Magento Fatal Error after upgrading OrderMonitor - magento

I am running Magento 1.8.0 and tried upgrading OrderMonitor extension via Connect. I had the create backup option checked and it was running the backup for a while so I stepped away from laptop for a while. When I came back laptop was frozen and I had to restart. I'm not sure if this affected the backup process or messed something up somehow or if the extension itself is the culprit. When I go to the site now or try to access the admin panel I get the following error:
Fatal error: Class Varien_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Mysql contains 2 abstract methods and must therefore be declared abstract or implement the remaining methods (Varien_Db_Adapter_Interface::insertIgnore, Varien_Db_Adapter_Interface::changeTableAutoIncrement) in /var/www/html/magento/lib/Varien/Db/Adapter/Pdo/Mysql.php on line 3864
Any help on this is greatly appreciated. If you need any other information, please let me know.


Error "ionCube PHP Loader" after using composer. Magento 2 showing error. Please advise

I'm encountering this message:
"Site error: the ionCube PHP Loader needs to be installed. This is a widely used PHP extension for running ionCube protected PHP code, website security, and malware blocking.
Please visit for install assistance"
I'm getting this message after using Composer/Magento commands (update, upgrade, compile, and deploy). I'm running a localhost install of Magento 2, which is now showing the following message.
"There has been an error processing your request
Exception printing is disabled by default for security reasons.
Error log record number: 629950493790"
I have looked for other solutions online but these solutions didn't fit. One solution seemed too risky, which was to change the name of my php.ini file to .php.ini (note the dot before). One solution advises to install a version of ionCube with the right PHP version, but since I'm working with PHP 7.0.* I'm not able to find that version of ionCube. I have also looked for the error that matches the error number I was given, but no luck.
I encountered these errors while trying to install a theme. I am new to Magento so I followed a guide that gave me a list of composed commands to go through. I selected the new theme through my admin's Configuration > Design, but noticed the design didn't really push through (cache or compile issue I think? I'm learning, if slowly.) I tried the command "composer update" but got my login credentials wrong.
My environment: Windows, XAMPP, PHP 7.0, Magento 2.2.8
If there are any resources that can help me, please let me know about them, incl. books. I really don't know how to proceed.
C:\xampp\htdocs\magento2> composer update
I want to be able to push the theme's visual changes, and safely and correctly clear the cache and update the files as needed.

Fatal error: Class 'Magpleasure_Filesystem_Helper_Data' not found

I'm getting an error in the admin page when I try to login, it was working fine and I would like to know if you can please help find out what may be causing the error and how to fix it. The error is:
Fatal error: Class 'Magpleasure_Filesystem_Helper_Data' not found in /home/site/public_html/app/Mage.php on line 546
The admin page is only showing the header and the error line code, the search box but the search box is not giving any results neither. However, the front of the store is working find, no issues in front. Please help, thank you
Best Regards,
99% that you were hacked and that you didn't apply the two patches which were released by magento some weeks ago...
I have seen that issue 1 day ago at a client side of mine and they also didn't apply the patch.
check also this:
It also happened to me. Did not install the security patches.
Follow the steps from this post:
Remove all files: app/code/community/Magpleasure/Filesystem/
Clear your cache, login should be possible now.
Check for new "Admin Users"
Patch your System with SUPEE-5344!
This happened to my site AGAIN, even after removing the magepleasure files, and then installing the 2 security patches.
I looked in the community and local folders as noted above in the way that I fixed this the first time around. This time there was one called Ma2.
I deleted the files from both places and deleted the cache folder contents on the server. I was then able to get the backend again. There was another unauthorized user, deleted it.
There is a remaining problem though. Anybody know where to look to fully delete the problem?
This is Compiler Error edit index.php, there just comment out following lines
$compilerConfig = MAGENTO_ROOT . '/includes/config.php'; if
(file_exists($compilerConfig)) {
include $compilerConfig; }
it will fix now..
This looks like an extension has been installed but not completely. The error is because Magento is trying to find the file Magpleasure_Filesystem_Helper_Data which I guess will either be under code base local or community app/code/local/Magpleasure/Filesystem/Helper/Data.php but the file is not there.
I would suggest reinstalling the extension either by magento connect or locally and deploy to your system and if you are still having issues contacting the developer directly may be your best bet.

500 Internal Server Error after installing VS10sp1-KB983509

When I tried to use an Ajax control toolkit, I get a grey out error and searching around they said installing VS10 Service pack could help to solve the problem. So I did install it and now I got a serious problem:
I can no longer load the website that I can load normally before, it shows this error:
Server Error. 500 - Internal server error.
I tried many ways and finally found this one looks quite close to what happened to me:
And I tried what it suggested:
go to C:\Windows\system32\mcfc42.dll-> properties\security\Edit\Add
Iwam_computername or computername\Iwam_computername
Also added:
Allow Full control to all.
Restart server. But still the same problem. Please help me to fix this problem, unfortunately my server did not install backup option before I install VS SP1 so I could not recover to the previous point. Any solution ? If I cannot access it, no way I can code and test my website...
I found the solution for this. At first, to narrow down the problem I load the website at server side (not at client side) then I see this error lines in my web.config file, I think when I click at property at project in VS and choose .net 4.0 then back to 3.5 it add some duplicate to my web.config file. I just add all the first lines related to .net 3.5 and keep the xml format correct then it works fine now! Many thanks !!

Magento 1.7 - onepage checkout hangs at billing information, no errors

I'm totally stumped on this - I'm hoping someone's expertise can provide the answer.
Going through the onepage checkout that comes with Magento's default theme, the process hangs on the billing information step. It displays the "processing" gif, but then just returns to the continue button like the form was invalidated.
Now here's the tricky part: magento reports zero errors. Firebug reports no javascript errors. I cleaned out /var/report/ and emptied all the files in /var/log/ before attempting it, and after triggering the problem two or three times /var/report/ remains empty and /var/log/ remains blank.
No javascript/ajax errors come up in firebug when it happens, no error reports get left behind - no indication that anything is wrong, except that it isn't working.
Does anyone know what's going on? Or does anyone know another trick for diagnosing this?
For anyone interested, the store is at
This is your error
Fatal error: Class Mage_Usa_Model_Shipping_Carrier_Usps contains 1 abstract method and must therefore be declared abstract or implement the remaining methods (Mage_Usa_Model_Shipping_Carrier_Abstract::_doShipmentRequest) in /.../scss/magento/app/code/core/Mage/Usa/Model/Shipping/Carrier/Usps.php on line 37
See 1 abstract method and must therefore be declared abstract or implement the remaining methods
Based on R.S's feedback, I found out the problem was in the 1.7 version of /code/core/Mage/Usa/Model/Shipping/Carrier/Usps.php.
Adding this to the bottom of the file (line 920) fixed it:
public function _doShipmentRequest(Varien_Object $request){ }
Hope this helps anyone with the same problem!
Identical problem but a different solution (adding CodeMoose's _DoShipmentRequest to the bottom line of Usps.php (line 1700 in my case) caused Magento to throw an error).
While looking to isolate the issue by disabling shipping options from the shipping config I encountered a strange "undefined constant MCRYPT_BLOWFISH" error in the admin upon saving the changes.
The root of this error was that php5-mcrypt was not installed. It had recently been flagged by Apt as no longer used and Apt continuously begged me to remove it with 'apt-get autoremove' :)
Upon reinstalling php5-mcrypt the problem disappeared and was again able to checkout as normal.

Error while adding Attribute in Magento 1.4.2

I have started working on a fresh Magento 1.4.2 installation. When I try to add a new attribute I get the following error:
Fatal error: Call to a member function setIsPopup() on a non-object in /var/www/projects/magento/app/code/core/Mage/Adminhtml/controllers/Catalog/Product/AttributeController.php on line 117
I tried searching in google and found a solution here:
But that resolves add issue but it causes problem in Modifying a attribute.
I like to know if any better solution is available to this issue.
Please try reinstalling the package "Mage_All_Latest" with the Magento Connect Manager and make sure, you have set the folder-permissions right.
Ensure that the file magento/var/.htaccess, the directories magento/app/etc, magento/var, and all the directories under magento/media are writable by the web server.
It sounds like there was a problem while your install, so a reinstall of the latest packages maybe solves your problem.
