to approach this. I got the 5 numbers and stored them in the variables but I am confused as to how to start with sorting. I have tried a few things but I keep getting errors. This is my code that I can actually get running but it isn't working the way I want it to.
TITLE MASM Template (main.asm)
getnumber byte "Please enter a number between 0 and 20",0ah,0dh,0
num1 byte 0
num2 byte 0
num3 byte 0
num4 byte 0
num5 byte 0
main PROC
call Clrscr
;************* get the information from the user*******************
mov edx, offset getnumber ;ask to input number
call writestring
call readint
mov bl, al
mov num1, bl ;get the number and move to num1 variable
mov edx, offset getnumber ;ask to input number
call writestring
call readint
mov bl, al
mov num2, bl ;get the number and move to num2 variable
mov edx, offset getnumber ;ask to input number
call writestring
call readint
mov bl, al
mov num3, bl ;get the number and move to num3 variable
mov edx, offset getnumber ;ask to input number
call writestring
call readint
mov bl,al
mov num4, bl ;get the number and move to num4 variable
mov edx, offset getnumber ;ask to input number
call writestring
call readint
mov bl, al
mov num5, bl ;get the number and move to num5 variable
;***show the user inputed numbers****
mov al, num1
call writeint
mov al, num2
call writeint
mov al,num3
call writeint
mov al, num4
call writeint
mov al,num5
call writeint
;*****start comparing***
cmp bl,num5
jl jumptoisless
jg jumptoisgreater
call writeint
mov bl, num5
mov dl, num4
mov num5, dl
mov num4, bl
call writeint
jmp imdone
call dumpregs
main ENDP
END main

Some notes to your code:
call readint
mov bl, al
mov num2, bl
Why don't you simply store al directly to memory, as: mov [num2],al? You don't use the bl anyway.
Except here:
;*****start comparing***
cmp bl,num5
jl jumptoisless
jg jumptoisgreater
Where I would be afraid what call writeint does to ebx (or you did your homework, and you know from head that call writeint preserves ebx content?).
And if the ebx is preserved, then bl contains still num5 from the input, so it will be equal.
Funnily enough, when equal, you will continue with jumptoisless: part of code, which will output some leftover in al, and then it will continue to jumptoisgreater: part of code, so effectively executing all of them.
Can you watch the CPU for a while in debugger, while single stepping over the instructions, to understand a bit better how it works? It's a state machine, ie. based on the current values in registers, and content of memory, it will change the state of registers and memory in the deterministic way.
So unless you jump away, next instructions is executed after the current one, and jl + jg doesn't cover "equal" state (at least you do cmp only once, so hopefully you understand the jcc instructions don't change flags and both jl/jg operate on the same result of cmp in flags). The Assembler doesn't care about name of your labels, and it will not warn you the "isgreater" code is executed even when "isless" was executed first.
About how to solve your task:
Can't think of anything reasonably short, unless you start to work with num1-num5 memory as array, so you can address it in generic pointer way with index. So I will gladly let you try on your own, just a reminder you need at least n*log_n compares to sort n values, so if you would write very effective sort code, you would need at least 5*3 = 15 cmp instructions (log2(5) = 3, as 23 = 8).
On the other hand an ineffective (but simple to write and understand) bubble sort over array can be done with single cmp inside two loops.
rcgldr made me curious, so I have been trying few things...
With insertion sort it's possible to use only 8x (at most) cmp (I hope the pseudo-syntax is understandable for him):
Insert(0, num1)
// ^ no cmp
Insert((num2 <= [0] ? 0 : 1), num2)
// ^ 1x cmp executed
Insert((num3 <= [0] ? 0 : (num3 <= [1] ? 1 : 2)), num3)
// ^ at most 2 cmp executed
Insert((num4 <= [1] ? (num4 <= [0] ? 0 : 1) : (num4 <= [2] ? 2 : 3)), num4)
// ^ always 2 of 3 cmp executed
Insert((num5 <= [1] ? (num5 <= [0] ? 0 : 1) : (num5 <= [2] ? 2 : (num5 <= [3] ? 3 : 4))), num5)
// ^ at most 3 of 4 cmp executed
=> total at most 8 cmp executed.
Of course doing the "insert" with "position" over fixed variables would be total PITA... ;) So this is half-joke proposal just to see if 8x cmp is enough.
("6 compares" turned out to be my brain-fart, not possible AFAIK)


Display First N Fibonacci Numbers in x86 asm [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
MASM x86 Adding two ints
(1 answer)
What is the Irvine32 library and why do we use it?
(1 answer)
x86 Assembly Input a set of Integers
(1 answer)
Closed 2 years ago.
I want to generate the 1st N fibonacci numbers in x86 asm using the Irvine Library. That means whenever I will give N = 5, it should print : 0,1,1,2,3, But whenever I run it suppose with N =5 then it gives output as : 0,1,2,3,4.
Below is my program
message1 BYTE "The first ",0
message2 BYTE " numbers in the Fibonacci sequence are the following.",0
intialVal WORD 0,1
main PROC
call Clrscr ; clears screen
mov edx,OFFSET message1
call WriteString ; display message1
mov eax, N
call WriteDec ; display num
mov edx,OFFSET message2
call WriteString ; display message2
call Crlf ; new line
mov eax,0
mov bx, [intialVal]
mov cx, [intialVal + 2]
mov edx,0 ;setting edx to 0 every time
add dx,bx ;adding bx to dx
add dx,cx ;adding cx to dx
call WriteDec
call Crlf ;trying to print dx
mov bx,cx ;moving numbers. so now cx goes to bx
mov cx,dx ;dx goes to cx
inc eax ;increment eax (as a counter)
cmp eax,N ;compare to variable N
jne StartLoop ;if eax = N exit loop, else jump to start of loop
main ENDP
END main

Assembly program crashes on call or exit

Debugging my code in VS2015, I get to the end of the program. The registers are as they should be, however, on call ExitProcess, or any variation of that, causes an "Access violation writing location 0x00000004." I am utilizing from Kip Irvine's book. I have tried using call DumpRegs, but that too throws the error.
I have tried using other variations of call ExitProcess, such as exit and invoke ExitProcess,0 which did not work either, throwing the same error. Before, when I used the same format, the code worked fine. The only difference between this code and the last one is utilizing the general purpose registers.
;ary dword 100, -30, 25, 14, 35, -92, 82, 134, 193, 99, 0
ary dword -24, 1, -5, 30, 35, 81, 94, 143, 0
main PROC
;ESI will be used for the array
;EDI will be used for the array value
;ESP will be used for the array counting
;EAX will be used for the accumulating sum
;EBX will be used for the average
;ECX will be used for the remainder of avg
;EBP will be used for calculating remaining sum
mov eax,0 ;Set EAX register to 0
mov ebx,0 ;Set EBX register to 0
mov esp,0 ;Set ESP register to 0
mov esi,OFFSET ary ;Set ESI register to array
sum: mov edi,[esi] ;Set value to array value
cmp edi,0 ;Check value to temination value 0
je finsum ;If equal, jump to finsum
add esp,1 ;Add 1 to array count
add eax,edi ;Add value to sum
add esi,4 ;Increment to next address in array
jmp sum ;Loop back to sum array
finsum: mov ebp,eax ;Set remaining sum to the sum
cmp ebp,0 ;Compare rem sum to 0
je finavg ;Jump to finavg if sum is 0
cmp ebp,esp ;Check sum to array count
jl finavg ;Jump to finavg if sum is less than array count
avg: add ebx,1 ;Add to average
sub ebp,esp ;Subtract array count from rem sum
cmp ebp,esp ;Compare rem sum to array count
jge avg ;Jump to avg if rem sum is >= to ary count
finavg: mov ecx,ebp ;Set rem sum to remainder of avg
call ExitProcess
main ENDP
Registers before call ExitProcess
EAX = 00000163 EBX = 0000002C ECX = 00000003 EDX = 00401055
ESI = 004068C0 EDI = 00000000 EIP = 0040366B ESP = 00000008
EBP = 00000003 EFL = 00000293
OV = 0 UP = 0 EI = 1 PL = 1 ZR = 0 AC = 1 PE = 0 CY = 1
mov esp,0 sets the stack pointer to 0. Any stack instructions like push/pop or call/ret will crash after you do that.
Pick a different register for your array-count temporary, not the stack pointer! You have 7 other choices, looks like you still have EDX unused.
In the normal calling convention, only EAX, ECX, and EDX are call-clobbered (so you can use them without preserving the caller's value). But you're calling ExitProcess instead of returning from main, so you can destroy all the registers. But ESP has to be valid when you call.
call works by pushing a return address onto the stack, like sub esp,4 / mov [esp], next_instruction / jmp ExitProcess. See As your register-dump shows, ESP=8 before the call, which is why it's trying to store to absolute address 4.
Your code has 2 sections: looping over the array and then finding the average. You can reuse a register for different things in the 2 sections, often vastly reducing register pressure. (i.e. you don't run out of registers.)
Using implicit-length arrays (terminated by a sentinel element like 0) is unusual outside of strings. It's much more common to pass a function a pointer + length, instead of just a pointer.
But anyway, you have an implicit-length array so you have to find its length and remember that when calculating the average. Instead of incrementing a size counter inside the loop, you can calculate it from the pointer you're also incrementing. (Or use the counter as an array index like ary[ecx*4], but pointer-increments are often more efficient.)
Here's what an efficient (scalar) implementation might look like. (With SSE2 for SIMD you could add 4 elements with one instruction...)
It only uses 3 registers total. I could have used ECX instead of ESI (so main could ret without having destroyed any of the registers the caller expected it to preserve, only EAX, ECX, and EDX), but I kept ESI for consistency with your version.
;ary dword 100, -30, 25, 14, 35, -92, 82, 134, 193, 99, 0
ary dword -24, 1, -5, 30, 35, 81, 94, 143, 0
main PROC
;; inputs: static ary of signed dword integers
;; outputs: EAX = array average, EDX = remainder of sum/size
;; ESI = array count (in elements)
;; clobbers: none (other than the outputs)
; EAX = sum accumulator
; ESI = array pointer
; EDX = array element temporary
xor eax, eax ; sum = 0
mov esi, OFFSET ary ; incrementing a pointer is usually efficient, vs. ary[ecx*4] inside a loop or something. So this is good.
sumloop: ; do {
mov edx, [esi]
add edx, 4
add eax, edx ; sum += *p++ without checking for 0, because + 0 is a no-op
test edx, edx ; sets FLAGS the same as cmp edx,0
jnz sumloop ; }while(array element != 0);
;;; fall through if the element is 0.
;;; esi points to one past the terminator, i.e. two past the last real element we want to count for the average
sub esi, OFFSET ary + 4 ; (end+4) - (start+4) = array size in bytes
shr esi, 2 ; esi = array length = (end-start)/element_size
cdq ; sign-extend sum into EDX:EAX as an input for idiv
idiv esi ; EAX = sum/length EDX = sum%length
call ExitProcess
main ENDP
I used x86's hardware division instruction, instead of a subtraction loop. Your repeated-subtraction loop looked pretty complicated, but manual signed division can be tricky. I don't see where you're handling the possibility of the sum being negative. If your array had a negative sum, repeated subtraction would make it grow until it overflowed. Or in your case, you're breaking out of the loop if sum < count, which will be true on the first iteration for a negative sum.
Note that comments like Set EAX register to 0 are useless. We already know that from reading mov eax,0. sum = 0 describes the semantic meaning, not the architectural effect. There are some tricky x86 instructions where it does make sense to comment about what it even does in this specific case, but mov isn't one of them.
If you just wanted to do repeated subtraction with the assumption that sum is non-negative to start with, it's as simple as this:
;; UNSIGNED division (or signed with non-negative dividend and positive divisor)
; Inputs: sum(dividend) in EAX, count(divisor) in ECX
; Outputs: quotient in EDX, remainder in EAX (reverse of the DIV instruction)
xor edx, edx ; quotient counter = 0
cmp eax, ecx
jb subloop_end ; the quotient = 0 case
repeat_subtraction: ; do {
inc edx ; quotient++
sub eax, ecx ; dividend -= divisor
cmp eax, ecx
jae repeat_subtraction ; while( dividend >= divisor );
; fall through when eax < ecx (unsigned), leaving EAX = remainder
Notice how checking for special cases before entering the loop lets us simplify it. See also Why are loops always compiled into "do...while" style (tail jump)?
sub eax, ecx and cmp eax, ecx in the same loop seems redundant: we could just use sub to set flags, and correct for the overshoot.
xor edx, edx ; quotient counter = 0
cmp eax, ecx
jb division_done ; the quotient = 0 case
repeat_subtraction: ; do {
inc edx ; quotient++
sub eax, ecx ; dividend -= divisor
jnc repeat_subtraction ; while( dividend -= divisor doesn't wrap (carry) );
add eax, ecx ; correct for the overshoot
dec edx
(But this isn't actually faster in most cases on most modern x86 CPUs; they can run the inc, cmp, and sub in parallel even if the inputs weren't the same. This would maybe help on AMD Bulldozer-family where the integer cores are pretty narrow.)
Obviously repeated subtraction is total garbage for performance with large numbers. It is possible to implement better algorithms, like one-bit-at-a-time long-division, but the idiv instruction is going to be faster for anything except the case where you know the quotient is 0 or 1, so it takes at most 1 subtraction. (div/idiv is pretty slow compared to any other integer operation, but the dedicated hardware is much faster than looping.)
If you do need to implement signed division manually, normally you record the signs, take the unsigned absolute value, then do unsigned division.
e.g. xor eax, ecx / sets dl gives you dl=0 if EAX and ECX had the same sign, or 1 if they were different (and thus the quotient will be negative). (SF is set according to the sign bit of the result, and XOR produces 1 for different inputs, 0 for same inputs.)

Converting quaternary to octal. ASM 8086

I have to prepare program for 8086 processor which converts quaternary to octal number.
My idea:
Multiplying every digit by exponents of 4 and add to register. Later check the highest exponent of 8 not higher than sum from first step.
Divide by exponents of 8 until remainder equals 0. Every result of dividing is one digit in octal.
But for 16-digits number last exponent of 4 is 4^15. I suppose It isn't optimal algorithm.
Is there any other way? Maybe to binary and group by 3 digits.
Turns out you can indeed process values 3 digits at a time. Done this way, you can process strings of arbitrary length, without being limited by the size of a register. Not sure why you might need to, unless aliens try to communicate with us using ascii strings of quaternary digits with huge lengths. Might happen.
It's possible to do the translation either way (Right to Left or Left to Right). However, there's a bit of a challenge to either:
If you are processing RtL, you need to know the length of the output string before you start (so that you know where to write the digits as you compute them). This is do-able, but a bit tricky. In simplest terms, the length is ((strlen(Q) + 2) / 3) * 2. That almost gets it. However, you can end up with a blank space at the beginning for a number of cases. "1" as well as "10" will give the blank space. "20" won't. The correct value can be computed, but it's annoying.
Likewise, processing LtR has a similar problem. You don't have the problem of figuring out where to write digits, but consider: If the string to convert it "123", then the conversion is simple (33 octal). But what if you start processing, and the complete string is "1231" (155 octal)? In that case what you need to process it like "001231" (01 55). IOW, digits can be processed in groups of 3, but you need to handle the initial case where the number of digits doesn't evenly divide by 3.
Posting solutions to homework is usually something I avoid. However I doubt you are going to turn this in as your 'solution,' and it's (barely) possible that google might send someone here who needs something similar.
A few things to note:
This code is intended to be called from C using Microsoft's fastcall (it made testing easier) and compiled with masm.
While it is written in 32bit (my environment), there's nothing that particularly requires 32bit in it. Since you said you were targeting 8086, I've tried to avoid any 'advanced' instructions. Converting to 16bit or even 64bit should not present much of a challenge.
It processes from left to right.
As with any well-written routine, it validates its parameters. It outputs a zero length string on error, such as invalid digits in the input string.
It will crash if the output buffer is NULL. I suppose I could return a bool on error (currently returns void), but, well, I didn't.
I'm sure the code could be tighter (couldn't it always?), but for "homework project quality," it seems reasonable.
Other than that, that comments should explain the code.
.model flat
; Call from C via:
; extern "C" void __fastcall PrintOct(const char *pQuat, char *pOct);
; On Entry:
; ecx: pQuat
; edx: pOct
; On Exit:
; eax, ecx, edx clobbered
; all others preserved
; If pOct is zero bytes long, an error occurred (probably invalid digits)
#PrintOct#8 PROC
; -----------------------
; If pOct is NULL, there's nothing we can do
test edx, edx
jz Failed
; -----------------------
; Save the registers we modify (except for
; eax, edx and ecx which we treat as scratch).
push esi
push ebx
push edi
mov esi, ecx
mov edi, edx
xor ebx, ebx
; -----------------------
; esi: pQuat
; edi: pOct
; ebx: zero (because we use lea)
; ecx: temp pointer to pQuat
; Reject NULL pQuat
test esi, esi
jz WriteNull
; -----------------------
; Reject 0 length pQuat
mov bl, BYTE PTR [esi]
test bl, bl
jz WriteNull
; -----------------------
; How many chars in pQuat?
mov dl, bl ; bl is first digit as ascii. Preserve it.
inc ecx ; One more valid char
; While we're counting, check for invalid digits
cmp dl, '0'
jl WriteNull
cmp dl, '3'
jg WriteNull
mov dl, BYTE PTR [ecx] ; Read the next char
test dl, dl ; End of string?
jnz CountLoop
sub ecx, esi
; -----------------------
; At this point, there is at least 1 valid digit, and
; ecx contains # digits
; bl still contains first digit as ascii
; Normally we process 3 digits at a time. But the number of
; digits to process might not be an even multiple of 3.
; This code finds the 'remainder' when dividing ecx by 3.
; It might seem like you could just use 'div' (and you can),
; but 'div' is so insanely expensive, that doing all these
; lines is *still* cheaper than a single div.
mov eax, ecx
mov edx, 0AAAAAAABh
mul edx
shr edx, 1
lea edx, [edx+edx*2]
sub ecx, edx ; This gives us the remainder (0-2).
; If the remainder is zero, use the normal 3 digit load
jz LoadTriplet
; -----------------------
; Build a triplet from however many leading 'odd' digits
; there are (1 or 2). Result is in al.
lea eax, DWORD PTR [ebx-48] ; This get us the first digit
; If there was only 1 digit, don't try to load 2
cmp cl, 1
je OneDigit
; Load the other digit
shl al, 2
mov bl, BYTE PTR [esi+1]
sub bl, 48
or al, bl
add esi, ecx ; Update our pQuat pointer
jmp ProcessDigits
; -----------------------
; Build a triplet from the next 3 digits.
; Result is in al.
; bl contains the first digit as ascii
lea eax, DWORD PTR [ebx-48]
shl al, 4 ; Make room for the other 2 digits.
; Second digit
mov cl, BYTE PTR [esi+1]
sub cl, '0'
shl cl, 2
or al, cl
; Third digit
mov bl, BYTE PTR [esi+2]
sub bl, '0'
or al, bl
add esi, 3 ; Update our pQuat pointer
; -----------------------
; At this point
; al: Triplet
; ch: DigitWritten (initially zeroed when computing remainder)
mov dl, al
shr al, 3 ; left digit
and dl, 7 ; right digit
; If we haven't written any digits, and we are
; about to write a zero, skip it. This deals
; with both "000123" and "2" (due to OneDigit,
; the 'left digit' might be zero).
; If we haven't written any digits yet (ch == 0), and the
; value we are are about to write is zero (al == 0), skip
; the write.
or ch, al
jz Skip1
add al, '0' ; Convert to ascii
mov BYTE PTR [edi], al ; Write a digit
inc edi ; Update pointer to output buffer
jmp Skip1a ; No need to check again
or ch, dl ; Both check and update DigitWritten
jz Skip2
add dl, '0' ; Convert to ascii
mov BYTE PTR [edi], dl ; Write a digit
inc edi ; Update pointer to output buffer
; Load the next digit.
mov bl, BYTE PTR [esi]
test bl, bl
jnz LoadTriplet
; -----------------------
; All digits processed. We know there is at least 1 valid digit
; (checked on entry), so if we never wrote anything, the value
; must have been zero. Since we skipped it to avoid
; unnecessary preceding zeros, deal with it now.
test ch, ch
jne WriteNull
mov BYTE PTR [edi], '0'
inc edi
; -----------------------
; Write the trailing NULL. Note that if the returned string is
; 0 bytes long, an error occurred (probably invalid digits).
mov BYTE PTR [edi], 0
; -----------------------
; Cleanup
pop edi
pop ebx
pop esi
#PrintOct#8 ENDP
I've run a string with 1,000,000,000 quaternary digit thru it as well as all the values from 0-4,294,967,295. Seems to work.
I for one welcome our new 4-digited alien overlords.

Assembler (TASM x64) arrays and elements

I have an array of nine names:
.model tiny
vardas1 db "Rokas",0ah,'$'
vardas2 db "Tomas",0ah,'$'
vardas3 db "Matas",0ah,'$'
vardas4 db "Domas",0ah,'$'
vardas5 db "Augis",0ah,'$'
vardas6 db "Vofka",0ah,'$'
vardas7 db "Marka",0ah,'$'
vardas8 db "Auris",0ah,'$'
vardas9 db "Edvis",0ah,'$'
vardai dw offset vardas1, offset vardas2, offset vardas3, offset vardas4, offset vardas5, offset vardas6, offset vardas7, offset vardas8, offset vardas9
org 100h
I need to read a digit from keyboard, and then I need to print that name. For example I will push 5, and console should write "Augis". BTW, second code block aren't all code, just loop that doesn't work
mov dx, offset _comment1 ; Just string name asking user to input digit
mov ah, 9
int 21h
mov j, 00h ; Trying to input the digit from keyboard
mov ah, 01h
mov dl, 0ah
int 21h
mov bx, offset vardai ; Add array "names" to bx register
add bx, cx ; Add cx for indexing
mov dx, [bx] ; Add first array element to dx register
add cx, 2 ; Increasing cx by 2, because I'm using data word not data byte
mov ah, 9 ; Try to print it
int 21h
cmp cx, j ; Try to compare cx (index of array) to mine inputed digit "j"
jne paieska
je end
mov ah, 01h
mov dl, 0ah ;NO NEED FOR THIS - INT21/01 DOES NOT USE DL
int 21h
mov bx, offset vardai ; Add array "names" to bx register WELL, ASSIGN ACTUALLY
mov dx, [bx] ; name-pointer array element to dx register
add bx, cx ; Add cx=2 for next name
inc AH ; next possible character input
CMP AH,'9'+1 ; allowed is '1'..'9'
jne loopn ; in allowed range
; input not 1..9
mov dx, offset errormessage
mov ah, 9 ; Try to print it
int 21h
jmp end
Well, I tried to edit your approach with CAPS, but it became too complicated.
Essentially, you are reading a character from the keyboard using function 01. This character arrives in AL. If all goes well, it should be '1'..'9'. Notice these are the ASCII characters '1'..'9', that is hex 31..39
Next step is to set BX to the start of the table, AH to the minimum character you anticipate and CX to 2 because the table contains words, not bytes.
Now we have a loop. Load X from the table, and check whether AL is equal to AH. If the user input 1, these will be equal, so go print the string.
Otherwise, add 2 to BX to point to the next entry in the table (this could have been done by ADD BX,2 or INC BX INC BX which would mean the MOV CX,2 would be unnecessary - just the way I wrote it...) and increment the '1' in AH to '2'.
The end-condition for the loop is when AH gets incremented from '9' to - well, ':' or '9'+1. If it hasn't reached that end-condition, then run around the loop until all of the values '1'..'9' have been tested. If you haven't got to PNAME yet, then there's an error because the character input wasn't allowed, so point to an error message and then print it.
Now jumping to the end - probably you'd want to terminate the program, so you'd execute

Insertion sort in Assembly

So I'm coding out an insertion sort (in assembly) based on this high level code:
void insertionSort(int data[ ], int arraySize) {
int insert;
int moveItem;
for(int next=1; next<arraySize; next++) {
insert=data[next]; //store the value in the current element
moveItem=next; //initialize location to place element
while((moveItem>0)&&(data[moveItem-1]>insert)) {
//shift element one slot to the right
} //end while
} //end for
} //end insertionSort
There are exactly 20 random numbers in an array called myArray. I cannot use an of the decision derivatives that come in the library that comes with our book. So basically movs, cmps, loops, and jumps
Here's what I got. I had it sorting the first of 20 random numbers earlier, but I've confused myself to death and have no idea what I'm doing any more. It crashes when it gets to the insertion sort method. Help please.
TITLE Insertion Sort (main.asm)
elems = 20
myArray sdword elems dup(0)
str1 byte "Press enter" ,0
str2 byte "The array now is ",0
next sdword 1
start sdword ?
main PROC
call Clrscr
call CreateRandom
call Display
call InsertionSort
call Display
main ENDP
CreateRandom PROC
;;;;Creates 20 random numbers and populates myArray;;;;;
call Randomize
mov ecx, 20
mov edx, OFFSET myArray
call Random32 ;create random number
mov [edx], eax ; move random number to the appropriate spot in the array
add edx, 4 ; increase the address of what it is pointing to
loop L1
mov edx, OFFSET str1 ; "press enter to continue"
call WriteString
call ReadInt
call Crlf
CreateRandom ENDP
Display PROC
;;;; Displays current form of the array myArray;;;;;
mov edx, OFFSET str2 ; "The array now is:"
call WriteString ; write string
call Crlf
mov esi, OFFSET myArray ; offset of the array
mov ecx, 20 ; index of the loop
mov eax, [esi] ; move array at that point to eax
call WriteDec ; print out the array as a decimal
call Crlf ; next line
add esi, 4 ; next element in the array
loop L2
call Crlf
Display ENDP
InsertionSort PROC
mov ecx, 19
mov edx, OFFSET myArray
mov ebx, OFFSET myArray ; eax=next
add ebx, 4 ;moves up the array to second element comparable to next
mov esi, [ebx] ; esi=data[next]
mov eax, ebx ;movelterm=ebx
mov edx, [eax-4] ;move the number that is greater into edx
mov [eax], edx ;move the number into that 2nd element of the
sub eax, 4
mov esi, [eax]
cmp eax, [edx]
JNG endinner ; if the address is not greater than the first address, skip to the end
mov edx, [eax-4]
cmp edx, esi ; if the address is greater, than it already sorted, skip to end
JG endinner
loop L1
mov [eax], esi ; move first to the second to finish the sort
add ebx, 4 ;move to the next element of the array
inc next ;counting outside loop
cmp ecx, next
JNE outterloop ;return to top of for loop
InsertionSort ENDP
END main
I haven't examined your code in detail, but I notice that InsertionSort seems to be using edx for two different purposes at once: as a pointer into the array, and to hold one of the values from the array. This will certainly break even if nothing else is wrong.
So, at the start of InsertionSort you say mov edx, OFFSET myArray -- it's a pointer into the array. Then, a few lines later, mov edx, [eax-4] -- oops, no, it's a value from the array. And a few lines later again, cmp eax, [edx] -- oh, no, now it's a pointer into the array again.
Perhaps that last instruction should be cmp edx, [eax] or something? Because eax does seem to be a pointer into the array here.
