Cant edit animation once created in Unity? - animation

Im having a very weird/frustrating problem, cant find anyone who's found a solution but I know I'm not the only one. After creating animations in unity, I'm unable to edit/change them. Only create new ones.
I have created an animation and attached the animation to a game object. The game object also has an animator attached, but I don't use it for running the animation. I run it by code.
I have tried clicking the game object and opening the animation window, double clicking the animation, opening animation, everything but all I get is:
I cant go back to one animation. How can I do this?
My inspector looks like


Unity Animations on HoloLens not working

I have created a HoloLens app using Unity 3D. In the app I want to show a text canvas with some animation on click of a button. I have done this with Animator control and script to open an Animation state on click of a button. This is working fine when I try on Unity Preview. However when I try the same app on HoloLens emulator or on device the animation doesn't work. The canvas opens up simply without any animation after some delay (I think delay of animation to be completed). This is not the case for Unity Game Preview.
Please let me know what else we do to support Animations made in Unity on HoloLens.
I have fixed the issue. Not sure what was the exact problem but the cube object was mashed off as added some components, which might not actually needed.
Freshly re-designing the cube and animations worked.

XCode, SpriteKit: How do you add buttons?

I've created a game using Sprite Kit. The game runs just like the iOS game Pop The Lock. I've already got a lot of code within my touches began. Because of this, whenever I try and add a Button to the scene and tell it to do something, all it does is start the game as I've told it to do that my touches began and it doesn't run what I tell it to. How do I add a image as a button that once I tap, it runs only that and not the other things in the touches began? I understand this is very broad but I'd like to see how people add buttons to the scene without affecting anything else. Cheers!

Unity: GUI button with event trigger as virtual control pad on Android phone

Let's say I have two GUI buttons with EventTrigger as virtual key. The expectation is whenever a button is pressed, the camera will rotate until the button is released.
At the beginning, I used the pointer Down and pointer up function. It works, but it extremely sensitive, the camera rotation didn't stop at the moment when I release my finger. I've solved this problem by using drag function (whenever dragging is detected, the camera stop rotating something like that).
However, there is still a bug that I couldn't solve, that is if I swipe the button instead of touch&release, the button doesn't release. eventually the camera just keep rotating until I touch the button again. I've tried all the event trigger function such as pointer exist, end drag etc.
I just want the touch input works as perfectly as the keyboard input.
This problem doesn't shown when I debugging on unity remote, only when I build it on my phone. So is that hardware issue? (I'm using mi3)
Thanks for having time to read my broken English.
I'm so sorry that I've asked a stupid question, since I'm still kind of beginner. The problem is somehow it didn't update when I installed it in my phone. It actually works fine.

OpenGL View using Cocos2d inside a Mac Desktop Application

I'm just getting started in development for a mac desktop app that will aid me in dealing with rigging a 2-D character in cocos2d.
The layout for what I'm working on is in the image here:
In the big grey rectangle to the right, I'd like to create an active cocos2d scene that I can interact with using the standard mac app GUI on the left. For example, when the user selects a file using the LOAD CHARACTER IMAGE... button, I want the scene to add the image as a CCSprite on the right. I want them to set the anchorPoint by clicking an anchor point button, and then clicking on the sprite, etc...
My Question is: How do I start implementing the scene within the window? How do I add the cocos2d framework to my project?
I'm fairly comfortable working strictly within cocos2d, but I need to get it to interact with a standard desktop GUI.
What steps do I take to get the scene in the window?
I'm editing this to further clarify my questions that I need answered.
1. How do I add the cocos2d files to a project without using one of the templates?
2. How do I get a cocos2d scene to show up inside the grey rectangle of my .xib? (OpenGLView?)

Core Animation in Interface Builder

So, I'm working on a mac app, and I'm trying to add a shadow via core animation to a button. I used the effects pane in Interface Builder and set the shadow and color, and made sure to check the "Want's Core Animation Layer" checkbox. But when simulating the interface or building the app, there is no shadow. I would appreciate it if someone knows what's wrong.
Edit: I've tried several things, including cleaning the project and turning on and off core animation. Nothing fixes it.
I fixed it. I ended up going through every interface element in the tab view and turned off core animation on each one (I had some strange transparency stuff going on). Then I went back to add the shadow, and it worked fine.
