How can I set the default behavior of lazy init in Spring Boot? - spring

I am working on my first Spring Boot application and I have the following problem.
I want to set the that for default all beans are lazy loaded. I know that I can add the #Lazy to all my #Component beans but I want that for default all beans are setted at lazy...
In Spring Boot I don't have an XML configuration file or a configuration class but I only have an configuration file.
So, how can I set that the default behavior for all the bean is lazy=true

To implement a BeanFactoryPostProcessor that sets lazy initialization by default (which can be required if you are e.g. defining some of the beans dynamically, outside of your #Configuration class(es)), the following approach worked for me:
public class LazyBeansFactoryPostProcessor implements BeanFactoryPostProcessor {
public void postProcessBeanFactory( ConfigurableListableBeanFactory beanFactory ) throws BeansException {
for ( String name : beanFactory.getBeanDefinitionNames() ) {
beanFactory.getBeanDefinition( name ).setLazyInit( true );
This essentially puts the #Lazy annotation on all your #Component and #Services. You might want to invent a mechanism to annotate classes with #Eager if you go this route, or just hardwire a list in the LazyBeansFactoryPostProcessor above.
Further reading

Since the version 2.2.2.RELEASE of spring-boot you can use the property below in your file
for further reading and a good example please refer to


Bean overriding in Spring context that uses both annotation and xml config

There is a spring project A which is completely annotation based.
I need to override some beans conditionally in project B which is a legacy application using Spring 4.1.3 and uses xml based config.
There is FooConfig which is configuring beans using #ComponentScan. This config is a third party code for me. i.e I do not have access for this
#ComponentScan(basePackages = {""})
public class FooConfig {
I have created a BarConfig at my end, which imports this FooConfig and overrides some beans based on a condition. This is achieved using #Conditional
public class BarConfig {
public HelloService getHelloService() {
return new HelloService() {
public String getGreeting(String name) {
return "Hola "+name;
And I have included BarConfig in my application-context.xml
<bean class=""/>
While this approach works flawlessly in Spring 5.1.2.RELEASE, it does not work in Spring 4.1.3.RELEASE
00:14:20.617 [main] INFO org.springframework.context.annotation.ConfigurationClassBeanDefinitionReader - Skipping bean definition for [BeanMethod:name=getHelloService,]: a definition for bean 'helloService' already exists. This top-level bean definition is considered as an override.
Also, I have observed the same issue in Spring 4 in a completely annotation based context as well. i.e. it is not because of xml and annotation config mix but due to the Spring versions used here
What changed in Spring 5?
Is there any rule of thumb while working with a Spring application that uses both xml and annotation config especially when it comes to overriding the beans?
Also FTR, these are the solutions that worked
1.Overriding the beans using BeanPostProcessor
2.Using profiles. But this wouldn't work for complicated conditions.
public class EnglishConfig {
public class SpanishConfig {
public HelloService getHelloService() {
return new HelloService() {
public String getGreeting(String name) {
return "Hola "+name;
The issue here is that you are trying to override a xml bean from a #Configuration class, now I'm not 100% sure, but in spring 4 a xml bean still had precedence in choosing a bean, so the #Configuration beans would not get permission to overwrite the xml bean. Which was resolved in spring 5.
Your approach to use BeanPostProcessor is i guess the only viable solution for this.
I'm thinking maybe you could use a different bean name, implement your own behaviour and use #Qualifier annotation to choose which bean will get selected?

#EnableAutoConfiguration annotation with class prameter is not initializing properties object

i have following #CongfigurationProperties class
public class ChargeProperties {
private HashMap<String,String> charge=new HashMap<>();
public HashMap<String,String> getCharge()
return this.charge;
And this is my Configuration file
+ "com.vehiclemanagement.controller,"
+ "com.vehiclemanagement.exception,"
+ "com.vehiclemanagement.model,"
+ "com.vehiclemanagement.service"})
public class VehicleManagementConfig {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
If i use #Component annotation in ChargeProperties and remove ChargeProperties.class annotation in Configuration class the charge HashMap is initialized properly
If i remove #Component and pass ChargeProperties.class as argument like this
#EnableConfigurationProperties(ChargeProperties.class) like how document says the charge HashMap is empty when i run
I am using spring boot 2.0.2 release .But i am following latest docs. Can anyone explain why this are not working as document suggest
content of property file is as follows
UPDATE the content of property files are as shown
When specifying ChargeProperies.class on the #EnableConfigurationProperties annotation it will be registered as a bean through the EnableConfigurationPropertiesImportSelector class inside #EnableConfigurationProperties.
So in the example, if you have only annotated the ChargeProperties class with #ConfigurationProperties it will create a chargeProperties bean with an empty charge HashMap because it defaulted back to as the source.
A custom source can be specified by using #PropertySource.
#PropertySource annotation providing a convenient and declarative mechanism for adding
a PropertySource to Spring's Environment. To be used in conjunction
with #Configuration classes.
As per documentation above, to use #PropertySource to load the custom source, one has to use the #Configuration annotation.
Under the hood a #Configuration class is a #Component.
public #interface Configuration
So to your question. By specifying a custom #PropertySource without #Configuration, spring did not load the properties in the #PropertySource annotation and defaulted back to the
If we use #PropertySource we have to use component otherwise the properties will not be read
since we added the #ComponentScan We don't have to mention #EnableConfiguationProperties annotation at all The propety class object can be autowired as Bean

Spring Boot Application with dependency having multiple datasources

I am trying to create a Spring Boot Application, with a dependency jar which has got context.xml configured with multiple datasources.
In My spring boot application, I added #ImportResource("context.xml") to the #Configuration class and now, I get an exception that
"No qualifying bean of type [javax.sql.DataSource] is defined: expected single matching bean but found 4: XXXDataSource,YYYDataSource,ZZZDataSource,aaaaDataSource".
I read the documentation on multiple datasources in Spring Boot, but unable to fix this issue. Not sure, how I can configure my class, as I cannot change the dependency jar to change the way datasources are configured.
Please help!
You can use the "Primary" attribute on your datasource bean to make your autowiring choose it by default.
<bean primary="true|false"/>
If you are using Java configuration, use the #Primary annotation instead.
public class FooService {
private FooRepository fooRepository;
public FooService(FooRepository fooRepository) {
this.fooRepository = fooRepository;
public class JdbcFooRepository {
public JdbcFooService(DataSource dataSource) {
// ...
public class HibernateFooRepository {
public HibernateFooService(SessionFactory sessionFactory) {
// ...
If this still doesn't resolve the issue, you can name the bean, and use the #Qualifier annotation in your java classes, or use the "ref" attribute in your Spring XML configuration.
#Qualifier( "ios") // the use is unique to Spring. It's darned convenient, too!
private MarketPlace marketPlace ;
If you require one of the datasources in the jar and are unable to modify the configuration, rather than importing the xml from the jar, copy the configurations you need into your own local spring context configuration.

Spring create bean only if condition is met

Assume there are two implementations of a single interface, and these beans are declared as beans in the spring configuration xml. Now, I would need only one implementation of the interface based on the system property. And, I don't wanna create the second implementation of the bean. How can I do this? I looked at this blog but then below snippet of the code from this blog uses "new" operate to create the beans. In my case the beans are declared in the spring configuration file.

Spring Testing: How to enable auto-scan of beans

For example, now in each test class I have to do
I want to get rid of
and want Spring to scan all the beans in my project.
How can I do that?
You can do this:
public class MyTest {
public void testSomething() {
public static class SpringConfig {
By default #ContextConfiguration will look for static inner classes annotated with #Configuration, which is why this set up will just work.
You can get rid of loader param altogether, that is not required
If you have your spring configuration in an xml file you would use something like:
If you use Java Config then you would use
I used generic names in the above samples, you'll of course need to adapt to your project's configuration.
In both cases Spring's component scanning will need to be enabled for Spring to pickup the annotated classes.
You can also simply add #SpringBootTest if using Spring Boot.
public class TestConfig{
Adding a config class lets spring to load application context.
This solved this issue for me.
