Time Complexity Bounded Input - algorithm

According to this question Time complexity to convert a decimal to another base
One of the answer states that
Strictly speaking, the answer is O(1).
If int was an integer type that supported arbitrary precision, then
clearly the answer would be O(logN).
But it is not! An int can get no larger than Integer.MAX_INT with is
2^31 - 1 ... or roughly 2 billion.
So, if we let N (the unbounded integer) tend to infinity, the value of
num wraps around so that it never exceeds Integer.MAX_INT. That means
that if (for example) base is 10, the while loop can execute at most
log10(2^31) times (i.e. 10 times) ... and convertToBase is O(1).
However, if you are prepared to abuse the terminology / notation, you
could say that it is O(logN) for small enough N.
This led me to think that every algorithm if define as public myAlgorithm (int i) is going to be bounded? Let's say I am required to print a String from 0 to n.
The code will just be
public myAlgorithm (int n) {
for (int i = 0; i <=n ; i++) System.out.println(i);
This is clearly O(n) right? But we can just use the "bounded" argument to call it O(1).
Can somebody give me a clearer insight on how I should approach this time complexity?

Because the algorithm is running on the JVM, then the input is bounded. But this is really only a limitation in the implementation, not the algorithm itself. You could theoretically take the algorithm and run it on a variation of Java that has 64-bit integers, or any arbitrary size and it would still be correct.
Because the algorithm doesn't rely on the fact that integers are bounded, then the time-complexity shouldn't either.

I would say it is the quoted answer that is abusing the terminology/notation. Followed to its logical extreme, EVERYTHING would be O(1), which completely eliminates any utility of determining complexity.
The whole point of algorithmic complexity is that it is an abstraction used to help understand the underlying structure of a problem/algorithm.

This is clearly O(n) right? But we can just use the "bounded" argument to call it O(1).
Bounded result aquisition - well, reference of it - takes O(1), but printing result (string of n characters length) takes O(n) anyway. This logic works when n becomes big enough to measure/notice the difference. For example, printing 2^32 characters will take long enough time to notice it thanks to all the scrolling etc.
Even more, if you feint results for n! computation algorithm that should produce result as correct string representation of real n! value (not modulo 2^64), it will take ages to print characters for, say, 10050050!


Time Complexity (Big O) - Can value of N decides whether the time complexity is O(1) or O(N) when we have 2 nested FOR loops?

Suppose that I have 2 nested for loops, and 1 array of size N as shown in my code below:
int result = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < N ; i++)
for( int j = i; j < N ; j++)
result = array[i] + array[j]; // just some funny operation
Here are 2 cases:
(1) if the constraint is that N >= 1,000,000 strictly, then we can definitely say that the time complexity is O(N^2). This is true for sure as we all know.
(2) Now, if the constraint is that N < 25 strictly, then people could probably say that because we know that definitely, N is always too small, the time complexity is estimated to be O(1) since it takes very little time to run and complete these 2 for loops WITH MODERN COMPUTERS ? Does that sound right ?
Please tell me if the value of N plays a role in deciding the outcome of the time complexity O(N) ? If yes, then how big the value N needs to be in order to play that role (1,000 ? 5,000 ? 20,000 ? 500,000 ?) In other words, what is the general rule of thumb here ?
INTERESTING THEORETICAL QUESTION: If 15 years from now, the computer is so fast that even if N = 25,000,000, these 2 for loops can be completed in 1 second. At that time, can we say that the time complexity would be O(1) even for N = 25,000,000 ? I suppose the answer would be YES at that time. Do you agree ?
tl:dr No. The value of N has no effect on time complexity. O(1) versus O(N) is a statement about "all N" or how the amount of computation increases when N increases.
Great question! It reminds me of when I was first trying to understand time complexity. I think many people have to go through a similar journey before it ever starts to make sense so I hope this discussion can help others.
First of all, your "funny operation" is actually funnier than you think since your entire nested for-loops can be replaced with:
result = array[N - 1] + array[N - 1]; // just some hilarious operation hahaha ha ha
Since result is overwritten each time, only the last iteration effects the outcome. We'll come back to this.
As far as what you're really asking here, the purpose of Big-O is to provide a meaningful way to compare algorithms in a way that is indenependent of input size and independent of the computer's processing speed. In other words, O(1) versus O(N) has nothing to with the size of N and nothing to do with how "modern" your computer is. That all effects execution time of the algorithm on a particular machine with a particular input, but does not effect time complexity, i.e. O(1) versus O(N).
It is actually a statement about the algorithm itself, so a math discussion is unavoidable, as dxiv has so graciously alluded to in his comment. Disclaimer: I'm going to omit certain nuances in the math since the critical stuff is already a lot to explain and I'll defer to the mountains of complete explanations elsewhere on the web and textbooks.
Your code is a great example to understand what Big-O does tell us. The way you wrote it, its complexity is O(N^2). That means that no matter what machine or what era you run your code in, if you were to count the number of operations the computer has to do, for each N, and graph it as a function, say f(N), there exists some quadratic function, say g(N)=9999N^2+99999N+999 that is greater than f(N) for all N.
But wait, if we just need to find big enough coefficients in order for g(N) to be an upper bound, can't we just claim that the algorithm is O(N) and find some g(N)=aN+b with gigantic enough coefficients that its an upper bound of f(N)??? THE ANSWER TO THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT MATH OBSERVATION YOU NEED TO UNDERSTAND TO REALLY UNDERSTAND BIG-O NOTATION. Spoiler alert. The answer is no.
For visuals, try this graph on Desmos where you can adjust the coefficients:[https://www.desmos.com/calculator/3ppk6shwem][1]
No matter what coefficients you choose, a function of the form aN^2+bN+c will ALWAYS eventually outgrow a function of the form aN+b (both having positive a). You can push a line as high as you want like g(N)=99999N+99999, but even the function f(N)=0.01N^2+0.01N+0.01 crosses that line and grows past it after N=9999900. There is no linear function that is an upper bound to a quadratic. Similarly, there is no constant function that is an upper bound to a linear function or quadratic function. Yet, we can find a quadratic upper bound to this f(N) such as h(N)=0.01N^2+0.01N+0.02, so f(N) is in O(N^2). This observation is what allows us to just say O(1) and O(N^2) without having to distinguish between O(1), O(3), O(999), O(4N+3), O(23N+2), O(34N^2+4+e^N), etc. By using phrases like "there exists a function such that" we can brush all the constant coefficients under the rug.
So having a quadratic upper bound, aka being in O(N^2), means that the function f(N) is no bigger than quadratic and in this case happens to be exactly quadratic. It sounds like this just comes down to comparing the degree of polynomials, why not just say that the algorithm is a degree-2 algorithm? Why do we need this super abstract "there exists an upper bound function such that bla bla bla..."? This is the generalization necessary for Big-O to account for non-polynomial functions, some common ones being logN, NlogN, and e^N.
For example if the number of operations required by your algorithm is given by f(N)=floor(50+50*sin(N)), we would say that it's O(1) because there is a constant function, e.g. g(N)=101 that is an upper bound to f(N). In this example, you have some bizarre algorithm with oscillating execution times, but you can convey to someone else how much it doesn't slow down for large inputs by simply saying that it's O(1). Neat. Plus we have a way to meaningfully say that this algorithm with trigonometric execution time is more efficient than one with linear complexity O(N). Neat. Notice how it doesn't matter how fast the computer is because we're not measuring in seconds, we're measuring in operations. So you can evaluate the algorithm by hand on paper and it's still O(1) even if it takes you all day.
As for the example in your question, we know it's O(N^2) because there are aN^2+bN+c operations involved for some a, b, c. It can't be O(1) because no matter what aN+b you pick, I can find a large enough input size N such that your algorithm requires more than aN+b operations. On any computer, in any time zone, with any chance of rain outside. Nothing physical effects O(1) versus O(N) versus (N^2). What changes it to O(1) is changing the algorithm itself to the one-liner that I provided above where you just add two numbers and spit out the result no matter what N is. Let's say for N=10 it takes 4 operations to do both array lookups, the addition, and the variable assignment. If you run it again on the same machine with N=10000000 it's still doing the same 4 operations. The amount of operations required by the algorithm doesn't grow with N. That's why the algorithm is O(1).
It's why problems like finding a O(NlogN) algorithm to sort an array are math problems and not nano-technology problems. Big-O doesn't even assume you have a computer with electronics.
Hopefully this rant gives you a hint as to what you don't understand so you can do more effective studying for a complete understanding. There's no way to cover everything needed in one post here. It was some good soul-searching for me, so thanks.

What is the overall O(n) time complexity of O(sum(a)) if a is an array of integers and n is the length of the array?

I’m having a hard time using O(n) principles to generalize the time complexity of an algorithm whose more specific time complexity is O(sum(a)) where a is an array of integers.
My intuition is that this time complexity should generalize to O(n) as you can think of this as a “linear” equation of ki values that occur n times where k is the integer value in the array, making it O(n)( k=1 for a straight up O(n) case).
But it doesn’t seem to be exactly the same as O(n) - the value of k could be much larger than n, and if all these k values are larger you have something that could be O(n^2) or O(n^3) depending on how large that value is.
Is this something to take into account for O(n) complexity where n is the length of the array? Should I actually be defining n as the sum of all elements in the array instead of the length of the array?
In general, what would be the best way to think about this?
Fundamentally, we want to describe the runtime of an algorithm based on the input. The "runtime" is a vague term, that is often swept under the rug. For example, the "runtime" of a sorting algorithm or a hashtable operation is measured in number of comparisons, but using "runtime" to mean the number of basic operations (which are also usually only vaguely defined) is also possible.
There are two choices (or simplifications) often made when calcuating runtime. The first, is to ignore the actual input, and to use the size of the input (measured somehow) instead. This size is usually denoted n. The second, is to use big-O notation to describe the worst case (or best case, or average, or amortized...).
Neither of these choices is always necessary, and sometimes, they won't make sense. To repeat, since this is the crux of the answer: describing runtimes in big-O of n is not the only way to describe runtimes and sometimes it makes no sense to do so.
For example, in the case of an algorithm that runs in O(sum(a)) time:
func f(a) {
t = 0
for x in a {
for i = 1..x {
t += 1
It's not useful to describe the runtime of this using the length of the input array a. It's not useful because the length of a doesn't say anything about the worst-case runtime.
Saying that t is incremented sum(a) times is a useful statement about the runtime of the program. It doesn't use big-O complexity notation.
And if you do want to express that in big-O notation, you can say that the runtime of this code is O(sum(a)). This blurs exactly what you're measuring in the runtime, because you can be including the cost of performing the statements other than incrementing t.
And going back to the example, you could (and if you were studying complexity classes, you probably would) say n is the size (in bits) of the input array. Then you could say something about the runtime (measured in basic operations): it's O(2^n), since the worst case input is an array with one element which takes the value 2^n-1 (*note).
*note: this ignores some technical details about how to encode an array using bits.

Does a simple for loop have exponential complexity?

The time complexity of an algorithm is defined as the amount of time taken by it to run as a function of the length of the input.
If I have a simple for loop function in C, which runs for a given input n then:
the length of n is log n(number of bits required to represent it).
Since input is log n and the loop runs n times, the code runs exponentially many times in it's input length ( 2^(log n) = n))
C code:
int forfunction(unsigned int n){
unsigned int i=0;
// do something ordinary
return 0;
This for loop being an example.
But we will never hear anyone say, that such a for loop program is exponential in it's input (the bits required to store n). Why is it so? The only difference I see is that this is a program and time complexity is defined for an algorithm. But even if it is, then why does this not have an impact/taken into account when we want to do a rough time complexity of a program?
Further clarification: I find it reasonable to claim it is exponential in it's input ( might be wrong =) ). If it so, then if a simple for loop is exponential, then what about other hard problems? Clearly this for loop is not a worry for anyone today. Why is it not? Why does this not have (much) real world implications when compared to other hard problems(EXP,NP-Hard,etc...)? Note: I am using hard the way it used to define NP-Hard problems.
Elaborating on #Anonymous's answer: The question you should be asking is "exponential in what?" Ultimately, whether this is exponential time depends on how n is presented to you.
If n is given to you as an explicit binary integer using O(log n) bits, then this function will run in pseudopolynomial time (technically exponential in the number of input bits, but polynomial in the numeric value of the input). This is why simple primality testing algorithms like trial division (divide n by all numbers from 2 up to √n and see if any of them are factors) technically run in exponential time even though they do run in time O(√n).
On the other hand, if n is given to you implicitly using O(n) bits (perhaps as the number of nodes in a graph given an adjacency matrix, or perhaps as the number of characters in a string given a string), then the runtime is polynomial because the input has at least linear size and linear work is done. This is why algorithms like DFS or BFS, which have runtimes of the form O(m + n), run in polynomial time: the number of bits in the input is Ω(m + n).
Hope this helps!
The amount of time a function takes is a function parameterised by something. Often it'll be the size of the input, but other times it's an explicit parameter, and it's up to you, when you're describing a function, to make it clear what you mean. Because it's often "obvious" what the parameterisation is from context, it's often omitted which leads to a lot of confusion when the parameterisation is not obvious to everyone.
When you add the word "complexity" then all that means is that instead of describing a function, you're saying it belongs to a particular class of functions. It doesn't obviate the need to say what the function is and what its argument is.
Techincally speaking the for loop or for that matter all linear programs are exponential in their inputs but this is not used to explain their runtime because for the simple reason that runtime is defined how it varies with change in input . Here in these problems it is considered the no of input bits is constant for example you might define the algorithm for only integer input so its input has always 32 bits so it is considered constant as even if value of n changes no of bits dont so constant terms cannot be used to define growth of algorithm hence omitted.

why O(1) != O(log(n)) ? for n=[integer, long, ...]

for example, say n = Integer.MAX_VALUE or 2^123 then O(log(n)) = 32 and 123 so a small integer. isn't it O(1) ?
what is the difference ? I think, the reason is O(1) is constant but O(log(n)) not. Any other ideas ?
If n is bounded above, then complexity classes involving n make no sense. There is no such thing as "in the limit as 2^123 approaches infinity", except in the old joke that "a pentagon approximates a circle, for sufficiently large values of 5".
Generally, when analysing the complexity of code, we pretend that the input size isn't bounded above by the resource limits of the machine, even though it is. This does lead to some slightly odd things going on around log n, since if n has to fit into a fixed-size int type, then log n has quite a small bound, so the bound is more likely to be useful/relevant.
So sometimes, we're analysing a slightly idealised version of the algorithm, because the actual code written cannot accept arbitrarily large input.
For example, your average quicksort formally uses Theta(log n) stack in the worst case, obviously so with the fairly common implementation that call-recurses on the "small" side of the partition and loop-recurses on the "big" side. But on a 32 bit machine you can arrange to in fact use a fixed-size array of about 240 bytes to store the "todo list", which might be less than some other function you've written based on an algorithm that formally has O(1) stack use. The morals are that implementation != algorithm, complexity doesn't tell you anything about small numbers, and any specific number is "small".
If you want to account for bounds, you could say that, for example, your code to sort an array is O(1) running time, because the array has to be below the size that fits in your PC's address space, and hence the time to sort it is bounded. However, you will fail your CS assignment if you do, and you won't be providing anyone with any useful information :-)
Obviously if you know that the input will always have a fixed number of elements, the algorithm will always run in constant time. Big-O notation is used to denote worse-case running time, which describes the limit when the number of elements grows infinitely large.
The difference is that n isn't fixed. The idea behind Big-O notation is to get an idea of how the size of the input effects the running time (or memory usage). So if an algorithm always takes the same amount of time, whether n = 1 or n = Integer.MAX_VALUE, we say it is O(1). If the algorithm takes a unit of time longer each time the input size doubles, then we say it is O(logn).
Edit: to answer your specific question on the difference between O(1) and O(logn), I'll give you an example. Let's say we want an algorithm that will find the min element in an unsorted array. One approach is to go through each element and keep track of the current min. Another approach is to sort the array and then return the first element.
The first algorithm is O(n), and the second algorithm is O(nlogn). So let's say we start with an array of 16 elements. The first algorithm will run in time 16, the second algorithm will run in time 16*4. If we increase it to 17, then it becomes 17 and 17*4. We might naively say that the second algorithm takes 4 times as long as the first algorithm (if we treat the logn component as constant).
But let's look at what happens when our array contains 2^32 elements. Now the first algorithm takes 2^32 time to complete, where our second algorithm takes 32*2^32 time to complete. It takes 32 times as long. Yes, it's a small difference, but it is still a difference. If the first algorithm takes 1 minute, the second algorithm will take over half an hour!
I think you will get a better idea if it is called O(n^0).
It is a scaling function depending on the input variable N. It is a function, not number, you should never assume any number for the variable N.
It is just like that you say that a function f(x) is 3 because f(100) = 3, it is wrong. It is a function, not any particular number. A constant function f(x) = 1 is still a function, it will never equal to another function g(x) = N, i.e. g(x)=f(x)
Its the growth rate that you want to look at. O(1) implies no growth at all. While O(logn) does have growth. Even though the growth is small it is still growth.
You’re not thinking big enough. Any algorithm that runs on a computer will either run forever or terminate after some small number of steps — since the computer is only a finite state machine, you cannot write algorithms that run for an arbitrary amount of time and then terminate. By that argument, Big-O notation is only theoretical and has no purpose in a real-life computer program. Even O(2^n) hits an upper limit at O(2^INT_MAX), which is equivalent to O(1).
Realistically, though, Big-O can help you out if you know the constant factors. Even if an algorithm has an upper bound of O(log n), and n can have 32 bits, that could mean the difference between a request taking 1 second and 32 seconds.
Big-O shows how running time (or memory, etc) changes as the size of problem changes.
When size of the problem gets 10 times bigger, an O(n) solution takes 10 times as long, an O(log(n)) solution takes a bit longer, and an O(1) solution takes the same time: O(1) means 'changes as fast as constant 1', but constants don't change.
Familiarize yourself with the big-O notation in a bit more detail.
There is a reason why you leave "O(n)" in, and consider to drop "O(log n)". They both are "constants": the former is less than 32, and the latter is less than 232. But you nevertheless have a natural feeling that you can't call O(n) O(1).
However, if log(n) < 32, it means that O(n*logn) algorithm works thirty two times slower than its O(n) version. Big enough to write "log*n"s?

What does "O(1) access time" mean? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
What is a plain English explanation of "Big O" notation?
(43 answers)
Closed 8 months ago.
I have seen this term "O(1) access time" used to mean "quickly" but I don't understand what it means. The other term that I see with it in the same context is "O(n) access time". Could someone please explain in a simple way what these terms mean?
See Also
What is Big O notation? Do you use it?
Big-O for Eight Year Olds?
You're going to want to read up on Order of complexity.
In short, O(1) means that it takes a constant time, like 14 nanoseconds, or three minutes no matter the amount of data in the set.
O(n) means it takes an amount of time linear with the size of the set, so a set twice the size will take twice the time. You probably don't want to put a million objects into one of these.
In essence, It means that it takes the same amount of time to look up a value in your collection whether you have a small number of items in your collection or very very many (within the constraints of your hardware)
O(n) would mean that the time it takes to look up an item is proportional to the number of items in the collection.
Typical examples of these are arrays, which can be accessed directly, regardless of their size, and linked lists, which must be traversed in order from the beginning to access a given item.
The other operation usually discussed is insert. A collection can be O(1) for access but O(n) for insert. In fact an array has exactly this behavior, because to insert an item in the middle, You would have to move each item to the right by copying it into the following slot.
O(1) means the time to access something is independent of the number of items in the collection.
O(N) would mean the time to access an item is a proportional to the number (N) of items in the collection.
Every answer currently responding to this question tells you that the O(1) means constant time (whatever it happens to measuring; could be runtime, number of operations, etc.). This is not accurate.
To say that runtime is O(1) means that there is a constant c such that the runtime is bounded above by c, independent of the input. For example, returning the first element of an array of n integers is O(1):
int firstElement(int *a, int n) {
return a[0];
But this function is O(1) too:
int identity(int i) {
if(i == 0) {
sleep(60 * 60 * 24 * 365);
return i;
The runtime here is bounded above by 1 year, but most of the time the runtime is on the order of nanoseconds.
To say that runtime is O(n) means that there is a constant c such that the runtime is bounded above by c * n, where n measures the size of the input. For example, finding the number of occurrences of a particular integer in an unsorted array of n integers by the following algorithm is O(n):
int count(int *a, int n, int item) {
int c = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if(a[i] == item) c++;
return c;
This is because we have to iterate through the array inspecting each element one at a time.
O(1) does not necessarily mean "quickly". It means that the time it takes is constant, and not based on the size of the input to the function. Constant could be fast or slow. O(n) means that the time the function takes will change in direct proportion to the size of the input to the function, denoted by n. Again, it could be fast or slow, but it will get slower as the size of n increases.
Here is a simple analogy;
Imagine you are downloading movies online, with O(1), if it takes 5 minutes to download one movie, it will still take the same time to download 20 movies. So it doesn't matter how many movies you are downloading, they will take the same time(5 minutes) whether it's one or 20 movies. A normal example of this analogy is when you go to a movie library, whether you are taking one movie or 5, you will simply just pick them at once. Hence spending the same time.
However, with O(n), if it takes 5 minutes to download one movie, it will take about 50 minutes to download 10 movies. So time is not constant or is somehow proportional to the number of movies you are downloading.
It's called the Big O notation, and describes the search time for various algorithms.
O(1) means that the worst-case run time is constant. For most situations it means that you don't actually need to search the collection, you can find what you are searching for right away.
"Big O notation" is a way to express the speed of algorithms. n is the amount of data the algorithm is working with. O(1) means that, no matter how much data, it will execute in constant time. O(n) means that it is proportional to the amount of data.
Basically, O(1) means its computation time is constant, while O(n) means it will depend lineally on the size of input - i.e. looping through an array has O(n) - just looping -, because it depends on the number of items, while calculating the maximum between two ordinary numbers has O(1).
Wikipedia might help as well: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computational_complexity_theory
O(1) always execute in the same time regardless of dataset n.
An example of O(1) would be an ArrayList accessing its element with index.
O(n) also known as Linear Order, the performance will grow linearly and in direct proportion to the size of the input data.
An example of O(n) would be an ArrayList insertion and deletion at random position. As each subsequent insertion/deletion at random position will cause the elements in the ArrayList to shift left right of its internal array in order to maintain its linear structure, not to mention about the creation of a new arrays and the copying of elements from the old to new array which takes up expensive processing time hence, detriment the performance.
The easiest way to differentiate O(1) and O(n) is comparing array and list.
For array, if you have the right index value, you can access the data instantly.
(If you don't know the index and have to loop through the array, then it won't be O(1) anymore)
For list, you always need to loop through it whether you know the index or not.
It means that access time is constant. Whether you're accessing from 100 or 100,000 records, the retrieval time will be the same.
In contrast, O(n) access time would indicate that the retrieval time is directly proportional to the number of records you're accessing from.
It means that the access takes constant time i.e. does not depend on the size of the dataset. O(n) means that the access will depend on the size of the dataset linearly.
The O is also known as big-O.
Introduction to Algorithms: Second Edition by Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest & Stein says on page 44 that
Since any constant is a degree-0
polynomial, we can express any
constant function as Theta(n^0), or
Theta(1). This latter notation is a
minor abuse, however, because it is
not clear what variable is tending to
infinity. We shall often use the
notation Theta(1) to mean either a
constant or a constant function with
respect to some variable. ... We
denote by O(g(n))... the set of
functions f(n) such that there exist
positive constants c and n0 such that
0 <= f(n) <= c*g(n) for all n >= n0.
... Note that f(n) = Theta(g(n))
implies f(n) = O(g(n)), since Theta
notation is stronger than O notation.
If an algorithm runs in O(1) time, it means that asymptotically doesn't depend upon any variable, meaning that there exists at least one positive constant that when multiplied by one is greater than the asymptotic complexity (~runtime) of the function for values of n above a certain amount. Technically, it's O(n^0) time.
O(1) means Random Access. In any Random Access Memory, the time taken to access any element at any location is the same. Here time can be any integer, but the only thing to remember is time taken to retrieve the element at (n-1)th or nth location will be same(ie constant).
Whereas O(n) is dependent on the size of n.
According to my perspective,
O(1) means time to execute one operation or instruction at a time is one, in time complexity analysis of algorithm for best case.
